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オフラインリアルタイムどう書く第8回の参考問題を Haskell で解く

Posted at

問題は http://nabetani.sakura.ne.jp/hena/ord8entco/

import Data.Char
import Data.List

codeTable :: [(String, Char, Int)]
codeTable = [("000",     't', 3),
             ("0010",    's', 4),
             ("0011",    'n', 4),
             ("0100",    'i', 4),
             ("01010",   'd', 5),
             ("0101101", 'c', 7),
             ("010111",  'l', 6),
             ("0110",    'o', 4),
             ("0111",    'a', 4),
             ("10",      'e', 2),
             ("1100",    'r', 4),
             ("1101",    'h',4)]

-- ex : stringToBit "1a"  =>  "10000110"
stringToBit :: String -> String
stringToBit cs = concatMap digitToBit cs
    digitToBit x = take 4 $ loop (digitToInt x) ++ repeat '0'
    loop n
      | n < 2 = [intToDigit n]
      | otherwise = (intToDigit $ rem n 2) : loop (div n 2)

-- ex : inputToString "16d9d4fbd"  =>  "ethanol:30"
inputToString :: String -> String
inputToString cs = loop (stringToBit cs) "" 0
    loop "" _ _ = "*invalid*"
    loop bit str n
      | isPrefixOf "111" bit = (reverse str) ++ (':' : show (n + 3))
      | otherwise = search codeTable bit str n

    search [] _ _ _ = "*invalid*"
    search ((cd, c, m) : tbl) bit str n
      | isPrefixOf cd bit = loop (drop m bit) (c : str) (n + m)
      | otherwise = search tbl bit str n

main :: IO ()
main = do
  strs <- readFile "off-line08_ref_testData.txt"
  mapM_ f $ map words $ lines strs
    where f [n, i, o] = putStrLn (n ++ " " ++ (show $ inputToString i == o))
0   16d9d4fbd   ethanol:30
1   df  e:5
2   ad7 c:10
3   870dcb  t:6
4   880f63d test:15
5   a57cbe56    cat:17
6   36abef2 roll:23
7   ad576cd8    chant:25
8   3e2a3db4fb9 rails:25
9   51aa3b4c2   eeeteee:18
10  ad5f1a07affe    charset:31
11  4ab8a86d7afb0f  slideshare:42
12  ac4b0b9faef doctor:30
13  cafebabe    nlh:17
14  43e7    sra:15
15  53e7    eera:15
16  86cf    tera:16
17  b6cf    hon:15
18  0   *invalid*
19  c   *invalid*
20  d   *invalid*
21  e   *invalid*
22  babecafe    *invalid*
23  8d  *invalid*
24  ad  *invalid*
25  af  *invalid*
26  ab6e0   *invalid*
27  a4371   *invalid*
28  a4371   *invalid*
29  96e3    *invalid*
30  0dc71   *invalid*
31  2a9f51  *invalid*
32  a43fb2  *invalid*
33  ab6e75  *invalid*
34  a5dcfa  *invalid*
35  ca97    *invalid*
36  6822dcb *invalid*

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