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Last updated at Posted at 2014-12-23



(ハノイの塔) http://esoteric.sange.fi/brainfuck/bf-source/prog/hanoi.bf



再々追記:C言語へのトランスレータを作ってみた。Hanoi.bfから生成されたコードでも、gcc -O だと実行が速すぎて塔の状態遷移がまったくわからなくてつまらない(最適化しなければ大丈夫)。


module Main where
import Data.Foldable (foldlM)
import Data.Sequence (Seq, empty, (|>))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M

import System.Environment (getArgs)
import System.IO (stdin, putChar)

import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.ByteString.Internal (w2c, c2w)

type Pointer = Int
type Cell = Word8
type Memory = M.Map Pointer Cell
type Machine = (Pointer, Memory)

data Instruction =  PIncr
                   |Loop (Seq Instruction)
                   deriving (Eq, Show)

-- parse and compile a Brainfuck code to instructions.
compile :: String -> Seq Instruction  
compile str = fst $ compile' (empty, str)
    compile' :: (Seq Instruction, String) -> (Seq Instruction, String)
    compile' (acc, "") = (acc, "")
    compile' (acc,'>':xs) = compile' (acc |> PIncr, xs)
    compile' (acc,'<':xs) = compile' (acc |> PDecr, xs)
    compile' (acc,'+':xs) = compile' (acc |> CIncr, xs)
    compile' (acc,'-':xs) = compile' (acc |> CDecr, xs)
    compile' (acc,'.':xs) = compile' (acc |> Print, xs)
    compile' (acc,',':xs) = compile' (acc |> Read, xs)
    compile' (acc,'[':xs) = compile' (acc |> Loop subinstructs, xss)
      where (subinstructs, xss) = compile' (empty, xs)
    compile' (acc,']':xs) = (acc, xs)
    compile' (acc, _:xs) = compile' (acc, xs) -- ignore any other character.

-- execute an instruction on a machine with a given state. 
execute :: Machine -> Instruction -> IO Machine
execute machine@(pointer, memory) instruct = case instruct of
  PIncr -> return (pointer+1, memory)
  PDecr -> return (pointer-1, memory)
  CIncr -> return (pointer, incr pointer memory)
    where incr ptr mem = M.insert ptr (M.findWithDefault 0 ptr mem +1) mem
  CDecr -> return (pointer, decr pointer memory)
    where decr ptr mem = M.insert ptr (M.findWithDefault 0 ptr mem -1) mem
  Print -> do
            putChar $ w2c $ M.findWithDefault 0 pointer memory
            return machine
  Read -> do
            chr <- getChar
            return (pointer, M.insert pointer (c2w chr) memory)
  Loop subinstructs -> do {loop machine subinstructs;}
              where loop m@(ptr, mem) i = do
                      if (i==empty) || (M.findWithDefault 0 ptr mem) == 0
                        then return m
                        else do {m' <- run m i; loop m' i;}
-- execute a sequence of instructions.
run :: Machine -> Seq Instruction -> IO Machine 
run machine = foldlM execute machine

-- read the first argument as a code, compile and execute it
-- on a machine with an initial state.
main :: IO () 
main = do
         fmap (!!0) getArgs >>= run (0, M.empty) . compile
         return ()

main' = do -- or read the first argument as a filename of a source code.
          filename <- fmap (!!0) getArgs
          readFile filename >>= run (0, M.empty) . compile
          return ()


module Main where

import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.ByteString.Internal (w2c, c2w)
import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed.Mutable as M
import System.Environment (getArgs)

type Memory = M.IOVector Word8
type Machine = (Int, Memory)

data Instruction =  PIncr Int
                   |PDecr Int
                   |CIncr Word8
                   |CDecr Word8
                   |Loop [Instruction]
                   deriving (Eq, Show)

