
More than 5 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2015-04-21

project bootable/recovery/

0e5356a DO NOT MERGE Revert "Erase PST partition if its marked to be erased."

project build/

a9c8e58 "LMY47V"
b2bc140 "LMY47U"
3892a6c "LMY47T"
60c5a09 "LMY47S"
9ef1170 DO NOT MERGE - Bump version to 5.1.1
33045be "LMY47R"
cc61059 "LMY47Q"
caa45d6 "LMY47P"

project device/lge/hammerhead/

5e1dad8 mm-camera-interface: Retry in case of timeouts

project device/moto/shamu/

2512496 DO NOT MERGE: mm-camera-interface: Retry in case of timeouts
8766777 DO NOT MERGE: Camera3: Increase retry count when opening camera

project device/samsung/manta/

10299be manta: build libmllite from source
017ed8f manta: update prebuilt kernel

project external/libpng/

7be36a0 Fix buffer overwrite in png_build_index
36c9013 Fix buffer overflow security vulnerability (CVE-2014-9495)

project external/libselinux/

6608a18 DO NOT MERGE: handle newlines in file names

project frameworks/av/

2241216 mediaplayer: ensure secure decoders are instantiated before starting source
1b4d229 DO NOT MERGE - audio policy: fix DeviceVector::getDevicesFromType()
6dc6c38 DO NOT MERGE - audio policy service: fix possible memory overflow

project frameworks/base/

51c2367 [DO NOT MERGE] Fixed NPE when trying to animate a window without display
f2e5ef3 Fixing to fail android.JobScheduler.TimingConstraintsTest#testSchedulePeriodic in TV test.
48a5ed5 AccessibilityNodeInfo refresh returns a stale state. - DO NOT MERGE
ac9da77 When scanning unbundled apps, only install the expected APK tree
32dcf56 CEC: Explicitly turn on screen for remote control passthrough
b298ba3 Fix NPE if FPE service does not exist.
a6f3009 Disable more hotkeys while in setup.
c6cd327 Write correct checksum when formatting partition
a4e0ab6 Define the capability to speed up MT call audio
4faaaf6 Avoid crashing on corrupted notifications.
157cf33 Prevent activities from being started during setup wizard.
04817d6 Move Noto Sans Tai Le to the end of the font fallback list.

project frameworks/opt/net/ims/

e9ab611 Add interface to determine whether the IMS service is available

project frameworks/opt/telephony/

47ca8fb IMS phone instantiation: add polling on base phone creation

project hardware/intel/common/libmix/

0226d74 libmix: fix out of order decode issue on FUGU

project hardware/invensense/

3c9a4d3 manta: batching and timestamp issues

project packages/apps/FMRadio/

1a98ea7 [FM] Earphone mode incoming call ringtone issue in loudspeaker

project packages/apps/InCallUI/

cd0aa4f Don't hide end call button until call is disconnected

project packages/apps/Settings/

5f1747a Fix sim notifications.

project packages/apps/TvSettings/

dcd9bca DO NOT MERGE : Add link to home screen settings

project packages/inputmethods/LatinIME/

4585f32 Block overflow menu during setup. DO NOT MERGE

project packages/services/Telecomm/

a31be43 Speed up audio setup for IMS MT call

project packages/services/Telephony/

bd41f74 Set the capability to speed up audio setup for IMS MT call


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