
More than 3 years have passed since last update.

Visual Studio 2019で色々な3x3フィルタコードを書いて速度を計測してみる rev3

Last updated at Posted at 2019-04-27


Visual Studio 2019がリリースになった。そこで、3x3フィルタを題材として読みやすいコード、処理時間が短いコード、いろいろ書いて処理時間を計測してみる。今回は、intrinsics(直接的にSIMD命令を記述可能)は使わない。基本的な説明は省略してるので中上級者向けの記事。簡単なフィルタでOpenCVが使えるなら素直に用意されたフィルタ関数をコールしたほうが速く、そちらを勧める。今回の記事は、よりカスタムなフィルタ処理を実装するときのための備忘録も兼ねているので、自作クラス、関数を多用しているのは了解してほしい。長い記事なので考察+対応コードだけ読めば十分。




1 2 1
2 4 2
1 2 1


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <execution>
#include <algorithm>
#include <amp.h>
#include <amp_graphics.h>
#include "cvx.h"
#include "stx.h"
#include "amp_utils.h"

using namespace cvx;
using namespace stx;

void print_time(const std::string label, double time, const std::string& note = "")
  using namespace std;
  cout << "|" << label << "|" << note << "|" << fixed << setprecision(2) << time << "|" << endl;

int main()
  using namespace std;

  auto src = Mtx1b::createWithBorder(1080, 1920, 1);
  auto ref = Mtx1b::createWithBorder(src.size(), 1);
  Mtx1b dst(src.size());
  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;
  int loop_count = 1000;

  f0(src, ref, loop_count);
  f1(src, ref, loop_count);
  f2(src, dst, loop_count);



case 処理概要 種別 時間(ms)
0 cv::GausianBlur 1.43
1 画面外座標値をclamp 25.35
2 border付き画像の利用 b 7.57
3 case2+二次元アクセス可能な画素値用ポインタークラスの利用 b 3.82
4 case3でループを展開 b 3.84
5 case4でopenmpをさらに利用 bp 0.75
6 自作Kernelクラスの利用 bp 1.82
7 case5をベースにでauto vectrizationしやすいループにする bp 0.57
7.1 case7をベースに少し読みやすくする bp 0.59
7.2 case7をベースに自作カーネルクラスの利用をやめる,auto vectrizationしやすいループをやめる bp 2.56
7.3 case7で自作カーネルクラスの利用をやめる bp 0.53
7.4 case7.1をベースにループの書き方をかえる bp 0.50
9 分離型フィルタ bp 3.34
10 分離型フィルタで auto vectorizationしやすいループ bp 3.05
10.1 分離型フィルタで auto vectorizationしやすいループ、さらに最適化 bp 0.71
10.2 分離型フィルタで auto vectorizationしやすいループ、さらにさらに最適化 bp 0.51
10.3 case10.2でループの書き方を少し変える(32pix単位) bp 0.48
10.4 case10.3で64pix単位にする bp 0.46
10.5 case10.3で16pix単位にする bp 0.61
11 C++AMP byte 2.81
12 C++AMP int 4.96
13 C++AMP texture_view 5.06
13.1 C++AMP array_view 6.55
13.2 C++AMP texture_view using sample 5.14
14 C++AMP texture_view 3.82
14.1 C++AMP array_view 4.73
14.2 C++AMP texture_view using sample 3.84
15 Cベースの記述 bp 0.79
16 Cベースの記述 bp 0.75
17 Cベースの記述 (auto vectorizationねらい) bp 0.86
18 Cベースの記述 (auto vectorizationねらい) bp 0.86



4)Auto Vectrization(SIMD化)可能なオリジナルループ関数の利用

template<int UNIT, class T, class TD, class FUNC>
inline void for_s_d(const T* ps, TD* pd, int n, FUNC func)
  const int nUNIT = n / UNIT * UNIT;
  const int n8 = n / 8 * 8;
  int i = 0;
  const T* pst = ps;
  TD* pdt = pd;
  for(; i < nUNIT; i += UNIT) {
    for(int j = 0; j < UNIT; j++) {
      func(pst[j], pdt[j]);
    pst += UNIT;
    pdt += UNIT;
  if constexpr(UNIT > 8) {
    for(; i < n8; i += 8) {
      for(int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
        func(pst[j], pdt[j]);
      pst += 8;
      pdt += 8;
  int j = 0;
  for(; i < n; i++) {
    func(pst[j], pdt[j]);


case0: cv::GaussianFilter


void f0(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  using namespace std;
  StopWatch sw;
  std::string label = "0|cv::GausianBlur ";
  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
    GaussianBlur(src, dst, cv::Size(3, 3), 0);
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count);



void f1(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& ref, int loop_count)
  using namespace std;
  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;

  std::string label = "1|画面外座標値をclamp";
  StopWatch sw;
  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
    for(int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
      for(int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
        int v = (4 * src(clamp(y, 0, h - 1), clamp(x, 0, w - 1)) +
                 2 *
                     (src(clamp(y, 0, h - 1), clamp(x - 1, 0, w - 1)) +
                      src(clamp(y - 1, 0, h - 1), clamp(x, 0, w - 1)) +
                      src(clamp(y, 0, h - 1), clamp(x + 1, 0, w - 1)) +
                      src(clamp(y + 1, 0, h - 1), clamp(x, 0, w - 1))) +

                 (src(clamp(y - 1, 0, h - 1), clamp(x - 1, 0, w - 1)) +
                  src(clamp(y - 1, 0, h - 1), clamp(x + 1, 0, w - 1)) +
                  src(clamp(y + 1, 0, h - 1), clamp(x - 1, 0, w - 1)) +
                  src(clamp(y + 1, 0, h - 1), clamp(x + 1, 0, w - 1)))) /
        ref(y, x) = v;
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count);



void f2(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  using namespace std;
  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;

  std::string label = "2|border付き画像の利用";
  StopWatch sw;
  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
    for(int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
      for(int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
        dst(y, x) =
            (4 * src(y, x) + 2 * (src(y, x - 1) + src(y - 1, x) + src(y, x + 1) + src(y + 1, x)) +
             (src(y - 1, x - 1) + src(y - 1, x + 1) + src(y + 1, x + 1) + src(y + 1, x - 1))) /
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count);



void f3(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  using namespace std;
  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;

  std::string label = "3|case2+二次元アクセス可能な画素値用ポインタークラスの利用 ";
  StopWatch sw;
  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
    for(int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
      auto pp = src.createPixPtr(y, 0);
      for(int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
        dst(y, x) = (4 * pp(0, 0) + 2 * (pp(0, -1) + pp(-1, 0) + pp(0, 1) + pp(1, 0)) +
                     (pp(-1, -1) + pp(-1, 1) + pp(1, 1) + pp(1, -1))) /
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count, "b");



void f4(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  using namespace std;
  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;

  std::string label = "4|case3でループを展開";
  StopWatch sw;
  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
    for(int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
      auto pp = src.createPixPtr(y, 0);
      for(int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
        dst(y, x) = (pp(-1, -1) + 2 * pp(-1, 0) + pp(-1, 1) + 2 * pp(0, -1) + 4 * pp(0, 0) +
                     2 * pp(0, 1) + pp(1, -1) + 2 * pp(1, 0) + pp(1, 1)) /
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count, "b");



void f5(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  using namespace std;
  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;

  std::string label = "5|case4でopenmpをさらに利用";
  StopWatch sw;
  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
    paral_for_pp_r(src, dst, [](const auto& pp) {  //OpenMP利用
      return (pp(-1, -1) + 2 * pp(-1, 0) + pp(-1, 1) + 2 * pp(0, -1) + 4 * pp(0, 0) + 2 * pp(0, 1) +
              pp(1, -1) + 2 * pp(1, 0) + pp(1, 1)) /
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count, "bp");



void f6(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  using namespace std;
  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;