-- parse and compile a Brainfuck code to instructions.
compile :: String -> [Instruction]
compile str = fst $ compile' ([], str)
    compile' :: ([Instruction], String) -> ([Instruction], String)
    compile' (acc, "") = (reverse acc, "")
    compile' (PIncr n:acc, '>':xs) = compile' (PIncr (n+1):acc, xs)
    compile' (PDecr n:acc, '<':xs) = compile' (PDecr (n+1):acc, xs)
    compile' (CIncr n:acc, '+':xs) = compile' (CIncr (n+1):acc, xs)
    compile' (CDecr n:acc, '-':xs) = compile' (CDecr (n+1):acc, xs)
    compile' (acc,'>':xs) = compile' (PIncr 1:acc, xs)
    compile' (acc,'<':xs) = compile' (PDecr 1:acc, xs)
    compile' (acc,'+':xs) = compile' (CIncr 1:acc, xs)
    compile' (acc,'-':xs) = compile' (CDecr 1:acc, xs)
    compile' (acc,'.':xs) = compile' (Print:acc, xs)
    compile' (acc,',':xs) = compile' (Read:acc, xs)
    compile' (acc,'[':xs) = compile' (Loop subinstructs:acc, xss)
      where (subinstructs, xss) = compile' ([], xs)
    compile' (acc,']':xs) = (reverse acc, xs)
    compile' (acc, _:xs) = compile' (acc, xs) -- ignore any other character.

-- execute instructions on a machine with an initial state.
run :: [Instruction] -> IO ()
run instructions = do
  initial <- M.replicate 30000 0
  run' instructions (0, initial)
  return ()
      run' [] m = return m
      run' i@(x:xs) m@(ptr, mem) = case x of
        PIncr n -> run' xs (ptr+n, mem)
        PDecr n -> run' xs (ptr-n, mem)
        CIncr n -> do
          c <- M.read mem ptr
          M.write mem ptr (c+n)
          run' xs m
        CDecr n -> do
          c <- M.read mem ptr
          M.write mem ptr (c-n)
          run' xs m
        Print -> M.read mem ptr >>= putChar.w2c >> run' xs m
        Read -> getChar >>= (M.write mem ptr).c2w >> run' xs m
        Loop sub -> do
                      c <- M.read mem ptr
                      if (c==0) || null sub
                        then run' xs m
                        else run' sub m >>= run' i

-- read the first argument as a name of a source file.
main :: IO ()
main = do
         filename <- fmap (!!0) getArgs
         readFile filename >>= run.compile


module Main where
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.ByteString.Internal (w2c, c2w)
import Control.Monad (void)
import System.Environment (getArgs)

type Machine = ([Word8], Word8, [Word8])
data Op =  PIncr|PDecr|CIncr|CDecr|Print|Read|Loop [Op] deriving (Eq, Show)

compile :: String -> [Op]
compile str = fst $ compile' ([], str)
    compile' :: ([Op], String) -> ([Op], String)
    compile' (ops, "") = (reverse ops, "")
    compile' (ops,'>':xs) = compile' (PIncr:ops, xs)
    compile' (ops,'<':xs) = compile' (PDecr:ops, xs)
    compile' (ops,'+':xs) = compile' (CIncr:ops, xs)
    compile' (ops,'-':xs) = compile' (CDecr:ops, xs)
    compile' (ops,'.':xs) = compile' (Print:ops, xs)
    compile' (ops,',':xs) = compile' (Read:ops, xs)
    compile' (ops,'[':xs) = compile' (Loop subops:ops, xss)
      where (subops, xss) = compile' ([], xs)
    compile' (ops,']':xs) = (reverse ops, xs)
    compile' (ops, _:xs) = compile' (ops, xs) -- ignore any other character.

