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あ...ありのまま今起こったことを話すぜ! の続きを HuggingFace Transformers で予測するッ!

Posted at


何が起こったのか気になりますよね。その続きを、Hugging Face の Transformers で予測してみましょうというのが、今回の記事です。


!pip install transformers -U
!pip install --upgrade accelerate
!pip install sacremoses
Defaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
Requirement already satisfied: transformers in /home/kotera/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (4.31.0)
Requirement already satisfied: filelock in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from transformers) (3.12.2)
Requirement already satisfied: huggingface-hub<1.0,>=0.14.1 in /home/kotera/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from transformers) (0.16.4)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.17 in /home/kotera/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from transformers) (1.23.3)
Requirement already satisfied: packaging>=20.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from transformers) (23.1)
Requirement already satisfied: pyyaml>=5.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from transformers) (5.4.1)
Requirement already satisfied: regex!=2019.12.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from transformers) (2023.6.3)
Requirement already satisfied: requests in /home/kotera/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from transformers) (2.25.1)
Requirement already satisfied: tokenizers!=0.11.3,<0.14,>=0.11.1 in /home/kotera/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from transformers) (0.13.3)
Requirement already satisfied: safetensors>=0.3.1 in /home/kotera/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from transformers) (0.3.1)
Requirement already satisfied: tqdm>=4.27 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from transformers) (4.65.0)
Requirement already satisfied: fsspec in /home/kotera/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from huggingface-hub<1.0,>=0.14.1->transformers) (2023.6.0)
Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions>= in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from huggingface-hub<1.0,>=0.14.1->transformers) (4.5.0)
Requirement already satisfied: chardet<5,>=3.0.2 in /home/kotera/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from requests->transformers) (4.0.0)
Requirement already satisfied: idna<3,>=2.5 in /home/kotera/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from requests->transformers) (2.10)
Requirement already satisfied: urllib3<1.27,>=1.21.1 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from requests->transformers) (1.26.16)
Requirement already satisfied: certifi>=2017.4.17 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from requests->transformers) (2023.5.7)
[33mDEPRECATION: torchsde 0.2.5 has a non-standard dependency specifier numpy>=1.19.*; python_version >= "3.7". pip 23.3 will enforce this behaviour change. A possible replacement is to upgrade to a newer version of torchsde or contact the author to suggest that they release a version with a conforming dependency specifiers. Discussion can be found at https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12063[0m[33m
[0mDefaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
Requirement already satisfied: accelerate in /home/kotera/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (0.21.0)
Requirement already satisfied: numpy>=1.17 in /home/kotera/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from accelerate) (1.23.3)
Requirement already satisfied: packaging>=20.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from accelerate) (23.1)
Requirement already satisfied: psutil in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from accelerate) (5.9.5)
Requirement already satisfied: pyyaml in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from accelerate) (5.4.1)
Requirement already satisfied: torch>=1.10.0 in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from accelerate) (1.13.1+cu117)
Requirement already satisfied: typing-extensions in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from torch>=1.10.0->accelerate) (4.5.0)
[33mDEPRECATION: torchsde 0.2.5 has a non-standard dependency specifier numpy>=1.19.*; python_version >= "3.7". pip 23.3 will enforce this behaviour change. A possible replacement is to upgrade to a newer version of torchsde or contact the author to suggest that they release a version with a conforming dependency specifiers. Discussion can be found at https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12063[0m[33m
[0mDefaulting to user installation because normal site-packages is not writeable
Requirement already satisfied: sacremoses in /home/kotera/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (0.0.53)
Requirement already satisfied: regex in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from sacremoses) (2023.6.3)
Requirement already satisfied: six in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from sacremoses) (1.16.0)
Requirement already satisfied: click in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from sacremoses) (8.0.2)
Requirement already satisfied: joblib in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from sacremoses) (1.3.1)
Requirement already satisfied: tqdm in /usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages (from sacremoses) (4.65.0)
[33mDEPRECATION: torchsde 0.2.5 has a non-standard dependency specifier numpy>=1.19.*; python_version >= "3.7". pip 23.3 will enforce this behaviour change. A possible replacement is to upgrade to a newer version of torchsde or contact the author to suggest that they release a version with a conforming dependency specifiers. Discussion can be found at https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/12063[0m[33m


"あ...ありのまま今起こったことを話すぜ!" の続きが知りたいので、次のようにセットします。

phrase = "あ...ありのまま今起こったことを話すぜ!"


Transformers の Pipeline で、次のように日英翻訳します。

from transformers import pipeline

translator_J2E = pipeline("translation", model="Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-ja-en")
text = translator_J2E(phrase, max_length=100)[0]["translation_text"]
2023-07-19 22:20:58.598555: I tensorflow/core/util/port.cc:110] oneDNN custom operations are on. You may see slightly different numerical results due to floating-point round-off errors from different computation orders. To turn them off, set the environment variable `TF_ENABLE_ONEDNN_OPTS=0`.
2023-07-19 22:20:58.639889: I tensorflow/core/platform/cpu_feature_guard.cc:182] This TensorFlow binary is optimized to use available CPU instructions in performance-critical operations.
To enable the following instructions: AVX2 AVX512F AVX512_VNNI FMA, in other operations, rebuild TensorFlow with the appropriate compiler flags.
2023-07-19 22:20:59.431095: W tensorflow/compiler/tf2tensorrt/utils/py_utils.cc:38] TF-TRT Warning: Could not find TensorRT

I'll tell you what just happened!



同様に、Transformers の Pipeline で、続きの文章を生成します。

from transformers import pipeline

text_generator = pipeline("text-generation")
long_text = text_generator(text, max_length=1000)[0]["generated_text"]
No model was supplied, defaulted to gpt2 and revision 6c0e608 (https://huggingface.co/gpt2).
Using a pipeline without specifying a model name and revision in production is not recommended.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.

I'll tell you what just happened! I'm the one responsible for the entire project, and she's the one responsible for paying for that! (He said he was supposed to come, but she told him not to, because it would be "too much time.") In any case, they made a quick donation (of their own accord!), and I'll always be grateful for that. I'll take their name, and I promise they will never get too rich if I don't do a good job of it. If there's anything the world can learn from this, which is going to be so nice. And for that, I promise you. This game is coming, and you, too, are going to love it more than you'll ever know!

I'll be there at 4 p.m. for you, too.

(Update: The other party's host, Bill McCurry, will be on the line for the next game day at 5:30 p.m., so everyone here should be fine.)

Update 2: A copy of a message has been sent to anyone using the game (including some of you who can't attend, who don't know the game) and will be taken to Bill McCurry, at the very top, who would like to add it to the project page. Thanks, and Godspeed, for the tip, Bill.

