

OS I use is Ubuntu 22.04, Rancher Desktop Version is Version: 1.14.0.
I meet the following error on Rancher Desktop UI:

  stdout: '',
  stderr: 'time="2024-06-14T07:49:28+09:00" level=info msg="Using the existing instance \\"0\\""\n' +
    'time="2024-06-14T07:49:28+09:00" level=fatal msg="errors inspecting instance: [failed to get Info from \\"/home/**/.local/share/rancher-desktop/lima/0/ha.sock\\": Get \\"http://lima-hostagent/v1/info\\": dial unix /home/**/.local/share/rancher-desktop/lima/0/ha.sock: connect: connection refused]"\n',
  code: 1,
  [Symbol(child-process.command)]: '/opt/rancher-desktop/resources/resources/linux/lima/bin/limactl start --tty=false 0'

What I did

1. Understand error logs

This error says about lima at least. What is lima?
Lima is virtual machine (The official site: https://lima-vm.io ).

In addition to this, I cannot understand what is .sock
.sock may be a socket file used for UNIX.

I start to understand what error says.

However, I cannot understand why and when Rancher Desktop use UNIX domain socket.

I searched for the Internet but I cannot find a similar error, so I cannot understand what causes this error.

I moved to the Next Step.

2. Restart my PC

I think this error occurs from the inner side of rancher desktop.

First, I restarted rancher desktop apps, but error log cannot change.
So I restarted my desktop PC.

My error dissapears.


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