  Kernel<int, 1> ker(1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1);

  std::string label = "6|自作Kernelクラスの利用";
  StopWatch sw;
  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
    paral_for_pp_r(src, dst, [&](const auto& pp) {
#if 1
      int sum = 0;
       for_dy_dx(ker.radius, ker.radius, [&](int dy, int dx) { sum += pp(dy, dx) * ker(dy, dx); });
      return sum / 16;
      return ker.convolute(pp) / 16;
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count, "bp");


auto vectorizationさせるために、for文の回し方をいろいろ工夫してみる。casef7.4について説明するとfor_s_dでUNIT=64とすることで64画素単位のループを作っている。(実際には、32単位や16単位のSIMD命令が生成される。)

void f7(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  using namespace std;
  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;

  Kernel<int, 1> ker(1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1);

  std::string label = "7|case5をベースにでauto vectrizationしやすいループにする";
  StopWatch sw;
  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {

#pragma omp parallel for
    for(int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
      auto pd = dst[y];
      int sum[4096] = {};
      //for(int i=0;i<sum.size();i++) sum[i] = 0;
      for_dy_dx(ker.radius, ker.radius, [&](int dy, int dx) {
        int k = ker(dy, dx);
        auto ps = src[0] + src.stepT() * (dy + y) + dx;
        for_ps_pd_idx_old<32>(ps, sum, w,
                              [&](auto& ps, auto& psum, int d) { psum[d] += k * ps[d]; });
      for_ps_pd_idx_old<32>(sum, pd, w, [&](auto& psum, auto& pd, int d) { pd[d] = psum[d] / 16; });
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count, "bp");

void f7_1(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  std::string label = "7.1|case7をベースに少し読みやすくする";

  using namespace std;
  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;

  const Kernel<int, 1> ker(1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1);

  StopWatch sw;
  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
#pragma omp parallel for
    for(int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
      auto pd = dst[y];
      auto pp = src.createPixPtr(y, 0);
      int sum[4096] = {};
      for_dy_dx(ker.radius, ker.radius, [&](int dy, int dx) {
        int k = ker(dy, dx);
        auto ps = pp.ptr(dy, dx);
        for_ps_pd_idx_old<32>(ps, sum, w,
                              [&](auto& ps, auto& psum, int d) { psum[d] += k * ps[d]; });
      for_ps_pd_idx_old<32>(sum, pd, w, [&](auto& psum, auto& pd, int d) { pd[d] = psum[d] / 16; });
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count, "bp");

void f7_2(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  std::string label =
      "7.2|case7をベースに自作カーネルクラスの利用をやめる,auto vectrizationしやすいループをやめる";

  using namespace std;
  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;

  //  const Kernel<int, 1> ker(1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1);
  static const int ker[] = {1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1};

  StopWatch sw;
  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
#pragma omp parallel for
    for(int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
      auto pd = dst[y];
      auto pp = src.createPixPtr(y, 0);
      int sum[4096] = {};
      int j = 0;
      for_dy_dx(1, 1, [&](int dy, int dx) {
        //int k = ker(dy, dx);
        int k = ker[j];
        auto ps = pp.ptr(dy, dx);
        for(int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
          sum[x] += k * ps[x];
      for(int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
        pd[x] = sum[x] / 16;
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count, "bp");
  //  print(dst);

void f7_3(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  using namespace std;
  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;

  static const int ker[9] = {1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1};

  std::string label = "7.3|case7で自作カーネルクラスの利用をやめる";
  StopWatch sw;
  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
#pragma omp parallel for
    for(int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
      auto pd = dst[y];
      int sum[4096] = {};
      int j = 0;
      for_dy_dx(1, 1, [&](int dy, int dx) {
        int k = ker[j];
        auto ps = src[0] + src.stepT() * (dy + y) + dx;
        for_ps_pd_idx_old<32>(ps, sum, w,
                              [&](auto& ps, auto& psum, int d) { psum[d] += k * ps[d]; });
      for_ps_pd_idx_old<32>(sum, pd, w, [&](auto& psum, auto& pd, int d) { pd[d] = psum[d] / 16; });
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count, "bp");

void f7_4(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  std::string label =

  using namespace std;
  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;

  static constexpr int UNIT = 64;

  const Kernel<int, 1> ker(1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1);

  StopWatch sw;
  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
#pragma omp parallel for
    for(int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
      auto pd = dst[y];
      auto pp = src.createPixPtr(y, 0);
      alignas(32) int sum[4096] = {};
      for_dy_dx(1, 1, [&](int dy, int dx) {
        const int k = ker(dy, dx);
        const auto ps = pp.ptr(dy, dx);
        for_s_d<UNIT>(ps, sum, w, [&k](const auto& s, auto& d) { d += k * s; });
      for_s_d<UNIT>(sum, pd, w, [](const auto& s, auto& d) { d = s / 16; });
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count, "bp");



void f9(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  using namespace std;
  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;

  SepKernel<int, 1> sker(2, 1);

  StopWatch sw;
  std::string label = "9|分離型フィルタ";
  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
    auto tmp = Mtx1i::createWithBorder(src.size(), sker.radius);
    paral_for_pp_r(src, tmp, [&](const auto& pp) { return sker.convolute(pp, false); });
    paral_for_pp_r(tmp, dst, [&](const auto& pp) { return sker.convolute(pp, true) / 16; });
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count, "bp");



void f10(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  using namespace std;
  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;

  SepKernel<int, 1> sker(2, 1);

  std::string label = "10|分離型フィルタで  auto vectorizationしやすいループ ";
  StopWatch sw;
  //SepKernel<int, 1> sker(2, 1);
  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
    auto tmp = Mtx1i::createWithBorder(src.size(), sker.radius);
#pragma omp parallel for
    for(int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
      auto ptl = tmp[y];
      for_p_idx<32>(w, ptl, [&](auto& pt, int d) { pt[d] = 0; });
      for(int dy = -sker.radius; dy <= sker.radius; dy++) {
        auto k = sker(dy);
        auto psl = src[0] + src.stepT() * (dy + y);
        for_ps_pd_idx_old<32>(psl, ptl, w, [&](auto& ps, auto& pt, int d) { pt[d] += k * ps[d]; });
#pragma omp parallel for
    for(int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
      int sum[4096] = {0};
      for(int dx = -sker.radius; dx <= sker.radius; dx++) {
        auto k = sker(dx);
        auto ptl = tmp[y] + dx;
        for_ps_pd_idx_old<32>(ptl, sum, w, [&](auto& pt, auto& pd, int d) { pd[d] += k * pt[d]; });
      for_ps_pd_idx_old<32>(sum, dst[y], w, [&](auto& pt, auto& pd, int d) { pd[d] = pt[d] / 16; });
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count, "bp");

void f10_1(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  using namespace std;
  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;