デフォルトとして GPT-2 が使われて、けっこう長い文が生成できることが分かりました。



from transformers import pipeline

translator_E2J = pipeline(
genetated_text = translator_E2J(long_text, max_length=1000)[0]["translation_text"]
私はちょうど起こったことを伝えます! 私は全体のプロジェクトの責任者です, そして、彼女はそれのための支払いの責任者です! (彼は来るはずだったと述べました, しかし、彼女は彼に言った, それは"あまりにも多くの時間になります.") いずれの場合でも, 彼らは迅速な寄付をしました (彼ら自身の同意で!), そして、私はいつも感謝します. 私は、彼らの名前を取ります, そして、彼らは決してあまりにも豊かになることはありませんが、私はその良い仕事をしないでください. 世界がこれから学ぶことができる何かがあれば, それはとても素敵なものになります. そして、そのために, 私はあなたを約束します. このゲームが来る, そして、あなたも、あなたは、あなたが知っているよりもそれを愛するつもりです! 私も、あなたのためにそこにあります 4 午後. (アップデート: 他のパーティーのホスト, ビル・マッカーリー, 次のゲームの日のためにラインにいます 5:30 午後, だから、ここにいるすべての人々は大丈夫です.) アップデート 2: ゲームを使用しているすべての人にメッセージのコピーが送信されました (ゲームを知らない人を含むいくつかのあなたを含む) そして、プロジェクトページにそれを追加したいビル・マッカーリーに持ち込まれます, 非常に上に, ありがとう, そして、おめでとう, ヒントのために, ビル.




phrases = [
    "さすがディオ!おれたちにできない事を平然とやってのけるッ そこにシビれる!あこがれる!",
    "無限の谷底へッ 溶けて流れ落ちろォォォォ!",
    "激しい「喜び」はいらない… そのかわり深い「絶望」もない………「植物の心」のような人生を… そんな「平穏な生活」こそわたしの目標だったのに",
    "どうして『30分』だけ なのよォオオオ",
from transformers import pipeline

translator_J2E = pipeline("translation", model="Helsinki-NLP/opus-mt-ja-en")
texts = translator_J2E(phrases, max_length=100)
[{'translation_text': "That's it! That's it! That's it! That's it! That's what we can't do!"},
 {'translation_text': 'Do you remember how many pieces of bread you ever ate?'},
 {'translation_text': "You're so hot! You're so hot! You're so hot!"},
 {'translation_text': "I won't stop hitting you until you cry!"},
 {'translation_text': 'What are you doing?'},
 {'translation_text': "I shouldn't have fought such a tough guy!"},
 {'translation_text': 'This knife is the knife you pushed at your father!'},
 {'translation_text': 'Poor, poor, poor!'},
 {'translation_text': "The Man's Hymn is the Hymn of Courage!"},
 {'translation_text': "Hey, what's going on?"},
 {'translation_text': 'German science is the best in the world!'},
 {'translation_text': 'Aaah, aaah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah,'},
 {'translation_text': "If you win, you'll lose!"},
 {'translation_text': '(Laughter)'},
 {'translation_text': "The only thing I'm going to do is get in the middle of the road and get in the way."},
 {'translation_text': "It's coming! It's coming!"},
 {'translation_text': "You know... when you close your eyes with your arms together, it's a victory laugh."},
 {'translation_text': "We've done it again!"},
 {'translation_text': 'I may have been wandering around for thousands of years to see you.'},
 {'translation_text': 'To the bottom of the endless valley, melt and fall!'},
 {'translation_text': "I'll tell you what just happened!"},
 {'translation_text': "I don't know what you're talking about, but I didn't know what they did to me."},
 {'translation_text': 'Orora.'},
 {'translation_text': "You're wasting your time."},
 {'translation_text': 'You made me angry.'},
 {'translation_text': "I think it's best to overcome fear."},
 {'translation_text': "This is my body's handsome face!"},
 {'translation_text': "I don't know what you're talking about, but I don't know what you're talking about."},
 {'translation_text': "Are you sure you don't want to go to school?"},
 {'translation_text': 'It\'s like, "Hi!" to the best of all.'},
 {'translation_text': "It's great. It's great."},
 {'translation_text': 'Did you ever think that this bank boy was drawing a comic book for gold and silver?'},
 {'translation_text': "There's no need for intense joy... no more despair... no more life like the heart of a plant... that was my goal."},
 {'translation_text': "Humans can say they're living by destroying something."},
 {'translation_text': 'A standman gets hit by a standman.'},
 {'translation_text': 'Why only half an hour?'},
 {'translation_text': "I'd be happier looking for a public toilet with diarrhea."},
 {'translation_text': "You're so cool, aren't you?"},
 {'translation_text': "I'm gonna ask you a question!"},
 {'translation_text': "Yes! We're in time! We're winning fate!"},
 {'translation_text': 'But I refuse.'},
 {'translation_text': 'Be prepared! Into the dark wilderness! To open the way!'},
 {'translation_text': 'Answer me. The question has already turned into torture.'},
 {'translation_text': 'Two plus two is five! Three times three is eight! The shark is a plant! Mt. Fuji is the tallest mountain in the world!'},
 {'translation_text': 'I could understand it with my "heart" instead of my "word"!'},
 {'translation_text': '"I\'ll do my job." "I\'ll do my job." "I\'ll protect my men too."'},
 {'translation_text': "I don't know what you're talking about!"},
 {'translation_text': 'Vengeance is to settle your fate!'},
 {'translation_text': 'Bless me.'},
 {'translation_text': 'Good-bye, my first love.'},
 {'translation_text': "I don't care what happens to you. I don't care what happens to you. I don't care what happens to you. I don't care what happens to you."},
 {'translation_text': "Even the Pope can't control himself!"},
 {'translation_text': "Don't let the plankton explain to me how I'm good at it."},
 {'translation_text': 'I love you like I love God.'},
 {'translation_text': "You don't realize you're evil."},
 {'translation_text': 'The first shortcut was a long way. The shortest way was the shortest way.'},
 {'translation_text': 'Look at you. Look at you. Look at you.'},
 {'translation_text': "Welcome to the Man's World."},
 {'translation_text': "I've never regretted a single grain of sand in the desert."},
 {'translation_text': "You can only say four times that you can't do it."},
 {'translation_text': "A potato chip isn't a meal."},
 {'translation_text': "The pressure! I'm so excited that I can't breathe!"},
 {'translation_text': "I'm still a negative! I want to go to zero!"}]
from transformers import pipeline

# generator = pipeline('text-generation', model='bigscience/bloom-560m')
generator = pipeline("text-generation", model="gpt2")
# generator = pipeline('text-generation', model='EleutherAI/gpt-neo-1.3B')
# generator = pipeline('text-generation', model='EleutherAI/gpt-j-6B')
long_texts = generator([x["translation_text"] for x in texts], max_length=100)
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.
Setting `pad_token_id` to `eos_token_id`:50256 for open-end generation.

