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How to Turn an App Idea Into a Product

Last updated at Posted at 2019-10-07

Mobile App development is a process that requires constant modification and evolution whether its Android or iPhone app development. Few times, your original product or app development idea may transform into a solution for a particular problem— and it is especially vulnerable during the different stages of planning.

Process for Turn an App Idea Into a Product

1. Dealing With Negative Pushback
2. Feature Set With UX/UI
3. Mobile Limitations
4.Questions To Ask For Your MVP
5. Hypothesis Testing
6. Practical Steps For A New Feature Set
7. Start marketing it to targeted groups.

Again, it boils down the above-mentioned points to implement step-by-step in the process of an App Idea Into a Product. Right from the color scheme, look and feel of the app, logo, design, and typography, everything should be a true reflection of what product stands for.

With the right product research on a target market and designing product purely on those grounds will require the product to deliver just what is expected and in fact, surpass the current industry standards to stand out amongst the rest.

The product idea to development will involve a range of feature but nowhere will it deviate from the final goal of developing a mobile app that you defined initially.

Related Article: How to Nurture an App Idea into Lucrative App Product?


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