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    {Crow: 4, Ccol: 10, R: 250, G: 192, B: 143, ColorSet: "Office2007-2010"},
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    {Crow: 1, Ccol: 3, R: 3, G: 175, B: 122, ColorSet: "CUDO"},
    {Crow: 1, Ccol: 4, R: 0, G: 90, B: 255, ColorSet: "CUDO"},
    {Crow: 1, Ccol: 5, R: 77, G: 196, B: 255, ColorSet: "CUDO"},
    {Crow: 1, Ccol: 6, R: 255, G: 128, B: 130, ColorSet: "CUDO"},
    {Crow: 1, Ccol: 7, R: 246, G: 170, B: 0, ColorSet: "CUDO"},
    {Crow: 1, Ccol: 8, R: 153, G: 0, B: 153, ColorSet: "CUDO"},
    {Crow: 1, Ccol: 9, R: 128, G: 64, B: 0, ColorSet: "CUDO"},
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    {Crow: 2, Ccol: 2, R: 255, G: 255, B: 128, ColorSet: "CUDO"},
    {Crow: 2, Ccol: 3, R: 216, G: 242, B: 85, ColorSet: "CUDO"},
    {Crow: 2, Ccol: 4, R: 191, G: 228, B: 255, ColorSet: "CUDO"},
    {Crow: 2, Ccol: 5, R: 255, G: 202, B: 128, ColorSet: "CUDO"},
    {Crow: 2, Ccol: 6, R: 119, G: 217, B: 168, ColorSet: "CUDO"},
    {Crow: 2, Ccol: 7, R: 201, G: 172, B: 230, ColorSet: "CUDO"},
    {Crow: 3, Ccol: 1, R: 255, G: 255, B: 255, ColorSet: "CUDO"},
    {Crow: 3, Ccol: 2, R: 200, G: 200, B: 203, ColorSet: "CUDO"},
    {Crow: 3, Ccol: 3, R: 132, G: 145, B: 158, ColorSet: "CUDO"},
    {Crow: 3, Ccol: 4, R: 0, G: 0, B: 0, ColorSet: "CUDO"}


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