[[{'generated_text': "That's it! That's it! That's it! That's it! That's what we can't do! You should be taking a break. I just want you to be okay. I don't want you to be scared. I don't want you to lose weight. You're a pretty special boy. But I know it's not what you want. It's not what you want. (laughs) [The music slows down to the final verse].\n\nYou say you're"}],
 [{'generated_text': 'Do you remember how many pieces of bread you ever ate? And how long did you watch? When do you expect to be able to eat all that much? When is your next meal going to be for dinner? You can eat all these things you ever wanted, but just never get used. And you don\'t need to because you just can\'t get used when you\'re in the mood."\n\nSherry, who has worked at The National Restaurant Institute since it launched in May 2007, knows'}],
 [{'generated_text': 'You\'re so hot! You\'re so hot! You\'re so hot! I love you so much, I love you so much, I\'m so sorry, I\'m so sorry!"\n\nHe turned to the men in the group. He thought about how many women he could get, how many years he could get in this relationship without ending up with a prostitute, or how terrible an idea it would be to have something that turned into a relationship, because she\'d never been one. He gave'}],
 [{'generated_text': 'I won\'t stop hitting you until you cry! I mean the only real reason to fight here is because I think your spirit is stronger than anyone\'s. All I have to be honest is that you made me kill you. And what you\'ve lost is me."\n\nHannah sighed. "You know what? I got revenge on you… or maybe not. Maybe my time alone made me want to kill you… because I\'m the only thing I can do to change things."\n\n'}],
 [{'generated_text': "What are you doing?\n\nWe're not talking about taking time off from any particular schedule for these things. That's it. We're also not talking about getting on new sites right away, that's all. It's just we're doing the same thing and we're starting to do it from the same place. We're also trying to get something that we can work on, like a Facebook app, the Google Glass program or something in the next two weeks.\n\nI hope you"}],
 [{'generated_text': 'I shouldn\'t have fought such a tough guy!!"\n\n"Nuh.. it won\'t be that easy."\n\n"How do I know?"\n\n"I don\'t know much yet, but to believe that one can be born for ten thousand years... even if you believe I could have defeated that knight by myself and killed this person... I could probably fight like this!"\n\n[Previous Chapter] [Table of Contents] [Next Chapter]\n\nYou can help W'}],
 [{'generated_text': "This knife is the knife you pushed at your father!\n\nIt's the knife you pushed at your mom!\n\nIt's the knife you put in my father's throat!\n\nIt's the knife you put in my mother's throat!\n\nIt's the knife you stabbed my mom to death!\n\n\nWhat does it feel like to have both hands locked together?\n\nDoes it feel like...\n\nWhat does it feels like to be held hands in a choke hold"}],
 [{'generated_text': 'Poor, poor, poor! But God never says, \'Don\'t be a fool, or you\'ll never go home.\' The real life is a maze of laws but the real world goes from that. God knows that."'}],
 [{'generated_text': "The Man's Hymn is the Hymn of Courage!\n\nI Have Seen It and Its Effects\n\nI Am Still A Stranger\n\nI Am Still A Stranger\n\nI Am Still A Stranger\n\nI Am Still A Stranger\n\nI Am Still A Stranger\n\nI Am Still A Stranger\n\nI Am Still A Stranger\n\nI Am Still A Stranger\n\nI Am Still A Stranger\n\nI Am Still A Stranger\n\nI Am Still A Stranger"}],
 [{'generated_text': "Hey, what's going on?\n\nTJ: I was just writing about them, so I put on that costume for them. So the character has his costume, and the costume doesn't actually look like it has a costume. But I had done it with the costume of the assassin. I made it out of a leather piece.\n\nSo it was just a simple piece of leather. I made the outfit out of a piece of leather. You know, at first he would take"}],
 [{'generated_text': 'German science is the best in the world! There is a huge range of ideas in astronomy, geology and astronomy which are taught to young children, and of course there exist a vast number of technical journals. Here we have been able to show the usefulness of the English language in understanding science. We have been able to show if a scientific field could be used in a scientific sense, using the English language. And here are some reasons why you may have to read books, papers, articles in scientific'}],
 [{'generated_text': 'Aaah, aaah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, aah, a'}],
 [{'generated_text': "If you win, you'll lose!\nThe winner gets to see all the action (and more!) from the show's top-shelf episodes, including all the drama, interviews, photos, posters, and more you need to make sure you're on the front page of every major news site around the world!\nWho's playing at last - where will their character be? What's the best way to play - which new game will the player choose? I want to know your opinions about"}],
 [{'generated_text': '(Laughter)\n\nPamela, you know what, you got a good friend. Let\'s get rid of that.\n\nYou know what, here\'s something that I didn\'t know? We went to work and this guy, we\'re just sort of like "Here go," and he\'s just like, there were no problems there.\n\nBut here came the first problem.\n\nWe tried to work to get something.\n\nRight and wrong. This guy,'}],
 [{'generated_text': 'The only thing I\'m going to do is get in the middle of the road and get in the way. I\'m going to stop him. That, we\'re going to use that moment as a metaphor. That would be crazy." The following day, his son told a neighbor that he and his father had fought for some time and that his father was not a good guy. He later said that his father believed in guns.\n\nI\'ll tell you what else I can\'t wait to talk'}],
 [{'generated_text': 'It\'s coming! It\'s coming! I\'m so thrilled! The only way I can get away this year is if I\'m on a ship! I just don\'t see how the ship won\'t land by tomorrow..."\n\n"Nah!"\n\nAfter a quick glance the entire ship passed out.\n\n\'What\'s in my pocket?!?\'\n\nThe entire ship was about to shake when it took a step forward.\n\nIt was not just the top of the ship but'}],
 [{'generated_text': "You know... when you close your eyes with your arms together, it's a victory laugh. That's the only thing left... It's a long day; you can almost feel it in your chest. You sit on the bed and pretend you're here to win it, because if you don't, you will eventually win it. You sit on your bed and pretend that you're here only to win everything, because if you lose it, we are just doing what we can to find a permanent"}],
 [{'generated_text': 'We\'ve done it again! We\'re bringing the magic back in with this special edition of "Eggs and the Magic that Made Them". Be sure and make sure you read it. It\'s not perfect and you\'re better off keeping a watch to see what happens." (J. R. Roddenberry, "My Magic: The Gathering" (Gadget, 1990) p. 27)\n\n"The other day while I was watching the episode with friends, I thought'}],
 [{'generated_text': 'I may have been wandering around for thousands of years to see you. How good is your soul, is it what it is? A very sad sad, you understand," Dr. Aimee said. "It\'s the devil\'s plan to put you in a hell here. I thought you were there for a while."\n\nDr. Aimee spent several months in the hospital. One evening, she visited some of their staff members on Thursday and Friday, when they were still recovering from'}],
 [{'generated_text': "To the bottom of the endless valley, melt and fall!\n\nAll I have to do to be left to die is to go, and die,\n\nSo that my sins may be avenged.\n\nThen it is not of mine making, nor of no sin but of righteousness,\n\nNor of a man's right choice but of his own.\n\nNow, my soul is a prisoner to justice,\n\nAnd I am the mercy of God.\n\nAs there"}],
 [{'generated_text': 'I\'ll tell you what just happened! Just look what happened!" the one in control looked up at Elsa in horror.\n\n"Ah," Elsa said, her body sinking towards the kitchen. "Well… I didn\'t even realize."\n\n"You have a new friend!" she cried, clutching at her face to keep her quiet. "You didn\'t notice my name. It didn\'t bother you at all."\n\nElsa had not seen anything wrong with her friends. The only change'}],
