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Last updated at Posted at 2019-08-07

と思い、調べて見ると このサイトにたどり着き、ざっくり各種税金などを計算してくれた。


スクリーンショット 2019-08-07 午後7.48.06.png

スクリーンショット 2019-08-07 午後8.07.53.png
引数1: 年収(円)
引数2: 配偶者なしの場合1,配偶者ありの場合0
引数3: 40歳未満なら1,40歳以上なら0



スクリーンショット 2019-08-07 午後7.55.25.png

スクリーンショット 2019-08-07 午後7.56.54.png

function ssf_incometax(annual_income, partner, age) {

	var all_income = annual_income;
	var monthly_income = annual_income / 12; /*月収を計算*/
	var income_tax = '';
	var taxable_income = '';
	var payroll_deduction = '';
	var tax_deduction = '';
	var partner_deduction = '';
	var partner_deduction_residence = '';
	var employment_insurance = '';
	var care_insurance = '';
	var income_tax_ratio = '';
	var residence_tax_ratio = '';
	var insurance_deduction_ratio = '';
	var employment_insurance_ratio = '';
	var real_income_ratio = '';
	var insurance_fee_ratio = '';
	var pension_ratio = '';
	var care_insurance_ratio = '';
	var insurance_deduction = '';
	var insurance_fee = '';
	var pension = '';
	var taxable_residence = '';
	var residence_tax = '';
	var real_income = '';
	if (all_income < 1625000) {
		payroll_deduction = 650000;
	} else if (all_income < 1800000) {
		payroll_deduction = all_income * 0.4;
	} else if (all_income < 3600000) {
		payroll_deduction = all_income * 0.3 + 180000;
	} else if (all_income < 6600000) {
		payroll_deduction = all_income * 0.2 + 540000;
	} else if (all_income < 10000000) {
		payroll_deduction = all_income * 0.1 + 1200000;
	} else if (all_income >= 10000000) {
		payroll_deduction = 2200000;
	//扶養控除を計算 面倒なので一律38万で計算
	if (partner == 1) {
		partner_deduction = 0;
		partner_deduction_residence = 0;
	} else if (partner == 2) {
		partner_deduction = 380000;
		partner_deduction_residence = 330000;
	if (monthly_income < 63000) {
		insurance_fee = 2871;
		pension = 8052;
		care_insurance = 455.3;
	} else if (monthly_income < 73000) {
		insurance_fee = 3366;
		pension = 8052;
		care_insurance = 533.8;
	} else if (monthly_income < 83000) {
		insurance_fee = 3861;
		pension = 8052;
		care_insurance = 612.3;
	} else if (monthly_income < 93000) {
		insurance_fee = 4356;
		pension = 8052;
		care_insurance = 690.8;
	} else if (monthly_income < 101000) {
		insurance_fee = 4851;
		pension = 8967;
		care_insurance = 769.3;
	} else if (monthly_income < 107000) {
		insurance_fee = 5148;
		pension = 9516;
		care_insurance = 816.4;
	} else if (monthly_income < 114000) {
		insurance_fee = 5445;
		pension = 10065;
		care_insurance = 863.5;
	} else if (monthly_income < 122000) {
		insurance_fee = 5841;
		pension = 10797;
		care_insurance = 926.3;
	} else if (monthly_income < 130000) {
		insurance_fee = 6237;
		pension = 11529;
		care_insurance = 989.1;
	} else if (monthly_income < 138000) {
		insurance_fee = 6633;
		pension = 12261;
		care_insurance = 1051.9;
	} else if (monthly_income < 146000) {
		insurance_fee = 7029;
		pension = 12993;
		care_insurance = 1114.7;
	} else if (monthly_income < 155000) {
		insurance_fee = 7425;
		pension = 13725;
		care_insurance = 1177.5;
	} else if (monthly_income < 165000) {
		insurance_fee = 7920;
		pension = 14640;
		care_insurance = 1256;
	} else if (monthly_income < 175000) {
		insurance_fee = 8415;
		pension = 15555;
		care_insurance = 1334.5;