  SepKernel<int, 1> sker(2, 1);

  std::string label = "10.1|分離型フィルタで    auto vectorizationしやすいループ、さらに最適化";
  StopWatch sw;
  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
#pragma omp parallel for
    for(int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
      auto pps = src.createPixPtr(y, 0);
      alignas(32) int vbuf_entity[4096] = {};  //cv::AutoBufferにすべきか? 
      int* vbuf = vbuf_entity + 32;
      //for_p_idx<32>(w, ptl, [&](auto& pt, int d) { pt[d] = 0; });
      for(int dy = -sker.radius; dy <= sker.radius; dy++) {
        const auto k = sker(dy);
        const auto psl = pps.ptr(dy, 0);
        for_ps_pd_idx_old<32>(psl, vbuf, w,
                              [k](const auto& ps, const auto& pt, int d) { pt[d] += k * ps[d]; });
      vbuf[-1] = vbuf[0];
      vbuf[w] = vbuf[w - 1];
      alignas(32) int bufh[4096] = {};  //cv::AutoBufferにすべきか?
      for(int dx = -sker.radius; dx <= sker.radius; dx++) {
        const auto k = sker(dx);
        const auto ptl = vbuf + dx;
        for_ps_pd_idx_old<32>(ptl, bufh, w,
                              [&](const auto& pt, auto& pd, int d) { pd[d] += k * pt[d]; });
      for_ps_pd_idx_old<32>(bufh, dst[y], w,
                            [](const auto& pt, auto& pd, int d) { pd[d] = pt[d] / 16; });
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count, "bp");

void f10_2(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  using namespace std;
  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;

  constexpr int UNIT = 64;
  SepKernel<int, 1> sker(2, 1);

  std::string label = "10.2|分離型フィルタで    auto vectorizationしやすいループ、さらにさらに最適化";
  StopWatch sw;
  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
    //auto tmp = Mtx1i::createWithBorder(src.size(), sker.radius);
#pragma omp parallel for
    for(int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
      auto pps = src.createPixPtr(y, 0);
      alignas(32) int vbuf_entity[4096] = {};  //cv::AutoBufferにすべきか? 
      int* vbuf = vbuf_entity + 32;
      for(int dy = -sker.radius; dy <= sker.radius; dy++) {
        const auto k = sker(dy);
        const auto psl = pps.ptr(dy, 0);
        for_ps_pd_idx<UNIT>(psl, vbuf, w,
                             [&k](const auto& ps, auto& pt, int d) { pt[d] += k * ps[d]; });
      vbuf[-1] = vbuf[0];
      vbuf[w] = vbuf[w - 1];
      alignas(32) int bufh[4096] = {};  //cv::AutoBufferにすべきか?
      for(int dx = -sker.radius; dx <= sker.radius; dx++) {
        const auto k = sker(dx);
        const auto ptl = vbuf + dx;
        for_ps_pd_idx<UNIT>(ptl, bufh, w,
                             [&k](const auto& pt, auto& pd, int d) { pd[d] += k * pt[d]; });
      for_ps_pd_idx<UNIT>(bufh, dst[y], w,
                           [](const auto& pt, auto& pd, int d) { pd[d] = pt[d] / 16; });
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count, "bp");

void f10_3(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  using namespace std;
  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;

  constexpr int UNIT = 32;

  SepKernel<int, 1> sker(2, 1);

  std::string label = "10.3|case10.2でループの書き方を少し変える(32pix単位)";

  StopWatch sw;
  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
    //auto tmp = Mtx1i::createWithBorder(src.size(), sker.radius);
#pragma omp parallel for
    for(int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
      auto pps = src.createPixPtr(y, 0);
      alignas(32) int vbuf_entity[4096] = {};  //cv::AutoBufferにすべきか? 
      int* vbuf = vbuf_entity + 32;
      for(int dy = -sker.radius; dy <= sker.radius; dy++) {
        const auto k = sker(dy);
        const auto psl = pps.ptr(dy, 0);
        for_s_d<UNIT>(psl, vbuf, w, [&k](const auto& s, auto& d) { d += k * s; });
      vbuf[-1] = vbuf[0];
      vbuf[w] = vbuf[w - 1];
      alignas(32) int bufh[4096] = {};  //cv::AutoBufferにすべきか?
      for(int dx = -sker.radius; dx <= sker.radius; dx++) {
        const auto k = sker(dx);
        const auto ptl = vbuf + dx;
        for_s_d<UNIT>(ptl, bufh, w, [&k](const auto& s, auto& d) { d += k * s; });
      for_s_d<UNIT>(bufh, dst[y], w, [&](const auto& s, auto& d) { d = s / 16; });
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count, "bp");

void f10_4(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  using namespace std;
  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;

  constexpr int UNIT = 64;

  SepKernel<int, 1> sker(2, 1);

  std::string label = "10.4|case10.3で64pix単位にする";

  StopWatch sw;
  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
    //auto tmp = Mtx1i::createWithBorder(src.size(), sker.radius);
#pragma omp parallel for
    for(int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
      auto pps = src.createPixPtr(y, 0);
      alignas(32) int vbuf_entity[4096] = {};  //cv::AutoBufferにすべきか? 
      int* vbuf = vbuf_entity + 32;
      for(int dy = -sker.radius; dy <= sker.radius; dy++) {
        const auto k = sker(dy);
        const auto psl = pps.ptr(dy, 0);
        for_s_d<UNIT>(psl, vbuf, w, [&k](const auto& s, auto& d) { d += k * s; });
      vbuf[-1] = vbuf[0];
      vbuf[w] = vbuf[w - 1];
      alignas(32) int bufh[4096] = {};  //cv::AutoBufferにすべきか?
      for(int dx = -sker.radius; dx <= sker.radius; dx++) {
        const auto k = sker(dx);
        const auto ptl = vbuf + dx;
        for_s_d<UNIT>(ptl, bufh, w, [&k](const auto& s, auto& d) { d += k * s; });
      for_s_d<UNIT>(bufh, dst[y], w, [&](const auto& s, auto& d) { d = s / 16; });
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count, "bp");

void f10_5(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  using namespace std;
  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;

  constexpr int UNIT = 16;

  SepKernel<int, 1> sker(2, 1);

  std::string label = "10.5|case10.3で16pix単位にする";