 [{'generated_text': "I don't know what you're talking about, but I didn't know what they did to me. I was a teenager trying to figure something out and I didn't know they fucked up like that. So here's the problem. I can't be in the same apartment as you and then I can get to this other apartment and I can go down and do something about it. But I can't be on the street at this time, right? Nobody has money, nobody can give me money"}],
 [{'generated_text': "Orora. He is also a native English speaker.\n\nI also found the video above helpful in getting through another week of this month's summer heat, but since I am already feeling the impact of my previous stress, this is still rather short of what I am really after. I am just hoping this continues until the day I start to get back into the comfort zones of my own home again so that it is still possible to feel a slight sense of excitement and peace of mind when I"}],
 [{'generated_text': "You're wasting your time. You're getting all the messages. You're taking away the free stuff, all the people who can read and understand this, the kind of stuff that you really need today."}],
 [{'generated_text': 'You made me angry.\n\n"It only got worse as day wore on. Every so often, something unexpected would happen. We\'d be out in the town. At the same time, our friends at the shop on the corner would come for us. I got angry. Every time a child\'s hand would hit me, I had to run."\n\n"My friends at the shop on the corner would come up to me with a hug, telling me that you\'d have to leave first'}],
 [{'generated_text': 'I think it\'s best to overcome fear. It\'s the only way you will overcome those fears; it\'s what all those great heroes did."\n\n\n"In fact, in the way that my brother, Charlie, helped to set the world alight with the way that Charlie was raised by his parents and his brother, Charles was the person I am always proud of. It\'s the story I put that inspired me to make myself a better person for life. When you give someone that opportunity to'}],
 [{'generated_text': 'This is my body\'s handsome face! She is too beautiful to pass up on to us! Ahahahaha!!"\n\n"Yes……!!"\n\nMy body\'s smiling face turned bitter with rage as an old man suddenly ran into the room like he would one day leave it and go to the mountains. And I was scared at how the older man was going to look at me….so I grabbed onto my head even tighter and said "hey…can you help me? I\'m so sorry'}],
 [{'generated_text': 'I don\'t know what you\'re talking about, but I don\'t know what you\'re talking about. You\'re a child. I don\'t make any assumptions. I am a child of my parents. You don\'t understand."\n\nThere was also a pause. When I replied, "I\'m so sorry. What happened? What\'s wrong?" he said.\n\nI continued, "I think I saw something that\'s very troubling.\n\nThis is the sort of behaviour that I'}],
 [{'generated_text': "Are you sure you don't want to go to school? Well, you'll be able to join the army if you enter training, as long as you're willing to take some time off from your regular work.\n\nAfter you've joined the Army you can enter a training assignment with a civilian. Each civilian will join the Army on a specific specific day, so they won't have to deal with the training. So even if they're a student, they can still join the Army right away"}],
 [{'generated_text': 'It\'s like, "Hi!" to the best of all. I\'ll have you know, it looks kinda nice on your big, handsome, thick guy\'s face. It\'s a surprise to hear that I can get all of you on the same page, you know, on that big, handsome face like you are? Well, if everyone on that list knows, then I can see that I\'m very happy for you. I mean, this is my first time seeing you, and I\'ve'}],
 [{'generated_text': 'It\'s great. It\'s great. As opposed to a few people being like \'I want to keep it like this forever,\' people just stay here.\' "\n\nWith the new NFL lockout in full swing, teams have already started putting up bids, and it\'s getting closer. The Browns will be able to make an offer that\'s higher than last year\'s proposal, and that would be $11 million over the course of an eight-year period, but Browns officials are currently considering a three'}],
 [{'generated_text': 'Did you ever think that this bank boy was drawing a comic book for gold and silver? It was going to be a success.\n\nThere must\'ve been a million people in the audience in that theater in the day, if there was no one there, I think the whole world would be watching it and a lot of people would be coming, as it turns out, because I really wanted to see what might happen next. I was just like, "Great!" It was the kind of thing'}],
 [{'generated_text': 'There\'s no need for intense joy... no more despair... no more life like the heart of a plant... that was my goal. It was only fitting that I was the one to take that quest, and to complete it by myself."\n\n(To Yui) "Good thing it was a real challenge. It didn\'t cost a nickel, because we\'d never met since arriving. We got the basic equipment as usual, but everything else came by hand... It is now time for me'}],
 [{'generated_text': "Humans can say they're living by destroying something. It's like saying no, my friend, the Earth has to change back to nature. But now we call it a living organism. And when other organisms say I'm living, you need to say that I'm alive.\n\nThe Bible says we're living by destroying things, which leads us to one particular way. If some things don't kill you, they might kill you by killing you. A guy, who's in his 50"}],
 [{'generated_text': 'A standman gets hit by a standman.... His dad\'s got it down, so he was ready for some drama."\n\nIn the end, Mr. Davis said the fight was "really, really funny."\n\n"We don\'t know, he was really upset and said, \'Oh my God, no! I\'m not joking.\'"\n\nHe did, however, take exception to the name of the fight, which "showed that he was very aware of where he'}],
 [{'generated_text': "Why only half an hour?\n\nThis is what seems to work better for most people than the last time I watched a video of the night.\n\nThat's the way the movie plays! Even better, it shows all of the little nuances as they go at them.\n\nBut that's also why you will never see an actual night of the sex, even if you did watch a full hour of the first movie. I mean, there just aren't many ways in which a movie"}],
 [{'generated_text': "I'd be happier looking for a public toilet with diarrhea."}],
 [{'generated_text': 'You\'re so cool, aren\'t you? You should wear that suit, aren\'t you? But it seems that there are too many guys in this game for you to take care of anything like that. I think I\'m going to be like, "Yo, it\'s okay, it\'s OK." We need to be the best we can be and it\'s going to be okay," man. [Laughs.] I think I\'ve got a good shot at it, as far as the art of'}],
 [{'generated_text': "I'm gonna ask you a question! You know that my dear brother, was there any one place on Earth I got my hands on that you would like to be invited to dinner or to the party of anyone you know? And you knew that there was a man who had helped build this society. And it's what you're going to do with him. All right. No one will ever have a problem with that. Thank you. Now listen, I've got this question for you. If"}],
 [{'generated_text': "Yes! We're in time! We're winning fate! I will win! Yes! We are winning fate! I will win! Yes! We are winning fate! We are losing fate! It is my turn now, and I will win! Yes! I will win! Yes! I make a comeback. My body has no pain left, and every single blood vessel has moved on the blood vessels without pain! Hahahahahaha! Ohhh!! Ohhh!! Ohhh!! Ohhh"}],
 [{'generated_text': 'But I refuse.\n\nCumulative.\n\nNow let\'s move on here. You\'re my girlfriend, we talk the fuck on the phone and she\'ll tell the truth about you, right? Well if her bullshit is true, you know we still have our heads on fire right? Because it\'s not.\n\nThere are some exceptions, but only a single exception exists. My love story was about three kids and they both came to me to say "what am I going to'}],
 [{'generated_text': 'Be prepared! Into the dark wilderness! To open the way! Into this dark wilderness I will!\n\nThe words were written in silver plates.\n\nIt had been about two weeks.\n\nThe dragon of death spoke upon the mountain with a roar, saying: "Who is said to be here, who is spoken of here? Where is it now? Where are its bones, what do they look like?"\n\nThe Dragon of Death laughed.\n\nAt the Dragon of Death'}],
 [{'generated_text': 'Answer me. The question has already turned into torture. Do you have much patience with the French? If you believe the law will be applied correctly, you will be obliged to pay a great number of taxes. Do you think the law may be applied?\n\nYour answer is yes: You must pay everything that is necessary in order to avoid trouble.\n\nThe question: If I am not obliged to pay my taxes, how do I pay it?\n\nThe answer: You must pay'}],