	} else if (monthly_income < 185000) {
		insurance_fee = 8910;
		pension = 16470;
		care_insurance = 1413;
	} else if (monthly_income < 195000) {
		insurance_fee = 9405;
		pension = 17385;
		care_insurance = 1491.5;
	} else if (monthly_income < 210000) {
		insurance_fee = 9900;
		pension = 18300;
		care_insurance = 1570;
	} else if (monthly_income < 230000) {
		insurance_fee = 10890;
		pension = 20130;
		care_insurance = 1727;
	} else if (monthly_income < 250000) {
		insurance_fee = 11880;
		pension = 21960;
		care_insurance = 1884;
	} else if (monthly_income < 270000) {
		insurance_fee = 12870;
		pension = 23790;
		care_insurance = 2041;
	} else if (monthly_income < 290000) {
		insurance_fee = 13860;
		pension = 25620;
		care_insurance = 2198;
	} else if (monthly_income < 310000) {
		insurance_fee = 14850;
		pension = 27450;
		care_insurance = 2355;
	} else if (monthly_income < 330000) {
		insurance_fee = 15840;
		pension = 29280;
		care_insurance = 2512;
	} else if (monthly_income < 350000) {
		insurance_fee = 16830;
		pension = 31110;
		care_insurance = 2669;
	} else if (monthly_income < 370000) {
		insurance_fee = 17820;
		pension = 32940;
		care_insurance = 2826;
	} else if (monthly_income < 395000) {
		insurance_fee = 18810;
		pension = 34770;
		care_insurance = 2983;
	} else if (monthly_income < 425000) {
		insurance_fee = 20295;
		pension = 37515;
		care_insurance = 3218.5;
	} else if (monthly_income < 455000) {
		insurance_fee = 21780;
		pension = 40260;
		care_insurance = 3454;
	} else if (monthly_income < 485000) {
		insurance_fee = 23265;
		pension = 43005;
		care_insurance = 3689.5;
	} else if (monthly_income < 515000) {
		insurance_fee = 24750;
		pension = 45750;
		care_insurance = 3925;
	} else if (monthly_income < 545000) {
		insurance_fee = 26235;
		pension = 48495;
		care_insurance = 4160.5;
	} else if (monthly_income < 575000) {
		insurance_fee = 27720;
		pension = 51240;
		care_insurance = 4396;
	} else if (monthly_income < 605000) {
		insurance_fee = 29205;
		pension = 53985;
		care_insurance = 4631.5;
	} else if (monthly_income < 635000) {
		insurance_fee = 30690;
		pension = 56730;
		care_insurance = 4867;
	} else if (monthly_income < 665000) {
		insurance_fee = 32175;
		pension = 56730;
		care_insurance = 5102.5;
	} else if (monthly_income < 695000) {
		insurance_fee = 33660;
		pension = 56730;
		care_insurance = 5338;
	} else if (monthly_income < 730000) {
		insurance_fee = 35145;
		pension = 56730;
		care_insurance = 5573.5;
	} else if (monthly_income < 770000) {
		insurance_fee = 37125;
		pension = 56730;
		care_insurance = 5887.5;
	} else if (monthly_income < 810000) {
		insurance_fee = 39105;
		pension = 56730;
		care_insurance = 6201.5;
	} else if (monthly_income < 855000) {
		insurance_fee = 41085;
		pension = 56730;
		care_insurance = 6515.5;
	} else if (monthly_income < 905000) {
		insurance_fee = 43560;
		pension = 56730;
		care_insurance = 6908;
	} else if (monthly_income < 955000) {
		insurance_fee = 46035;
		pension = 56730;
		care_insurance = 7300.5;
	} else if (monthly_income < 1005000) {
		insurance_fee = 48510;
		pension = 56730;
		care_insurance = 7693;
	} else if (monthly_income < 1055000) {
		insurance_fee = 50985;
		pension = 56730;
		care_insurance = 8085.5;