  StopWatch sw;
  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
#pragma omp parallel for
    for(int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
      auto pps = src.createPixPtr(y, 0);
      alignas(32) int vbuf_entity[4096] = {};  //cv::AutoBufferにすべきか? 
      int* vbuf = vbuf_entity + 32;
      for(int dy = -sker.radius; dy <= sker.radius; dy++) {
        const auto k = sker(dy);
        const auto psl = pps.ptr(dy, 0);
        for_s_d<UNIT>(psl, vbuf, w, [&k](const auto& s, auto& d) { d += k * s; });
      vbuf[-1] = vbuf[0];
      vbuf[w] = vbuf[w - 1];
      alignas(32) int bufh[4096] = {};  //cv::AutoBufferにすべきか?
      for(int dx = -sker.radius; dx <= sker.radius; dx++) {
        const auto k = sker(dx);
        const auto ptl = vbuf + dx;
        for_s_d<UNIT>(ptl, bufh, w, [&k](const auto& s, auto& d) { d += k * s; });
      for_s_d<UNIT>(bufh, dst[y], w, [&](const auto& s, auto& d) { d = s / 16; });
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count, "bp");

case11:C++AMP byte


void f11(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  using namespace std;
  using namespace Concurrency;
  using namespace Concurrency::graphics;
  namespace cc = Concurrency;
  namespace cg = Concurrency::graphics;

  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;

  std::string label = "11|C++AMP byte ";

  Mtx1b tmp(h, w);
  paral_for_pp(src, tmp, [&](const auto& pp) { return pp(0, 0); });

  StopWatch sw;
  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
    cc::extent<2> ext(h, w);
    texture<uint, 2> stex(ext, tmp[0], h * w, 8U);
    texture_view<const uint, 2> sview(stex);
    texture<uint, 2> dtex(ext, 8U);

    parallel_for_each(ext, [&, sview, h, w](cc::index<2> idx) restrict(amp) {
      int sum = 0;
      int j = 0;
      int karr[] = {1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1};
      for(int dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++) {
        for(int dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++) {
          cc::index<2> idx1;
          idx1[0] = cc::clamp(idx[0] + dy, 0, h - 1);
          idx1[1] = cc::clamp(idx[1] + dx, 0, w - 1);
          sum += karr[j] * sview[idx1];
      dtex.set(idx, sum / 16);
    cg::copy(dtex, dst[0], h * w);
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count);

case12:C++AMP int


void f12(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  using namespace std;
  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;

  std::string label = "12|C++AMP int";

  using namespace Concurrency;
  using namespace Concurrency::graphics;
  namespace cc = Concurrency;
  namespace cg = Concurrency::graphics;

  Mtx1i tmp(h, w);
  Mtx1i tmp2(h, w);

  StopWatch sw;
  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
    paral_for_pp(src, tmp, [&](const auto& pp) { return pp(0, 0); });

    cc::extent<2> ext(h, w);
    texture<uint, 2> stex(ext, tmp[0], h * w * 4, 32);
    texture_view<const uint, 2> sview(stex);
    texture<uint, 2> dtex(ext, 32);

    parallel_for_each(ext, [&, sview, h, w](cc::index<2> idx) restrict(amp) {
      int sum = 0;
      int j = 0;
      int karr[] = {1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1};
      for(int dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++) {
        for(int dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++) {
          cc::index<2> idx1;
          idx1[0] = cc::clamp(idx[0] + dy, 0, h - 1);
          idx1[1] = cc::clamp(idx[1] + dx, 0, w - 1);
          sum += karr[j] * sview[idx1];
      dtex.set(idx, sum / 16);
    cg::copy(dtex, tmp2[0], h * w * 4);
    paral_for_pp(tmp2, dst, [&](const auto& pp) { return pp(0, 0); });
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count);

case13:C++AMP float


void f13(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  using namespace std;
  using namespace Concurrency;
  using namespace Concurrency::graphics;
  namespace cc = Concurrency;
  namespace cg = Concurrency::graphics;

  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;

  std::string label = "13|C++AMP texture_view<const float, 2>";

  StopWatch sw;
  Mtx1f tmp(h, w);
  Mtx1f tmp2(h, w);
  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
    paral_for_pp(src, tmp, [&](const auto& pp) { return pp(0, 0); });
    cc::extent<2> ext(h, w);
    texture<float, 2> stex(ext, tmp[0], h * w * 4, 32);
    texture_view<const float, 2> sview(stex);
    texture<float, 2> dtex(ext, 32);

    parallel_for_each(ext, [&, sview, h, w](cc::index<2> idx) restrict(amp) {
      float sum = 0;
      int j = 0;
      const int karr[] = {1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1};
      for(int dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++) {
        for(int dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++) {
          cc::index<2> idx1;
          idx1[0] = cc::clamp(idx[0] + dy, 0, h - 1);
          idx1[1] = cc::clamp(idx[1] + dx, 0, w - 1);
          sum += karr[j] * sview[idx1];
      dtex.set(idx, sum / 16);
    cg::copy(dtex, tmp2[0], h * w * 4);
    paral_for_pp(tmp2, dst, [&](const auto& pp) { return pp(0, 0); });
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count);

void f13_1(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  using namespace std;
  using namespace Concurrency;
  using namespace Concurrency::graphics;
  namespace cc = Concurrency;
  namespace cg = Concurrency::graphics;

  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;

  std::string label = "13.1|C++AMP array_view<float,2>";

  StopWatch sw;
  Mtx1f tmp(h, w);
  Mtx1f tmp2(h, w);

  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
    paral_for_pp(src, tmp, [&](const auto& pp) { return pp(0, 0); });
    cc::extent<2> ext(h, w);
    array_view<float, 2> sview(ext, tmp[0]);
    array_view<float, 2> dview(ext, tmp2[0]);
    parallel_for_each(ext, [&, sview, dview, h, w](cc::index<2> idx) restrict(amp) {
      float sum = 0;
      int j = 0;
      const int karr[] = {1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1};
      for(int dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++) {
        for(int dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++) {
          cc::index<2> idx1;
          idx1[0] = cc::clamp(idx[0] + dy, 0, h - 1);
          idx1[1] = cc::clamp(idx[1] + dx, 0, w - 1);
          sum += karr[j] * sview[idx1];
      dview[idx] = sum / 16;
    paral_for_pp(tmp2, dst, [&](const auto& pp) { return pp(0, 0); });
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count);

void f13_2(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  using namespace std;
  using namespace Concurrency;
  using namespace Concurrency::graphics;
  namespace cc = Concurrency;
  namespace cg = Concurrency::graphics;

  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;

  std::string label = "13.2|C++AMP texture_view<const float, 2> using sample";

