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新 App Store 審査ガイドライン 翻訳&差分ガイド 2020年3月号

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これは2020年3月4日付けで変更された App Store 審査ガイドラインの翻訳&差分ガイドです。

前回からの主な変更点は、プッシュ通知の広告利用や飽和カテゴリの更新などです。これまでプッシュ通知の広告利用は禁止されていましたが、条件付きで認める方針に変更されました。App Store で飽和しているカテゴリには、占いや出会い系が加わり、該当アプリの審査は厳しくなるようです。

multi-player から multiplayer への変更など、軽微な変更は修正項目から除外しています。


1.4.4 と 5.1.5 について、改訂翌日に変更が無かったことにされているため、改訂当日に確認した方は注意が必要です。
急遽撤回されただけなのか、明示しない方針に変えたのか、真意は不明ですが、少なくとも文書上では 1.4.4 と 5.1.5 は変更無し、が正です。



WWDC 2019 で告知されていた、

  • Adopt Launch Storyboards
  • Support any size
  • Support Split Screen Multitasking


Adopt Launch Storyboards

Storyboard による起動画面への完全移行。
LaunchImage、古くは Default.png で定義してきた起動画面の「一枚画」対応はこれにて終幕です。

Support any size

iOS アプリであれば、全ての iPhone 画面に対応。
iPadOS アプリであれば、全ての iPad 画面に対応。

Support Split Screen Multitasking

2020年1月の告知 では必須から推奨に変わっているため、画面分割の対応は必須ではない、が現状の認識です。


5.1.1 Data Collection and Storage

(ix) 規制の多い分野や機密情報に関わるアプリは法人提出が必須。

Apps that provide services in highly-regulated fields (such as banking and financial services, healthcare, and air travel) or that require sensitive user information should be submitted by a legal entity that provides the services, and not by an individual developer.


5.6.1 App Store Reviews


App Store customer reviews can be an integral part of the app experience, so you should treat customers with respect when responding to their comments. Keep your responses targeted to the user’s comments and do not include personal information, spam, or marketing in your response.

レビュー促進には提供された API を使用。独自実装は不可。

Use the provided API to prompt users to review your app; this functionality allows customers to provide an App Store rating and review without the inconvenience of leaving your app, and we will disallow custom review prompts.

旧 1.1.7 が 5.6.1 に移行しただけ。これに伴い 1.1.7 は消滅。


1.2 User Generated Content


Apps with user-generated content or services that end up being used primarily for pornographic content, Chatroulette-style experiences, objectification of real people (e.g. “hot-or-not” voting), making physical threats, or bullying do not belong on the App Store and may be removed without notice. If your app includes user-generated content from a web-based service, it may display incidental mature “NSFW” content, provided that the content is hidden by default and only displayed when the user turns it on via your website.

Chatroulette-style experiences を追記。

3.1 Payments

3.1.3(b) Multiplatform Services: マルチプラットフォーム展開のアプリは他所で購入したコンテンツの利用を許可。アプリ内購入を阻害するような施策は不可。

Apps that operate across multiple platforms may allow users to access content, subscriptions, or features they have acquired in your app on other platforms or your web site, including consumable items in multiplatform games, provided those items are also available as in-app purchases within the app. You must not directly or indirectly target iOS users to use a purchasing method other than in-app purchase, and your general communications about other purchasing methods must not discourage use of in-app purchase.

elsewhere から in your app on other platforms or your web site に変更。

4.2 Minimum Functionality

4.2.3(iii) 追加リソースをダウンロードする場合はダウンロードサイズを事前に開示。

If your app needs to download additional resources, disclose the size of the download and prompt users before doing so.

Existing apps must comply with this guideline in any update submitted after January 1, 2019. を削除。

4.3 Spam


Don’t create multiple Bundle IDs of the same app. If your app has different versions for specific locations, sports teams, universities, etc., consider submitting a single app and provide the variations using in-app purchase. Also avoid piling on to a category that is already saturated; the App Store has enough fart, burp, flashlight, fortune telling, dating, and Kama Sutra apps, etc. already. We will reject these apps unless they provide a unique, high-quality experience. Spamming the store may lead to your removal from the Developer Program.

fortune telling, dating を追記。
We will reject these apps unless they provide a unique, high-quality experience. を追記。


4.5 Apple Sites and Services

4.5.4 プッシュ通知に依存する機能は不可。機密情報の送信は不可。アプリで同意を得てオプトイン・アウトの手段を提供できれば広告の送信は可能。サービスの乱用は機能停止。

Push Notifications must not be required for the app to function, and should not be used to send sensitive personal or confidential information. Push Notifications should not be used for promotions or direct marketing purposes unless customers have explicitly opted in to receive them via consent language displayed in your app’s UI, and you provide a method in your app for a user to opt out from receiving such messages. Abuse of these services may result in revocation of your privileges.


