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Ansible lintAdvent Calendar 2022

Day 2

Ansible lintのコマンドオプション

Last updated at Posted at 2022-12-02

こちらの記事はAnsible lint Advent Calendar 2022 2日目の記事になります。

今回はAnsible lintのコマンドについて解説します。

$ ansible-lint --help
usage: ansible-lint [-h] [-L | -T]
                    [-f {rich,plain,md,json,codeclimate,quiet,pep8,sarif,docs}]
                    [-P [{min,basic,moderate,safety,shared,production} ...]]
                    [-p] [--progressive] [--project-dir PROJECT_DIR]
                    [-r RULESDIR] [-R] [-s] [--write [WRITE_LIST]]
                    [--show-relpath] [-t TAGS] [-v] [-x SKIP_LIST]
                    [-w WARN_LIST] [--enable-list ENABLE_LIST] [--nocolor]
                    [--force-color] [--exclude EXCLUDE_PATHS] [-c CONFIG_FILE]
                    [--offline] [--version]
                    [lintables ...]

positional arguments:
  lintables             One or more files or paths. When missing it will
                        enable auto-detection mode.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -L, --list-rules      List all the rules. For listing rules only the
                        following formats for argument -f are supported:
                        {plain, rich, md}
  -T, --list-tags       List all the tags and the rules they cover. Increase
                        the verbosity level with `-v` to include 'opt-in' tag
                        and its rules.
  -f {rich,plain,md,json,codeclimate,quiet,pep8,sarif,docs}, --format {rich,plain,md,json,codeclimate,quiet,pep8,sarif,docs}
                        stdout formatting, json being an alias for
                        codeclimate. (default: rich)
  -q                    quieter, reduce verbosity, can be specified twice.
  -P [{min,basic,moderate,safety,shared,production} ...], --profile [{min,basic,moderate,safety,shared,production} ...]
                        Specify which rules profile to be used, or displays
                        available profiles when no argument is given.
  -p, --parseable       parseable output, same as '-f pep8'
  --progressive         Return success if it detects a reduction in number of
                        violations compared with previous git commit. This
                        feature works only in git repositories.
  --project-dir PROJECT_DIR
                        Location of project/repository, autodetected based on
                        location of configuration file.
  -r RULESDIR, --rules-dir RULESDIR
                        Specify custom rule directories. Add -R to keep using
                        embedded rules from /home/docs/checkouts/readthedocs.o
  -R                    Keep default rules when using -r
  -s, --strict          Return non-zero exit code on warnings as well as
  --write [WRITE_LIST]  Allow ansible-lint to reformat YAML files and run rule
                        transforms (Reformatting YAML files standardizes
                        spacing, quotes, etc. A rule transform can fix or
                        simplify fixing issues identified by that rule). You
                        can limit the effective rule transforms (the
                        'write_list') by passing a keywords 'all' or 'none' or
                        a comma separated list of rule ids or rule tags. YAML
                        reformatting happens whenever '--write' or '--write='
                        is used. '--write' and '--write=all' are equivalent:
                        they allow all transforms to run. The effective list
                        of transforms comes from 'write_list' in the config
                        file, followed whatever '--write' args are provided on
                        the commandline. '--write=none' resets the list of
                        transforms to allow reformatting YAML without running
                        any of the transforms (ie '--write=none,rule-id' will
                        ignore write_list in the config file and only run the
                        rule-id transform).
  --show-relpath        Display path relative to CWD
  -t TAGS, --tags TAGS  only check rules whose id/tags match these values
  -v                    Increase verbosity level (-vv for more)
  -x SKIP_LIST, --skip-list SKIP_LIST
                        only check rules whose id/tags do not match these
  -w WARN_LIST, --warn-list WARN_LIST
                        only warn about these rules, unless overridden in
                        config file. Current version default value is: avoid-
                        implicit, experimental, fqcn[action], fqcn[redirect],
                        jinja[spacing], name[casing], name[play], role-name,
                        warning[empty-playbook], role-name[path]
  --enable-list ENABLE_LIST
                        activate optional rules by their tag name
  --nocolor             disable colored output, same as NO_COLOR=1
  --force-color         Force colored output, same as FORCE_COLOR=1
  --exclude EXCLUDE_PATHS
                        path to directories or files to skip. This option is
  -c CONFIG_FILE, --config-file CONFIG_FILE
                        Specify configuration file to use. By default it will
                        look for '.ansible-lint' or '.config/ansible-lint.yml'
  --offline             Disable installation of requirements.yml


ansible-lint <ファイル名>

になります。ファイル名が省略された場合はAnsible lintがplaybook、role、collection等のファイルを自動的に検出しlint処理を実行します。