  StopWatch sw;
  Mtx1f tmp(h, w);
  Mtx1f tmp2(h, w);
  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
    paral_for_pp(src, tmp, [&](const auto& pp) { return pp(0, 0); });
    cc::extent<2> ext(h, w);
    texture<float, 2> stex(ext, tmp[0], h * w * 4, 32);
    const texture_view<const float, 2> sview(stex);
    texture<float, 2> dtex(ext, 32);

    parallel_for_each(ext, [&, sview, h, w, ext](cc::index<2> idx) restrict(amp) {
      float sum = 0;
      int j = 0;
      const int karr[] = {1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1};
      for(int dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++) {
        for(int dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++) {
          sum += karr[j] * sview.sample(coord(idx[0] + dx, idx[1] + dy, ext));
      dtex.set(idx, sum / 16);
    cg::copy(dtex, tmp2[0], h * w * 4);
    paral_for_pp(tmp2, dst, [&](const auto& pp) { return uchar(pp(0, 0)); });
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count);

case14:C++AMP float(byteからfloatの変換を除外して計測)


void f14(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  using namespace std;
  using namespace Concurrency;
  using namespace Concurrency::graphics;
  namespace cc = Concurrency;
  namespace cg = Concurrency::graphics;

  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;

  std::string label = "14|C++AMP texture_view<const float, 2>";

  Mtx1f tmp(h, w);
  Mtx1f tmp2(h, w);
  paral_for_pp(src, tmp, [&](const auto& pp) { return pp(0, 0); });
  StopWatch sw;
  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
    cc::extent<2> ext(h, w);
    texture<float, 2> stex(ext, tmp[0], h * w * 4, 32);
    texture_view<const float, 2> sview(stex);
    texture<float, 2> dtex(ext, 32);

    parallel_for_each(ext, [&, sview, h, w](cc::index<2> idx) restrict(amp) {
      float sum = 0;
      int j = 0;
      const int karr[] = {1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1};
      for(int dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++) {
        for(int dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++) {
          cc::index<2> idx1;
          idx1[0] = cc::clamp(idx[0] + dy, 0, h - 1);
          idx1[1] = cc::clamp(idx[1] + dx, 0, w - 1);
          sum += karr[j] * sview[idx1];
      dtex.set(idx, sum / 16);
    cg::copy(dtex, tmp2[0], h * w * 4);
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count);
  paral_for_pp(tmp2, dst, [&](const auto& pp) { return pp(0, 0); });

void f14_1(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  std::string label = "14.1|C++AMP array_view<float, 2>";

  using namespace std;
  using namespace Concurrency;
  using namespace Concurrency::graphics;
  namespace cc = Concurrency;
  namespace cg = Concurrency::graphics;

  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;

  Mtx1f tmp(h, w);
  Mtx1f tmp2(h, w);
  paral_for_pp(src, tmp, [&](const auto& pp) { return pp(0, 0); });
  StopWatch sw;
  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
    cc::extent<2> ext(h, w);
    array_view<float, 2> sview(ext, tmp[0]);
    array_view<float, 2> dview(ext, tmp2[0]);
    parallel_for_each(ext, [&, sview, dview, h, w](cc::index<2> idx) restrict(amp) {
      float sum = 0;
      int j = 0;
      const int karr[] = {1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1};
      for(int dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++) {
        for(int dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++) {
          cc::index<2> idx1;
          idx1[0] = cc::clamp(idx[0] + dy, 0, h - 1);
          idx1[1] = cc::clamp(idx[1] + dx, 0, w - 1);
          sum += karr[j] * sview[idx1];
      dview[idx] = sum / 16;
  paral_for_pp(tmp2, dst, [&](const auto& pp) { return pp(0, 0); });
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count);

void f14_2(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  std::string label = "14.2|C++AMP texture_view<const float, 2> using sample";

  using namespace std;
  using namespace Concurrency;
  using namespace Concurrency::graphics;
  namespace cc = Concurrency;
  namespace cg = Concurrency::graphics;

  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;

  Mtx1f tmp(h, w);
  Mtx1f tmp2(h, w);
  paral_for_pp(src, tmp, [&](const auto& pp) { return pp(0, 0); });
  StopWatch sw;
  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
    cc::extent<2> ext(h, w);
    texture<float, 2> stex(ext, tmp[0], h * w * 4, 32);
    const texture_view<const float, 2> sview(stex);
    texture<float, 2> dtex(ext, 32);

    parallel_for_each(ext, [&, sview, h, w, ext](cc::index<2> idx) restrict(amp) {
      float sum = 0;
      int j = 0;
      const int karr[] = {1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1};
      for(int dy = -1; dy <= 1; dy++) {
        for(int dx = -1; dx <= 1; dx++) {
          sum += karr[j] * sview.sample(coord(idx[0] + dx, idx[1] + dy, ext));
      dtex.set(idx, sum / 16);
    cg::copy(dtex, tmp2[0], h * w * 4);
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count);
  paral_for_pp(tmp2, dst, [&](const auto& pp) { return uchar(pp(0, 0)); });



void f15(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  std::string label = "15|Cベースの記述 ";

  using namespace std;

  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;
  int sstep = src.stepT();
  int dstep = dst.stepT();
  const uchar* psrc = src[0];
  uchar* pdst = dst[0];

  StopWatch sw;

  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
 #pragma omp parallel for
    for(int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
      const uchar* ps = psrc + y * sstep;
      uchar* pd = pdst + y * dstep;
      for(int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
        *pd = (ps[-sstep - 1] + 2 * ps[-sstep] + ps[-sstep + 1] + 2 * ps[-1] + 4 * ps[0] +
               2 * ps[1] + ps[sstep - 1] + 2 * ps[sstep] + ps[sstep + 1]) /
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count, "bp");
  //    print(dst);



void f16(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  std::string label = "16|Cベースの記述 ";
  using namespace std;

  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;
  int sstep = src.stepT();
  int dstep = dst.stepT();
  const uchar* psrc = src[0];
  uchar* pdst = dst[0];

  StopWatch sw;

  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
 #pragma omp parallel for
    for(int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
      const uchar* ps = psrc + y * sstep;
      uchar* pd = pdst + y * dstep;
      for(int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
        pd[x] =
            (ps[x - sstep - 1] + 2 * ps[x - sstep] + ps[x - sstep + 1] + 2 * ps[x - 1] + 4 * ps[x] +
             2 * ps[x + 1] + ps[x + sstep - 1] + 2 * ps[x + sstep] + ps[x + sstep + 1]) /
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count, "bp");
  //    print(dst);

case17:Cベースの記述 (auto vectorizationねらい)

auto vectorizationをねらったつもりだが、うまくできていない。

void f17(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  std::string label = "17|Cベースの記述 (auto vectorizationねらい)";
  using namespace std;

  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;
  int sstep = src.stepT();
  int dstep = dst.stepT();
  uchar* psrc = src[0];
  uchar* pdst = dst[0];

  StopWatch sw;

