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How to Remove the Private Information Online?

Last updated at Posted at 2019-08-06

Remove the Private Information Online.jpg
Google yourself; you’ll be shocked to see how discoverable you are. The city you live in, the place where you were born, the name of the employer and even your middle name is exposed, up and running on the most common search engine “Google.”

If you are like most people, you will ignore what the result pages are displaying and will spend the rest of your life not giving little or no attention over all this, but if you are brainy enough to secure your online identity, then you must read this article till the very end.

In a world which is full of swatting and scams, how can you afford to keep your phone numbers, email address and so much more online and unprotected?

Thankfully there is something that you can do about it all.

While you can remove all the personal information that helps you identify online but it extremely difficult, gladly there are a few simple steps that guarantee your online privacy on the internet and snipe that low hanging fruit.

Ways to Delete Yourself from the Internet

Just in case you are so conscious of your privacy you can consider removing all most every information about you from the internet. Following are the five ways using which you can delete your exposed presence online.

  1. Remove your email accounts; they tell a lot about you.
  2. Remove the outdated search results.
  3. Remove your personal information from the websites
  4. Remove yourself and your identity or accounts from data collection sites.
  5. Delete or deactivate social networks and web service accounts

If you have a reason to be concerned about a stalker or anyone who is up and following you, then you must follow the pattern and wipe all your online footprints. This act of online privacy hygiene can go a long way and can yield you amazing results.

The Inclusion of World Privacy Forum

The very first step could be to start up with the World Privacy Forum which is a nonprofit entity who re-imagines the privacy in the digital era. The organization has a long list of data brokers and it offers steps to remove the company information in the clutches. The WPF also opts the 10 opt-outs which are a step by step guide to pull the information from brokers around the world.

Want the schools you have attended to remove all the details about you including the phone number, home address etc? Check WPF’s way out and get yourself covered too.

The thing does not stop here. A website named Stop Data Mining Me which bills itself as “Do Not Call” for data brokers it has its own opt out list as well. Consumer reports also are helpful which are also included in the six recommended opt outs.

Well if you do not want to go through that crazy list of exhaustive list then you can spare the wanted privacy by reading a guide about online privacy. So what are you waiting for? Your newfound privacy is waiting. Thank us later.


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