 [{'generated_text': 'Two plus two is five! Three times three is eight! The shark is a plant! Mt. Fuji is the tallest mountain in the world! All of that is all to show that the Chinese really knew about all these weird, beautiful things about life in their own country.\n\nChinese and Western people still really love making Chinese food and eating in China. They love that we live where we eat in China. In other words, from our own country Chinese culture tells us that the country they live'}],
 [{'generated_text': 'I could understand it with my "heart" instead of my "word"!\n\nWhy didn\'t anybody see the difference in my story? It has the same name as the same thing is said by two people who are the same person!\n\nYou\'re not alone with your suspicions now. This will never settle even though you feel compelled to keep this simple.\n\nThere is a whole class of women now in the world of medicine. They are used to being "cured" of their'}],
 [{'generated_text': '"I\'ll do my job." "I\'ll do my job." "I\'ll protect my men too." "I\'ll do my job." "I\'ll not let anyone get out of the way." "You must have been angry." "I must have been on a mission." "I must have felt my power growing. I\'m a hero." "You must have felt a power rush forth as I got back home." "I couldn\'t feel it, my body was sweating. It felt'}],
 [{'generated_text': 'I don\'t know what you\'re talking about! You\'re right, I think we should get rid of gun laws and it would help for people who are mentally ill."\n\nShelby said the move led to the "increasing fear of violence, especially now with the Trump campaign."\n\nShelby said law enforcement officers across the country have been taking gun control seriously and are "focusing on our communities in a public and effective way."\n\nHe said that as the nation grapp'}],
 [{'generated_text': "Vengeance is to settle your fate!\n\nThe world is a dangerous place, and I can't help you.\n\nI need the good things you'll find.\n\nLurk - The Chosen\n\nA few hours before you arrive, my master's name is Furk.\n\nThere's been a lot of debate about what we ought to do about this, of course. What does it mean to live like this. And I must express to the readers what I see"}],
 [{'generated_text': 'Bless me.\n\nThe man in question did not return Fox News\' call.\n\n"I didn\'t think the reporter wanted to go to the newsrooms in Houston because he had a phone and he said he wanted to get the story," his attorney said Thursday.\n\nAfter this, Fox dropped the show, Fox News Channel said.\n\nThe reporter, who is a member of an elite Fox News political team, told the Houston Chronicle the situation got ugly when he decided to'}],
 [{'generated_text': 'Good-bye, my first love. I am happy." That made a total of 5-included points.\n\nSpencer made a very significant and positive impression, and then some, before he left, after going into the building to collect some money and sell it in his room to everyone. The money he brought to buy him a phone, his glasses, and his home phone were stolen along with his house keys, which is still in an abandoned building, and, as a result'}],
 [{'generated_text': 'I don\'t care what happens to you. I don\'t care what happens to you. I don\'t care what happens to you. I don\'t care what happens to you. That will hurt you. That will hurt you. All these times, you cry. You complain. You look at your brother. Those things aren\'t worth it."\n\nThen he stood up.\n\n"If you want to look at my family, do it."\n\n"I don\'t."\n\n'}],
 [{'generated_text': "Even the Pope can't control himself!\n\nI'm told by a certain source that there are actually other people in Latin America, but I know nothing about that. And I'm still not sure if any of these stories fit into generalizations. But of course one should stop at one. For if one thinks the most important thing in life is not to please other people but to please God, one shouldn't be interested in the most important things in life.\n\nIn the beginning of the"}],
 [{'generated_text': "Don't let the plankton explain to me how I'm good at it. I'm a human being, he'll tell you. I did.\n\nI was born. And I can do it better than any of the millions of other babies I've ever had. And that's because I came from two homes, and I'm a native Australian, to one home, and I go through your whole environment, your lifestyle, in and out of it and you just have to move on."}],
 [{'generated_text': "I love you like I love God. I love Jesus and I love our Father in Christ. I love God, too. I love that Father with my whole heart. I love him with my whole heart and he is love. I love to tell you something you've heard so far.\n\nGod would have made a good man; he has made us the best. We all love Him. We are not made by his hands, but by his ways. It is written in the Book of"}],
 [{'generated_text': 'You don\'t realize you\'re evil. You have to love and embrace God…so you should love Him!" While most people\'s response to these words is to simply be grateful for Him, we often fail to appreciate this deeper sense of self-sacrifice. "He saved me from hell" simply isn\'t there, especially in a moment where the God of love is so obviously in conflict with us. These actions reveal a selfless, selfless God. This is something that God loves, and'}],
 [{'generated_text': "The first shortcut was a long way. The shortest way was the shortest way.\n\nIt was the first time that I had ever used a keyboard, but it was never easy. Just because things felt different and it was hard to put all the stuff right with words couldn't be used with words. The only tool you got is one that made everything feel the same. My keyboard is like an instrument with instruments in it, so it made everything feel fresh.\n\nBut not all keyboards made"}],
 [{'generated_text': 'Look at you. Look at you. Look at you.\n\nA woman who is in the company of a man who is at fault is treated accordingly.\n\nA man who is at fault is treated accordingly. — David M. Johnson in The Great Depression\n\nEvery man ought to have what he has: for that\'s what the Creator set us out to do.\n\nHe should have what he\'s created for. — John A. Knopf in "Life" or "'}],
 [{'generated_text': 'Welcome to the Man\'s World.\n\n\n"Do not underestimate our efforts."\n\n~ J.E.W.'}],
 [{'generated_text': "I've never regretted a single grain of sand in the desert.\n\nI was the worst one. I'm probably the best. I can get away with it, but I'm also still pretty rough out there, and I do really want to make it to the top and do my best to have a shot on it in an attempt to make it to the next level.\n\nI'm not particularly athletic, especially not with all that stuff going on. I think I've had some rough"}],
 [{'generated_text': 'You can only say four times that you can\'t do it.\n\n"And when I said it\'s the most important thing when it comes to that whole stuff. We\'ve got three big battles to fight on, I think we\'ve beat that.\n\n"We\'ve got some good strikers at that position. The quality of the midfielders is there and they can play a role at their best and we\'ve got a great team.\n\n"It\'s all about where you want to'}],
 [{'generated_text': 'A potato chip isn\'t a meal.\n\nOne hundred years ago, a German potato farmer built an agricultural machine for the poor in the city of Wuppenheim. A young man and a girl named Leopold were the first to make it.\n\nGertrude Wijmssel in the German newspaper Die Welt: "The machine, named Wunderlichkeit (Food Propertour), was intended to help peasants improve their crops." She says, "No'}],
 [{'generated_text': "The pressure! I'm so excited that I can't breathe! All I need is enough air for everyone to breathe! No one will notice this, only a few people will. I'm still in the hospital after surgery, not even noticing this. My heart doesn't work. I've heard too much about your condition but I would rather not be here anymore. No one will be looking for me.\n\nEven though I'm sorry about this situation, I did what I had to do to"}],
 [{'generated_text': 'I\'m still a negative! I want to go to zero! (laughs) Well, maybe not. I\'m going to have to take a step back and go, What\'s that you got? (laughs) (laughs)\n\nAVC: We did that for "The Big Bang Theory" [2010] season of "The Man in the High Castle." Are you going to make a sequel to that? I hear it sounds like it\'s going to be "The Man in the High'}]]
from transformers import pipeline