全てのルールを表示する 【-L, --list-rules】

ansible-lint -L
## もしくは 
## ansible-lint --list-rules
  avoid-implicit            │ Avoid implicit behaviors                                                                                  
  description               │ # avoid-implicit                                                                                          
                            │ This rule identifies the use of dangerous implicit behaviors, often also undocumented.                    
                            │ This rule will produce the following type of error messages:                                              
                            │  • avoid-implicit[copy-content] is not a string as copy modules also accept these, but without            
                            │    documenting them.                                                                                      
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Write file content                                                                            
                            │       ansible.builtin.copy:                                                                               
                            │         content: { "foo": "bar" } # <-- should use explicit jinja template                                
                            │         dest: /tmp/foo.txt                                                                                
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Write file content                                                                            
                            │       vars:                                                                                               
                            │         content: { "foo": "bar" }                                                                         
                            │       ansible.builtin.copy:                                                                               
                            │         content: "{{ content | to_json }}" # explicit better than implicit!                               
                            │         dest: /tmp/foo.txt                                                                                
  version_added             │ v6.8.0                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ unpredictability, experimental                                                                            
  severity                  │ MEDIUM                                                                                                    
  command-instead-of-module │ Using command rather than module.                                                                         
  description               │ # command-instead-of-module                                                                               
                            │ This rule will recommend you to use a specific ansible module instead for tasks that are better served    
                            │ by a module, as these are more reliable, provide better messaging and usually have additional features    
                            │ like the ability to retry.                                                                                
                            │ In the unlikely case that the rule triggers false positives, you can disable it by adding a comment like  
                            │ # noqa: command-instead-of-module to the same line.                                                       
                            │ You can check the source of the rule for all the known commands that trigger the rule and their allowed   
                            │ list arguments of exceptions and raise a pull request to improve them.                                    
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Update apt cache                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: all                                                                                              
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Run apt-get update                                                                            
                            │       ansible.builtin.command: apt-get update # <-- better to use ansible.builtin.apt module              
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Update apt cache                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: all                                                                                              
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Run apt-get update                                                                            
                            │       ansible.builtin.apt:                                                                                
                            │         update_cache: true                                                                                
  version_added             │ historic                                                                                                  
  tags                      │ command-shell, idiom                                                                                      
  severity                  │ HIGH                                                                                                      
  command-instead-of-shell  │ Use shell only when shell functionality is required.                                                      
  description               │ # command-instead-of-shell                                                                                
                            │ This rule identifies uses of shell modules instead of a command one when this is not really needed.       
                            │ Shell is considerably slower than command and should be avoided unless there is a special need for using  
                            │ shell features, like environment variable expansion or chaining multiple commands using pipes.            
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Problematic example                                                                               
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Echo a message                                                                                
                            │       ansible.builtin.shell: echo hello # <-- command is better in this case                              
                            │       changed_when: false                                                                                 
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Correct example                                                                                   
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Echo a message                                                                                
                            │       ansible.builtin.command: echo hello                                                                 
                            │       changed_when: false                                                                                 
  version_added             │ historic                                                                                                  
  tags                      │ command-shell, idiom                                                                                      
  severity                  │ HIGH                                                                                                      
  deprecated-bare-vars      │ Using bare variables is deprecated.                                                                       
  description               │ # deprecated-bare-vars                                                                                    
                            │ This rule identifies possible confusing expressions where it is not clear if a variable or string is to   
                            │ be used and asks for clarification.                                                                       
                            │ You should either use the full variable syntax ('{{{{ {0} }}}}') or, whenever possible, convert it to a   
                            │ list of strings.                                                                                          
                            │ ## Problematic code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - ansible.builtin.debug:                                                                                  
                            │     msg: "{{ item }}"                                                                                     
                            │   with_items: foo # <-- deprecated-bare-vars                                                              
                            │ ## Correct code                                                                                           
                            │ ---# if foo is not really a variable:                                                                        
                            │ - ansible.builtin.debug:                                                                                  
                            │     msg: "{{ item }}"                                                                                     
                            │   with_items:                                                                                             
                            │     - foo                                                                                                 
                            │ # if foo is a variable:                                                                                   
                            │ - ansible.builtin.debug:                                                                                  
                            │     msg: "{{ item }}"                                                                                     
                            │   with_items: "{{ foo }}"                                                                                 
  version_added             │ historic                                                                                                  
  tags                      │ deprecations                                                                                              
  severity                  │ VERY_HIGH                                                                                                 
  deprecated-command-syntax │ Using command rather than an argument to e.g. file.                                                       
  description               │ # deprecated-command-syntax                                                                               
                            │ This rule identifies the use of shorthand (free-form) syntax as this is highly discouraged inside         
                            │ playbooks, mainly because it can easily lead to bugs that are hard to identify.                           
                            │ While using the free-form from the command line is ok, it should never be used inside playbooks.          
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Perform chmod                                                                                 
                            │       ansible.builtin.command: creates=B chmod 644 A # <-- do not use shorthand                           
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Perform chmod                                                                                 
                            │       ansible.builtin.command: chmod 644 A                                                                
                            │       args:                                                                                               
                            │         creates: B                                                                                        
  version_added             │ historic                                                                                                  
  tags                      │ command-shell, deprecations                                                                               
  severity                  │ VERY_HIGH                                                                                                 
  deprecated-local-action   │ Do not use 'local_action', use 'delegate_to: localhost'.                                                  
  description               │ # deprecated-local-action                                                                                 
                            │ This rule recommends using delegate_to: localhost instead of the local_action.                            
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Task example                                                                                      
                            │   local_action: # <-- this is deprecated                                                                  
                            │     module: boto3_facts                                                                                   
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ - name: Task example                                                                                      
                            │     boto3_facts:                                                                                          
                            │   delegate_to: localhost # <-- recommended way to run on localhost                                        
  version_added             │ v4.0.0                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ deprecations                                                                                              
  severity                  │ MEDIUM                                                                                                    
  deprecated-module         │ Deprecated module.                                                                                        
  description               │ # deprecated-module                                                                                       
                            │ This rule identifies deprecated modules in playbooks. You should avoid using deprecated modules because   
                            │ they are not maintained, which can pose a security risk. Additionally when a module is deprecated it is   
                            │ available temporarily with a plan for future removal.                                                     
                            │ Refer to the Ansible module index for information about replacements and removal dates for deprecated     
                            │ modules.                                                                                                  
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Configure VLAN ID                                                                             
                            │       ansible.netcommon.net_vlan: # <- Uses a deprecated module.                                          
                            │         vlan_id: 20                                                                                       
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Configure VLAN ID                                                                             
                            │       dellemc.enterprise_sonic.sonic_vlans: # <- Uses a platform specific module.                         
                            │         config:                                                                                           
                            │           - vlan_id: 20                                                                                   
                            │ (more)                                                                                                    
  version_added             │ v4.0.0                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ deprecations                                                                                              
  severity                  │ HIGH                                                                                                      
  empty-string-compare      │ Don't compare to empty string.                                                                            
  description               │ # empty-string-compare                                                                                    
                            │ This rule checks for empty string comparison in playbooks. To ensure code clarity you should avoid using  
                            │ empty strings in conditional statements with the when clause.                                             
                            │  • Use when: var | length > 0 instead of when: var != "".                                                 
                            │  • Use when: var | length == 0 instead of when: var == "".                                                
                            │ This is an opt-in rule. You must enable it in your Ansible-lint configuration as follows:                 
                            │ enable_list:                                                                                              
                            │   - empty-string-compare                                                                                  
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: all                                                                                              
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Shut down                                                                                     
                            │       ansible.builtin.command: /sbin/shutdown -t now                                                      
                            │       when: ansible_os_family == "" # <- Compares with an empty string.                                   
                            │     - name: Shut down                                                                                     
                            │       ansible.builtin.command: /sbin/shutdown -t now                                                      
                            │       when: ansible_os_family !="" # <- Compares with an empty string.                                    
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: all                                                                                              
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Shut down                                                                                     
                            │       ansible.builtin.shell: |                                                                            
                            │         /sbin/shutdown -t now                                                                             
                            │         echo $var ==                                                                                      
                            │       when: ansible_os_family                                                                             
  version_added             │ v4.0.0                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ idiom, opt-in                                                                                             
  severity                  │ HIGH                                                                                                      
  fqcn                      │ Use FQCN for builtin actions.                                                                             
  description               │ # fqcn                                                                                                    
                            │ This rule checks for fully-qualified collection names (FQCN) in Ansible content.                          
                            │ Declaring an FQCN ensures that an action uses code from the correct namespace. This avoids ambiguity and  
                            │ conflicts that can cause operations to fail or produce unexpected results.                                
                            │ The fqcn rule has the following checks:                                                                   
                            │  • fqcn[action] - Use FQCN for module actions, such ...                                                   
                            │  • fqcn[action-core] - Checks for FQCNs from the ansible.legacy or ansible.builtin collection.            
                            │  • fqcn[canonical] - You should use canonical module name ... instead of ...                              
                            │ In most cases you should declare the `ansible.builtin` collection for internal Ansible actions.           
                            │ You should declare the `ansible.legacy` collection if you use local overrides with actions, such with as  
                            │ the ``shell`` module.                                                                                     
                            │ This rule does not take [`collections`                                                                    
                            │ keyword](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/collections_using.html#simplifying-module-n…  
                            │ into consideration.                                                                                       
                            │ The `collections` keyword provided a temporary mechanism transitioning to Ansible 2.9.                    
                            │ You should rewrite any content that uses the `collections:` key and avoid it where possible.              
                            │ ## Canonical module names                                                                                 
                            │ Canonical module names are also known as resolved module names and they are to be preferred for most      
                            │ cases. Many Ansible modules have multiple aliases and redirects, as these were created over time while    
                            │ the content was refactored. Still, all of them do finally resolve to the same module name, but not        
                            │ without adding some performance overhead. As very old aliases are at some point removed, it makes to      
                            │ just refresh the content to make it point to the current canonical name.                                  
                            │ The only exception for using a canonical name is if your code still needs to be compatible with a very    
                            │ old version of Ansible, one that does not know how to resolve that name. If you find yourself in such a   
                            │ situation, feel free to add this rule to the ignored list.                                                
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: all                                                                                              
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Create an SSH connection                                                                      
                            │       shell: ssh ssh_user@{{ ansible_ssh_host }} # <- Does not use the FQCN for the shell module.         
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook (1st solution)                                                                   
                            │   hosts: all                                                                                              
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Create an SSH connection                                                                      
                            │       # Use the FQCN for the legacy shell module and allow local overrides.                               
                            │       ansible.legacy.shell: ssh ssh_user@{{ ansible_ssh_host }} -o IdentityFile=path/to/my_rsa            
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook (2nd solution)                                                                   
                            │   hosts: all                                                                                              
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Create an SSH connection                                                                      
                            │       # Use the FQCN for the builtin shell module.                                                        
                            │       ansible.builtin.shell: ssh ssh_user@{{ ansible_ssh_host }}                                          
  version_added             │ v6.8.0                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ formatting                                                                                                
  severity                  │ MEDIUM                                                                                                    
  galaxy                    │ Rule for checking collection version is greater than 1.0.0.                                               
  description               │ # galaxy                                                                                                  
                            │ This rule identifies if the collection version mentioned in galaxy.yml is ideal in terms of the version   
                            │ number being greater than or equal to 1.0.0.                                                              
                            │ This rule can produce messages such:                                                                      
                            │  • galaxy[version-missing] - galaxy.yaml should have version tag.                                         
                            │  • galaxy[version-incorrect] - collection version should be greater than or equal to 1.0.0                
                            │ If you want to ignore some of the messages above, you can add any of them to the ignore_list.             
                            │ ## Problematic code                                                                                       
                            │ # galaxy.yml                                                                                              
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ name: foo                                                                                                 
                            │ namespace: bar                                                                                            
                            │ version: 0.2.3 # <-- collection version should be >= 1.0.0                                                
                            │ authors:                                                                                                  
                            │   - John                                                                                                  
                            │ readme: ../README.md                                                                                      
                            │ description: "..."                                                                                        
                            │ ## Correct code                                                                                           
                            │ # galaxy.yml                                                                                              
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ name: foo                                                                                                 
                            │ namespace: bar                                                                                            
                            │ version: 1.0.0                                                                                            
                            │ authors:                                                                                                  
                            │   - John                                                                                                  
                            │ readme: ../README.md                                                                                      
                            │ description: "..."                                                                                        
  version_added             │ v6.6.0 (last update)                                                                                      
  tags                      │ metadata, opt-in, experimental                                                                            
  severity                  │ MEDIUM                                                                                                    
  ignore-errors             │ Use failed_when and specify error conditions instead of using ignore_errors.                              
  description               │ # ignore-errors                                                                                           
                            │ This rule checks that playbooks do not use the ignore_errors directive to ignore all errors. Ignoring     
                            │ all errors in a playbook hides actual failures, incorrectly mark tasks as failed, and result in           
                            │ unexpected side effects and behavior.                                                                     
                            │ Instead of using the ignore_errors: true directive, you should do the following:                          
                            │  • Ignore errors only when using the {{ ansible_check_mode }} variable.                                   
                            │  • Use register to register errors.                                                                       
                            │  • Use failed_when: and specify acceptable error conditions.                                              
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: all                                                                                              
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Run apt-get update                                                                            
                            │       ansible.builtin.command: apt-get update                                                             
                            │       ignore_errors: true # <- Ignores all errors, including important failures.                          
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: all                                                                                              
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Run apt-get update                                                                            
                            │       ansible.builtin.command: apt-get update                                                             
                            │       ignore_errors: "{{ ansible_check_mode }}" # <- Ignores errors in check mode.                        
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: all                                                                                              
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Run apt-get update                                                                            
                            │       ansible.builtin.command: apt-get update                                                             
                            │       ignore_errors: true                                                                                 
                            │       register: ignore_errors_register # <- Stores errors and failures for evaluation.                    
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: all                                                                                              
