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Angular framework vs Angular 4

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In the last few years, technology has evolved rapidly and so have various frameworks. Angular began with the AngularJS framework and within the last five years, it has taken a leap forward from Angular 1.0 to the current Angular 4.0. This development involved major changes in the final developed code size of the application, at the same time enhancing security, scalability, and performance.

In this post, we’ll run through the basic difference between Angular 1.0 and Angular 4.0, their features and why the upgrade has been a boon to the developers.

What is Angular?
Angular is one of the best TypeScripts based open-source front-end framework used to implement mobile and web solutions. TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that helps build a more powerful and structured code. It was implemented in Angular from version 2.0 and has greatly impacted the security and performance of the applications. As of today, Angular has released 3 versions AngularJS (Angular 1), Angular 2 and Angular 4.

Features of Angular 1.0 and Angular 4.0

Angular 1.0:

Angular 1.0 follows the MVC (Model View Controller) architecture for building client-side web applications.
It supports several languages like French, Chinese Traditional, Chinese Simplified, etc.
Angular 1 simplifies tasks like testing, routing, template, and binding.

Angular 4.0:

Allows IT, teams, to render on the server-side, thus providing universality.
Angular 4.0 is faster and lighter, as the code consumes less space and thus boosts the speed of the application.
Angular 4.0 stores object structure as maps, unlike route parameters. To use these parameters on the map, the user simply needs to call a method.
The core difference between Angular 1.0 and Angular 4.0
Angular 4.0 is the recent update from Angular 2.0, supporting TypeScript 2.1.0 and 2.2 which increases the efficiency throughout the application.

Architectural Comparison 
Angular 1.0 was based on the MVC architecture implemented in JavaScript and HTML, where the ‘Model’ and ‘Controller’ are implemented in JavaScript whereas ‘View’ is designed in HTML.

Post the upgrade to Angular 2, the architecture was remodeled to a service/controller approach. Angular 4.0 continues with the same base with slight changes in the code. It is comparatively faster, reduces code generated by a significant percentage and allows – developers to generate code that can be then used in debug and production mode.

Angular Universal:
Angular Universal runs your Angular application on the server, earlier it was maintained outside Angular but with Angular 4 it has become a core module. As we know, Angular use a browser to execute applications thus creating pages in DOM (Document Object Model). With Angular Universal Server-Side Rendering (SSR) is possible. SSR generates static application pages on the server by splitting the HTML content in a virtual DOM. The pages are generated and can be served as and when the browser requests them. Universal thereby, smooths the way for web crawlers that helps in SEO, it improves the apps performances on mobile devices & other low-powered devices, and loads the first page fast.

View Engine:
A view engine helps in creating HTML from the views. View Engines are generally a mix of any programming language and HTML and are responsible for writing code in your views. The concept of a View Engine was initiated in Angular 4.0 and the code produced was reduced to over 60% as seen in the architectural pattern.

Animation Package:
In Angular 1.0, the code needed for animation was included in the application by default, whether the developer wished to use it or not. These functions were the same as those part of the core module. However, in Angular 4.0, the animation is a separate package. This is another reason the code bundling size has reduced. Should users want to include Animation, they can use the package from the module BrowserAnimationsModule.

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