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nmcliによる teamd + vlan + bridgeのNetwork設定

Last updated at Posted at 2017-12-12




## 既存設定が残っていた場合を考慮して削除
nmcli connection delete br-vlan1
nmcli connection delete team0.1
nmcli connection delete team0
nmcli connection delete team0-slave-enp0s25
nmcli connection delete team0-slave-enp7s0
nmcli connection delete enp0s25
nmcli connection delete enp7s0

## teamdを用いてteam0を作成
## LACP利用
## eth+l3(src/dst ipv4,ipv6)+l4(src/dst-port)による分散
nmcli connection add type team con-name team0 ifname team0 config '{"runner": {"name": "lacp", "active": true, "fast_rate": true, "tx_hash": ["eth", "l3", "l4"]}, "link_watch": {"name": "ethtool", "delay_up": 1000, "delay_down": 1000}}'
nmcli connection modify team0 ipv4.method disabled
nmcli connection modify team0 ipv6.method ignore
nmcli connection modify team0 802-3-ethernet.mtu 9000

## 物理Interfaceをteam0に従属させる
nmcli connection add type team-slave autoconnect yes ifname enp0s25 master team0 con-name team0-slave-enp0s25
nmcli connection add type team-slave autoconnect yes ifname enp7s0 master team0 con-name team0-slave-enp7s0

## VLAN1をteam0に追加(team0.1)
nmcli connection add type vlan ifname team0.1 con-name team0.1 dev team0 id 1
nmcli connection modify team0.1 802-3-ethernet.mtu 9000

## bridge interface(br-vlan1)を作成
nmcli connection add type bridge ifname br-vlan1 con-name br-vlan1
nmcli connection modify br-vlan1 bridge.stp no
nmcli connection modify br-vlan1 ipv4.address
nmcli connection modify br-vlan1 ipv4.gateway
nmcli connection modify br-vlan1 ipv4.dns
nmcli connection modify br-vlan1 ipv4.dns-search 0nyx.net
nmcli connection modify br-vlan1 ipv4.method manual
nmcli connection modify br-vlan1 ipv6.dns ::1
nmcli connection modify br-vlan1 ipv6.dns-search 0nyx.net
nmcli connection modify br-vlan1 ipv6.method manual
nmcli connection modify br-vlan1 802-3-ethernet.mtu 1500

## team0.1にbr-vlan1を従属させる
nmcli connection modify team0.1 connection.master br-vlan1 connection.slave-type bridge
nmcli connection up br-vlan1


nmcli connection show team0
teamdctl team0 config dump actual
teamdctl team0 state      #summary
teamdctl team0 state -v   #detail
teamdctl team0 state dump #JSON format

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