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【Project Euler】Problem 54: ポーカーの手

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  • 本記事はProjectEulerの「100番以下の問題の説明は記載可能」という規定に基づいて回答のヒントが書かれていますので、自分である程度考えてみてから読まれることをお勧めします。

問題 54. ポーカーの手

原文 Problem 54: Poker hands


ファイルに5H5C6S7SKD 2C3S8S8DTDのようにポーカーの対戦結果が1000組書かれているので以下のように勝敗判定を行うという問題です。

Hand Player 1 Player 2 Winner
1 5H 5C 6S 7S KD 
Pair of Fives
2C 3S 8S 8D TD
Pair of Eights
Player 2
2 5D 8C 9S JS AC
Highest card Ace
2C 5C 7D 8S QH
Highest card Queen
Player 1
3 2D 9C AS AH AC
Three Aces
3D 6D 7D TD QD
Flush with Diamonds
Player 2
4 4D 6S 9H QH QC
Pair of Queens
Highest card Nine
3D 6D 7H QD QS
Pair of Queens
Highest card Seven
Player 1
5 2H 2D 4C 4D 4S
Full House
Three Fours
3C 3D 3S 9S 9D
Full House
with Three Threes
Player 1


c5 = ['5C', 'QC', 'QH', 'AS', 'TS']



 ['5', 'Q', 'Q', 'A', 'T'] --> npart = [5, 12, 12, 14, 10]


nmc = Counter(npart).most_common()
# [(12, 2), (5, 1), (14, 1), (10, 1)]
nk = [k for (n,k) in nmc]
# [2, 1, 1, 1]  --> One pair
nn = [n for (n,k) in nmc]
# [12, 5, 14, 10]


  • cardAttr : 判定に必要な情報を取り出し
  • isStraight : ストレートの判定
  • handCheck : 役を判定して[役番号, 判定用数字の優先度順の列]を返します(例 [1, 12, 14, 10, 5], 1="One pair")この大小比較で勝敗判定が行えます。
from collections import Counter
import numpy as np

NO = ["?","?","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","T","J","Q","K","A"]
def cardAttr(c5):
  npart = list(map(NO.index,[s[0] for s in c5] )) # Number part 
  nmc = Counter(npart).most_common()              # most common
  spart = [s[1] for s in c5]                      # Suit part 
  return npart, [k for (n,k) in nmc], [n for (n,k) in nmc], [k for (s,k) in Counter(spart).most_common()]  # Suit part

def isStraight(snpart):  # if straight, return max number, else return 0 
  if (list(np.diff(snpart)).count(1))==4:  
    return snpart[-1]      #   return max number
  return 0

def handCheck(c5):
  npart, nk, nn, sk = cardAttr(c5)     # Card attributes 

  stmax = isStraight(sorted(npart))    # if straight, stmax: max number
  if stmax > 0 and sk == [5]:          # Straight Flush
    if stmax == 14: return [9]+[stmax] # Royal Flush
    else: [8]+[stmax]                  # Straight Flush
  if nk == [4, 1]: return [7]+nn       # Four of a Kind
  if nk == [3, 2]: return [6]+nn       # Full House
  if sk == [5]: return [5]+sorted(npart,reverse=True)  # Flush
  if stmax > 0: return [4]+[stmax]     # Straight
  if nk == [3, 1, 1]: return [3]+[nn[0]]+sorted(nn[1:], reverse=True)   # Three of a Kind
  if nk == [2, 2, 1]: return [2]+sorted(nn[:2], reverse=True)+[nn[2]]   # Two Pairs
  if nk == [2, 1, 1, 1]: return[1]+[nn[0]]+sorted(nn[1:], reverse=True) # One Pair
  return [0]+sorted(npart,reverse=True)                # High Card



print(f"Answer : {sum([handCheck(c[0])>handCheck(c[1]) for c in cards ])}")


# show upload dialog
from google.colab import files
uploaded = files.upload()
#---- read words from file to name[]
f = open("p054_poker.txt")
handslist = f.readlines()
count, cards = 0, []
for hands in handslist:
  h12 = hands.split()

(開発環境:Google Colab)


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