translator_E2J = pipeline(
genetated_texts = translator_E2J(
    [x[0]["generated_text"] for x in long_texts], max_length=400
[{'translation_text': '(笑) [音楽は最後の節まで遅くなる] あなたは言う'},
 {'translation_text': 'どれくらいのパンを食べたか覚えていますか? どのくらい見てましたか? いつそんなにたくさん食べられることを期待しますか? 次回の食事は夕食になりますか? あなたは、あなたが望んでいたすべてのものを食べることができます, しかし、決して使用する必要はありません. そして、あなたはちょうど気分にいるときに使用することはできませんので、必要ありません." シェリー, 2007年5月に設立以来、The National Restaurant Instituteで働いています, 知っている'},
 {'translation_text': 'あなたはとても熱いです! あなたはとても熱いです! あなたはとても熱いです! 私はあなたをとても愛しています, 私はあなたをとても愛しています, 私はとても申し訳ありません, 私はとても申し訳ありません!" 彼はグループ内の男性に回りました. 彼はどれだけの女性を得ることができるかについて考えました, 彼はこの関係で何年になることができます 売春婦に終わることなく, またはどのように恐ろしいアイデアは、関係に変換された何かを持っていることだろう, 彼女は決して1つだったので. 彼は与えた'},
 {'translation_text': 'あなたは泣くまであなたを殴るのを止めません! ここで戦う唯一の本当の理由は、私はあなたの精神が誰よりも強いと思うからです. 私が正直に言うと、あなたは私にあなたを殺すようにしました. そして、あなたが失ったのは私です." ハンナはため息をついた. "あなたは何を知っていますか? 私はあなたを復讐しました... またはおそらくない. たぶん、私の時間が一人であなたを殺すために私を欲しがらせました... 私が物事を変更するためにできる唯一の事だからです." ハンナは言った: "私はあなたを殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を殺すために私を'},
 {'translation_text': '何をしているのですか? 私たちは、これらのことのための特定のスケジュールから休暇を取ることを話していません. それだけです. 私たちはまた、すぐに新しいサイトに着くことを話していません, それだけです. それはちょうど、我々は同じことをしているし、我々は同じ場所からそれを開始しています. 我々はまた、我々が作業することができる何かを取得しようとしています, フェイスブックアプリのような, グーグルグラスプログラムや何か 次の2週間で. 私はあなたが希望します'},
 {'translation_text': 'こんな頑固な男と戦わなかったはずだ!!」 「いや。. そんなに簡単じゃないよ」 「どうしてわかるの?」 「まだあまり知らないけど、一人の子が10千年生けるなんて信じるのに... たとえあなた方が信じるのに、私は自分でその騎士を倒して、この人を殺すことができたのに... たぶんこんな風に戦うことができるだろう!」 [前章] [目次] [次章] Wを助けて'},
 {'translation_text': 'このナイフはあなたがあなたの父に押しつけたナイフです! これはあなたがあなたの母に押しつけたナイフです! これはあなたが私の父の喉に置いたナイフです! これはあなたが私の母の喉に置いたナイフです!'},
 {'translation_text': '貧しい、貧しい、貧しい! しかし、神は決して「愚か者にはならない。'},
 {'translation_text': 'I Am Still A Stranger I Am Still A Stranger I Am Still A Stranger I Am Still A Stranger I Am Still A Stranger I Am Still A Stranger I Am Still A Stranger'},
 {'translation_text': '何が起こっているんですか? TJ: ちょうど彼らについて書いていました 彼らの衣装を着てました キャラクターの衣装は彼の衣装です 衣装は実際には 衣装とは思えません でも 暗殺者の衣装を使っていました 革から作りました 単純な革でした 革から衣装を作りました 最初は彼は'},
 {'translation_text': 'ドイツの科学は世界で最高です! 若い子供たちに教えられている天文学、地質学、天文学のアイデアの巨大な範囲があり、もちろん、技術的なジャーナルの膨大な数があります. ここでは、我々は科学を理解する上で英語の有用性を示すことができました. 我々は、もし科学分野が科学的な意味で使用される可能性があることを示すことができました, 英語を使用して. そして、ここにいくつかの理由があります, あなたは科学の本を読む必要があるかもしれない理由, 論文, 記事'},
 {'translation_text': 'ああああああああああああああああああああああああああああ'},
 {'translation_text': 'あなたが勝った場合、あなたは負けます! 勝者は、すべてのドラマ、インタビュー、写真、ポスターを含むショーのトップシェルフのエピソードからすべてのアクション(さらに!)を参照することができます! あなたは世界中のすべての主要なニュースサイトの1ページにいることを確認する必要があります! 誰が最終的にプレイしています - 彼らのキャラクターはどこになります? プレイするための最良の方法は何ですか - プレイヤーはどの新しいゲームを選択しますか? 私はあなたの意見を知りたい'},
 {'translation_text': '(笑) パメラ いい友達がいて やめてくれ 俺が知らないことが あるんだろ? 僕らは仕事に行って この男が 「こっちへ」 彼は 問題は無かった だが 最初の問題が来た 何かを得るために 努力した 正しいと間違ってる この男は'},
 {'translation_text': '道の真ん中に入って 邪魔するだけだ 彼を止めるだけだ あの瞬間を 比喩として使うだけだ おかしいだろう」 次の日 息子は近所の人に 彼と父親が しばらく戦って 父親は良い人じゃないと 後で言った 父親は銃を信じてると もう何が話せるか 待てないわ'},
 {'translation_text': 'それは来る! それは来る! 私はとても興奮しています! 私がこの年離れることができる唯一の方法は、私が船にいる場合です! 私はちょうど、どのように船が明日までに着陸しないか見ていません...'},
 {'translation_text': 'あなたは知っている... あなたの腕と一緒にあなたの目を閉じるとき, それは勝利の笑いです. それは唯一残っています... それは長い日です; あなたはほとんどあなたの胸にそれを感じることができます. あなたはベッドに座って、それを勝つためにここにいるふりをする, あなたはそうでない場合, あなたは最終的にそれを勝つでしょう.'},
 {'translation_text': '(J. R. Roddenberry, "My Magic: The Gathering" (Gadget, 1990) p. 27) "先日、私は友人と一緒にエピソードを見ていた間、私は思った'},
 {'translation_text': '何千年もの間、私はあなたを見かけるために周りを徘徊しているかもしれない. あなたの魂はどれほど良いですか, それは何ですか? 非常に悲しい悲しい, あなたは理解します, " 医師エイミーは言った. "それは悪魔の計画は、ここであなたを地獄に置く. あなたはしばらくそこにいたと思った." 医師エイミーは、病院で数ヶ月を過ごしました. ある夜, 彼女は木曜日と金曜日に、彼らはまだ回復していたとき、彼らのスタッフのいくつかを訪問しました.'},
 {'translation_text': '終わりのない谷の底に、溶け、落ちる! 私が死ぬために残されるべきことは、去って死ぬことだけです。'},
 {'translation_text': 'ちょうど何が起こったか教えてあげる! ちょうど何が起こったか見てください!" コントロールの1人は恐怖でエルサに目を向けました. "ああ," エルサは言った, 彼女の体はキッチンに向かって沈んでいました. "まあ... 私も気づかなかった." "あなたは新しい友人を持っています!" 彼女は泣きました, 彼女の顔を抱きしめて静かに保つために. "あなたは私の名前に気づかなかった. それはまったくあなたを悩ませませんでした." エルサは、彼女の友人と何の間違いも見ませんでした. 唯一の変化'},
 {'translation_text': '私はあなたが何を話しているのか分からないが、彼らが私に何をしたか知らなかった。'},
