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圧縮前で71.5kB、圧縮後で25.2kBなので、import _ from 'lodash' をフロントエンド開発でやってしまうと、画面のJSロード時間に影響が出てしまいます。
解決策として、import range from 'lodash/range'のように、1つのメソッドだけをインポートすることが知られています。
例えば、lodash/max は 1.6kB ですが、lodash/omit は 21.5kBもあります。これは lodash/omit がいくつかの内部メソッドをインポートしているためで、特に _baseClone.js のファイルサイズが大きいからです。


Function Name File Size(kB) Gzip file Size(kB)
iteratee 24.6 7.5
matchesProperty 23.4 7.2
xorBy 22.2 7.2
sortBy 22.2 7.2
unionBy 21.6 6.9
omit 21.5 6.6
differenceBy 21.4 6.9
matches 21.3 6.5
intersectionBy 21.2 6.8
omitBy 20.9 6.6
flatMapDepth 20.7 6.7
overEvery 20.6 6.6
over 20.5 6.6
overSome 20.5 6.6
pickBy 20.5 6.5
overArgs 20.4 6.6
orderBy 20.4 6.6
cond 20.1 6.4
findLast 20.0 6.5
find 20.0 6.5
groupBy 19.9 6.4
countBy 19.9 6.4
keyBy 19.9 6.4
uniqBy 19.8 6.4
flatMapDeep 19.8 6.4
flatMap 19.8 6.4
findLastIndex 19.7 6.4
findIndex 19.7 6.4
every 19.7 6.3
reject 19.7 6.3
partition 19.6 6.3
some 19.6 6.3
pullAllBy 19.6 6.3
transform 19.6 6.3
reduce 19.5 6.3
reduceRight 19.5 6.3
remove 19.5 6.3
map 19.4 6.2
filter 19.4 6.2
invertBy 19.3 6.2
mapKeys 19.3 6.2
mapValues 19.3 6.2
findLastKey 19.1 6.1
findKey 19.1 6.1
sortedLastIndexBy 19.1 6.2
sortedIndexBy 19.0 6.2
dropRightWhile 19.0 6.1
takeRightWhile 19.0 6.1
dropWhile 19.0 6.1
takeWhile 19.0 6.1
maxBy 18.9 6.1
minBy 18.9 6.1
meanBy 18.9 6.0
sortedUniqBy 18.9 6.0
sumBy 18.8 6.0
conforms 17.2 5.2
cloneDeepWith 16.9 5.1
cloneWith 16.9 5.1
clone 16.9 5.1
cloneDeep 16.9 5.1
isMatchWith 15.2 4.9
isMatch 15.1 4.9
defaultsDeep 14.8 4.8
isEqualWith 14.6 4.7
mergeWith 14.6 4.7
merge 14.6 4.7
isEqual 14.5 4.7
bindAll 14.0 5.2
rearg 13.4 5.0
invokeMap 13.1 4.3
wrap 12.8 4.8
bind 12.6 4.8
bindKey 12.6 4.8
partial 12.6 4.8
partialRight 12.6 4.8
unary 12.3 4.6
curryRight 12.3 4.6
curry 12.3 4.6
ary 12.2 4.6
flip 12.2 4.6
template 12.0 4.3
pick 11.3 3.8
pullAt 11.2 3.8
xorWith 10.7 3.5
xor 10.5 3.4
at 9.9 3.3
unionWith 9.8 3.2
union 9.6 3.2
differenceWith 9.6 3.1
difference 9.5 3.1
method 9.4 3.1
methodOf 9.4 3.1
invoke 9.3 3.1
intersectionWith 9.0 3.0
updateWith 8.9 3.0
update 8.9 3.0
intersection 8.8 2.9
without 8.6 2.8
zipObjectDeep 8.6 2.9
setWith 8.5 2.9
has 8.5 2.8
set 8.5 2.9
hasIn 8.4 2.8
toArray 8.2 2.9
unset 8.1 2.7
property 7.8 2.6
assign 7.8 2.8
extendWith 7.7 2.8
assignWith 7.7 2.8
extend 7.7 2.8
assignInWith 7.7 2.8
assignIn 7.7 2.8
get 7.7 2.5
propertyOf 7.7 2.5
result 7.6 2.5
uniqWith 7.3 2.4
uniq 7.2 2.3
toPath 7.2 2.3
defaults 7.1 2.6
flowRight 7.0 2.6
flow 7.0 2.6
entries 6.9 2.4
entriesIn 6.8 2.4
toPairs 6.8 2.4
toPairsIn 6.8 2.4
sampleSize 6.8 2.4
create 6.5 2.3
includes 6.4 2.3
camelCase 6.4 2.6
startCase 6.3 2.6
toPlainObject 6.1 2.2
isEmpty 5.9 2.1
memoize 5.7 1.9
truncate 5.6 2.1
mixin 5.5 2.0
shuffle 5.4 1.9
each 5.4 1.9
