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railsチュートリアル第6章 ユーザーオブジェクトを検索する

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Active Recordには、オブジェクトを検索するための方法がいくつもあります

>> User.find(1)
  User Load (0.2ms)  SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = ? LIMIT ?  [["id", 1], ["LIMIT", 1]]
=> #<User id: 1, name: "Michael Hartl", email: "michael@example.com", created_at: "2021-09-23 05:29:52", updated_at: "2021-09-23 05:29:52">
>> User.create(name: "A Nother", email: "another@example.org")
   (0.1ms)  begin transaction
  User Create (2.0ms)  INSERT INTO "users" ("name", "email", "created_at", "updated_at") VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)  [["name", "A Nother"], ["email", "another@example.org"], ["created_at", "2021-09-23 05:30:33.448620"], ["updated_at", "2021-09-23 05:30:33.448620"]]
   (6.6ms)  commit transaction
=> #<User id: 2, name: "A Nother", email: "another@example.org", created_at: "2021-09-23 05:30:33", updated_at: "2021-09-23 05:30:33">
>> User.find(2)
  User Load (0.2ms)  SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = ? LIMIT ?  [["id", 2], ["LIMIT", 1]]
=> #<User id: 2, name: "A Nother", email: "another@example.org", created_at: "2021-09-23 05:30:33", updated_at: "2021-09-23 05:30:33">
>> User.find(3)
  User Load (0.1ms)  SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = ? LIMIT ?  [["id", 3], ["LIMIT", 1]]
Traceback (most recent call last):
        1: from (irb):8
ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound (Couldn't find User with 'id'=3)

3番目のユーザーを削除したので、Active Recordはこのユーザーをデータベースの中から見つけることができませんでした。代わりに、findメソッドは例外(exception)を発生します。

Active Recordのidによって、findを読み込んだときにActiveRecord::RecordNotFoundという例外が発生しました。

一般的なfindメソッド以外に、Active Recordには特定の属性でユーザーを検索する方法もあります

>> User.find_by(email: "michael@example.com")                              
  User Load (0.2ms)  SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."email" = ? LIMIT ?  [["email", "michael@example.com"], ["LIMIT", 1]]
=> #<User id: 1, name: "Michael Hartl", email: "michael@example.com", created_at: "2021-09-23 05:29:52", updated_at: "2021-09-23 05:29:52">


>> User.first
  User Load (0.2ms)  SELECT "users".* FROM "users" ORDER BY "users"."id" ASC LIMIT ?  [["LIMIT", 1]]
=> #<User id: 1, name: "Michael Hartl", email: "michael@example.com", created_at: "2021-09-23 05:29:52", updated_at: "2021-09-23 05:29:52">
>> User.all
  User Load (0.2ms)  SELECT "users".* FROM "users" LIMIT ?  [["LIMIT", 11]]
=> #<ActiveRecord::Relation [#<User id: 1, name: "Michael Hartl", email: "michael@example.com", created_at: "2021-09-23 05:29:52", updated_at: "2021-09-23 05:29:52">, #<User id: 2, name: "A Nother", email: "another@example.org", created_at: "2021-09-23 05:30:33", updated_at: "2021-09-23 05:30:33">, #<User id: 3, name: "A Nother", email: "another@example.org", created_at: "2021-09-23 05:36:55", updated_at: "2021-09-23 05:36:55">, #<User id: 4, name: "Michael Hartl", email: "michael@example.com", created_at: "2021-09-23 05:37:09", updated_at: "2021-09-23 05:37:09">]>


>> User.find_by(name: "Michael Hartl")
  User Load (0.2ms)  SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."name" = ? LIMIT ?  [["name", "Michael Hartl"], ["LIMIT", 1]]
=> #<User id: 1, name: "Michael Hartl", email: "michael@example.com", created_at: "2021-09-23 05:29:52", updated_at: "2021-09-23 05:29:52">

>> User.find_by_name("Michael Hartl")                                     
   (0.1ms)  begin transaction
  User Load (0.8ms)  SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."name" = ? LIMIT ?  [["name", "Michael Hartl"], ["LIMIT", 1]]
=> #<User id: 1, name: "Michael Hartl", email: "michael@example.com", created_at: "2021-09-23 05:29:52", updated_at: "2021-09-23 05:29:52">


>> User.all
  User Load (0.2ms)  SELECT "users".* FROM "users" LIMIT ?  [["LIMIT", 11]]
=> #<ActiveRecord::Relation [#<User id: 1, name: "Michael Hartl", email: "michael@example.com", created_at: "2021-09-23 05:29:52", updated_at: "2021-09-23 05:29:52">, #<User id: 2, name: "A Nother", email: "another@example.org", created_at: "2021-09-23 05:30:33", updated_at: "2021-09-23 05:30:33">]>
>> User.all.class
=> User::ActiveRecord_Relation

これをダックタイピング(duck typing)と呼び、

(訳注: そういえばRubyKaigi 2016の基調講演で、Ruby作者のMatzがダックタイピングについて説明していました。2〜3分の短くて分かりやすい説明なので、ぜひ視聴してみてください!)

>> User.all.length
  User Load (0.2ms)  SELECT "users".* FROM "users"
=> 2

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