#Javascript: 関数のCurry化
Curry me This: Partial Application in JavaScript
「カリー化 (currying, カリー化された=curried) とは、複数の引数をとる関数を、引数が「もとの関数の最初の引数」で戻り値が「もとの関数の残りの引数を取り結果を返す関数」であるような関数にすること(あるいはその関数のこと)である。」
#Code with comment
// curry function turns fn to curried function
function curry(fn, ...args) {
// arity is the number of arguments which fn takes
const arity = fn.length
function curried(...args2) {
// locals keeps track of the arguments have been passed
const locals = args.concat(args2)
// when arguments passed exceeds arity, apply function and return
if (locals.length >= arity) {
return fn(...locals)
// otherwise, return curry(fn, ...locals)
// -> return ((args.length >= arity) ? curried() : curried)
} else {
return curry(fn, ...locals)
// if already have all arguments, call curried without arguments
// -> return fn(...locals)
// otherwise return curried to take more arguments
return ((args.length >= arity) ? curried() : curried)
function threeSum(a, b, c) {
return a + b + c
const addFive = curry(threeSum, 2, 3)
console.log(addFive) // curried function, locals = [2,3]
console.log(addFive(4)) // 9
// returns function to takes len and obj
const hasLength = curry((len, obj) => {
return (obj.length >= len)
const arr = [
'first item',
'an item longer than other items.......'
// hasLength(15) is a function to take obj and check length
const arr2 = arr.filter(hasLength(15))
// arr2 = ['an item longer than other items.......']
// verbose, but more clearly illustrates what code is doing
const hasLength = curry((len, obj) => {
return (obj.length >= len)
const arr = [
'first item',
'an item longer than other items.......'
const isFifteenCharsLong = hasLength(15)
const arr2 = arr.filter(isFifteenCharsLong)
// arr2 = ['an item longer than other items.......']
const isFunction = (obj) => typeof obj === 'function'
const matches = curry((selector, element) => {
// https://developer.mozilla.org/ja/docs/Web/API/Element/matches
if (isFunction(element.matches)) {
return element.matches(selector)
} else {
const elementList = document.querySelectorAll(selector)
let i = 0
while (elementList[i] && elementList[i] !== element) {
return (elementList[i] ? true : false)
const isListItem = matches('.list-item')
const ul = document.getElementById('some-list')
ul.addEventListener('click', (evt) => {
if (isListItem(evt.target)) {