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Disable apport                                                                                
                            │       become: "yes"                                                                                       
                            │       lineinfile:                                                                                         
                            │         line: "enabled=0"                                                                                 
                            │         dest: /etc/default/apport                                                                         
                            │         mode: 0644                                                                                        
                            │         state: present                                                                                    
                            │       register: default_apport                                                                            
                            │       failed_when: default_apport.rc !=0 and not default_apport.rc == 257 # <- Defines conditions that    
                            │ constitute a failure.                                                                                     
  version_added             │ v5.0.7                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ unpredictability, experimental                                                                            
  severity                  │ LOW                                                                                                       
  inline-env-var            │ Command module does not accept setting environment variables inline.                                      
  description               │ # inline-env-var                                                                                          
                            │ This rule checks that playbooks do not set environment variables in the ansible.builtin.command module.   
                            │ You should set environment variables with the ansible.builtin.shell module or the environment keyword.    
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: all                                                                                              
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Set environment variable                                                                      
                            │       ansible.builtin.command: MY_ENV_VAR=my_value # <- Sets an environment variable in the command       
                            │ module.                                                                                                   
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: all                                                                                              
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Set environment variable                                                                      
                            │       ansible.builtin.shell: echo $MY_ENV_VAR                                                             
                            │       environment:                                                                                        
                            │         MY_ENV_VAR: my_value # <- Sets an environment variable with the environment keyword.              
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: all                                                                                              
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Set environment variable                                                                      
                            │       ansible.builtin.shell: MY_ENV_VAR=my_value # <- Sets an environment variable with the shell         
                            │ module.                                                                                                   
  version_added             │ historic                                                                                                  
  tags                      │ command-shell, idiom                                                                                      
  severity                  │ VERY_HIGH                                                                                                 
  internal-error            │ Unexpected internal error.                                                                                
  description               │ # internal-error                                                                                          
                            │ This error can also be caused by internal bugs but also by custom rules. Instead of just stopping tool    
                            │ execution, we generate the errors and continue processing other files. This allows users to add this      
                            │ rule to their warn_list until the root cause is fixed.                                                    
                            │ Keep in mind that once an internal-error is found on a specific file, no other rules will be executed on  
                            │ that same file.                                                                                           
                            │ In almost all cases you will see more detailed information regarding the original error or runtime        
                            │ exception that triggered this rule.                                                                       
                            │ If these files are broken on purpose, like some test fixtures, you need to add them to the                
                            │ exclude_paths.                                                                                            
                            │ ## Problematic code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Some title {{ # <-- Ansible will not load this invalid jinja template                             
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks: []                                                                                               
                            │ ## Correct code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Some title                                                                                        
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks: []                                                                                               
                            │ ## ERROR! No hosts matched the subscripted pattern                                                        
                            │ If you see this error, it means that you tried to index a host group variable that is using an index      
                            │ above its size.                                                                                           
                            │ Instead of doing something like hosts: all[1] which assumes that you have at least two hosts in your      
                            │ current inventory, you better write something like hosts: "{{ all[1] | default([]) }}, which is safe and  
                            │ do not produce runtime errors. Use safe fallbacks to make your code more resilient.                       
  version_added             │ v5.0.0                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ core                                                                                                      
  severity                  │ VERY_HIGH                                                                                                 
  jinja                     │ Rule that looks inside jinja2 templates.                                                                  
  description               │ # jinja                                                                                                   
                            │ This rule can report problems related to jinja2 string templates. The current version can report:         
                            │  • jinja[spacing] when there are no spaces between variables and operators, including filters, like {{    
                            │    var_name | filter }}. This improves readability and makes it less likely to introduce typos.           
                            │  • jinja[invalid] when the jinja2 template is invalid, like {{ {{ '1' }} }}, which would result in a      
                            │    runtime error if you try to use it with Ansible, even if it does pass the Ansible syntax check.        
                            │ As jinja2 syntax is closely following Python one we aim to follow black formatting rules. If you are      
                            │ curious how black would reformat a small sniped feel free to visit online black formatter site. Keep in   
                            │ mind to not include the entire jinja2 template, so instead of {{ 1+2==3 }}, do paste only 1+2==3.         
                            │ In ansible, changed_when, failed_when, until, when are considered to use implicit jinja2 templating,      
                            │ meaning that they do not require {{ }}. Our rule will suggest the removal of the braces for these         
                            │ fields.                                                                                                   
                            │ ## Problematic code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Some task                                                                                         
                            │   vars:                                                                                                   
                            │     foo: "{{some|dict2items}}" # <-- jinja[spacing]                                                       
                            │     bar: "{{ & }}" # <-- jinja[invalid]                                                                   
                            │   when: "{{ foo | bool }}" # <-- jinja[spacing] - 'when' has implicit templating                          
                            │ ## Correct code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Some task                                                                                         
                            │   vars:                                                                                                   
                            │     foo: "{{ some | dict2items }}"                                                                        
                            │     bar: "{{ '&' }}"                                                                                      
                            │   when: foo | bool                                                                                        
                            │ ## Current limitations                                                                                    
                            │ In its current form, this rule presents the following limitations:                                        
                            │  • Jinja2 blocks that have newlines in them will not be reformatted because we consider that the user     
                            │    deliberately wanted to format them in a particular way.                                                
                            │  • Jinja2 blocks that use tilde as a binary operation are ignored because black does not support tilde    
                            │    as a binary operator. Example: {{ a ~ b }}.                                                            
                            │  • Jinja2 blocks that use dot notation with numbers are ignored because python and black do not allow     
                            │    it. Example: {{ foo.0.bar }}                                                                           
  version_added             │ v6.5.0                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ formatting                                                                                                
  severity                  │ LOW                                                                                                       
  key-order                 │ Ensure specific order of keys in mappings.                                                                
  description               │ # key-order                                                                                               
                            │ This rule recommends reordering key names in ansible content to make code easier to maintain and less     
                            │ prone to errors.                                                                                          
                            │ Here are some examples of common ordering checks done for tasks and handlers:                             
                            │  • name must always be the first key for plays, tasks and handlers                                        
                            │  • on tasks, the block, rescue and always keys must be the last keys, as this would avoid accidental      
                            │    miss-indentation errors between the last task and the parent level.                                    
                            │ ## Problematic code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   name: This is a playbook # <-- name key should be the first one                                         
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: A block                                                                                       
                            │       block:                                                                                              
                            │         - name: Display a message                                                                         
                            │           debug:                                                                                          
                            │             msg: "Hello world!"                                                                           
                            │       when: true # <-- when key should be before block                                                    
                            │ ## Correct code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: This is a playbook                                                                                
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: A block                                                                                       
                            │       when: true                                                                                          
                            │       block:                                                                                              
                            │         - name: Display a message                                                                         
                            │           debug:                                                                                          
                            │             msg: "Hello world!"                                                                           
                            │ ## Reasoning                                                                                              
                            │ Making decisions about the optimal order of keys for ansible tasks or plays is no easy task, as we had a  
                            │ huge number of combinations to consider. This is also the reason why we started with a minimal sorting    
                            │ rule (name to be the first), and aimed to gradually add more fields later, and only when we find the      
                            │ proofs that one approach is likely better than the other.                                                 
                            │ ### Why I no longer can put when after a block?                                                           
                            │ Try to remember that in real life, block/rescue/always have the habit to grow due to the number of tasks  
                            │ they host inside, making them exceed what a single screen. This would move the when task further away     
                            │ from the rest of the task properties. A when from the last task inside the block can easily be confused   
                            │ as being at the block level, or the reverse. When tasks are moved from one location to another, there is  
                            │ a real risk of moving the block level when with it.                                                       
                            │ By putting the when before the block, we avoid that kind of risk. The same risk applies to any simple     
                            │ property at the task level, so that is why we concluded that the block keys must be the last ones.        
                            │ Another common practice was to put tags as the last property. Still, for the same reasons, we decided     
                            │ that they should not be put after block keys either.                                                      
  version_added             │ v6.6.2                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ formatting, experimental                                                                                  
  severity                  │ LOW                                                                                                       
  latest                    │ Result of the command may vary on subsequent runs.                                                        
  description               │ # latest                                                                                                  
                            │ The latest rule checks that module arguments like those used for source control checkout do not have      
                            │ arguments that might generate different results based on context.                                         
                            │ This more generic rule replaced two older rules named git-latest and hg-latest.                           
                            │ We are aware that there are genuine cases where getting the tip of the main branch is not accidental.     
                            │ For these cases, just add a comment such as # noqa: latest to the same line to prevent it from            
                            │ triggering.                                                                                               
                            │ ## Possible errors messages:                                                                              
                            │  • latest[git]                                                                                            
                            │  • latest[hg]                                                                                             
                            │ ## Problematic code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example for `latest` rule                                                                         
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Risky use of git module                                                                       
                            │       ansible.builtin.git:                                                                                
                            │         repo: "https://foosball.example.org/path/to/repo.git"                                             
                            │         version: HEAD # <-- HEAD value is triggering the rule                                             
                            │ ## Correct code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example for `latest` rule                                                                         
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Safe use of git module                                                                        
                            │       ansible.builtin.git:                                                                                
                            │         repo: "https://foosball.example.org/path/to/repo.git"                                             
                            │         version: abcd1234... # <-- that is safe                                                           
  version_added             │ v6.5.2                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ idempotency                                                                                               
  severity                  │ MEDIUM                                                                                                    
  literal-compare           │ Don't compare to literal True/False.                                                                      
  description               │ # literal-compare                                                                                         
                            │ This rule checks for literal comparison with the when clause. Literal comparison, like when: var ==       
                            │ True, is unnecessarily complex. Use when: var to keep your playbooks simple.                              
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: all                                                                                              
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Print environment variable to stdout                                                          
                            │       ansible.builtin.command: echo $MY_ENV_VAR                                                           
                            │       when: ansible_os_family == True # <- Adds complexity to your playbook.                              
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: all                                                                                              
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Print environment variable to stdout                                                          
                            │       ansible.builtin.command: echo $MY_ENV_VAR                                                           
                            │       when: ansible_os_family # <- Keeps your playbook simple.                                            
  version_added             │ v4.0.0                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ idiom                                                                                                     
  severity                  │ HIGH                                                                                                      
  load-failure              │ Failed to load or parse file.                                                                             
  description               │ # load-failure                                                                                            
                            │ Linter failed to process a YAML file, probably because it is either:                                      
                            │  • contains unsupported encoding (only UTF-8 is supported)                                                
                            │  • not an Ansible file                                                                                    
                            │  • it contains some unsupported custom YAML objects (!! prefix)                                           
                            │  • it was not able to decrypt an inline !vault block.                                                     
                            │ This violation is not skippable, so it cannot be added to the warn_list or the skip_list. If a vault      
                            │ decryption issue cannot be avoided, the offending file can be added to exclude_paths configuration.       
  version_added             │ v4.3.0                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ core, unskippable                                                                                         
  severity                  │ VERY_HIGH                                                                                                 
  loop-var-prefix           │ Role loop_var should use configured prefix.                                                               
  description               │ # loop-var-prefix                                                                                         
                            │ This rule avoids conflicts with nested looping tasks by configuring a variable prefix with loop_var.      
                            │ Ansible sets item as the loop variable. You can use loop_var to specify a prefix for loop variables and   
                            │ ensure they are unique to each task.                                                                      
                            │ This rule can produce the following messages:                                                             
                            │  • [loop-var-prefix[missing] - Replace any unsafe implicit item loop variable by adding loop_var:         
                            │    <loop_var_prefix>....                                                                                  
                            │  • [loop-var-prefix[wrong] - Ensure loop variables start with <loop_var_prefix>.                          
                            │ This is an opt-in rule. You must enable it in your Ansible-lint configuration as follows:                 
                            │ enable_list:                                                                                              
                            │   - loop-var-prefix                                                                                       
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Does not set a prefix for loop variables.                                                     
                            │       ansible.builtin.debug:                                                                              
                            │         var: item                                                                                         
                            │       loop:                                                                                               
                            │         - foo                                                                                             
                            │         - bar # <- These items do not have a unique prefix.                                               
                            │     - name: Sets a prefix that is not unique.                                                             
                            │       ansible.builtin.debug:                                                                              
                            │         var: zz_item                                                                                      
                            │       loop:                                                                                               
                            │         - foo                                                                                             
                            │         - bar                                                                                             
                            │       loop_control:                                                                                       
                            │         loop_var: zz_item # <- This prefix is not unique.                                                 
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Sets a unique prefix for loop variables.                                                      
                            │       ansible.builtin.debug:                                                                              
                            │         var: zz_item                                                                                      
                            │       loop:                                                                                               
                            │         - foo                                                                                             
                            │         - bar                                                                                             
                            │       loop_control:                                                                                       
                            │         loop_var: my_prefix # <- Specifies a unique prefix for loop variables.                            
                            │ (more)                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ idiom                                                                                                     
  severity                  │ MEDIUM                                                                                                    
  meta-incorrect            │ meta/main.yml default values should be changed.                                                           
  description               │ # meta-incorrect                                                                                          
                            │ This rule checks role metadata for fields with undefined or default values. Always set appropriate        
                            │ values for the following metadata fields in the meta/main.yml file:                                       
                            │  • author                                                                                                 
                            │  • description                                                                                            
                            │  • company                                                                                                
                            │  • license                                                                                                
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---# Metadata fields for the role contain default values.                                                    
                            │ galaxy_info:                                                                                              
                            │   author: your name                                                                                       
                            │   description: your role description                                                                      
                            │   company: your company (optional)                                                                        
                            │   license: license (GPL-2.0-or-later, MIT, etc)                                                           
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ galaxy_info:                                                                                              
                            │   author: Leroy Jenkins                                                                                   
                            │   description: This role will set you free.                                                               
                            │   company: Red Hat                                                                                        
                            │   license: Apache                                                                                         
  version_added             │ v4.0.0                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ metadata                                                                                                  