eachRight 5.4 1.9
forEach 5.4 1.9
forEachRight 5.4 1.9
invert 5.3 1.8
sample 5.2 1.8
kebabCase 5.1 2.3
snakeCase 5.1 2.3
lowerCase 5.1 2.3
upperCase 5.1 2.3
spread 5.1 2.0
forOwnRight 5.0 1.8
forOwn 5.0 1.8
size 5.0 1.9
forInRight 4.9 1.8
forIn 4.9 1.8
pad 4.9 1.8
padEnd 4.8 1.8
padStart 4.8 1.8
functions 4.8 1.7
functionsIn 4.8 1.7
nthArg 4.8 1.9
values 4.8 1.7
valuesIn 4.8 1.7
conformsTo 4.8 1.7
zipWith 4.7 1.8
pull 4.6 1.8
rest 4.6 1.8
keys 4.5 1.6
keysIn 4.5 1.6
split 4.5 1.7
delay 4.4 1.7
zip 4.4 1.7
attempt 4.3 1.6
trim 3.8 1.5
repeat 3.7 1.5
isMap 3.7 1.4
isSet 3.7 1.5
defer 3.7 1.5
trimEnd 3.5 1.4
fill 3.5 1.4
trimStart 3.4 1.4
random 3.4 1.4
chunk 3.4 1.4
slice 3.3 1.3
rangeRight 3.3 1.3
range 3.3 1.3
deburr 3.2 1.5
words 3.2 1.4
isWeakMap 3.2 1.3
throttle 3.2 1.3
capitalize 3.1 1.2
flattenDepth 3.1 1.2
lowerFirst 3.0 1.2
upperFirst 3.0 1.2
floor 3.0 1.2
round 3.0 1.2
ceil 3.0 1.2
debounce 2.9 1.3
zipObject 2.9 1.2
endsWith 2.9 1.2
startsWith 2.9 1.2
unzipWith 2.7 1.0
indexOf 2.7 1.1
lastIndexOf 2.6 1.1
times 2.6 1.1
nth 2.5 1.1
dropRight 2.5 1.1
takeRight 2.5 1.1
drop 2.5 1.1
take 2.5 1.0
once 2.4 1.0
toSafeInteger 2.4 1.0
isTypedArray 2.4 0.9
before 2.4 1.0
isNative 2.4 1.0
isSafeInteger 2.4 1.0
toLength 2.4 1.0
after 2.3 1.0
unzip 2.3 0.9
inRange 2.3 1.0
isInteger 2.2 0.9
concat 2.2 0.9
clamp 2.2 0.9
gt 2.2 0.9
lt 2.2 0.9
toInteger 2.2 0.9
gte 2.1 0.9
lte 2.1 0.9
sortedIndexOf 2.1 0.9
sortedLastIndexOf 2.1 0.9
add 2.1 0.9
divide 2.1 0.9
subtract 2.1 0.8
multiply 2.1 0.8
unescape 2.1 0.9
toFinite 2.1 0.9
escape 2.1 0.9
flattenDeep 2.0 0.8
flatten 2.0 0.8
sortedLastIndex 2.0 0.9
sortedIndex 2.0 0.9
toNumber 1.9 0.8
parseInt 1.9 0.8
escapeRegExp 1.9 0.8
replace 1.9 0.8
isError 1.8 0.7
uniqueId 1.8 0.8
toLower 1.8 0.8
toUpper 1.8 0.8
chain 1.8 0.7
toString 1.7 0.7
isArrayBuffer 1.7 0.7
isElement 1.7 0.7
isArrayLikeObject 1.7 0.7
isRegExp 1.7 0.7
isDate 1.7 0.7
isPlainObject 1.6 0.7
max 1.6 0.7
min 1.6 0.7
isArrayLike 1.6 0.7
isArguments 1.5 0.6
isFunction 1.4 0.6
isNaN 1.3 0.6
isString 1.3 0.6
pullAllWith 1.3 0.6
pullAll 1.3 0.6
isNumber 1.3 0.5
isSymbol 1.3 0.5
isBoolean 1.3 0.5
isWeakSet 1.2 0.5
isBuffer 0.8 0.4
isFinite 0.6 0.3
now 0.6 0.3
mean 0.5 0.3
negate 0.5 0.3
sortedUniq 0.5 0.3
tail 0.4 0.3
initial 0.4 0.3
sum 0.4 0.2
castArray 0.3 0.2
compact 0.3 0.2
fromPairs 0.3 0.2
isLength 0.2 0.2
isObject 0.2 0.2
join 0.2 0.2
reverse 0.2 0.2
first 0.2 0.2
last 0.2 0.2
head 0.2 0.2
isObjectLike 0.2 0.2
constant 0.2 0.1
defaultTo 0.2 0.2
eq 0.2 0.2
isUndefined 0.2 0.1
tap 0.2 0.1
isNull 0.2 0.1
isNil 0.2 0.1
thru 0.2 0.1
identity 0.2 0.1
isArray 0.2 0.1
stubArray 0.2 0.1
stubObject 0.2 0.1
stubString 0.2 0.1
stubTrue 0.2 0.1
stubFalse 0.2 0.1
noop 0.2 0.1





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