4.7 HTML5 Games, Bots, etc.

(6) デジタル商品やサービスの販売は不可。

does not offer digital goods or services for sale.

support digital commerce から offer digital goods or services for sale に変更。

4.8 Sign in with Apple

サードパーティログインを使用するアプリには Sing in with Apple が必須。

Apps that use a third-party or social login service (such as Facebook Login, Google Sign-In, Sign in with Twitter, Sign In with LinkedIn, Login with Amazon, or WeChat Login) to set up or authenticate the user’s primary account with the app must also offer Sign in with Apple as an equivalent option. A user’s primary account is the account they establish with your app for the purposes of identifying themselves, signing in, and accessing your features and associated services.

exclusively use a third-party から use a third-party に変更。


5.2 Intellectual Property

5.2.1 Generally: 他者素材の無断使用や誤解を招く表現は不可。アプリは権利関係者から提供。

Don’t use protected third-party material such as trademarks, copyrighted works, or patented ideas in your app without permission, and don’t include misleading, false, or copycat representations, names, or metadata in your app bundle or developer name. Apps should be submitted by the person or legal entity that owns or has licensed the intellectual property and other relevant rights.

and is responsible for offering any services provided by the app を削除。


5.5 Mobile Device Management

モバイルデバイス管理 (MDM) サービスはアップルに申請が必要。サービス提供者は企業限定。使用前にユーザデータの用途説明を明示。いかなる目的でも第三者にデータを開示しないことをプライバシーポリシーに含める必要有。特定の条件でサードパーティの分析を許可。違反者は開発者登録を抹消。

Mobile Device Management Apps that offer Mobile Device Management (MDM) services must request this capability from Apple. Such apps may only be offered by commercial enterprises (such as business organizations, educational institutions, or government agencies), and in limited cases, companies using MDM for parental control services or device security. You must make a clear declaration of what user data will be collected and how it will be used on an app screen prior to any user action to purchase or otherwise use the service. MDM apps must not violate any applicable laws. Apps offering MDM services may not sell, use, or disclose to third parties any data for any purpose, and must commit to this in their privacy policy. In limited cases, third-party analytics may be permitted provided that the services only collect or transmit data about the performance of the developer’s MDM app, and not any data about the user, the user’s device, or other apps used on that device. Apps offering configuration profiles must also adhere to these requirements. Apps that do not comply with this guideline will be removed from the App Store and you may be removed from the Apple Developer Program.




2020年3月4日 改訂当日

Apps used to commit or attempt to commit crimes of any kind by helping users evade law enforcement will be rejected. Apps may only display DUI checkpoints that are published by law enforcement agencies, and should never encourage drunk driving or other reckless behavior such as excessive speed.

2020年3月5日 以降

Apps may only display DUI checkpoints that are published by law enforcement agencies, and should never encourage drunk driving or other reckless behavior such as excessive speed.


翌日に Apps used to commit or attempt to commit crimes of any kind by helping users evade law enforcement will be rejected. が削除されました。

最終的に 1.4.4 の項目は、前回の2019年9月改訂と同じ記載に落ち着いてます。

5.1.5 Location Services

2020年3月4日 改訂当日

Use Location services in your app only when it is directly relevant to the features and services provided by the app. You may use location-based APIs to provide emergency services only if you provide notice to your users in your app’s UI that such services may not work in all circumstances. Location-based APIs shouldn’t be used to provide autonomous control over vehicles, aircraft, and other devices, except for small devices such as lightweight drones and toys, or remote control car alarm systems, etc. Ensure that you notify and obtain consent before collecting, transmitting, or using location data. If your app uses location services, be sure to explain the purpose in your app; refer to the Human Interface Guidelines for best practices on doing so.

2020年3月5日 以降

Use Location services in your app only when it is directly relevant to the features and services provided by the app. Location-based APIs shouldn’t be used to provide emergency services or autonomous control over vehicles, aircraft, and other devices, except for small devices such as lightweight drones and toys, or remote control car alarm systems, etc. Ensure that you notify and obtain consent before collecting, transmitting, or using location data. If your app uses location services, be sure to explain the purpose in your app; refer to the Human Interface Guidelines for best practices on doing so.


翌日に You may use location-based APIs to provide emergency services only if you provide notice to your users in your app’s UI that such services may not work in all circumstances. が削除されました。

最終的に 5.1.5 の項目は、前回の2019年9月改訂と同じ記載に落ち着いています。


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