	} else if (monthly_income < 1115000) {
		insurance_fee = 53955;
		pension = 56730;
		care_insurance = 8556.5;
	} else if (monthly_income < 1175000) {
		insurance_fee = 56925;
		pension = 56730;
		care_insurance = 9027.5;
	} else if (monthly_income < 1235000) {
		insurance_fee = 59895;
		pension = 56730;
		care_insurance = 9498.5;
	} else if (monthly_income < 1295000) {
		insurance_fee = 62865;
		pension = 56730;
		care_insurance = 9969.5;
	} else if (monthly_income < 1355000) {
		insurance_fee = 65835;
		pension = 56730;
		care_insurance = 10440.5;
	} else if (monthly_income > 1355000) {
		insurance_fee = 68805;
		pension = 56730;
		care_insurance = 10911.5;
	if (age == 1) {
		care_insurance = 0;
	} else {}
	insurance_fee = insurance_fee * 12;
	pension = pension * 12;
	care_insurance = care_insurance * 12
	employment_insurance = all_income * 0.003;
	//社会保険をまとめる 健康保険+年金+介護保険+雇用保険
	insurance_deduction = insurance_fee + pension + care_insurance + employment_insurance;
	taxable_income = all_income - 380000 - payroll_deduction - partner_deduction - insurance_deduction;
	taxable_residence = all_income - 330000 - payroll_deduction - partner_deduction;
	residence_tax = taxable_residence * 0.1 + 5000;
	//税額を計算  所得税=課税所得×税率-税額控除額
	if (taxable_income <= 1950000) {
		income_tax = taxable_income * 0.05;
	} else if (taxable_income <= 3300000) {
		income_tax = taxable_income * 0.1 - 97500;
	} else if (taxable_income <= 6950000) {
		income_tax = taxable_income * 0.2 - 427500;
	} else if (taxable_income <= 9900000) {
		income_tax = taxable_income * 0.23 - 636000;
	} else if (taxable_income <= 18000000) {
		income_tax = taxable_income * 0.33 - 1536000;
	} else if (taxable_income <= 40000000) {
		income_tax = taxable_income * 0.40 - 2796000;
	} else if (taxable_income > 40000000) {
		income_tax = taxable_income * 0.45 - 4796000;
	//復興特別所得税 2.1%を加算
	income_tax = income_tax * 1.021;
	real_income = all_income - income_tax - insurance_deduction - residence_tax - employment_insurance;
	if (income_tax < 0) {
		income_tax = 0;
	} else {
		income_tax = Math.round(income_tax / 1000) / 10;
	if (residence_tax < 0) {
		residence_tax = 0;
	} else {
		residence_tax = Math.round(residence_tax / 1000) / 10;
	insurance_deduction = Math.round(insurance_deduction / 1000) / 10;
	insurance_fee = Math.round(insurance_fee / 1000) / 10;
	pension = Math.round(pension / 1000) / 10;
	care_insurance = Math.round(care_insurance / 1000) / 10;
	employment_insurance = Math.round(employment_insurance / 1000) / 10;
	real_income = Math.round(real_income / 1000) / 10;

	// var result = [{
	// 	'所得税': income_tax,
	// 	'住民税': residence_tax,
	// 	'社会保険料合計': insurance_deduction,
	// 	'健康保険料': insurance_fee,
	// 	'厚生年金保険料': pension,
	// 	'介護保険料': care_insurance,
	// 	'介護保険料': employment_insurance,
	// 	'年収手取り': real_income,
	// }];

	var result = [
      income_tax * 10000,
      residence_tax * 10000,
      insurance_deduction * 10000,
      insurance_fee * 10000,
      pension * 10000,
      care_insurance * 10000,
      employment_insurance * 10000,
      real_income * 10000

	return (result);


年間賞与が 基本給
大企業(東証一部上場系) 最低4ヶ月〜6ヶ月(業績によってもっと上がる)
Web系ベンチャー、メガベンチャー: 賞与なし,年俸制


月収20万円(年収240万) の手取りが 月:約15.8万 なので税金の計算はある程度考えておくのは大事ですね。


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