  severity                  │ HIGH                                                                                                      
  meta-no-info              │ meta/main.yml should contain relevant info.                                                               
  description               │ # meta-no-info                                                                                            
                            │ This rule checks role metadata for missing information. Always set appropriate values for the following   
                            │ metadata fields in the meta/main.yml file, under galaxy_info key:                                         
                            │  • platforms                                                                                              
                            │  • min_ansible_version                                                                                    
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---# The metadata fields for minimum Ansible version and supported platforms are not set.                    
                            │ galaxy_info:                                                                                              
                            │   min_ansible_version:                                                                                    
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ galaxy_info:                                                                                              
                            │   min_ansible_version: "2.8"                                                                              
                            │   platforms:                                                                                              
                            │     - name: Fedora                                                                                        
                            │       versions:                                                                                           
                            │         - all                                                                                             
  version_added             │ v4.0.0                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ metadata                                                                                                  
  severity                  │ HIGH                                                                                                      
  meta-no-tags              │ Tags must contain lowercase letters and digits only.                                                      
  description               │ # meta-no-tags                                                                                            
                            │ This rule checks role metadata for tags with special characters. Always use lowercase numbers and         
                            │ letters for tags in the meta/main.yml file.                                                               
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---# Metadata tags contain upper-case letters and special characters.                                        
                            │ galaxy_info:                                                                                              
                            │   galaxy_tags: [MyTag#1, MyTag&^-]                                                                        
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ ---# Metadata tags contain only lowercase letters and numbers.                                               
                            │ galaxy_info:                                                                                              
                            │   galaxy_tags: [mytag1, mytag2]                                                                           
  version_added             │ v4.0.0                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ metadata                                                                                                  
  severity                  │ HIGH                                                                                                      
  meta-video-links          │ meta/main.yml video_links should be formatted correctly.                                                  
  description               │ # meta-video-links                                                                                        
                            │ This rule checks formatting for video links in metadata. Always use dictionaries for items in the         
                            │ meta/main.yml file.                                                                                       
                            │ Items in the video_links section must be in a dictionary and use the following keys:                      
                            │  • url                                                                                                    
                            │  • title                                                                                                  
                            │ The value of the url key must be a shared link from YouTube, Vimeo, or Google Drive.                      
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ galaxy_info:                                                                                              
                            │   video_links:                                                                                            
                            │     - https://youtu.be/this_is_not_a_dictionary # <- Does not use the url key.                            
                            │     - my_bad_key: https://youtu.be/aWmRepTSFKs # <- Uses an unsupported key.                              
                            │       title: Incorrect key.                                                                               
                            │     - url: www.acme.com/vid # <- Uses an unsupported url format.                                          
                            │       title: Incorrect url format.                                                                        
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ galaxy_info:                                                                                              
                            │   video_links:                                                                                            
                            │     - url: https://youtu.be/aWmRepTSFKs # <- Uses a supported shared link with the url key.               
                            │       title: Correctly formatted video link.                                                              
  version_added             │ v4.0.0                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ metadata                                                                                                  
  severity                  │ LOW                                                                                                       
  name                      │ Rule for checking task and play names.                                                                    
  description               │ # name                                                                                                    
                            │ This rule identifies several problems related to the naming of tasks and plays. This is important         
                            │ because these names are the primary way to identify and document executed operations on console, logs or  
                            │ web interface.                                                                                            
                            │ This rule can produce messages such:                                                                      
                            │  • name[casing] - All names should start with an uppercase letter for languages that support it.          
                            │  • name[missing] - All tasks should be named.                                                             
                            │  • name[play] - All plays should be named.                                                                
                            │  • name[template] - Jinja templates should only be at the end of 'name'. This helps with the              
                            │    identification of tasks inside the source code when they fail. The use of templating inside name keys  
                            │    is discouraged as there are multiple cases where the rendering of the name template is not possible.   
                            │ If you want to ignore some of the messages above, you can add any of them to the skip_list.               
                            │ ## Problematic code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - hosts: localhost # <-- playbook missing a name key                                                      
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: create placefolder file # <-- not starting with a capital letter                              
                            │       ansible.builtin.command: touch /tmp/.placeholder                                                    
                            │ ## Correct code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Play for creating playholder                                                                      
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Create placeholder file                                                                       
                            │       ansible.builtin.command: touch /tmp/.placeholder                                                    
  version_added             │ v6.5.0 (last update)                                                                                      
  tags                      │ idiom                                                                                                     
  severity                  │ MEDIUM                                                                                                    
  no-changed-when           │ Commands should not change things if nothing needs doing.                                                 
  description               │ # no-changed-when                                                                                         
                            │ This rule checks that tasks return changes to results or conditions. Unless tasks only read information,  
                            │ you should ensure that they return changes in the following ways:                                         
                            │  • Register results or conditions and use the changed_when clause.                                        
                            │  • Use the creates or removes argument.                                                                   
                            │ You should use the when clause to run tasks only if a check returns a particular result.                  
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Does not handle any output or return codes                                                    
                            │       ansible.builtin.command: cat {{ my_file | quote }} # <- Does not handle the command output.         
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Handle shell output with return code                                                          
                            │       ansible.builtin.command: cat {{ my_file | quote }}                                                  
                            │       register: my_output # <- Registers the command output.                                              
                            │       changed_when: my_output.rc != 0 # <- Uses the return code to define when the task has changed.      
  version_added             │ historic                                                                                                  
  tags                      │ command-shell, idempotency                                                                                
  severity                  │ HIGH                                                                                                      
  no-free-form              │ Rule for detecting discouraged free-form syntax for action modules.                                       
  description               │ # no-free-form                                                                                            
                            │ This rule identifies any use of free-form module calling syntax and asks for switching to the full        
                            │ syntax.                                                                                                   
                            │ Free-form syntax, also known as inline or shorthand, can produce subtle bugs. It can also prevent         
                            │ editors and IDEs from providing feedback, autocomplete and validation for the edited line.                
                            │ As long you just pass a YAML string that contains a `=` character inside as the                           
                            │ parameter to the action module name, we consider this as using free-formsyntax.                           
                            │ Be sure you pass a dictionary to the module, so the free-form parsing                                     
                            │ is never triggered.                                                                                       
                            │ As raw module only accepts free-form, we trigger no-free-form[raw] only if we detect the presence of      
                            │ executable= inside raw calls. We advice the explicit use of args: dictionary for configuring the          
                            │ executable to be run.                                                                                     
                            │ ## Problematic code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example with discouraged free-form syntax                                                         
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Create a placefolder file                                                                     
                            │       ansible.builtin.command: chdir=/tmp touch foo # <-- don't use free-form                             
                            │     - name: Use raw to echo                                                                               
                            │       ansible.builtin.raw: executable=/bin/bash echo foo # <-- don't use executable=                      
                            │       changed_when: false                                                                                 
                            │ ## Correct code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example that avoids free-form syntax                                                              
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Create a placefolder file                                                                     
                            │       ansible.builtin.command:                                                                            
                            │         cmd: touch foo # <-- ansible will not touch it                                                    
                            │         chdir: /tmp                                                                                       
                            │     - name: Use raw to echo                                                                               
                            │       ansible.builtin.raw: echo foo                                                                       
                            │       args:                                                                                               
                            │         executable: /bin/bash # <-- explicit is better                                                    
                            │       changed_when: false                                                                                 
  version_added             │ v6.8.0                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ syntax, risk, experimental                                                                                
  severity                  │ MEDIUM                                                                                                    
  no-handler                │ Tasks that run when changed should likely be handlers.                                                    
  description               │ # no-handler                                                                                              
                            │ This rule checks for the correct handling of changes to results or conditions.                            
                            │ If a task has a when: result.changed condition, it effectively acts as a handler. The recommended         
                            │ approach is to use notify and move tasks to handlers. If necessary you can silence the rule by add a #    
                            │ noqa: no-handler comment at the end of the line.                                                          
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example of no-handler rule                                                                        
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Register result of a task                                                                     
                            │       ansible.builtin.copy:                                                                               
                            │         dest: "/tmp/placeholder"                                                                          
                            │         content: "Ansible made this!"                                                                     
                            │         mode: 0600                                                                                        
                            │       register: result # <-- Registers the result of the task.                                            
                            │     - name: Second command to run                                                                         
                            │       ansible.builtin.debug:                                                                              
                            │         msg: The placeholder file was modified!                                                           
                            │       when: result.changed # <-- Triggers the no-handler rule.                                            
                            │ ---# Optionally silences the rule.                                                                           
                            │ when: result.changed # noqa: no-handler                                                                   
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ The following code includes the same functionality as the problematic code without recording a result     
                            │ variable.                                                                                                 
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example of no-handler rule                                                                        
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Register result of a task                                                                     
                            │       ansible.builtin.copy:                                                                               
                            │         dest: "/tmp/placeholder"                                                                          
                            │         content: "Ansible made this!"                                                                     
                            │         mode: 0600                                                                                        
                            │       notify:                                                                                             
                            │         - Second command to run # <-- Handler runs only when the file changes.                            
                            │   handlers:                                                                                               
                            │     - name: Second command to run                                                                         
                            │       ansible.builtin.debug:                                                                              
                            │         msg: The placeholder file was modified!                                                           
                            │ (more)                                                                                                    
  version_added             │ historic                                                                                                  
  tags                      │ idiom                                                                                                     
  severity                  │ MEDIUM                                                                                                    
  no-jinja-when             │ No Jinja2 in when.                                                                                        
  description               │ # no-jinja-when                                                                                           
                            │ This rule checks conditional statements for Jinja expressions in curly brackets {{ }}. Ansible processes  
                            │ conditionals statements that use the when, failed_when, and changed_when clauses as Jinja expressions.    
                            │ An Ansible rule is to always use {{ }} except with when keys. Using {{ }} in conditionals creates a       
                            │ nested expression, which is an Ansible anti-pattern and does not produce expected results.                
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Shut down Debian systems                                                                      
                            │       ansible.builtin.command: /sbin/shutdown -t now                                                      
                            │       when: "{{ ansible_facts['os_family'] == 'Debian' }}" # <- Nests a Jinja expression in a             
                            │ conditional statement.                                                                                    
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Shut down Debian systems                                                                      
                            │       ansible.builtin.command: /sbin/shutdown -t now                                                      
                            │       when: ansible_facts['os_family'] == "Debian" # <- Uses facts in a conditional statement.            
  version_added             │ historic                                                                                                  
  tags                      │ deprecations                                                                                              
  severity                  │ HIGH                                                                                                      
  no-log-password           │ Password should not be logged.                                                                            
  description               │ # no-log-password                                                                                         
                            │ This rule ensures playbooks do not write passwords to logs when using loops. Always set the no_log: true  
                            │ attribute to protect sensitive data.                                                                      
                            │ While most Ansible modules mask sensitive data, using secrets inside a loop can result in those secrets   
                            │ being logged. Explicitly adding no_log: true prevents accidentally exposing secrets.                      
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Log user passwords                                                                            
                            │       ansible.builtin.user:                                                                               
                            │         name: john_doe                                                                                    
                            │         comment: John Doe                                                                                 
                            │         uid: 1040                                                                                         
                            │         group: admin                                                                                      
                            │         password: "{{ item }}"                                                                            
                            │       with_items:                                                                                         
                            │         - wow                                                                                             
                            │       no_log: false # <- Sets the no_log attribute to false.                                              
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Do not log user passwords                                                                     
                            │       ansible.builtin.user:                                                                               
                            │         name: john_doe                                                                                    
                            │         comment: John Doe                                                                                 
                            │         uid: 1040                                                                                         
                            │         group: admin                                                                                      
                            │         password: "{{ item }}"                                                                            
                            │       with_items:                                                                                         
                            │         - wow                                                                                             
                            │       no_log: true # <- Sets the no_log attribute to a non-false value.                                   
  version_added             │ v5.0.9                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ opt-in, security, experimental                                                                            
  severity                  │ LOW                                                                                                       
  no-prompting              │ Disallow prompting.                                                                                       
  description               │ # no-prompting                                                                                            
                            │ This rule checks for vars_prompt or the ansible.builtin.pause module in playbooks. You should enable      
                            │ this rule to ensure that playbooks can run unattended and in CI/CD pipelines.                             
                            │ This is an opt-in rule. You must enable it in your Ansible-lint configuration as follows:                 
                            │ enable_list:                                                                                              
                            │   - no-prompting                                                                                          
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: all                                                                                              
                            │   vars_prompt: # <- Prompts the user to input credentials.                                                
                            │     - name: username                                                                                      
                            │       prompt: What is your username?                                                                      
                            │       private: false                                                                                      
                            │     - name: password                                                                                      
                            │       prompt: What is your password?                                                                      
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Pause for 5 minutes                                                                           
                            │       ansible.builtin.pause:                                                                              
                            │         minutes: 5 # <- Pauses playbook execution for a set period of time.                               
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ Correct code for this rule is to omit vars_prompt and the ansible.builtin.pause module from your          
                            │ playbook.                                                                                                 
  version_added             │ v6.0.3                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ opt-in, experimental                                                                                      
  severity                  │ VERY_LOW                                                                                                  
  no-relative-paths         │ The src argument should not use a relative path.                                                          
  description               │ # no-relative-paths                                                                                       
                            │ This rule checks for relative paths in the ansible.builtin.copy and ansible.builtin.template modules.     
                            │ Relative paths in a task most often direct Ansible to remote files and directories on managed nodes. In   
                            │ the ansible.builtin.copy and ansible.builtin.template modules, the src argument refers to local files     
                            │ and directories on the control node.                                                                      
                            │ The recommended locations to store files are as follows:                                                  
                            │  • Use the files/ folder in the playbook or role directory for the copy module.                           
                            │  • Use the templates/ folder in the playbook or role directory for the template module.                   
                            │ These folders allow you to omit the path or use a sub-folder when specifying files with the src           
                            │ argument.                                                                                                 
                            │ If resources are outside your Ansible playbook or role directory you should use an absolute path with     
