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Last updated at Posted at 2020-04-18

$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-rosserial-arduino
$ sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-rosserial

Arduino IDEに、rosserialのライブラリをインストールする。

$ cd ~Arduino/libraies
$ rosrun rosserial_arduino make_libraries.py .
$ ls 
readme.txt  ros_lib
$ cd ros_lib
$ ls 
ackermann_msgs           laser_assembler    smach_msgs
actionlib                map_msgs           std_msgs
actionlib_msgs           nav_msgs           std_srvs
actionlib_tutorials      nodelet            stereo_msgs
ArduinoHardware.h        pcl_msgs           tests
ArduinoTcpHardware.h     polled_camera      tf
bond                     ros                tf2_msgs
controller_manager_msgs  roscpp             theora_image_transport
control_msgs             roscpp_tutorials   time.cpp
control_toolbox          rosgraph_msgs      topic_tools
diagnostic_msgs          ros.h              trajectory_msgs
duration.cpp             rospy_tutorials    turtle_actionlib
dynamic_reconfigure      rosserial_arduino  turtlesim
examples                 rosserial_msgs     velodyne_msgs
gazebo_msgs              sensor_msgs        visualization_msgs
geometry_msgs            shape_msgs         wiimote

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