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Skyline Problem の解決方法

Last updated at Posted at 2020-08-06

The Skyline Problem by using an iterative method

  1. sorts the elements of a given array in ascending order.
  2. Set the initial value of sum to 0.
  3. Then use iterative methods:
    3.1 Find the smallest value array[0] in the array Because it has to be painted at least array[0] times.
    3.2 now sum += array[0]
    3.3 Set a new empty array
    3.4 Then, starting with the second element array[1] and ending with the last element array[len(array)] in the array, insert the difference between these values and the first element into the new empty array.
    3.5 Update the array: clear the array and assign the value of new array to
    original array
    3.6 Back to step 3.1 until the length of the array is 2

  4. if the length of array is 2, sum += array[0] + difNum (difNum = array[1] - array[0])

  5. return the sum


def solution(A):
  # sorts the listA in a ascending order
  newA = sorted(A)
  return solution_help(newA)

def solution_help(array):
  # Set the initial value of sum to 0
  sum = 0
  if len(array) == 1:
    sum = array[0]
    return sum
  while len(array) > 2:
    min = array[0]
    sum += array[0]
    arraynew = []
    for i in range(1,len(array)):
      difNum = array[i] - array[0]
    array = []
    array = arraynew

  if len(array) == 2:
    difNum = array[1] - array[0]
    sum += array[0] + difNum
  return sum

list1 = [1,3,6,4,5,1,1,1] 


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