                            │ the `src` argument.                                                                                       
                            │ Do not store resources at the same directory level as your Ansible playbook or tasks files.               
                            │ Doing this can result in disorganized projects and cause user confusion when distinguishing between       
                            │ resources of the same type, such as YAML.                                                                 
                            │ See task paths in the Ansible documentation for more information.                                         
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: all                                                                                              
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Template a file to /etc/file.conf                                                             
                            │       ansible.builtin.template:                                                                           
                            │         src: ../my_templates/foo.j2 # <- Uses a relative path in the src argument.                        
                            │         dest: /etc/file.conf                                                                              
                            │         owner: bin                                                                                        
                            │         group: wheel                                                                                      
                            │         mode: "0644"                                                                                      
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: all                                                                                              
                            │   vars:                                                                                                   
                            │     source_path: ../../my_templates/foo.j2 # <- Sets a variable to a relative path.                       
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Copy a file to /etc/file.conf                                                                 
                            │       ansible.builtin.copy:                                                                               
                            │         src: "{{ source_path }}" # <- Uses the variable in the src argument.                              
                            │         dest: /etc/foo.conf                                                                               
                            │         owner: foo                                                                                        
                            │         group: foo                                                                                        
                            │         mode: "0644"                                                                                      
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: all                                                                                              
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Template a file to /etc/file.conf                                                             
                            │       ansible.builtin.template:                                                                           
                            │         src: foo.j2 # <- Uses a path from inside templates/ directory.                                    
                            │         dest: /etc/file.conf                                                                              
                            │         owner: bin                                                                                        
                            │         group: wheel                                                                                      
                            │         mode: "0644"                                                                                      
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: all                                                                                              
                            │   vars:                                                                                                   
                            │     source_path: foo.j2 # <- Uses a path from inside files/ directory.                                    
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Copy a file to /etc/file.conf                                                                 
                            │       ansible.builtin.copy:                                                                               
                            │         src: "{{ source_path }}" # <- Uses the variable in the src argument.                              
                            │         dest: /etc/foo.conf                                                                               
                            │         owner: foo                                                                                        
                            │         group: foo                                                                                        
                            │         mode: "0644"                                                                                      
  version_added             │ v4.0.0                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ idiom                                                                                                     
  severity                  │ HIGH                                                                                                      
  no-same-owner             │ Do not preserve the owner and group when transferring files across hosts.                                 
  description               │ # no-same-owner                                                                                           
                            │ This rule checks that the owner and group do not transfer across hosts.                                   
                            │ In many cases the owner and group on remote hosts do not match the owner and group assigned to source     
                            │ files. Preserving the owner and group during transfer can result in errors with permissions or leaking    
                            │ sensitive information.                                                                                    
                            │ When you synchronize files, you should avoid transferring the owner and group by setting owner: false     
                            │ and group: false arguments. When you unpack archives with the ansible.builtin.unarchive module you        
                            │ should set the --no-same-owner option.                                                                    
                            │ This is an opt-in rule. You must enable it in your Ansible-lint configuration as follows:                 
                            │ enable_list:                                                                                              
                            │   - no-same-owner                                                                                         
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: all                                                                                              
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Synchronize conf file                                                                         
                            │       ansible.posix.synchronize:                                                                          
                            │         src: /path/conf.yaml                                                                              
                            │         dest: /path/conf.yaml # <- Transfers the owner and group for the file.                            
                            │     - name: Extract tarball to path                                                                       
                            │       ansible.builtin.unarchive:                                                                          
                            │         src: "{{ file }}.tar.gz"                                                                          
                            │         dest: /my/path/ # <- Transfers the owner and group for the file.                                  
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: all                                                                                              
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Synchronize conf file                                                                         
                            │       ansible.posix.synchronize:                                                                          
                            │         src: /path/conf.yaml                                                                              
                            │         dest: /path/conf.yaml                                                                             
                            │         owner: false                                                                                      
                            │         group: false # <- Does not transfer the owner and group for the file.                             
                            │     - name: Extract tarball to path                                                                       
                            │       ansible.builtin.unarchive:                                                                          
                            │         src: "{{ file }}.tar.gz"                                                                          
                            │         dest: /my/path/                                                                                   
                            │         extra_opts:                                                                                       
                            │           - --no-same-owner # <- Does not transfer the owner and group for the file.                      
  tags                      │ opt-in                                                                                                    
  severity                  │ LOW                                                                                                       
  no-tabs                   │ Most files should not contain tabs.                                                                       
  description               │ # no-tabs                                                                                                 
                            │ This rule checks for the tab character. The \t tab character can result in unexpected display or          
                            │ formatting issues. You should always use spaces instead of tabs.                                          
                            │ This rule does not trigger alerts for tab characters in the ``ansible.builtin.lineinfile`` module.        
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: all                                                                                              
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Do not trigger the rule                                                                       
                            │       ansible.builtin.lineinfile:                                                                         
                            │         path: some.txt                                                                                    
                            │         regexp: '^\t$'                                                                                    
                            │         line: 'string with \t inside'                                                                     
                            │     - name: Trigger the rule with a debug message                                                         
                            │       ansible.builtin.debug:                                                                              
                            │         msg: "Using the \t character can cause formatting issues." # <- Includes the tab character.       
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: all                                                                                              
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Do not trigger the no-tabs rule                                                               
                            │       ansible.builtin.debug:                                                                              
                            │         msg: "Using space characters avoids formatting issues."                                           
  version_added             │ v4.0.0                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ formatting                                                                                                
  severity                  │ LOW                                                                                                       
  only-builtins             │ Use only builtin actions.                                                                                 
  description               │ # only-builtins                                                                                           
                            │ This rule checks that playbooks use actions from the ansible.builtin collection only.                     
                            │ This is an opt-in rule. You must enable it in your Ansible-lint configuration as follows:                 
                            │ enable_list:                                                                                              
                            │   - only-builtins                                                                                         
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: all                                                                                              
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Deploy a Helm chart for Prometheus                                                            
                            │       kubernetes.core.helm: # <- Uses a non-builtin collection.                                           
                            │         name: test                                                                                        
                            │         chart_ref: stable/prometheus                                                                      
                            │         release_namespace: monitoring                                                                     
                            │         create_namespace: true                                                                            
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Run a shell command                                                                           
                            │       ansible.builtin.shell: echo This playbook uses actions from the builtin collection only.            
  tags                      │ opt-in, experimental                                                                                      
  severity                  │ MEDIUM                                                                                                    
  package-latest            │ Package installs should not use latest.                                                                   
  description               │ # package-latest                                                                                          
                            │ This rule checks that package managers install software in a controlled, safe manner.                     
                            │ Package manager modules, such as ansible.builtin.yum, include a state parameter that configures how       
                            │ Ansible installs software. In production environments, you should set state to present and specify a      
                            │ target version to ensure that packages are installed to a planned and tested version.                     
                            │ Setting state to latest not only installs software, it performs an update and installs additional         
                            │ packages. This can result in performance degradation or loss of service. If you do want to update         
                            │ packages to the latest version, you should also set the update_only parameter to true to avoid            
                            │ installing additional packages.                                                                           
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Install Ansible                                                                               
                            │       ansible.builtin.yum:                                                                                
                            │         name: ansible                                                                                     
                            │         state: latest # <- Installs the latest package.                                                   
                            │     - name: Install Ansible-lint                                                                          
                            │       ansible.builtin.pip:                                                                                
                            │         name: ansible-lint                                                                                
                            │       args:                                                                                               
                            │         state: latest # <- Installs the latest package.                                                   
                            │     - name: Install some-package                                                                          
                            │       ansible.builtin.package:                                                                            
                            │         name: some-package                                                                                
                            │         state: latest # <- Installs the latest package.                                                   
                            │     - name: Install Ansible with update_only to false                                                     
                            │       ansible.builtin.yum:                                                                                
                            │         name: sudo                                                                                        
                            │         state: latest                                                                                     
                            │         update_only: false # <- Updates and installs packages.                                            
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Install Ansible                                                                               
                            │       ansible.builtin.yum:                                                                                
                            │         name: ansible-                                                                            
                            │         state: present # <- Pins the version to install with yum.                                         
                            │     - name: Install Ansible-lint                                                                          
                            │       ansible.builtin.pip:                                                                                
                            │         name: ansible-lint                                                                                
                            │       args:                                                                                               
                            │         state: present                                                                                    
                            │         version: 5.4.0 # <- Pins the version to install with pip.                                         
                            │     - name: Install some-package                                                                          
                            │       ansible.builtin.package:                                                                            
                            │         name: some-package                                                                                
                            │         state: present # <- Ensures the package is installed.                                             
                            │     - name: Update Ansible with update_only to true                                                       
                            │       ansible.builtin.yum:                                                                                
                            │         name: sudo                                                                                        
                            │         state: latest                                                                                     
                            │         update_only: true # <- Updates but does not install additional packages.                          
  version_added             │ historic                                                                                                  
  tags                      │ idempotency                                                                                               
  severity                  │ VERY_LOW                                                                                                  
  parser-error              │ AnsibleParserError.                                                                                       
  description               │ Ansible parser fails; this usually indicates an invalid file.                                             
  version_added             │ v5.0.0                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ core                                                                                                      
  severity                  │ VERY_HIGH                                                                                                 
  partial-become            │ become_user requires become to work as expected.                                                          
  description               │ # partial-become                                                                                          
                            │ This rule checks that privilege escalation is activated when changing users.                              
                            │ To perform an action as a different user with the become_user directive, you must set become: true.       
                            │ While Ansible inherits have of `become` and `become_user` from upper levels,                              
                            │ like play level or command line, we do not look at these values. This rule                                
                            │ requires you to be explicit and always define both in the same place, mainly                              
                            │ in order to prevent accidents when some tasks are moved from one location to                              
                            │ another one.                                                                                              
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Start the httpd service as the apache user                                                    
                            │       ansible.builtin.service:                                                                            
                            │         name: httpd                                                                                       
                            │         state: started                                                                                    
                            │         become_user: apache # <- Does not change the user because "become: true" is not set.              
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Start the httpd service as the apache user                                                    
                            │       ansible.builtin.service:                                                                            
                            │         name: httpd                                                                                       
                            │         state: started                                                                                    
                            │         become: true # <- Activates privilege escalation.                                                 
                            │         become_user: apache # <- Changes the user with the desired privileges.                            
  version_added             │ historic                                                                                                  
  tags                      │ unpredictability                                                                                          
  severity                  │ VERY_HIGH                                                                                                 
  playbook-extension        │ Use ".yml" or ".yaml" playbook extension.                                                                 
  description               │ # playbook-extension                                                                                      
                            │ This rule checks the file extension for playbooks is either .yml or .yaml. Ansible playbooks are          
                            │ expressed in YAML format with minimal syntax.                                                             
                            │ The YAML syntax reference provides additional detail.                                                     
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ This rule is triggered if Ansible playbooks do not have a file extension or use an unsupported file       
                            │ extension such as playbook.json or playbook.xml.                                                          
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ Save Ansible playbooks as valid YAML with the .yml or .yaml file extension.                               
  version_added             │ v4.0.0                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ formatting                                                                                                
  severity                  │ MEDIUM                                                                                                    
  risky-file-permissions    │ File permissions unset or incorrect.                                                                      
  description               │ # risky-file-permissions                                                                                  
                            │ This rule is triggered by various modules that could end up creating new files on disk with permissions   
                            │ that might be too open, or unpredictable. Please read the documentation of each module carefully to       
                            │ understand the implications of using different argument values, as these make the difference between      
                            │ using the module safely or not. The fix depends on each module and also your particular situation.        
                            │ Some modules have a create argument that defaults to true. For those you either need to set create:       
                            │ false or provide some permissions like mode: 0600 to make the behavior predictable and not dependent on   
                            │ the current system settings.                                                                              
                            │ Modules that are checked:                                                                                 
                            │  • ansible.builtin.assemble                                                                               
                            │  • ansible.builtin.copy                                                                                   
                            │  • ansible.builtin.file                                                                                   
                            │  • ansible.builtin.get_url                                                                                
                            │  • ansible.builtin.replace                                                                                
                            │  • ansible.builtin.template                                                                               
                            │  • community.general.archive                                                                              
                            │  • community.general.ini_file                                                                             
                            │ This rule does not take                                                                                   
                            │ [module_defaults](https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/playbooks_module_defaults.html)      
                            │ configuration into account.                                                                               
                            │ There are currently no plans to implement this feature because changing task location can also change     
                            │ task behavior.                                                                                            
                            │ ## Problematic code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Unsafe example of using ini_file                                                                  
                            │   community.general.ini_file:                                                                             
                            │     path: foo                                                                                             
                            │     create: true                                                                                          
                            │     mode: preserve                                                                                        
                            │ ## Correct code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Safe example of using ini_file (1st solution)                                                     
                            │   community.general.ini_file:                                                                             
                            │     path: foo                                                                                             
                            │     create: false  # prevents creating a file with potentially insecure permissions                       
                            │     mode: preserve                                                                                        
