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Last updated at Posted at 2019-05-27




Animate the properties of a Container

Animate the properties of a Container

Fade a Widget in and out

Fade a Widget in and out


Add a Drawer to a screen

Add a Drawer to a screen

Displaying SnackBars

Displaying SnackBars

Exporting fonts from a package

Exporting fonts from a package

Updating the UI based on orientation

Updating the UI based on orientation

Using Themes to share colors and font styles

Using Themes to share colors and font styles

Using custom fonts

Using custom fonts

Working with Tabs

Working with Tabs


Building a form with validation

Building a form with validation

Create and style a text field

Create and style a text field

Focus on a Text Field

Focus on a Text Field

Handling changes to a text field

Handling changes to a text field

Retrieve the value of a text field

Retrieve the value of a text field


Adding Material Touch Ripples

Adding Material Touch Ripples

Handling Taps

Handling Taps

Implement Swipe to Dismiss

Implement Swipe to Dismiss


Display images from the internet

Display images from the internet

Fade in images with a placeholder

Fade in images with a placeholder

Working with cached images

Working with cached images


Basic List

Basic List

Create a horizontal list

Create a horizontal list

Creating a Grid List

Creating a Grid List

Creating lists with different types of items

Creating lists with different types of items

Place a floating app bar above a list

Place a floating app bar above a list

Working with long lists

Working with long lists


Report errors to a service

Report errors to a service


Animating a Widget across screens

Animating a Widget across screens

Navigate to a new screen and back

Navigate to a new screen and back

Navigate with named routes

Navigate with named routes

Pass arguments to a named route

Pass arguments to a named route

Return data from a screen

Return data from a screen

Send data to a new screen

Send data to a new screen


Fetch data from the internet

Fetch data from the internet

Making authenticated requests

Making authenticated requests

Parsing JSON in the background

Parsing JSON in the background

Working with WebSockets

Working with WebSockets


Persist data with SQLite

Persist data with SQLite

Reading and Writing Files

Reading and Writing Files

Storing key-value data on disk

Storing key-value data on disk


Play and pause a video

Play and pause a video

Take a picture using the Camera

Take a picture using the Camera




An introduction to integration testing

Performance profiling

Performance profiling




An introduction to unit testing

An introduction to unit testing

Mock dependencies using Mockito

Mock dependencies using Mockito


An introduction to widget testing

An introduction to widget testing

Finding widgets

Finding widgets

Tapping, dragging and entering text

Tapping, dragging and entering text


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