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Does VPN Slow Down Internet?

Last updated at Posted at 2020-03-02

VPN Slow Down Internet.jpg
As you all must be aware of how essential security measures are these days. Be it your home security or anything necessary steps are required now and then. Just like the security of your house is essentially the same way, it is vital to safeguard your internet databases, and for this purpose, we use a VPN.

A VPN is a technological tool used for security measures, it is considered as one of the crucial tools, but there are times it slows down the internet speed to a certain level. Not only that some inefficient VPNs cause high fluctuation of rate.

A genuine VPN provider will give you a sufficient speed with a minimum reduction, around 5%-6% of the usual internet speed. This regular drop down in speed may occur due to the encryption process of your internet data; this process mainly occurs to ensure that everything is safe and sound. However, there are specific causes which play a significant role in reducing your internet speed.

However, it is advisable not to rely on your VPN for speed reductions; there are times when you face speed limitations because of your internet provider. Hence if the speed of your internet is already interrupted by your particular ISP, then it could be due to the VPN’s slow pace.

Below are some common issues highlighted that result in slow internet speed while connected to a VPN.

The Geographical Location of the Server

A VPN’s speed is primarily dependent on the distance of the server you are connected to. If you opt for a server that located on extreme distant from your actual location, then you’ll come across a much slower speed as compared to the time when you connect to a near server.

For example, being a Canadian citizen when you join the US server, the rate will be much higher than when you are connected to an Australian server, respectively.

Encryption Level

The higher the encryption level is, the lower you internet speed will be than any comparatively lighter encryption protocol. A light encryption level can always get selected for internet tasks that require less security.

For example, if you are planning to stream and share P2P files, then you require a lighter encryption level to trick the particular websites and several identities with identity obscuring.


There are specific protocols which require higher security. However, other options that prioritize fast speed need a lower level of protection. The popular VPNs like PPTP, OpenVPN and L2TP are considered to be the most reputable ones.

Of all three, the OpenVPN is the best option as it facilitates sufficient speed with high security. Followed by that PPTP protocol is fast and straightforward to use, but it comes with lower protection. Lastly, the L2TP provides maximum security but with minimum speed.

Server Load

Server issue is one that big issue we face almost everywhere. This is more common when a user makes a connection to a VPN service provider. Mostly, VPNs do not provide real insights regarding the load on every server; only a few provide the data regarding server load.

If the same server has a load of many users, then the problem of slow speed is likely to occur. Hence, it is advisable to switch the servers so that you can access the one with somewhat less load.

These are the reasons that justify the fact that VPN does slow down the internet speed if any of the above factors play a significant role. However, to minimize this issue, some new features have been included in the VPN providers to enhance the VPN speed and make it faster.

Split Tunneling

Split Tunneling is an innovative feature introduced by certain VPN services as an internet speed testing tool. With this instrument, the user can divide the internet traffic into the two categories.

1) VPN encrypted and 2) VPN unencrypted traffic.

Moreover, it is advisable to go for a VPN that offers a minimum amount of data packet loss as it is the best option to choose. The appropriate VPNs with 0% packet loss are ones highly recommendable.

Therefore, a reputable VPN service will have fewer problems related to speed-degradation. However, sometimes the issues you’ll face may occur due to reasons as mentioned above, causing your internet speed to slow down.


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