                            │ - name: Safe example of using ini_file (2nd solution)                                                     
                            │   community.general.ini_file:                                                                             
                            │     path: foo                                                                                             
                            │     mode: 0600  # explicitly sets the desired permissions, to make the results predictable                
                            │     mode: preserve                                                                                        
                            │ (more)                                                                                                    
  version_added             │ v4.3.0                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ unpredictability, experimental                                                                            
  severity                  │ VERY_HIGH                                                                                                 
  risky-octal               │ Octal file permissions must contain leading zero or be a string.                                          
  description               │ # risky-octal                                                                                             
                            │ This rule checks that octal file permissions either contain a leading zero or are a string value.         
                            │ Modules that are checked:                                                                                 
                            │  • ansible.builtin.assemble                                                                               
                            │  • ansible.builtin.copy                                                                                   
                            │  • ansible.builtin.file                                                                                   
                            │  • ansible.builtin.replace                                                                                
                            │  • ansible.builtin.template                                                                               
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Unsafe example of declaring Numeric file permissions                                          
                            │       ansible.builtin.file:                                                                               
                            │         path: /etc/foo.conf                                                                               
                            │         owner: foo                                                                                        
                            │         group: foo                                                                                        
                            │         mode: 644                                                                                         
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Safe example of declaring Numeric file permissions (1st solution)                             
                            │       ansible.builtin.file:                                                                               
                            │         path: /etc/foo.conf                                                                               
                            │         owner: foo                                                                                        
                            │         group: foo                                                                                        
                            │         mode: 0644 # <- Leading zero will prevent Numeric file permissions to behave in unexpected ways.  
                            │     - name: Safe example of declaring Numeric file permissions (2nd solution)                             
                            │       ansible.builtin.file:                                                                               
                            │         path: /etc/foo.conf                                                                               
                            │         owner: foo                                                                                        
                            │         group: foo                                                                                        
                            │         mode: "644" # <- Being in a string will prevent Numeric file permissions to behave in unexpected  
                            │ ways.                                                                                                     
                            │ (more)                                                                                                    
  version_added             │ historic                                                                                                  
  tags                      │ formatting                                                                                                
  severity                  │ VERY_HIGH                                                                                                 
  risky-shell-pipe          │ Shells that use pipes should set the pipefail option.                                                     
  description               │ # risky-shell-pipe                                                                                        
                            │ This rule checks for the bash pipefail option with the Ansible shell module.                              
                            │ You should always set pipefail when piping output from a command to another. The return status of a       
                            │ pipeline is the exit status of the command. The pipefail option ensures that tasks fail as expected if    
                            │ the first command fails.                                                                                  
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Pipeline without pipefail                                                                     
                            │       shell: false | cat                                                                                  
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   become: no                                                                                              
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Pipeline with pipefail                                                                        
                            │       shell: set -o pipefail && false | cat                                                               
                            │     - name: Pipeline with pipefail, multi-line                                                            
                            │       shell: |                                                                                            
                            │         set -o pipefail # <-- adding this will prevent surprises                                          false | cat                                                                                       
  version_added             │ v4.1.0                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ command-shell                                                                                             
  severity                  │ MEDIUM                                                                                                    
  role-name                 │ Role name {0} does not match ^[a-z][a-z0-9_]*$ pattern.                                                   
  description               │ # role-name                                                                                               
                            │ This rule checks role names to ensure they conform with requirements.                                     
                            │ Role names must contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters and the underscore _ character. Role       
                            │ names must also start with an alphabetic character.                                                       
                            │ For more information see the roles directory topic in Ansible documentation.                              
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   roles:                                                                                                  
                            │     - 1myrole # <- Does not start with an alphabetic character.                                           
                            │     - myrole2[*^ # <- Contains invalid special characters.                                                
                            │     - myRole_3 # <- Contains uppercase alphabetic characters.                                             
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   roles:                                                                                                  
                            │     - myrole1 # <- Starts with an alphabetic character.                                                   
                            │     - myrole2 # <- Contains only alphanumeric characters.                                                 
                            │     - myrole_3 # <- Contains only lowercase alphabetic characters.                                        
                            │ (more)                                                                                                    
  version_added             │ v4.3.0                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ deprecations, metadata                                                                                    
  severity                  │ HIGH                                                                                                      
  run-once                  │ Run once should use strategy other than free.                                                             
  description               │ # run-once                                                                                                
                            │ This rule warns against the use of run_once when strategy is set to free.                                 
                            │ This rule can produce the following messages:                                                             
                            │  • run_once[play]: Play uses strategy: free.                                                              
                            │  • run_once[task]: Using run_once may behave differently if strategy is set to free.                      
                            │ For more information see the following topics in Ansible documentation:                                   
                            │  • free strategy                                                                                          
                            │  • selecting a strategy                                                                                   
                            │  • run_once(playbook keyword) more info                                                                   
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: "Example with run_once"                                                                           
                            │   hosts: all                                                                                              
                            │   strategy: free # <-- avoid use of strategy as free                                                      
                            │   gather_facts: false                                                                                     
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Task with run_once                                                                            
                            │       ansible.builtin.debug:                                                                              
                            │         msg: "Test"                                                                                       
                            │       run_once: true # <-- avoid use of strategy as free at play level when using run_once at task level  
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ - name: "Example without run_once"                                                                        
                            │   hosts: all                                                                                              
                            │   gather_facts: false                                                                                     
                            │   tasks:                                                                                                  
                            │     - name: Task without run_once                                                                         
                            │       ansible.builtin.debug:                                                                              
                            │         msg: "Test"                                                                                       
                            │ (more)                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ idiom, experimental                                                                                       
  severity                  │ MEDIUM                                                                                                    
  schema                    │ Perform JSON Schema Validation for known lintable kinds.                                                  
  description               │ # schema                                                                                                  
                            │ The schema rule validates Ansible metadata files against JSON schemas. These schemas ensure the           
                            │ compatibility of Ansible syntax content across versions.                                                  
                            │ This schema rule is mandatory. You cannot use inline noqa comments to ignore it.                          
                            │ Ansible-lint validates the schema rule before processing other rules. This prevents unexpected syntax     
                            │ from triggering multiple rule violations.                                                                 
                            │ ## Validated schema                                                                                       
                            │ Ansible-lint currently validates several schemas that are maintained in separate projects and updated     
                            │ independently to ansible-lint.                                                                            
                            │ ▌ Report bugs related to schema in their respective repository and not in the ansible-lint project.       
                            │ Maintained in the ansible-lint project:                                                                   
                            │  • schema[ansible-lint-config] validates ansible-lint configuration                                       
                            │ Maintained in the ansible-navigator project:                                                              
                            │  • schema[ansible-navigator] validates ansible-navigator configuration                                    
                            │ Maintained in the Ansible schemas project:                                                                
                            │  • schema[arg_specs] validates module argument specs                                                      
                            │  • schema[execution-environment] validates execution environments                                         
                            │  • schema[galaxy] validates collection metadata.                                                          
                            │  • schema[inventory] validates inventory files that match inventory/*.yml.                                
                            │  • schema[meta-runtime] validates runtime information that matches meta/runtime.yml                       
                            │  • schema[meta] validates metadata for roles that match meta/main.yml. See role-dependencies or           
                            │    role/metadata.py) for details.                                                                         
                            │  • schema[playbook] validates Ansible playbooks.                                                          
                            │  • schema[requirements] validates Ansible requirements files that match requirements.yml.                 
                            │  • schema[tasks] validates Ansible task files that match tasks/**/*.yml.                                  
                            │  • schema[vars] validates Ansible variables that match vars/*.yml and defaults/*.yml.                     
                            │ ## schema                                                                                                 
                            │ For meta/main.yml files, Ansible-lint requires a galaxy_info.standalone property that clarifies if a      
                            │ role is an old standalone one or a new one, collection based:                                             
                            │ galaxy_info:                                                                                              
                            │   standalone: true # <-- this is a standalone role (not part of a collection)                             
                            │ Ansible-lint requires the standalone key to avoid confusion and provide more specific error messages.     
                            │ For example, the meta schema will require some properties only for standalone roles or prevent the use    
                            │ of some properties that are not supported by collections.                                                 
                            │ You cannot use an empty meta/main.yml file or use only comments in the meta/main.yml file.                
  version_added             │ v6.1.0                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ core, experimental                                                                                        
  severity                  │ VERY_HIGH                                                                                                 
  syntax-check              │ Ansible syntax check failed.                                                                              
  description               │ # syntax-check                                                                                            
                            │ Our linter runs ansible-playbook --syntax-check on all playbooks, and if any of these reports a syntax    
                            │ error, this stops any further processing of these files.                                                  
                            │ This error cannot be disabled due to being a prerequisite for other steps. You can exclude these files    
                            │ from linting, but it is better to make sure they can be loaded by Ansible. This is often achieved by      
                            │ editing the inventory file and/or ansible.cfg so ansible can load required variables.                     
                            │ If undefined variables cause the failure, you can use the jinja default() filter to provide fallback      
                            │ values, like in the example below.                                                                        
                            │ This rule is among the few unskippable rules that cannot be added to skip_list or warn_list. One          
                            │ possible workaround is to add the entire file to the exclude_paths. This is a valid approach for special  
                            │ cases, like testing fixtures that are invalid on purpose.                                                 
                            │ One of the most common sources of errors is failure to assert the presence of various variables at the    
                            │ beginning of the playbook.                                                                                
                            │ ## Problematic code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Bad use of variable inside hosts block (wrong assumption of it being defined)                     
                            │   hosts: "{{ my_hosts }}"                                                                                 
                            │   tasks: []                                                                                               
                            │ ## Correct code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Good use of variable inside hosts, without assumptions                                            
                            │   hosts: "{{ my_hosts | default([]) }}"                                                                   
                            │   tasks: []                                                                                               
  version_added             │ v5.0.0                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ core                                                                                                      
  severity                  │ VERY_HIGH                                                                                                 
  var-naming                │ All variables should be named using only lowercase and underscores.                                       
  description               │ # var-naming                                                                                              
                            │ This rule checks variable names to ensure they conform with requirements.                                 
                            │ Variable names must contain only lowercase alphanumeric characters and the underscore _ character.        
                            │ Variable names must also start with either an alphabetic or underscore _ character.                       
                            │ For more information see the creating valid variable names topic in Ansible documentation.                
                            │ ## Problematic Code                                                                                       
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   vars:                                                                                                   
                            │     CamelCase: true # <- Contains a mix of lowercase and uppercase characters.                            
                            │     ALL_CAPS: bar # <- Contains only uppercase characters.                                                
                            │     v@r!able: baz # <- Contains special characters.                                                       
                            │ ## Correct Code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ - name: Example playbook                                                                                  
                            │   hosts: localhost                                                                                        
                            │   vars:                                                                                                   
                            │     lowercase: true # <- Contains only lowercase characters.                                              
                            │     no_caps: bar # <- Does not contains uppercase characters.                                             
                            │     variable: baz # <- Does not contain special characters.                                               
  version_added             │ v5.0.10                                                                                                   
  tags                      │ idiom, experimental                                                                                       
  severity                  │ MEDIUM                                                                                                    
  warning                   │ Other warnings detected during run.                                                                       
  description               │ # warning                                                                                                 
                            │ warning is a special type of internal rule that is used to report generic runtime warnings found during   
                            │ execution. As stated by its name, they are not counted as errors, so they do not influence the final      
                            │ outcome.                                                                                                  
                            │  • warning[empty-playbook] is raised when a playbook file has no content.                                 
                            │  • warning[raw-non-string] indicates that you are using                                                   
                            │    [raw](http://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/collections/ansible/builtin/raw_module.html#ansible-col…  
                            │    module with non-string arguments, which is not supported by Ansible.                                   
  version_added             │ v6.8.0                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ core, experimental                                                                                        
  severity                  │ LOW                                                                                                       
  yaml                      │ Violations reported by yamllint.                                                                          
  description               │ # yaml                                                                                                    
                            │ This rule checks YAML syntax and is an implementation of yamllint.                                        
                            │ You can disable YAML syntax violations by adding yaml to the skip_list in your Ansible-lint               
                            │ configuration as follows:                                                                                 
                            │ skip_list:                                                                                                
                            │   - yaml                                                                                                  
                            │ For more fine-grained control, disable violations for specific rules using tag identifiers in the         
                            │ yaml[yamllint_rule] format as follows:                                                                    
                            │ skip_list:                                                                                                
                            │   - yaml[trailing-spaces]                                                                                 
                            │   - yaml[indentation]                                                                                     
                            │ If you want Ansible-lint to report YAML syntax violations as warnings, and not fatal errors, add tag      
                            │ identifiers to the warn_list in your configuration, for example:                                          
                            │ warn_list:                                                                                                
                            │   - yaml[document-start]                                                                                  
                            │ See the list of yamllint rules for more information.                                                      
                            │ Some of the detailed error codes that you might see are:                                                  
                            │  • yaml[brackets] - too few spaces inside empty brackets, or too many spaces inside brackets              
                            │  • yaml[colons] - too many spaces before colon, or too many spaces after colon                            
                            │  • yaml[commas] - too many spaces before comma, or too few spaces after comma                             
                            │  • yaml[comments-indentation] - Comment not indented like content                                         
                            │  • yaml[comments] - Too few spaces before comment, or Missing starting space in comment                   
                            │  • yaml[document-start] - missing document start "---" or found forbidden document start "---"            
                            │  • yaml[empty-lines] - too many blank lines (...> ...)                                                    
                            │  • yaml[indentation] - Wrong indentation: expected ... but found ...                                      
                            │  • yaml[key-duplicates] - Duplication of key "..." in mapping                                             
                            │  • yaml[new-line-at-end-of-file] - No new line character at the end of file                               
                            │  • yaml[syntax] - YAML syntax is broken                                                                   
                            │  • yaml[trailing-spaces] - Spaces are found at the end of lines                                           
                            │  • yaml[truthy] - Truthy value should be one of ...                                                       
                            │ ## Problematic code                                                                                       
                            │ # Missing YAML document start.                                                                            
                            │ foo: ...                                                                                                  
                            │ foo: ...  # <-- Duplicate key.                                                                            
                            │ bar: ...       # <-- Incorrect comment indentation                                                        
                            │ ## Correct code                                                                                           
                            │ ---                                                                                                       
                            │ foo: ...                                                                                                  
                            │ bar: ... # Correct comment indentation.                                                                   
                            │ (more)                                                                                                    
  version_added             │ v5.0.0                                                                                                    
  tags                      │ formatting, yaml                                                                                          
  severity                  │ VERY_LOW  