 {'translation_text': 'Orora. 彼はまた、ネイティブ英語のスピーカーです. 私はまた、上記のビデオは、この月の夏の暑さの別の週を通過する上で役立ちます, しかし、私はすでに私の前のストレスの影響を感じますので、, これはまだ、私は本当に後にあるもののかなり短いです. 私はちょうど、私が再び私の自宅の快適なゾーンに戻る開始する日まで、これを続けることを願っていますので、それはまだ興奮と心の平和のわずかな感覚を感じることができるとき私は'},
 {'translation_text': '時間を無駄にしています メッセージが届きます 無料のものを奪い取っています これを読むことができ 理解できる人々をすべて奪い取っています 今日あなたが本当に必要としているもの'},
 {'translation_text': 'あなたは私を怒らせました. "それは日が着るにつれて悪化しました. 頻繁に, 何か予期せぬことが起こります. 私たちは街にいました. 同時に, 角の店の私たちの友人が私たちのために来るだろう. 私は怒りました. 子供の手が私に打つたびに, 私は走る必要がありました. " "角の店の私の友人は抱擁で私に来るだろう, あなたが最初に離れる必要があると私に伝えます.'},
 {'translation_text': '恐怖を乗り越えるのが最善だと思います 恐怖を乗り越えるのは唯一の方法です 偉大なヒーロー達がやったことです 実際 私の兄チャールズは 両親と兄がチャールズを育てた方法で 世界を照らすのに 貢献しました チャールズは 私がいつも誇りに思う人物でした 私が書き上げたこの物語は 私を人生のより良い人間に 導きました 誰かに'},
 {'translation_text': 'これは私の身体のハンサムな顔です! 彼女は私たちに渡すためにあまりにも美しいです! ああハハハハ!!" "はい... !!" 私の身体の笑顔の顔は、ある日離れて山に行くだろうように突然の老人が部屋に走ったので、怒りで苦しくなった。'},
 {'translation_text': '君が何を話しているのか分かりませんが 君が何を話しているのか分かりません 君は子供だ 私は何の仮定もしない 私は両親の子供だ 君は理解できない 停滞も続きました 私が「申し訳ありません どうしたんですか どうしたんですか?」 彼は言いました 私は続けました 「私はとても悩ましいことを見ました これは私が'},
 {'translation_text': 'あなたは学校に行くことを望んでいないことを確信していますか? まあ、あなたが訓練に入る場合、あなたがあなたの通常の仕事からいくつかの休暇を取ることを望んでいる限り、あなたは軍に参加することができます. あなたは軍に入隊した後、あなたは民間人と訓練の課題を入力することができます. 各民間人は特定の日に軍に入隊するので、彼らは訓練に対処する必要はありません. だから、たとえ彼らが学生であっても、彼らはすぐに軍に入隊することができます'},
 {'translation_text': '最高に "こんにちは!" です. あなたは知っているでしょう, それはあなたの大きな, ハンサムな, 厚い男の顔に 素敵なように見えます. それは私が同じページにあなたを得ることができることを聞くことに驚きです, あなたは知っている, あなたのような大きな, ハンサムな顔に? まあ, リストの誰もが知っている場合, その後、私はあなたが非常に幸せであることを確認することができます. 私が意味する, これは、私があなたを見て初めてです, そして私は'},
 {'translation_text': 'それは素晴らしいです 素晴らしいです 少数の人々が「私はこれを永遠に維持したい」としているとは対照的に 人々はここに残ります 新しいNFLのロックアウトがフルスイングで チームはすでに入札を開始し 近づきつつあります ブラウンズは昨年の提案よりも高いオファーをすることができるでしょう それは8年間の期間中に$11百万になります しかし、ブラウンズの当局者は現在 3つの'},
 {'translation_text': 'この銀行の男の子が金と銀のコミックを描いていると 考えたことはありますか? それは成功するはずでした 当時の劇場には 何百万人もの観客がいたはずです もし誰もいないなら 世界中が観るでしょう 多くの人が来るでしょう それが判明しました 次に何が起こるか 本当に見たかったからです 私はただ「素晴らしい!」と言いました'},
 {'translation_text': '激しい喜びの必要はありません... 絶望の必要はありません... 植物の心のような生活はありません... それが私の目標でした. それは私がそのクエストに挑んで、自分自身でそれを完了する唯一の適切でした." (Yuiに) "良いことは、それは本当の挑戦でした. それは1ニッケルもかかりませんでした, 我々は到着以来、会ったことがなかったので. 我々は通常のように基本的な設備を持っていました, しかし、すべてが手で来た...'},
 {'translation_text': '人間は何かを破壊することによって生きていると言えます それは「いいえ 友達 地球は自然に戻らなければなりません」と言います しかし 今は生物と呼んでいます 他の生物が「私は生きている」と言います あなた方は「私は生きている」と言います 聖書は「我々は物事を破壊することによって生きている」と言います それは私たちを一つの特定の方法に導きます もし何かがあなたを殺さないとしたら あなたを殺すことによってあなたを殺すかもしれません 50歳の男性が'},
 {'translation_text': 'スタンドマンがスタンドマンに打たれる... 彼の父はそれを下ろしたので、彼はいくつかのドラマに準備ができました." 最後に, デイヴィス氏は、戦いは"本当に, 本当に面白いです." "我々は知らない, 彼は本当に怒って言った, \'ああ、私の神, いいえ! 私は冗談ではありません. \'" しかしながら, 彼は、戦いの名前に例外を取った, 彼はどこで彼は非常に意識していたことを示しました, "'},
 {'translation_text': 'なぜたったの半分の時間? これは、私が最後の時間のビデオを見たよりも、ほとんどの人々のためのより良い動作するように見えます. それは映画が再生する方法です! さらに良い, 彼らがそれらに移動するすべての小さなニュアンスを表示します. しかし、それはまた、あなたがセックスの実際の夜を見ることはありません理由です, たとえあなたが最初の映画のフル時間を見た場合でも. 私は意味します, 映画が多くの方法がないことを意味します'},
 {'translation_text': '下痢を伴う公共トイレを探している方が幸せです。'},
 {'translation_text': '君はクールだろ? そのスーツを着るべきだろ? だが、このゲームには あまりにも多くの男がいて こんな事に 気を配らなくてはならないようだ 僕はこう思うだろう 「大丈夫だよ 大丈夫だよ」 我々は最高にできるべきだ 大丈夫だよ」 男 [笑い] 芸術の面では'},
 {'translation_text': '質問をします! 親愛なる兄さん 私が知っている場所で 夕食やパーティに招待されることを望んでいましたか? そして この社会を築くのを手伝った男がいたことを ご存知でした それが 彼に何をするかです いいわ 誰も問題は起こりません ありがとう 今聞いてください あなたにこの質問があります'},
 {'translation_text': 'はい! 私たちは時間にいます! 私たちは運命を勝ち取っています! 私は勝つでしょう! はい! 私たちは運命を勝ち取っています! 私は勝つでしょう! はい! 私たちは運命を勝ち取っています! 私たちは運命を失っています! 今私の番です, そして私は勝つでしょう! はい! 私は勝つでしょう! はい! 私は戻ります! 私の体には痛みが残っていません, そして、すべての単一の血管は痛みなしに血管に移動しました! ハハハハハハ! ああ! ああ! ああ! ああ! ああ! ああ! ああ! ああ!'},
 {'translation_text': 'しかし私は拒否します. 累積. ここで移動しましょう. あなたは私のガールフレンドです, 我々は、電話でファックを話すと、彼女は、あなたについての真実を話すでしょう, 右? まあ、彼女のクソが真実である場合, あなたはまだ私たちの頭が火に燃えています右? なぜなら、それはないからです. いくつかの例外があります, しかし、唯一の例外が存在します. 私の愛の物語は、3人の子供たちについてでした そして、彼らは両方が私に言った "私は何に行くつもりですか?"'},
 {'translation_text': '暗い荒野へ! 道を開くために! この暗い荒野へ わたしが行きます! 言葉は銀の板に書かれました。 それは約2週間でした。'},
 {'translation_text': '答えてください. 質問はすでに拷問に変わりました. あなたはフランス人と多くの忍耐を持っています? あなたは法律が正しく適用されると信じる場合, あなたは多くの税金を支払う義務があります. あなたは法律が適用される可能性があると思います? あなたの答えは、はいです: トラブルを避けるために必要なすべてを支払う必要があります. 質問: 私が税金を支払う義務がない場合, どのように支払うべきですか? 答え: あなたは支払う必要があります'},
