Generate a token for a user with instance level "Adminster" permission and supply it to the $user variable
$user = 'TOKEN'
$pass = ''
$pair = "$($user):$($pass)"
$encodedCreds = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($pair))
$basicAuthValue = "Basic $encodedCreds"
$Headers = @{
Authorization = $basicAuthValue
Base URL of your SonarQube instance
$sonarQubeInstance = "http://localhost:9000"
Existing identity provider, in this case "sonarqube" is used as the existing identity provider is LDAP
$currentExternalIdentityProvider = "sonarqube"
Target identity provider, in this case "saml" is used as the existing identity provider is SAML
$targetExternalIdentityProvider = "saml"
Get the first page of all users
$usersResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$sonarQubeInstance/api/users/search?ps=500" -Headers $headers -Method GET
$users = $usersResponse.users
foreach($user in $users){
$login = $user.login
$isLocal = $user.local
$email = $
$externalIdentity = $user.externalIdentity
$externalProvider = $user.externalProvider
# Assumes the external identity in SAML is the user's e-mail address
$newExternalIdentity = $email
# Prevents local users from being locked out of the SonarQube instance
if($isLocal -eq $false){
# Only migrate users of the exsiting identity provider
if($externalProvider = $currentExternalIdentityProvider){
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "$sonarQubeInstance/api/users/update_identity_provider?login=$login&newExternalProvider=$targetExternalIdentityProvider&newExternalIdentity=$newExternalIdentity" -Headers $headers -Method POST
Write-Output "Migrated user with login $login and external identity $externalIdentity from $currentExternalIdentityProvider to $targetExternalIdentityProvider with new external identity $newExternalIdentity"