run :: [Op] -> IO Machine
run ops = run' ops (repeat 0, 0, repeat 0)
    run' :: [Op] -> Machine -> IO Machine
    run' [] m = return m
    run' (Loop [CDecr]:xs) (ls, c, rs) = run' xs (ls, 0, rs) -- a BF idiom.
    run' (PIncr:xs) (ls, c, r:rs) = run' xs (c:ls, r, rs)
    run' (PDecr:xs) (l:ls, c, rs) = run' xs (ls, l, c:rs)
    run' (CIncr:xs) (ls, c, rs) = run' xs (ls, c+1, rs)
    run' (CDecr:xs) (ls, c, rs) = run' xs (ls, c-1, rs)
    run' (Print:xs) (ls, c, rs) = (putChar.w2c) c >> run' xs (ls, c, rs)
    run' (Read:xs) (ls, c, rs) = getChar >>= \chr -> run' xs (ls, c2w chr, rs)
    run' (Loop sub:xs) (ls, 0, rs) = run' xs (ls, 0, rs)
    run' (Loop sub:xs) (ls, c, rs) = run' sub (ls, c, rs) >>= run' (Loop sub:xs)

main = do
         filename <- fmap (!!0) getArgs
         readFile filename >>= void . run . compile


module Main where

import Data.Word (Word8)
import System.Environment (getArgs)

data Instruction =  PIncr Int
                   |PDecr Int
                   |CIncr Word8
                   |CDecr Word8
                   |Loop [Instruction]
                   deriving (Eq, Show)

-- parse and compile a Brainfuck code to instructions.
compile :: String -> [Instruction]
compile str = fst $ compile' ([], str)
    compile' :: ([Instruction], String) -> ([Instruction], String)
    compile' (acc, "") = (reverse acc, "")
    compile' (PIncr n:acc, '>':xs) = compile' (PIncr (n+1):acc, xs)
    compile' (PDecr n:acc, '<':xs) = compile' (PDecr (n+1):acc, xs)
    compile' (CIncr n:acc, '+':xs) = compile' (CIncr (n+1):acc, xs)
    compile' (CDecr n:acc, '-':xs) = compile' (CDecr (n+1):acc, xs)
    compile' (acc,'>':xs) = compile' (PIncr 1:acc, xs)
    compile' (acc,'<':xs) = compile' (PDecr 1:acc, xs)
    compile' (acc,'+':xs) = compile' (CIncr 1:acc, xs)
    compile' (acc,'-':xs) = compile' (CDecr 1:acc, xs)
    compile' (acc,'.':xs) = compile' (Print:acc, xs)
    compile' (acc,',':xs) = compile' (Read:acc, xs)
    compile' (acc,'[':xs) = compile' (Loop subinstructs:acc, xss)
      where (subinstructs, xss) = compile' ([], xs)
    compile' (acc,']':xs) = (reverse acc, xs)
    compile' (acc, _:xs) = compile' (acc, xs) -- ignore any other character.

translate :: [Instruction] -> String
translate [] = ""
-- very simple optimisation.
translate (Loop [CDecr 1]:xs) = "*p=0;" ++ translate xs
translate (PIncr 1:xs) = "p++;" ++ translate xs
translate (PDecr 1:xs) = "p--;" ++ translate xs
translate (CIncr 1:xs) = "(*p)++;" ++ translate xs
translate (CDecr 1:xs) = "(*p)--;" ++ translate xs
translate (PIncr n:xs) = "p=p+" ++ show n ++ ";" ++ translate xs
translate (PDecr n:xs) = "p=p-" ++ show n ++ ";" ++ translate xs
translate (CIncr n:xs) = "*p=*p+" ++ show n ++ ";" ++ translate xs
translate (CDecr n:xs) = "*p=*p-" ++ show n ++ ";" ++ translate xs
translate (Print:xs) = "putchar(*p);" ++ translate xs
translate (Read:xs) = "getchar(*p);" ++ translate xs
translate (Loop sub:xs) = "while(*p){" ++ translate sub ++ "}" ++ translate xs

translate' str = header ++ (translate$compile$str) ++ footer
    header = "#include <stdio.h>\n\
             \int main(){\
             \int m[30000]={};\
             \int *p=m;"
    footer = "}\n"

-- read the first argument as a name of a source file.
main :: IO ()
main = do
         filename <- fmap (!!0) getArgs
         readFile filename >>= putStr.translate'




prompt> ./Brainfuck3 Hanoi.bf

prompt> ./Bf2c Hanoi.bf > Hanoi.c
prompt> gcc -o Hanoi Hanoi.c
prompt> ./Hanoi

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