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bash shell豆知識

Last updated at Posted at 2024-06-04
  1. Replace a substring in file
    (20, 'm') in file: get_session.sql to (35, 'm'). 20 can be any number.

    sed -i "s/([0-9]\+,'m');/(35,'m');/" get_session.sql && cat get_session.sql
  2. Write multipule lines to a file by command

    cat <<EOL > get_session.sql
    set linesize 300;
    set serveroutput on;
    exec session_infos(20,'m');
  3. Positional Parameters

    #: Description: Positional Parameters - print Filename and the first command-line argument
    printf "Filename: %s, First param: %s!\n" "$0" "$1"

    $ hello Tom
    Filename: /home/tom/bin/hello, First param: Tom!

  4. Printing to a Variable

    printf -v filename "staff_%03d.csv" 12
    echo $filename
    # output: staff_012.csv It's the same as:
    echo "staff_$(printf '%03d' 12)"
  5. Exit status

    The exit code is stored in the special parameter $?. If the command executed successfully (or true), the value of $? is zero.

  6. Test

    test -f /etc/abc  ## true if a regular file
    [ -x "$HOME/go" ]   ## true if you can execute the file, the spaces are necessary
    [ 2 -eq 1 ]  ## test whether integers equal
    [ "$q" != "$b" ] ## test whether two strings equal
    [ -z "" ]  ## return successfully if their arguments are empty
    [ -n "" ]  ## return successfully if their arguments are nonempty
    test "$str1" \< "$str2" ## < or > must be escaped to prevent them from being interpreted as redirection operators
    [ -e "b.txt" -a "$a" -gt 9 ] ## Check if b.txt exists and a is greater than 9
    [ -f b.txt -o -f c.txt ] ## b.txt or c.txt is a regular file
    if (( total > max )); then : ...; fi ## (( … )): Evaluate an Arithmetic Expression
    mkdir "$HOME/bin" && cd "$HOME/bin" || exit 1  ## create dir and cd. If failed, exit 1
  7. case

    ## check if the first argument is integer. two ;; are necessary
    case $1 in         
        *[!0-9]*) echo false;;   ## if it contains any char except 0-9
        *) echo true;;
  8. while loop

    # print n while N <=10
    while [ $n -le 10 ]
     echo $n
     n=$(( $n + 1 ))
    # read from session.txt line by line, print the line if conatains "id"
    while IFS= read -r line
        if [[ $line == *"id"* ]]; then
            echo $line
    done < session.txt
  9. for loop

    # print odd number while N <=5
    for (( n=1; n<=5; ++n)); do
        if ((n%2 == 0));then
        echo $n
    # iterate a list
    for fruit in Apple Banana Orange; do
        printf "%s\n" "$fruit"
  10. Brace Expansion

    # generate filename p001.txt ~ p100.txt
    for num in p{001..100}.txt; do 
        echo $num;
  11. Arithmetic Expansion

    When the shell encounters $(( expression )), it evaluates expression and places the result on the command line; expression is an arithmetic expression.

    echo "$(( 1 + 1 ))" "$(( 2 * 3 ))" "$(( 16 / 3 ))" "$(( 16%5 ))" "$(( 6 - 9 ))" "$(( (2+3)*4 ))"
    # 2 6 5 1 -3 20
  12. Command Substitution

    Command substitution replaces a command with its output.
    New format: $( command )
    old format: `command`

     # current date as YYYY-MM-DD
     cur_date=$(date +%Y-%m-%d)
     echo "$cur_date"
     # count the lines in variant txt
     txt=$(cat access.log)
     num=$(echo -n "$txt" | wc -l)  # must quote the %txt and add -n to remove newline by echo
     echo $num
     num=$(printf "%s" "$t" | wc -l)
     echo $num
  13. Process Substitution

    Process substitution creates a temporary file name for a command or list of commands. You can use it anywhere a file name is expected. The form <(command) makes the output of command available as a file name;

    line_count=$(wc -l <(cat hw.txt) | cut -d ' ' -f 1) # first:line number, second: file path
    echo $line_count
  14. Variables

    Variables set in a subshell are not visible to the script that called it. Subshells include command substitution, as in $(command) or `command`; all elements of a pipeline; and code enclosed in parentheses, as in ( command ).

  15. Parameter Expansion

    echo "${var:-default_value}"

    if a var is unset or empty then expands to default_value.

    echo "${var-default_value}"
    unset var
    echo "${var-default_value}"

    if a var is unset then expands to default_value.

    echo "${var:+alternate_value}" use alternate only if $var is set and is not empty
    echo "${var+alternate_value}" use alternate if $var is set

    ${var:=default} and ${var=default}: Assign Default Values
    The ${var:=default} expansion behaves in the same way as ${var:-default} except that it also assigns the default value to the variable

    ${var:?message} and ${var?message}: If var is empty or not set, message will be printed to the standard error, and the script will exit with a status of 1.

    : ${1?An argument is required}
    : ${2?Two arguments are required}
    echo "Both arguments are set: \$1 = $1, \$2 = $2"

    In Bash, the : character is a built-in command that essentially does nothing and returns a status of 0 (true). It is often used as a placeholder in scripts where a command is syntactically required but no operation is needed.

    String operation

    # ${#var}: Length of Variable’s Contents
    read -p "Please input the password(8 digit or more):" passwd
    [ ${#passwd} -lt 8 ] && echo "Password is tool short" && exit 1
    # ${var%PATTERN}: Remove the Shortest Match from the End
    echo "${var%l*}"  # hel
    # ${var%%PATTERN}: Remove the Longest Match from the End
    echo "${var%%l*}"  # he
    # ${var#PATTERN}: Remove the Shortest Match from the Beginning
    echo "${var#*l}"  # lo
    # ${var##PATTERN}: Remove the Longest Match from the Beginning
    echo "${var##*l}"  # o
    # ${var//PATTERN/STRING}: Replace All Instances of PATTERN with STRING
    echo "${var//l?/v}"  # hevvk the question mark matches any single character
    # With a single slash, only the first matching character is replaced.
    echo "${var/l?/v}" # hevlok
    # ${var:OFFSET:LENGTH}: Return a Substring of $var
    echo "${var:1:2}" # el
    echo "${var:1}" # ello
    # A negative OFFSET is counted from the end of the string. 
    #  If a literal minus sign is used (as opposed to one contained in a variable),
    # it must be preceded by a space to prevent it from being interpreted as a default expansion
    echo "${var: -2}" # lo
    echo "${var: -3: -1}" # ll , end excluded
    # ${var^PATTERN}: Convert the first character to Uppercase
    echo "${var^}" #Hello
    # ${var^^PATTERN}: Convert all the matched character to Uppercase
    echo "${var^^}" #HELLO
    echo "${var^^[a-j]}" # HEllo
    # ${var,PATTERN}, ${var,,PATTERN}: Convert to Lowercase
    echo "${var,}" #hELLO
    echo "${var,,}" #hello
  16. Arrays

    # Create a array
    FRUITS=( Apple Banana Orange Grape )
    # get the second element
    echo "${FRUITS[1]}"
    # Assign new value
    echo "${FRUITS[1]}"
    # Append new values
    FRUITS+=(WaterMelon Pear)
    # print all
    echo "${FRUITS[@]}"
    # print length
    echo "${#FRUITS[@]}"
    # print 2~3 elements
    echo "${FRUITS[@]:1:2}"
    # Associative Arrays
    declare -A weekMap
    echo "${weekMap[t]}"
    echo "${weekMap[@]}"
  17. String Manipulation

    # Concatenation

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