  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
    src.extrapolate();  //c++のコードだが、計測をフェアにするため
 #pragma omp parallel for
    for(int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
      uchar* ps = psrc + y * sstep;
      uchar* pd = pdst + y * dstep;

      uchar* ps1 = ps - sstep - 1;
      uchar* ps2 = ps - sstep;
      uchar* ps3 = ps - sstep + 1;
      uchar* ps4 = ps - 1;
      uchar* ps5 = ps + 1;
      uchar* ps6 = ps + sstep - 1;
      uchar* ps7 = ps + sstep;
      uchar* ps8 = ps + sstep + 1;

      for(int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
        pd[x] = (ps1[x] + 2 * ps2[x] + ps3[x] + 2 * ps4[x] + 4 * ps[x] + 2 * ps5[x] + ps6[x] +
                 2 * ps7[x] + ps8[x]) /
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count, "bp");
  //    print(dst);

case18:Cベースの記述 (auto vectorizationねらい)

auto vectorizationをねらった別な書き方。やはり、うまくauto vectorizationできていない。

void f18(Mtx1b& src, Mtx1b& dst, int loop_count)
  std::string label = "18|Cベースの記述 (auto vectorizationねらい)";
  using namespace std;

  int h = src.rows;
  int w = src.cols;
  int sstep = src.stepT();
  int dstep = dst.stepT();
  uchar* psrc = src[0];
  uchar* pdst = dst[0];

  static const int ker[9] = {1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1};

  StopWatch sw;

  for(int z = 0; z < loop_count; z++) {
    src.extrapolate();  //c++のコードだが、計測をフェアにするため
  #pragma omp parallel for
    for(int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
      uchar* pd = pdst + y * dstep;
      uchar* ps[9];
      ps[4] = psrc + y * sstep;
      ps[0] = ps[4] - sstep - 1;
      ps[1] = ps[4] - sstep;
      ps[2] = ps[4] - sstep + 1;
      ps[3] = ps[4] - 1;
      ps[5] = ps[4] + 1;
      ps[6] = ps[4] + sstep - 1;
      ps[7] = ps[4] + sstep;
      ps[8] = ps[4] + sstep + 1;

      int sum[4096] = {0};
      for(int j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
        for(int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
          sum[x] += ker[j] * ps[j][x];
      for(int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
        pd[x] = sum[x] / 16;
  print_time(label, sw.lap() / loop_count, "bp");


Visual Studio 2019 Community ver 16.0.3
Intel Core i7-8750H @2.2GHz 6CPU HTあり
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 with Max-Q Design
Windows10 Pro 64bit






C2614    'Concurrency::graphics::texture<float,2>': イニシャライズ リスト内のクラス '_Texture_base' が基底クラスでもメンバーでもありません。 <br>

コード その2

#if !defined(CVX_H)
#define CVX_H

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>

#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <valarray>

namespace cvx {

struct Offset
  Offset(size_t _offset)
      : offset(_offset)
  void operator++() { ++offset; }
  void operator++(int) { offset++; }
  void operator+=(size_t v) { offset += v; }
  void operator-=(size_t v) { offset -= v; }

  Offset operator+(size_t v) { return Offset(offset + v); }
  Offset operator-(size_t v) { return Offset(offset - v); }

  size_t offset;

template<class T>
struct PixPtr
  PixPtr(T* ptr, size_t step)
      : ptr_(ptr)
      , step_(step)
  const T* ptr() const { return ptr_; }
  T* ptr() { return ptr_; }

  inline T* ptr(int dy, int dx) { return ptr_ + step_ * dy + dx; }
  inline const T* ptr(int dy, int dx) const { return ptr_ + step_ * dy + dx; }

  inline T& operator()(int dy, int dx) { return *ptr(dy, dx); }
  inline const T& operator()(int dy, int dx) const { return *ptr(dy, dx); }

  void operator++() { ++ptr_; }
  void operator++(int) { ptr_++; }
  void operator+=(size_t v) { ptr_ += v; }
  void operator-=(size_t v) { ptr_ -= v; }

  void moveLine(int dy) { ptr += dy * step_; }

  PixPtr copyPixPtr(int dy, int dx) { return PixPtr(ptr + dy * step_ + dx, step); }

  const PixPtr copyPixPtr(int dy, int dx) const { return PixPtr(ptr + dy * step_ + dx, step); }

  size_t step_;
  T* ptr_;

template<class T>
class Mtx_ : public cv::Mat_<T>
  using cv::Mat_<T>::Mat_;
  using cv::Mat_<T>::operator();  //overloadしているので必要
  using cv::Mat_<T>::stepT;
  using cv::Mat_<T>::rows;
  using cv::Mat_<T>::cols;

  Offset calcOffset(int y, int x) const { return Offset(stepT(0) * y + x); }

  T& operator()(const Offset& offset) { return dataT()[offset.offset]; }

  const T& operator()(const Offset& offset) const { return dataT()[offset.offset]; }

  const T& operator()(int y, int x) const { return dataT()[y * stepT() + x]; }

  T& operator()(int y, int x) { return dataT()[y * stepT() + x]; }

  T* operator[](int y) { return dataT() + y * stepT(); }
  const T* operator[](int y) const { return dataT() + y * stepT(); }

  T operator()(float y, float x)
    float fx0 = std::floor(x);
    float fy0 = std::floor(y);
    float fx1 = fx0 + 1.f;
    float fy1 = fy0 + 1.f;

    int hb = horzBorder();
    int vb = vertBorder();

    int x0 = static_cast<int>(fx0);
    if(x0 < -hb) x0 = -hb;
    if(x0 > cols + hb - 2) x0 = cols + hb - 2;

    int y0 = static_cast<int>(fy0);
    if(y0 < -vb) y0 = -vb;
    if(y0 > rows + vb - 2) y0 = rows + vb - 2;

    int x1 = x0 + 1;
    int y1 = y0 + 1;

    auto p = (*this)[y0] + x0;
    T v00 = p[0];
    T v10 = p[stepT()];
    T v01 = p[1];
    T v11 = p[stepT() + 1];

    float v0 = v00 * (fx1 - x) + v01 * (x - fx0);
    float v1 = v10 * (fx1 - x) + v11 * (x - fx0);
    return static_cast<T>(v0 * (fy1 - y) + v1 * (y - fy0));

  T operator()(cv::Point2f pt) { return (*this)(pt.y, pt.x); }

  static Mtx_<T> createWithBorder(int _rows, int _cols, int vborder, int hborder = -1)
    if(hborder < 0) hborder = vborder;
    cv::Mat_<T> mat(_rows + vborder * 2, _cols + hborder * 2);
    Mtx_<T> mtx2 = mat(cv::Rect(hborder, vborder, _cols, _rows));
    return mtx2;

  static Mtx_<T> createWithBorder(cv::Size sz, int vborder, int hborder = -1)
    if(hborder < 0) hborder = vborder;
    return createWithBorder(sz.height, sz.width, vborder, hborder);
  int horzBorder() const
    cv::Size sz;
    cv::Point pt;
    this->locateROI(sz, pt);
    return pt.x;
  int vertBorder() const
    cv::Size sz;
    cv::Point pt;
    this->locateROI(sz, pt);
    return pt.y;

