本記事は、「Winters, Titus, Tom Manshreck, and Hyrum Wright. Software engineering at google: Lessons learned from programming over time. O'Reilly Media, 2020.」の「Testing Overview」の内容を読んで特に重要だと感じた箇所を13個まとめました。
1. 自信を持って変更を加えるためにテストがある
“catching bugs” is only part of the motivation. An equally important reason why you want to test your software is to support the ability to change. Whether you’re adding new features, doing a refactoring focused on code health, or undertaking a larger redesign, automated testing can quickly catch mistakes, and this makes it possible to change software with confidence.
Team members had little confidence when making changes to the service, and often found out something was wrong only when features stopped working in production.
2. 劣悪だと感じたテストを書くくらいなら書かない方がマシ
If testing becomes a productivity sink, constantly inducing toil and uncertainty, engineers will lose trust and begin to find workarounds. A bad test suite can be worse than no test suite at all.
3. 「後でテスト書くよ!」はありえない
At Google, we have determined that testing cannot be an afterthought. Focusing on quality and testing is part of how we do our jobs. We have learned, sometimes painfully, that failing to build quality into our products and services inevitably leads to bad outcomes. As a result, we have built testing into the heart of our engineering culture.
4. どんなに優秀なエンジニアでもチームになればバグを起こす確率は無視できない
Even if each engineer writes only the occasional bug, after you have enough people working on the same project, you will be swamped by the ever-growing list of defects. Imagine a hypothetical 100-person team whose engineers are so good that they each write only a single bug a month. Collectively, this group of amazing engineers still produces five new bugs every workday. Worse yet, in a complex system, fixing one bug can often cause another, as engineers adapt to known bugs and code around them.
5. テストをやる唯一の方法は自動化
When it comes to testing, there is one clear answer: automation.
こちらは、Software Engineering at Googleには記載されている内容ではないですが、
[GS-1-2] 『質とスピード』特別編 〜 現代のソフトウェア開発にキャッチアップしていくヒント〜) | AWS Dev Day 2023 Tokyo #AWSDevDayの中で、自動化するか否かの損益分岐点についての話があり、4回という回数が挙げられていました。
6. ソフトウェアのドキュメントは信じるな。テストを信じろ。
Software documentation is notoriously unreliable. From outdated requirements to missing edge cases, it is common for documentation to have a tenuous relationship to the code. Clear, focused tests that exercise one behavior at a time function as executable documentation.
7. テストがしづらい?ならモジュラー化しろ
Writing tests for new code is a practical means of exercising the API design of the code itself. If new code is difficult to test, it is often because the code being tested has too many responsibilities or difficult-to-manage dependencies. Well-designed code should be modular, avoiding tight coupling and focusing on specific responsibilities.
8. 確率によるバグを減らす努力をしろ
If test flakiness continues to grow, you will experience something much worse than lost productivity: a loss of confidence in the tests. It doesn’t take needing to investigate many flakes before a team loses trust in the test suite. After that happens, engineers will stop reacting to test failures, eliminating any value the test suite provided. Our experience suggests that as you approach 1% flakiness, the tests begin to lose value. At Google, our flaky rate hovers around 0.15%, which implies thousands of flakes every day. We fight hard to keep flakes in check, including actively investing engineering hours to fix them.
9. テストしたい対象について、最も重要な情報のみを含めろ
A test should contain only the information required to exercise the behavior in question. Keeping tests clear and simple aids reviewers in verifying that the code does what it says it does. Clear code also aids in diagnosing failure when they fail. We like to say that “a test should be obvious upon inspection.” Because there are no tests for the tests themselves, they require manual review as an important check on correctness. As a corollary to this, we also strongly discourage the use of control flow statements like conditionals and loops in a test. More complex test flows risk containing bugs themselves and make it more difficult to determine the cause of a test failure.
Code is read far more than it is written, so make sure you write the test you’d like to read!
10. 単体テストでカバーするべきか、統合テストでカバーするべきかを考えろ
Our recommended mix of tests is determined by our two primary goals: engineering productivity and product confidence.
When considering your own mix, you might want a different balance.
A good test suite contains a blend of different test sizes and scopes that are appropriate to the local architectural and organizational realities.
11. テストを書くべきかどうか迷ったときには、テストをしろ
We are often asked, when coaching new hires, which behaviors or properties actually need to be tested? The straightforward answer is: test everything that you don’t want to break.
We have a name for this general philosophy: we call it the Beyoncé Rule. Succinctly, it can be stated as follows: “If you liked it, then you shoulda put a test on it.”
12. コードカバレッジは表面的だから気をつけな
That’s because code coverage only measures that a line was invoked, not what happened as a result. (We recommend only measuring coverage from small tests to avoid coverage inflation that occurs when executing larger tests.)
An even more insidious problem with code coverage is that, like other metrics, it quickly becomes a goal unto itself.
A better way to approach the quality of your test suite is to think about the behaviors that are tested. Do you have confidence that everything your customers expect to work will work? Do you feel confident you can catch breaking changes in your dependencies? Are your tests stable and reliable? Questions like these are a more holistic way to think about a test suite.
13. Googleはモノリポ
most of Google’s code is kept in a single, monolithic repository (monorepo). Almost every line of code for every product and service we operate is all stored in one place. We have more than two billion lines of code in the repository today.
Google’s codebase experiences close to 25 million lines of change every week.
The openness of our codebase encourages a level of co-ownership that lets everyone take responsibility for the codebase. One benefit of such openness is the ability to directly fix bugs in a product or service you use (subject to approval, of course) instead of complaining about it.