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# coding: utf-8

# In[278]:

get_ipython().magic('matplotlib inline')
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# In[279]:

import numpy as np
import math

# In[280]:

points = 360
ac_freq = 50 #Hz
ac_t = 1/ac_freq / 2 #半波: →/2
ac_volt_real = 220 #V
ac_volt_max = ac_volt_real * math.pow(2,0.5)
reactor_H = 40 #mH
dc_volt = 320
target_dc_volt = 320
career = 40 * math.pow(10,-6)
t_delt = ac_t / points
ep_dead_time_count = 3
dead_time = career * ep_dead_time_count

# In[281]:

def calc_time(i_point):
    return ac_t / points * i_point 

def calc_acv_sin(i_time):
    rad = (i_time / ac_t) * math.pi * 1 # 半波:*2→*1
    acv_sin = ac_volt_max * math.sin(rad)
    return acv_sin

def calc_duty(t, target_dc_volt, dc_volt, acv, aca_sum):
    duty = 0.4
    return duty

# In[282]:

#10ms, 40us, duty:100%, 0.01%刻み
print("分解能:",10*1000 / 40 * (100/0.1))

# In[283]:

#40usごとの、40%ON60%OFF, 30%ON70%OFF, ...., を、pointsで、なんとか

# In[284]:

points_list = list(range(0,points))
time_list = list(map(calc_time, points_list))
acv_sin_list = list(map(calc_acv_sin, time_list))

# In[285]:

plt.plot(time_list, acv_sin_list)

# In[286]:

career_count = 0
aca_sum = 0.0
duty = 0
duty_on_count = 0
duty_off_count = 0
duty_on_time = 0
duty_off_time = 0
for t in time_list:
    ac_volt = calc_acv_sin(t)
    if t < dead_time: #dutyは0だけどACVとかACAは計算いりそうだから、ifのネストとか変更必要
        duty = 0
    if t >= 0.001 and ac_volt < 30: #1ms, dutyは0だけどACVとかACAは計算いりそうだから、ifのネストとか変更必要
        duty = 0
    if t >= (career * career_count): #40usごとにcareer_countとduty更新する感じ。初回にduty計算するためこれを上に持ってきた
        career_count += 1
        duty = calc_duty(t, target_dc_volt, dc_volt, ac_volt, aca_sum)
        duty_on_count = 0
        duty_off_count = 0
        if t < ((career * (career_count-1)) + (duty * career)): #duty出力中なら
            duty_off_time = t_delt * duty_off_count
            duty_on_count += 1
            duty_on_time = t_delt * duty_on_count
            duty_off_count += 1

# In[ ]:


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