タグで定められたルールを表示する(ルールの小分類を表示する) 【-T, --list-tags】

それぞれのルールがどのように分類されているか表示します。またこれらの分類はタグを指定する事で指定されたタグのルールのみlintを実行することもできます。Ansible lintのルールの基本的な考え方が分かります。

ansible-lint -T
## もしくは
ansible-lint --list-tags

# List of tags and rules they cover
command-shell:  # Specific to use of command and shell modules
  - command-instead-of-module
  - command-instead-of-shell
  - deprecated-command-syntax
  - inline-env-var
  - no-changed-when
  - risky-shell-pipe
core:  # Related to internal implementation of the linter
  - internal-error
  - load-failure
  - parser-error
  - syntax-check
  - warning
  - schema
deprecations:  # Indicate use of features that are removed from Ansible
  - deprecated-bare-vars
  - deprecated-command-syntax
  - deprecated-local-action
  - deprecated-module
  - no-jinja-when
  - role-name
experimental:  # Newly introduced rules, by default triggering only warnings
  - warning
  - avoid-implicit
  - galaxy
  - ignore-errors
  - key-order
  - no-free-form
  - no-log-password
  - no-prompting
  - only-builtins
  - risky-file-permissions
  - run-once
  - schema
  - var-naming
formatting:  # Related to code-style
  - yaml
  - fqcn
  - jinja
  - key-order
  - no-tabs
  - playbook-extension
  - risky-octal
idempotency:  # Possible indication that consequent runs would produce different results
  - latest
  - no-changed-when
  - package-latest
idiom:  # Anti-pattern detected, likely to cause undesired behavior
  - command-instead-of-module
  - command-instead-of-shell
  - empty-string-compare
  - inline-env-var
  - literal-compare
  - loop-var-prefix
  - name
  - no-handler
  - no-relative-paths
  - run-once
  - var-naming
metadata:  # Invalid metadata, likely related to galaxy, collections or roles
  - galaxy
  - meta-incorrect
  - meta-no-info
  - meta-no-tags
  - meta-video-links
  - role-name
opt-in:  # Rules that are not used unless manually added to `enable_list`
  - empty-string-compare
  - galaxy
  - no-log-password
  - no-prompting
  - no-same-owner
  - only-builtins
  - no-free-form
security:  # Rules related o potentially security issues, like exposing credentials
  - no-log-password
  - no-free-form
unpredictability:  # Warn about code that might not work in a predictable way
  - avoid-implicit
  - ignore-errors
  - partial-become
  - risky-file-permissions
unskippable:  # Indicate a fatal error that cannot be ignored or disabled
  - load-failure
yaml:  # External linter which will also produce its own rule codes
  - yaml

出力形式を指定する 【-f , --format 】


  • rich
  • plain
  • md
  • json
  • codeclimate
  • quiet
  • pep8
  • sarif
  • docs


WARNING  Listing 1 violation(s) that are fatal
roles/create-backup:1: role-name: Role name create-backup does not match ``^*$`` pattern. (warning)

                  Rule Violation Summary                  
 count tag       profile rule associated tags             
     1 role-name basic   deprecations, metadata (warning) 

Passed with min profile: 0 failure(s), 1 warning(s) on 15 files.
A new release of ansible-lint is available: 6.8.4 → 6.8.5 Upgrade by running: pip3 install --user --upgrade ansible-lint
ansible-lint -f json
[{"type": "issue", "check_name": "role-name", "categories": ["deprecations", "metadata"], "url": "https://ansible-lint.readthedocs.io/rules/role-name/", "severity": "info", "description": "Role name create-backup does not match ``^\\[a-z]\\[a-z0-9_]*$`` pattern.", "fingerprint": "b6a7a8b84b404967d988b9ffb58662ac0ed3115f22e6bda953b27e89632dac75", "location": {"path": "roles/create-backup", "lines": {"begin": 1}}}]

                  Rule Violation Summary                  
 count tag       profile rule associated tags             
     1 role-name basic   deprecations, metadata (warning) 

Passed with min profile: 0 failure(s), 1 warning(s) on 15 files.
A new release of ansible-lint is available: 6.8.4  6.8.5 Upgrade by running: pip3 install --user --upgrade ansible-lint

表示される情報を少なくする 【-q】

ansible-lint -q
roles/create-backup:1: role-name (warning)

Profileを指定する 【-P , --profile 】


  • min
  • basic
  • moderate
  • safety
  • shared
  • production



通常 (何も指定しないとprofileにproductionが指定される)

WARNING  Listing 1 violation(s) that are fatal
roles/create-backup:1: role-name: Role name create-backup does not match ``^*$`` pattern. (warning)

                  Rule Violation Summary                  
 count tag       profile rule associated tags             
     1 role-name basic   deprecations, metadata (warning) 

Passed with min profile: 0 failure(s), 1 warning(s) on 15 files.
A new release of ansible-lint is available: 6.8.4 → 6.8.5 Upgrade by running: pip3 install --user --upgrade ansible-lint

必要最低限のlintを実行する (profileにminを指定する)

ansible-lint -p min

Passed with production profile: 0 failure(s), 0 warning(s) on 1 files.
A new release of ansible-lint is available: 6.8.4 → 6.8.5 Upgrade by running: pip3 install --user --upgrade ansible-lint

前回のcommitと比べて改善があればsuccessを返す 【--progress】


ansible-lint --progress

プロジェクトディレクトリを指定する 【--project-dir 】

なぞのオプションです。プロジェクト内にあるGalaxy role等のパスを指定するとそのRoleをチェックします。しかしそのRoleに対してAnsible lintは実行されません。(Ansible lint 6.8系で動作確認時)

警告をエラーと見なす 【-s, --strict】

Ansible lintをstrictモードで実行します。

ansible-lint -s
## もしくは
ansible-lint --strict

YAMLファイルをAnsible lintの推奨する形式に書き直す 【--write】

YAMLファイルがAnsible lintが推奨する形式に書き換えられます。

ansible-lint --write


 - name: Create WordPress install directory
-    dest: '{{ wp_install_path }}'
+    dest: "{{ wp_install_path }}"
     state: directory
     owner: apache
     group: apache
     mode: 0755
-    recurse: yes
+    recurse: true
-  - '*.yaml'
-  - '*.yml'
-  - '.yamllint'
+  - "*.yaml"
+  - "*.yml"
+  - .yamllint



タグで指定されたルール群のみ適用する 【-t TAGS, --tags TAGS】

ansible-lint --list-tagsで分類されているタグを利用して特定のルール群のみAnsible lintを適用します。

ansible-lint -t

例えばModuleのfqdnを記述していない場合は通常通りAnsible lintを実行すると以下のようなエラーが出ます。

- name: Install cowsay
    name: cowsay
    state: present
ansible-lint tasks/main.yml
WARNING  Listing 1 violation(s) that are fatal
tasks/main.yml:2: fqcn[action-core]: Use FQCN for builtin module actions (package).
You can skip specific rules or tags by adding them to your configuration file:
# .config/ansible-lint.yml
warn_list:  # or 'skip_list' to silence them completely
  - fqcn[action-core]  # Use FQCN for builtin actions.

