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x api (twitter api) 値上げ?

Last updated at Posted at 2024-10-24

x api が値上げらしい

Since our initial launch a year ago, the Self Serve X API has been used by developers to support a wide range of use-cases. We are constantly working on improving our API offerings for developers and will be making the following changes:

Free tier

Developers on the Free tier will be able to Post 500 Posts per month using the X API. Additionally, you can read 50 Posts per month to test out the API.

Note: We will continue enabling verified services who post weather alerts, transport updates and emergency notifications without cost.

Basic and Pro tier

Annual Pricing

We are introducing discounted annual subscription plans for both Basic and Pro, along with updated monthly pricing for Basic.

Basic Monthly will increase from $100 to $200 USD
Pro Monthly will stay at $5000 USD
Tier	Annual Price	Monthly Price
Basic	$1800 USD (25% Discount)	$200 USD
Pro	$54000 USD (10% Discount)	$5000 USD
Updates to top-up functionality

The updated number of top-ups that can be purchased are revised to:

Basic: 1
Pro: 1

Please feel free to reach out to us with any questions or feedback.

X Developer Platform Team



"Top-up" とは、特定の制限を超えた場合に追加のリソースや機能を購入することを指します。たとえば、APIの利用において、無料または定められたプランの制限(リクエスト数など)を超えた場合、追加で「トップアップ」を購入することで、さらに利用できるようになることが一般的です。

この文脈では、Basic プランと Pro プランでは、それぞれ 1 回のみトップアップが可能とされています。つまり、プランの利用限度を超えた場合に、1 回だけ追加の利用枠を購入できるという意味です。


100ドル x 3 = 300
200ドル x 2 = 400


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