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Get all containers log for one namespace

Posted at

Pods managed by deploy or daemonset don't have a fixed name, you must get the pod name and then get the log for the pods and containers.

Here is a simple script gets all pods in one namespace and get logs for all containers in that pod.


for pname in `kubectl -n $ns get pods | grep Running | awk '{ print $1}'`; do
  # pname=$(echo $pname | tr -d '"')
  pbody=$(kubectl -n $ns get pods $pname -o json)
  csize=$(echo $pbody | jq '.status.containerStatuses | length')
  echo "pod $pname has $csize containers"
  for i in $( seq 0 $(($csize - 1)) ); do
    cname=$(echo $pbody | jq .status.containerStatuses[$i].name | tr -d '"')
    echo "  get logs for $cname"
    kubectl -n $ns logs $pname -c $cname >"$pname-$cname".log
    echo "  get logs for previous $cname"
    kubectl -n $ns logs $pname -c $cname -p >"$pname-$cname-previous".log 2>&1


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