                 Rule Violation Summary                  
 count tag               profile    rule associated tags 
     1 ]8;id=404615;https://ansible-lint.readthedocs.io/rules/fqcn\fqcn[action-core]]8;;\ production formatting           

Failed after shared profile, 4/5 star rating: 1 failure(s), 0 warning(s) on 1 files.

Exited with code exit status 2


nsible-lint -t core tasks/main.yml

Passed with production profile: 0 failure(s), 0 warning(s) on 1 files.

Verboseモードで実行する 【-v, -vv】


ansible-lint tasks/main.yml -v

INFO     Set ANSIBLE_LIBRARY=/home/mamono210/.cache/ansible-compat/244210/modules:/home/mamono210/.ansible/plugins/modules:/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules
INFO     Set ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATH=/home/mamono210/.cache/ansible-compat/244210/collections:/home/mamono210/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
INFO     Set ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH=/home/mamono210/.cache/ansible-compat/244210/roles:/home/mamono210/.ansible/roles:/usr/share/ansible/roles:/etc/ansible/roles
INFO     Using /home/mamono210/.cache/ansible-compat/244210/roles/mamono210.cowsay symlink to current repository in order to enable Ansible to find the role using its expected full name.

Passed with production profile: 0 failure(s), 0 warning(s) on 1 files.
ansible-lint tasks/main.yml -vv

DEBUG    Logging initialized to level 10
DEBUG    Options: Namespace(cache_dir='/home/mamono210/.cache/ansible-compat/244210', colored=True, configured=True, cwd=PosixPath('/home/mamono210/project'), display_relative_path=True, exclude_paths=['.cache', '.git', '.hg', '.svn', '.tox'], format='rich', lintables=['tasks/main.yml'], listrules=False, listtags=False, write_list=[], parseable=True, quiet=False, rulesdirs=['/home/mamono210/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ansiblelint/rules'], skip_list=[], tags=[], verbosity=2, warn_list=['avoid-implicit', 'experimental', 'fqcn[action]', 'fqcn[redirect]', 'jinja[spacing]', 'name[casing]', 'name[play]', 'role-name', 'warning[empty-playbook]', 'role-name[path]'], kinds=[{'jinja2': '**/*.j2'}, {'jinja2': '**/*.j2.*'}, {'yaml': '.github/**/*.{yaml,yml}'}, {'text': '**/templates/**/*.*'}, {'execution-environment': '**/execution-environment.yml'}, {'ansible-lint-config': '**/.ansible-lint'}, {'ansible-lint-config': '**/.config/ansible-lint.yml'}, {'ansible-navigator-config': '**/ansible-navigator.{yaml,yml}'}, {'inventory': '**/inventory/**.{yaml,yml}'}, {'requirements': '**/meta/requirements.{yaml,yml}'}, {'galaxy': '**/galaxy.yml'}, {'reno': '**/releasenotes/*/*.{yaml,yml}'}, {'tasks': '**/tasks/**/*.{yaml,yml}'}, {'playbook': '**/playbooks/*.{yml,yaml}'}, {'playbook': '**/*playbook*.{yml,yaml}'}, {'role': '**/roles/*/'}, {'handlers': '**/handlers/*.{yaml,yml}'}, {'vars': '**/{host_vars,group_vars,vars,defaults}/**/*.{yaml,yml}'}, {'test-meta': '**/tests/integration/targets/*/meta/main.{yaml,yml}'}, {'meta': '**/meta/main.{yaml,yml}'}, {'meta-runtime': '**/meta/runtime.{yaml,yml}'}, {'arg_specs': '**/meta/argument_specs.{yaml,yml}'}, {'yaml': '.config/molecule/config.{yaml,yml}'}, {'requirements': '**/molecule/*/{collections,requirements}.{yaml,yml}'}, {'yaml': '**/molecule/*/{base,molecule}.{yaml,yml}'}, {'requirements': '**/requirements.{yaml,yml}'}, {'playbook': '**/molecule/*/*.{yaml,yml}'}, {'yaml': '**/{.ansible-lint,.yamllint}'}, {'yaml': '**/*.{yaml,yml}'}, {'yaml': '**/.*.{yaml,yml}'}], mock_filters=[], mock_modules=[], mock_roles=[], loop_var_prefix=None, var_naming_pattern=None, offline=False, project_dir='.', extra_vars=None, enable_list=[], skip_action_validation=True, strict=False, rules={}, profile=None, progressive=False, rulesdir=[], use_default_rules=False, config_file='/home/mamono210/project/.ansible-lint', version=False, cache_dir_lock=<filelock._unix.UnixFileLock object at 0x7f318b9f4d10>)
DEBUG    /home/mamono210/project
DEBUG    Loading custom .yamllint config file, this extends our internal yamllint config.
DEBUG    Effective yamllint rules used: {'braces': {'level': 'error', 'forbid': False, 'min-spaces-inside': 0, 'max-spaces-inside': 0, 'min-spaces-inside-empty': -1, 'max-spaces-inside-empty': -1}, 'brackets': {'level': 'error', 'forbid': False, 'min-spaces-inside': 0, 'max-spaces-inside': 0, 'min-spaces-inside-empty': -1, 'max-spaces-inside-empty': -1}, 'colons': {'level': 'error', 'max-spaces-before': 0, 'max-spaces-after': 1}, 'commas': {'level': 'error', 'max-spaces-before': 0, 'min-spaces-after': 1, 'max-spaces-after': 1}, 'comments': {'level': 'error', 'require-starting-space': True, 'ignore-shebangs': True, 'min-spaces-from-content': 2}, 'comments-indentation': {'level': 'error'}, 'document-end': False, 'document-start': {'level': 'error', 'present': True}, 'empty-lines': {'level': 'error', 'max': 2, 'max-start': 0, 'max-end': 0}, 'empty-values': False, 'float-values': False, 'hyphens': {'level': 'error', 'max-spaces-after': 1}, 'indentation': {'level': 'error', 'spaces': 'consistent', 'indent-sequences': True, 'check-multi-line-strings': False}, 'key-duplicates': {'level': 'error'}, 'key-ordering': False, 'line-length': False, 'new-line-at-end-of-file': {'level': 'error'}, 'new-lines': {'level': 'error', 'type': 'unix'}, 'octal-values': False, 'quoted-strings': False, 'trailing-spaces': {'level': 'error'}, 'truthy': False}
INFO     Set ANSIBLE_LIBRARY=/home/mamono210/.cache/ansible-compat/244210/modules:/home/mamono210/.ansible/plugins/modules:/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules
INFO     Set ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATH=/home/mamono210/.cache/ansible-compat/244210/collections:/home/mamono210/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
INFO     Set ANSIBLE_ROLES_PATH=/home/mamono210/.cache/ansible-compat/244210/roles:/home/mamono210/.ansible/roles:/usr/share/ansible/roles:/etc/ansible/roles
INFO     Using /home/mamono210/.cache/ansible-compat/244210/roles/mamono210.cowsay symlink to current repository in order to enable Ansible to find the role using its expected full name.
DEBUG    Examining tasks/main.yml of type tasks
DEBUG    Attempting to release lock 139850772598032 on /home/mamono210/.cache/ansible-compat/244210/.lock
DEBUG    Lock 139850772598032 released on /home/mamono210/.cache/ansible-compat/244210/.lock

DEBUG    Determined rule-profile order: {'internal-error': (0, 'min'), 'load-failure': (1, 'min'), 'parser-error': (2, 'min'), 'syntax-check': (3, 'min'), 'command-instead-of-module': (4, 'basic'), 'command-instead-of-shell': (5, 'basic'), 'deprecated-bare-vars': (6, 'basic'), 'deprecated-command-syntax': (7, 'basic'), 'deprecated-local-action': (8, 'basic'), 'deprecated-module': (9, 'basic'), 'inline-env-var': (10, 'basic'), 'key-order': (11, 'basic'), 'literal-compare': (12, 'basic'), 'jinja': (13, 'basic'), 'no-jinja-when': (14, 'basic'), 'no-tabs': (15, 'basic'), 'partial-become': (16, 'basic'), 'playbook-extension': (17, 'basic'), 'role-name': (18, 'basic'), 'schema': (19, 'basic'), 'name': (20, 'basic'), 'var-naming': (21, 'basic'), 'yaml': (22, 'basic'), 'name[template]': (23, 'moderate'), 'name[imperative]': (24, 'moderate'), 'name[casing]': (25, 'moderate'), 'no-free-form': (26, 'moderate'), 'spell-var-name': (27, 'moderate'), 'avoid-implicit': (28, 'safety'), 'latest': (29, 'safety'), 'package-latest': (30, 'safety'), 'risky-file-permissions': (31, 'safety'), 'risky-octal': (32, 'safety'), 'risky-shell-pipe': (33, 'safety'), 'galaxy': (34, 'shared'), 'ignore-errors': (35, 'shared'), 'layout': (36, 'shared'), 'meta-incorrect': (37, 'shared'), 'meta-no-info': (38, 'shared'), 'meta-no-tags': (39, 'shared'), 'meta-video-links': (40, 'shared'), 'meta-version': (41, 'shared'), 'meta-unsupported-ansible': (42, 'shared'), 'no-changed-when': (43, 'shared'), 'no-changelog': (44, 'shared'), 'no-handler': (45, 'shared'), 'no-relative-paths': (46, 'shared'), 'max-block-depth': (47, 'shared'), 'max-tasks': (48, 'shared'), 'unsafe-loop': (49, 'shared'), 'avoid-dot-notation': (50, 'production'), 'disallowed-ignore': (51, 'production'), 'fqcn': (52, 'production'), 'import-task-no-when': (53, 'production'), 'meta-no-dependencies': (54, 'production'), 'single-entry-point': (55, 'production'), 'use-loop': (56, 'production')}
Passed with production profile: 0 failure(s), 0 warning(s) on 1 files.

設定ファイルのパスを変更する 【-c , --config-file 】

Ansible lintの設定ファイルはプロジェクト内の .ansible-lint もしくは .config/ansible-lint.ymlのどちらかに配置されることにより実行時に内容が反映されます。

設定ファイルのパスを状況に応じて変更する場合(例えば開発時とプロダクション時でAnsible lintの設定を変更したい等)はパスの指定で変更可能です。

requirements.ymlからインストールしない 【--offline】

謎のオプションです。Ansible lint以外のツールとの連携を図るために用意されているのかもしれません。

Ansible lintのバージョンを表示する 【--version】

Ansible lintのバージョン情報を表示します。

ansible-lint --version

ansible-lint 6.8.6 using ansible 2.13.6

Ansibleのバージョン情報等が必要な場合はansible --versionansible-community --versionもあわせて実行します。

ansible --version
ansible [core 2.13.5]
  config file = None
  configured module search path = ['/home/mamono210/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
  ansible python module location = /home/mamono210/.local/lib/python3.11/site-packages/ansible
  ansible collection location = /home/mamono210/.ansible/collections:/usr/share/ansible/collections
  executable location = /home/mamono210/.local/bin/ansible
  python version = 3.11.0 (main, Oct 25 2022, 05:00:36) [GCC 10.2.1 20210110]
  jinja version = 3.1.2
  libyaml = True

ansible-community --version
Ansible community version 6.5.0

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