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Last updated at Posted at 2023-12-23






具体的に(二部グラフである)同じグラフに対し、一般のグラフに対する最小重みマッチングを解く処理時間と、二部グラフの最小重み完全マッチングを(Hopcroft–Karp algorithm?で)解く処理時間を比較する。




import networkx as nx
import time
import random


def matching(edges):
    # グラフを作成
    G = nx.Graph()

    # 重み付きエッジを追加

    # マッチングのみ時間を計測
    start_time = time.time()
    matching = nx.algorithms.matching.min_weight_matching(G, weight='weight')
    end_time = time.time()

    # マッチングとその総重みを表示
    total_weight = sum(G[u][v]['weight'] for u, v in matching)
    print("マッチング:", matching)
    print("総重み:", total_weight)
    print("実行時間:", end_time - start_time, "")

二部グラフの最小重み完全マッチングを(Hopcroft–Karp algorithm?で)解く関数の準備

def matching_bipartite(edges):
    # 重複なしの1つ目の要素を取得
    unique_first_elements = list(set(edge[0] for edge in edges))
    # 重複なしの2つ目の要素を取得
    unique_second_elements = list(set(edge[1] for edge in edges))

    # 二部グラフを作成
    G_bipartite = nx.Graph()

    # 左の頂点集合を追加
    left_nodes = unique_first_elements
    G_bipartite.add_nodes_from(left_nodes, bipartite=0)

    # 右の頂点集合を追加
    right_nodes = unique_second_elements
    G_bipartite.add_nodes_from(right_nodes, bipartite=1)

    # 重み付きエッジを追加

    # マッチングのみ時間を計測
    start_time_bipartite = time.time()
    matching_bipartite = nx.bipartite.minimum_weight_full_matching(G_bipartite).items()
    end_time_bipartite = time.time()

    # マッチングとその総重みを表示
    print("マッチング:", matching_bipartite)
    # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/73533607/is-there-a-way-to-return-the-edges-used-in-a-minimum-weight-matching-on-a-bipart
    weight = sum(
        G_bipartite.edges[u, v]['weight']
        for u, v in matching_bipartite
    ) // 2
    print("総重み:", weight)
    print("実行時間:", end_time_bipartite - start_time_bipartite, "")



def generate_random_bipartite_graph(nodes_part1, nodes_part2, min_weight, max_weight):
    edges = []
    for node1 in nodes_part1:
        for node2 in nodes_part2:
            weight = random.randint(min_weight, max_weight)
            edges.append((node1, node2, {'weight': weight}))
    return edges
min_weight_1 = 1
max_weight_1 = 10

nodes_part1 = [i for i in range(1, 11)]
nodes_part2 = [i for i in range(11, 21)]
random_edges_1 = generate_random_bipartite_graph(nodes_part1, nodes_part2, min_weight_1, max_weight_1)

# 結果の出力

# 大きくしないとエッジが多いので最小値が出る確率が高くなってしまう
max_weight_2 = 50

nodes_part3 = [i for i in range(1, 51)]
nodes_part4 = [i for i in range(51, 101)]
random_edges_2 = generate_random_bipartite_graph(nodes_part3, nodes_part4, min_weight_1, max_weight_2)

max_weight_3 = 100

nodes_part5 = [i for i in range(1, 101)]
nodes_part6 = [i for i in range(101, 201)]
random_edges_3 = generate_random_bipartite_graph(nodes_part5, nodes_part6, min_weight_1, max_weight_3)