  void extrapolate()
    const auto vborder = vertBorder();
    const auto hborder = horzBorder();
#if 0
    for(int y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
      auto pix = (*this)(y, 0);
      auto offset = calcOffset(y, -hborder);
      for(int dx = 0; dx < hborder; dx++) {
        (*this)(offset) = pix;
    for(int y = 0; y < rows; y++) {
      auto pix = (*this)(y, cols - 1);
      auto offset = calcOffset(y, cols);
      for(int dx = 0; dx < hborder; dx++) {
        (*this)(offset) = pix;
#if 1
    for(int y = -1; y >= -vborder; y--) {
      std::copy_n(&datacT()[-hborder], stepT(), &dataT()[-hborder + y * stepT()]);
    for(int y = 0; y < vborder; y++) {
      auto offset_s = calcOffset(0, -hborder);
      auto offset_d = calcOffset(-y - 1, -hborder);
      for(int dx = 0; dx < this->cols + hborder * 2; dx++) {
        (*this)(offset_d) = (*this)(offset_s);
#if 1
    for(int y = rows; y < rows + vborder; y++) {
      std::copy_n(&datacT()[-hborder + (rows - 1) * stepT()], stepT(),
                  &dataT()[-hborder + y * stepT()]);
    for(int y = 0; y < vborder; y++) {
      auto offset_s = calcOffset(rows - 1, -hborder);
      auto offset_d = calcOffset(rows, -hborder);
      for(int dx = 0; dx < cols + hborder * 2; dx++) {
        (*this)(offset_d) = (*this)(offset_s);
  const PixPtr<const T> createPixPtr(int y, int x) const
    return PixPtr<const T>(dataT() + y * stepT() + x, stepT());
  PixPtr<T> createPixPtr(int y, int x) { return PixPtr<T>(dataT() + y * stepT() + x, stepT()); }

  const T* dataT() const { return reinterpret_cast<const T*>(this->data); }
  const T* datacT() const { return reinterpret_cast<const T*>(this->data); }
  T* dataT() { return reinterpret_cast<T*>(this->data); }

using Mtx1b = Mtx_<uchar>;
using Mtx2b = Mtx_<cv::Vec2b>;
using Mtx3b = Mtx_<cv::Vec3b>;
using Mtx4b = Mtx_<cv::Vec4b>;
using Mtx1i = Mtx_<int>;
using Mtx1w = Mtx_<unsigned short>;
using Mtx1f = Mtx_<float>;
using Mtx2f = Mtx_<cv::Vec2f>;
using Mtx3f = Mtx_<cv::Vec3f>;
using Mtx4f = Mtx_<cv::Vec4f>;

template<class T>
void print(const Mtx_<T>& m)
  int vborder = m.vertBorder();
  int hborder = m.horzBorder();

  for(int y = -vborder; y < m.rows + vborder; y++) {
    for(int x = -hborder; x < m.cols + hborder; x++) {
      std::cout << (int)m(y, x) << " ";
    std::cout << std::endl;

template<class T, class FUNC, class TD = T>
inline void paral_for_pp_r(const Mtx_<T>& src, Mtx_<TD>& dst, FUNC func)
#pragma omp parallel for
  for(int y = 0; y < src.rows; y++) {
    auto ps = src.createPixPtr(y, 0);
    auto pd = dst.createPixPtr(y, 0);
    for(int x = 0; x < src.cols; x++) {
      pd(0, 0) = func(ps);

template<int UNIT, class T, class TD, class FUNC>
inline void for_ps_pd_idx_old(const T* ps, TD* pd, int n, FUNC func)
  int nUNIT = n / UNIT * UNIT;
  int i = 0;
  const T* pst = ps;
  TD* pdt = pd;
  for(; i < nUNIT; i += UNIT) {
    for(int j = 0; j < UNIT; j++) {
      func(pst, pdt, j);
    pst += UNIT;
    pdt += UNIT;
  int j = 0;
  for(; i < n; i++) {
    func(pst, pdt, j);

template<int UNIT, class T, class TD, class FUNC>
inline void for_ps_pd_idx(const T* ps, TD* pd, int n, FUNC func)
  const int nUNIT = n / UNIT * UNIT;
  int i = 0;
  const T* pst = ps;
  TD* pdt = pd;
  for(; i < nUNIT; i += UNIT) {
    for(int j = 0; j < UNIT; j++) {
      func(pst, pdt, j);
    pst += UNIT;
    pdt += UNIT;
  if constexpr(UNIT > 8) {
    const int n8 = n / 8 * 8;
    for(; i < n8; i += 8) {
      for(int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
        func(pst, pdt, j);
      pst += 8;
      pdt += 8;
  int j = 0;
  for(; i < n; i++) {
    func(pst, pdt, j);
template<int UNIT, class T, class TD, class FUNC>
inline void for_v_r_old(const T* ps, TD* pd, int n, FUNC func)
  const int nUNIT = n / UNIT * UNIT;
  int i = 0;
  const T* pst = ps;
  TD* pdt = pd;
  for(; i < nUNIT; i += UNIT) {
    for(int j = 0; j < UNIT; j++) {
      pdt[j] = func(pst[j]);
    pst += UNIT;
    pdt += UNIT;
  int j = 0;
  for(; i < n; i++) {
    pdt[j] = func(pst[j]);

template<int UNIT, class T, class TD, class FUNC>
inline void for_v_r(const T* ps, TD* pd, int n, FUNC func)
  const int nUNIT = n / UNIT * UNIT;
  const int n8 = n / 8 * 8;
  int i = 0;
  const T* pst = ps;
  TD* pdt = pd;
  for(; i < nUNIT; i += UNIT) {
    for(int j = 0; j < UNIT; j++) {
      pdt[j] = func(pst[j]);
    pst += UNIT;
    pdt += UNIT;
  for(; i < n8; i += 8) {
    for(int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
      pdt[j] = func(pst[j]);
    pst += 8;
    pdt += 8;
  int j = 0;
  for(; i < n; i++) {
    pdt[j] = func(pst[j]);

template<int UNIT, class T, class TD, FUNC func)
  const int nUNIT = n / UNIT * UNIT;
  const int n8 = n / 8 * 8;
  int i = 0;
  const T* pst = ps;
  TD* pdt = pd;
  for(; i < nUNIT; i += UNIT) {
    for(int j = 0; j < UNIT; j++) {
      func(pst[j], pdt[j]);
    pst += UNIT;
    pdt += UNIT;
  if constexpr(UNIT > 8) {
    for(; i < n8; i += 8) {
      for(int j = 0; j < 8; j++) {
        func(pst[j], pdt[j]);
      pst += 8;
      pdt += 8;
  int j = 0;
  for(; i < n; i++) {
    func(pst[j], pdt[j]);

template<int UNIT, class TD, class FUNC>
inline void for_p_idx(int n, TD* p, FUNC func)
  int nn = n / UNIT * UNIT;
  int i = 0;
  TD* pdt = p;
  for(; i < nn; i += UNIT) {
    for(int j = 0; j < UNIT; j++) {
      func(pdt, j);
    pdt += UNIT;
  int j = 0;
  for(; i < n; i++) {
    func(pdt, j);

template<class FUNC>
inline void for_dy_dx(int vr, int hr, FUNC func)
  for(int dy = -vr; dy <= vr; dy++) {
    for(int dx = -hr; dx <= hr; dx++) {
      func(dy, dx);