 {'translation_text': '2プラス2は5! 3倍3は8! サメは植物です! 富士山は世界で最も高い山です! すべてが、中国は本当に自分の国で生活についてのこれらの奇妙な、美しいことについて知っていたことを示すために! 中国と西洋の人はまだ本当に中国の食べ物を作ると中国で食べることを愛しています. 彼らは私たちが中国で食べる場所に住んでいることを愛します. 言い換えれば、私たちの国から中国文化は、彼らが住んでいる国を教えてくれます'},
 {'translation_text': '私は私の「言葉」の代わりに私の「心」でそれを理解できた! なぜ誰も私の物語の違いを見ませんでしたか? それは、同じ人が同じ人である2人によって言われている同じことと同じ名前を持っています! あなたは今、あなたの疑いと孤独ではありません. これは決して解決しないでしょうが、あなたはこれを単純に保つことを余儀なくされています. 医学の世界では、今、女性の全体のクラスがあります. 彼らは、彼らの「治癒されている」に慣れています'},
 {'translation_text': '"私は私の仕事をします." "私は私の仕事をします." "私は私の仕事をします." "私も私の男性を保護します." "私は私の仕事をします." "私は誰もが道を抜けないようにします." "あなたは怒っていた必要があります." "私はミッションにいた必要があります." "私は私の力が成長していると感じた必要があります. 私はヒーローです." "私は家に帰ったとき、力が急いでいることを感じた必要があります." "私はそれを感じることができませんでした, 私の体が汗を流しました. それは感じました'},
 {'translation_text': '私はあなたが何を話しているのか分からない!あなたは正しいです, 私は銃の法律を取り除くべきだと思うし、それは精神的に病気の人々のために役立ちます." シェルビーは、この動きは、"暴力の増加の恐れにつながりました, 特にトランプのキャンペーンで今. シェルビーは、全国の警察官が銃の制御を真剣に取っていると述べました そして、"公的で効果的な方法で私たちのコミュニティに焦点を当てています." 彼は、国家の格闘として'},
 {'translation_text': '復讐はあなたの運命を解決することです! 世界は危険な場所です, そして、私はあなたを助けることができません. 私はあなたが見つける良いものを必要とします. ルック - 選ばれた 到着する数時間前に, 私のマスターの名前はフックです. 我々がこれについて何をすべきかについての多くの議論がありました, もちろん.'},
 {'translation_text': '私を祝福. 質問の男は、フォックスニュースの呼び出しを返さなかった. "私は、記者がヒューストンのニュースルームに行きたいと思ったので、彼は電話を持っていたし、彼は物語を取得したいと述べました, "彼の弁護士は、木曜日述べた. その後, フォックスは番組を放棄しました, フォックスニュースチャンネル, エリートのフォックスニュースの政治チームのメンバーである記者は, ヒューストンクロニクルに状況が醜いになったとき、彼は決定しました'},
 {'translation_text': 'さようなら, 私の最初の愛. 私は幸せです." それは合計5ポイントを含んだ. スペンサーは、非常に重要なと肯定的な印象を作りました, そして、いくつか, 彼は離れた前に, いくつかのお金を収集し、すべての人に彼の部屋でそれを販売するために、建物に入った後. 彼は彼に携帯電話を購入するために持って来たお金, 彼の眼鏡, そして彼の自宅の携帯電話は、まだ放棄された建物の中にある彼の家の鍵と一緒に盗まれた, そして、結果として'},
 {'translation_text': '何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何があなたを傷つける 何があなたを傷つける 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が起こったか 何が'},
 {'translation_text': '私も教皇自身を制御することはできません! 私は実際には、ラテンアメリカで他の人々がいるとある特定のソースによって伝えられています, しかし、私はそれについて何も知りません. そして、私はまだこれらの物語のいずれかが一般化に合っているかどうか確信しません. しかし、もちろん1つで停止する必要があります. 人生で最も重要なことは、他の人々を喜ばせることではなく、神を喜ばせることであると思う場合, 人生で最も重要なことに興味を持つべきではありません.'},
 {'translation_text': 'プランクトンが 私がどれほど上手か 説明するのを 許さないでください 私は人間です 彼は言うでしょう 私は生まれました 私が今まで抱えてきた 何百万もの他の赤ちゃんよりも もっと上手にできるのです それは私が2つの家から来たからです 私はオーストラリア人です 1つの家には 環境全体を調べます 生活様式を調べます 入ると出るだけで'},
 {'translation_text': '私はキリストのイエスを愛し、キリストの父を愛し、また神を愛し、その父を私の心全体で愛し、彼は私の心全体で愛し、彼は愛です。'},
 {'translation_text': 'あなたは悪であることを認識しないでください. あなたは神を愛し、受け入れる必要があります ... あなたは彼を愛すべきです!" これらの言葉へのほとんどの人々の応答は、単に彼に感謝することです, 我々はしばしば、自己犠牲のこの深い感覚を感謝することはできません. "彼は地獄から私を救った" 単にそこにはありません, 特に愛の神が私たちと明白に対立している瞬間で. これらの行動は、無私的な, 無私的な神を明らかにします. これは、神が愛し、そして'},
 {'translation_text': '最初のショートカットは長い道でした 最短の道は最短の道でした 初めてキーボードを使いましたが 決して簡単ではありませんでした すべてが違う感じで 言葉で うまく使えなかったから 言葉で使えなかったのです あなたが得た唯一のツールは すべてが同じように感じるツールです 私のキーボードは インストゥルメントのある楽器のように すべてが新鮮に感じるツールです すべてのキーボードは'},
 {'translation_text': 'あなたを見てください. あなたを見てください. あなたを見てください. 過ちのある男の仲間にいる女性は、それに従って扱われます. 過ちのある男は、それに従って扱われます. — 大恐慌のデイヴィッド・M・ジョンソン'},
 {'translation_text': '男の世界へようこそ。"我々の努力を軽視しないでください。'},
 {'translation_text': '砂漠の砂の粒を一つも後悔していません 私は最悪でした 私はおそらく最高です 私はそれを逃れることができます しかし、私はまだかなり荒いです そして私は本当にトップに到達し、次のレベルに到達するために試みにそれを撃つために私の最善を尽くしたいです 私は特にアスリートではありません 特にそのようなすべてが起こっていません 私はいくつかの荒い経験をしたと思います'},
 {'translation_text': 'あなたはそれをできないと4回だけ言うことができます. " そして、私が言ったときは、それは全体の問題に来るとき最も重要なことです. 我々は3つの大きな戦いを戦うために持っている, 我々はそれを破ったと思います. "我々は、そのポジションでいくつかの良いストライカーを持っています. ミッドフィールダーの品質はそこにありますし、彼らは最高の役割を果たすことができますし、我々は素晴らしいチームを持っています. "それはあなたが望むところについてすべてです.'},
 {'translation_text': 'ジャガイモチップは食事ではありません. 100年前, ドイツのジャガイモ農家は、ウッペンハイムの都市で貧しい人々のための農業機械を構築しました. 若い男とレオポルドという名前の女の子は、それを最初にしました. ドイツの新聞Die Weltでゲルトゥード・ウィムゼル: "機械, Wunderlichkeit (Food Propertour), 農民の作物の向上に役立つことを意図しました." 彼女は言います, "いいえ'},
 {'translation_text': '圧力! 息ができないほど興奮しています! 誰もが息ができるのに十分な空気が必要です! 誰も気づかないでしょう, わずかな人だけです. 手術後、私はまだ病院にいます, これさえ気づかない. 私の心は動作しません.'},
 {'translation_text': '(笑) (笑) (笑) AVC: ビッグバン理論(2010年)シーズンの『The Man in the High Castle』でやったんですか? 続編を作ろうとするんですか? 「The Man in the High Castle」と聞こえますよね?'}]





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