マッチング: {(4, 16), (1, 11), (15, 7), (6, 17), (8, 13), (20, 10), (3, 19), (14, 9), (12, 2), (5, 18)}
総重み: 17
実行時間: 0.001112222671508789 秒
マッチング: {(7, 78), (95, 20), (36, 68), (27, 62), (11, 60), (31, 93), (22, 99), (30, 88), (46, 72), (6, 66), (4, 54), (24, 87), (63, 12), (42, 96), (47, 52), (29, 74), (79, 32), (25, 89), (18, 77), (41, 51), (23, 73), (26, 90), (71, 37), (98, 45), (84, 34), (91, 21), (19, 69), (15, 56), (39, 53), (16, 61), (48, 59), (92, 35), (44, 80), (76, 17), (1, 81), (67, 5), (49, 94), (82, 33), (58, 14), (38, 100), (70, 13), (75, 3), (2, 55), (65, 10), (50, 86), (40, 57), (85, 28), (43, 83), (9, 97), (64, 8)}
総重み: 112
実行時間: 0.042578935623168945 秒
マッチング: {(128, 26), (151, 9), (76, 189), (120, 49), (104, 7), (81, 133), (55, 114), (40, 196), (72, 148), (67, 198), (17, 142), (29, 180), (58, 161), (33, 150), (53, 192), (61, 193), (68, 107), (186, 1), (30, 141), (94, 144), (98, 199), (47, 187), (65, 168), (48, 106), (115, 50), (63, 177), (159, 4), (101, 14), (59, 109), (42, 157), (173, 39), (5, 119), (10, 179), (82, 110), (158, 78), (41, 124), (170, 6), (21, 118), (139, 64), (8, 166), (165, 46), (60, 121), (92, 153), (38, 182), (62, 176), (11, 146), (54, 181), (73, 194), (93, 172), (25, 154), (28, 116), (34, 132), (31, 197), (122, 52), (13, 103), (75, 185), (23, 147), (18, 169), (24, 130), (91, 113), (174, 19), (86, 135), (66, 175), (89, 140), (15, 102), (51, 195), (70, 145), (79, 178), (32, 200), (108, 37), (123, 83), (3, 112), (74, 163), (45, 127), (77, 125), (22, 143), (27, 188), (99, 137), (57, 131), (56, 111), (85, 156), (87, 138), (84, 105), (136, 69), (95, 190), (167, 96), (71, 162), (36, 149), (100, 152), (80, 164), (184, 20), (44, 171), (117, 97), (155, 90), (2, 183), (129, 16), (88, 134), (12, 160), (191, 43), (126, 35)}
総重み: 225
実行時間: 0.20990514755249023 秒
マッチング: dict_items([(1, 11), (2, 12), (3, 19), (4, 16), (5, 18), (6, 17), (7, 15), (8, 13), (9, 14), (10, 20), (11, 1), (12, 2), (19, 3), (16, 4), (18, 5), (17, 6), (15, 7), (13, 8), (14, 9), (20, 10)])
総重み: 17
実行時間: 0.0007631778717041016 秒
マッチング: dict_items([(1, 81), (2, 55), (3, 75), (4, 54), (5, 67), (6, 66), (7, 78), (8, 64), (9, 97), (10, 65), (11, 60), (12, 63), (13, 70), (14, 58), (15, 56), (16, 61), (17, 76), (18, 77), (19, 69), (20, 95), (21, 91), (22, 99), (23, 73), (24, 87), (25, 89), (26, 90), (27, 62), (28, 85), (29, 74), (30, 88), (31, 93), (32, 79), (33, 82), (34, 84), (35, 92), (36, 68), (37, 71), (38, 100), (39, 53), (40, 57), (41, 51), (42, 96), (43, 83), (44, 80), (45, 98), (46, 72), (47, 52), (48, 59), (49, 94), (50, 86), (81, 1), (55, 2), (75, 3), (54, 4), (67, 5), (66, 6), (78, 7), (64, 8), (97, 9), (65, 10), (60, 11), (63, 12), (70, 13), (58, 14), (56, 15), (61, 16), (76, 17), (77, 18), (69, 19), (95, 20), (91, 21), (99, 22), (73, 23), (87, 24), (89, 25), (90, 26), (62, 27), (85, 28), (74, 29), (88, 30), (93, 31), (79, 32), (82, 33), (84, 34), (92, 35), (68, 36), (71, 37), (100, 38), (53, 39), (57, 40), (51, 41), (96, 42), (83, 43), (80, 44), (98, 45), (72, 46), (52, 47), (59, 48), (94, 49), (86, 50)])
総重み: 112
実行時間: 0.0014748573303222656 秒
マッチング: dict_items([(1, 186), (2, 183), (3, 112), (4, 159), (5, 119), (6, 170), (7, 104), (8, 166), (9, 151), (10, 179), (11, 146), (12, 160), (13, 103), (14, 101), (15, 102), (16, 129), (17, 142), (18, 169), (19, 174), (20, 184), (21, 118), (22, 143), (23, 147), (24, 130), (25, 154), (26, 128), (27, 188), (28, 116), (29, 180), (30, 141), (31, 197), (32, 200), (33, 150), (34, 132), (35, 126), (36, 149), (37, 108), (38, 182), (39, 173), (40, 196), (41, 124), (42, 157), (43, 191), (44, 171), (45, 127), (46, 165), (47, 187), (48, 106), (49, 120), (50, 115), (51, 195), (52, 122), (53, 192), (54, 181), (55, 114), (56, 111), (57, 131), (58, 161), (59, 109), (60, 121), (61, 193), (62, 176), (63, 177), (64, 139), (65, 168), (66, 175), (67, 198), (68, 107), (69, 136), (70, 145), (71, 162), (72, 148), (73, 194), (74, 163), (75, 185), (76, 189), (77, 125), (78, 158), (79, 178), (80, 164), (81, 133), (82, 110), (83, 123), (84, 105), (85, 156), (86, 135), (87, 138), (88, 134), (89, 140), (90, 155), (91, 113), (92, 153), (93, 172), (94, 144), (95, 190), (96, 167), (97, 117), (98, 199), (99, 137), (100, 152), (186, 1), (183, 2), (112, 3), (159, 4), (119, 5), (170, 6), (104, 7), (166, 8), (151, 9), (179, 10), (146, 11), (160, 12), (103, 13), (101, 14), (102, 15), (129, 16), (142, 17), (169, 18), (174, 19), (184, 20), (118, 21), (143, 22), (147, 23), (130, 24), (154, 25), (128, 26), (188, 27), (116, 28), (180, 29), (141, 30), (197, 31), (200, 32), (150, 33), (132, 34), (126, 35), (149, 36), (108, 37), (182, 38), (173, 39), (196, 40), (124, 41), (157, 42), (191, 43), (171, 44), (127, 45), (165, 46), (187, 47), (106, 48), (120, 49), (115, 50), (195, 51), (122, 52), (192, 53), (181, 54), (114, 55), (111, 56), (131, 57), (161, 58), (109, 59), (121, 60), (193, 61), (176, 62), (177, 63), (139, 64), (168, 65), (175, 66), (198, 67), (107, 68), (136, 69), (145, 70), (162, 71), (148, 72), (194, 73), (163, 74), (185, 75), (189, 76), (125, 77), (158, 78), (178, 79), (164, 80), (133, 81), (110, 82), (123, 83), (105, 84), (156, 85), (135, 86), (138, 87), (134, 88), (140, 89), (155, 90), (113, 91), (153, 92), (172, 93), (144, 94), (190, 95), (167, 96), (117, 97), (199, 98), (137, 99), (152, 100)])
総重み: 225
実行時間: 0.0055048465728759766 秒


Hopcroft–Karp algorithm?で解くと、) グラフの大きさが大きくなっても処理時間の増加が緩やかであることが確認できる。


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