template<class FUNC>
inline void for_dydx(int vr, int hr, FUNC func)
  for_dy_dx(vr, hr, func);

template<class MAT>
void fill_test_value(MAT& m)
  int i = 0;
  for(int y = 0; y < m.rows; y++) {
    for(int x = 0; x < m.cols; x++) {
      m(y, x) = i % 255;

template<class MAT, class T>
void fill_all(MAT& m, T v)
#pragma omp parallel for
  for(int y = 0; y < m.rows; y++) {
    for(int x = 0; x < m.cols; x++) {
      m(y, x) = v;

template<class T>
bool check_value(const Mtx_<T>& src, const Mtx_<T>& ref, int border = 0)
  for(int y = -border; y < src.rows + border; y++) {
    auto ps = src.createPixPtr(y, 0);
    auto pr = ref.createPixPtr(y, 0);
    for(int x = -border; x < src.cols + border; x++) {
      if(pr(0, 0) != ps(0, 0)) goto ERROR_EIXT;
  return true;
  std::cout << std::endl;
  std::cout << "failed." << std::endl;
  return false;

template<class T, int RSZ>
struct Kernel
  static constexpr int SZ = RSZ * 2 + 1;
  inline T operator()(int dy, int dx) { return data[SZ * (dy + RSZ) + (dx + RSZ)]; }
  inline T operator()(int dy, int dx) const { return data[SZ * (dy + RSZ) + (dx + RSZ)]; }

  void copy(T* p) { std::memcpy(data, p, SZ * SZ * sizeof(T)); }
  T data[SZ * SZ];
  static constexpr int radius = RSZ;

  template<class FUNC>
  inline void for_(FUNC func)
    for_dydx(radius, radius, [&](int dy, int dx) { func((*this)(dy, dx), dy, dx); });

  template<class TP>
  T convolute(const PixPtr<TP>& pp) const
    T sum = 0;
    for_dydx(radius, radius, [&](int dy, int dx) { sum += (*this)(dy, dx) * pp(dy, dx); });
    return sum;
  Kernel() = default;

  template<class... A>
  Kernel(A... args)
    int j = 0;
    for(int i : std::initializer_list<int>{args...}) {
      data[j] = i;
      //      if(j == ) break;

template<class T, int RSZ>
struct SepKernel
  T operator()(int d) { return data[std::abs(d)]; }
  void copy(T* p) { std::memcpy(data, p, (RSZ + 1) * sizeof(T)); }
  T data[RSZ + 1];
  static constexpr int radius = RSZ;

  template<class TP>
  T convolute(const PixPtr<TP>& pp, bool horz)
    //   std::vector<T> lines((2 * RSZ + 1) * pp.step_);
    T sum = data[0] * pp(0, 0);
    if(horz) {
      for(int d = 1; d <= RSZ; d++) {
        sum += data[d] * (pp(0, d) + pp(0, -d));
    } else {
      for(int d = 1; d <= RSZ; d++) {
        sum += data[d] * (pp(d, 0) + pp(-d, 0));
    return sum;
  template<class... A>
  SepKernel(A... args)
    int j = 0;
    for(T i : std::initializer_list<int>{args...}) {
      data[j] = i;
      if(j == RSZ) break;
    for(; j <= RSZ; j++) {
      data[j] = 0;

}  //namespace cvx

#endif  //#if !defined(CVX_H)```

#if !defined(AMP_UTILS_H)
#define AMP_UTILS_H
#include <amp.h>

namespace Concurrency {

template<class FUNC>
void  for_dy_dx(int vr, int hr, FUNC func) __GPU
  for(int dy = -vr; dy <= vr; dy++) {
    for(int dx = -hr; dx <= hr; dx++) {
      func(dy, dx);

template<class T>
T clamp(T v, T l, T u) __GPU
  return v > u ? u : (v < l ? l : v);

graphics::float_2 coord(const index<2>& idx, const extent<2>& ext) restrict(amp)

  return graphics::float_2((idx[1] + 0.5f) / (float)ext[1], (idx[0] + 0.5f) / (float)ext[0]);

graphics::float_2 coord(float x, float y, const extent<2>& ext) restrict(amp)
  return graphics::float_2((y+ 0.5f) / (float)ext[1], (x + 0.5f) / (float)ext[0]);

}  // namespace Concurrency

#endif  //#if !defined(AMP_UTILS_H)
#if !defined(STX_H)
#define STX_H

#include <chrono>
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <valarray>

namespace stx {

///StopWath class
struct StopWatch
      : susupending_duration_(0)
      , suspending_(false)
    pre_ = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();

  ///returns lap time in ms.
  double lap()
    auto tmp = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();  //sotres time.
    auto dur = tmp - pre_;
    if(!suspending_) dur += susupending_duration_;
    pre_ = tmp;
    return std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::nanoseconds>(dur).count() / 1000000.0;
  ///suspends time count
  void suspend()
    susupended_time_ = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();
    suspending_ = true;

  ///resumues time count
  void resumue()
    auto tmp = std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::now();  //sotres time.
    susupending_duration_ = tmp - susupended_time_;
    suspending_ = false;

  std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point pre_;
  std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::time_point susupended_time_;
  std::chrono::high_resolution_clock::duration susupending_duration_;
  bool suspending_;

template<class INTEGRAL_TYPE>
constexpr int iround(INTEGRAL_TYPE v)
  return static_cast<int>(v);

constexpr int iround(float v)
  if(v >= 0) {
    return static_cast<int>(v + 0.5f);
  } else {
    return -static_cast<int>(-v + 0.5f);

constexpr int iround(double v)
  if(v >= 0) {
    return static_cast<int>(v + 0.5);
  } else {
    return -static_cast<int>(-v + 0.5);

constexpr int iround(long double v)
  if(v >= 0) {
    return static_cast<int>(v + 0.5l);
  } else {
    return -static_cast<int>(-v + 0.5l);

template<class INTEGRAL_TYPE>
constexpr int itrunc(INTEGRAL_TYPE v)
  return static_cast<int>(v);

constexpr int itrunc(float v)
  if(v >= 0) {
    return static_cast<int>(v);
  } else {
    return -static_cast<int>(-v);

constexpr int itrunc(double v)
  if(v >= 0) {
    return static_cast<int>(v);
  } else {
    return -static_cast<int>(-v);

constexpr int itrunc(long double v)
  if(v >= 0) {
    return static_cast<int>(v);
  } else {
    return -static_cast<int>(-v);

}  // namespace stx

#endif  //#if !defined(STX_H)


2019/4/28 初版

2019/5/10 rev2
- ケースを追加、case0がloopしておらず速すぎた問題を修正

2019/5/12 rev2.1
- ケースを追加
- 計測方法を変更(回数を増やして、結果は一回あたりの時間にした)
- コンパイラオプション変更
- C++AMPで結果が他と不一致になっていた問題の修正

2019/5/15 rev3
- Cベースのコードを追加
- 最速コードを追加



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