
More than 5 years have passed since last update.

Node.jsのAPIサーバーを起動してテストを実行するコマンドを作る node-foreman編

Last updated at Posted at 2016-02-16


  1. 実現は可能
  2. サーバーのログが抑制できないと、ちょっと使えない
  3. プロセスが残るがイマイチ




npm start


npm test







web: npm start
test: npm test




node_modules/foreman/nf.js start - p 3000



[OKAY] Loaded ENV .env File as KEY=VALUE Format
[OKAY] Trimming display Output to 60 Columns
10:00:10 test.1 |  > syamo@0.0.2 test /Users/shigerunakajima/syamo
10:00:10 test.1 |  > mocha --require espower-babel/guess -c
10:00:10 web.1  |  > syamo@0.0.2 start /Users/shigerunakajima/syamo
10:00:10 web.1  |  > babel-node app.js
10:00:12 test.1 |
10:00:12 test.1 |    An authentication
10:00:12 web.1  |  Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:00:12 GMT request {
10:00:12 web.1  |    "before": "95790bf891e76fee5e1747ab589903a6a1f80f22",
10:00:12 web.1  |    "after": "da1560886d4f094c3e6c9ef40349f7d38b5d27d7",
10:00:12 web.1  |    "ref": "refs/heads/master",
10:00:12 web.1  |    "user_id": 4,
10:00:12 web.1  |    "user_name": "John Smith",
10:00:12 web.1  |    "project_id": 15,
10:00:12 web.1  |    "repository": {
10:00:12 web.1  |      "name": "Diaspora",
10:00:12 web.1  |      "url": "git@localhost:diaspora.git",
10:00:12 web.1  |      "description": "",
10:00:12 web.1  |      "homepage": "http://localhost/diaspora"
10:00:12 web.1  |    },
10:00:12 web.1  |    "commits": [
10:00:12 web.1  |      {
10:00:12 web.1  |        "id": "b6568db1bc1dcd7f8b4d5a946b0b91f9dacd7327",
10:00:12 web.1  |        "message": "Update Catalan translation to e38cb41.",
10:00:12 web.1  |        "timestamp": "2011-12-12T14:27:31+02:00",
10:00:12 web.1  |        "url": "http://localhost/diaspora/commits/b6568db1bc1d…
10:00:12 web.1  |        "author": {
10:00:12 web.1  |          "name": "Jordi Mallach",
10:00:12 web.1  |          "email": "jordi@softcatala.org"
10:00:12 web.1  |        }
10:00:12 web.1  |      },
10:00:12 web.1  |      {
10:00:12 web.1  |        "id": "da1560886d4f094c3e6c9ef40349f7d38b5d27d7",
10:00:12 web.1  |        "message": "fixed readme & 'hoge'",
10:00:12 web.1  |        "timestamp": "2012-01-03T23:36:29+02:00",
10:00:12 web.1  |        "url": "http://localhost/diaspora/commits/da1560886d4f…
10:00:12 web.1  |        "author": {
10:00:12 web.1  |          "name": "GitLab dev user",
10:00:12 web.1  |          "email": "gitlabdev@dv6700.(none)"
10:00:12 web.1  |        }
10:00:12 web.1  |      }
10:00:12 web.1  |    ],
10:00:12 web.1  |    "total_commits_count": 4
10:00:12 web.1  |  }
10:00:12 web.1  |  Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:00:12 GMT result ChatWork NG ,Error: For…
10:00:12 web.1  |  Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:00:12 GMT result OK, objectKind : push
10:00:12 test.1 |      ✓ is errer by chatroom. (602ms)
10:00:12 test.1 |    Issue
10:00:12 web.1  |  Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:00:12 GMT request {
10:00:12 web.1  |    "object_kind": "issue",
10:00:12 web.1  |    "user": {
10:00:12 web.1  |      "name": "shigeru.nakajima",
10:00:12 web.1  |      "username": "shigeru.nakajima",
10:00:12 web.1  |      "avatar_url": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/3a1f43…
10:00:12 web.1  |    },
10:00:12 web.1  |    "object_attributes": {
10:00:12 web.1  |      "id": 2624,
10:00:12 web.1  |      "title": "a",
10:00:12 web.1  |      "assignee_id": null,
10:00:12 web.1  |      "author_id": 6,
10:00:12 web.1  |      "project_id": 65,
10:00:12 web.1  |      "created_at": "2015-07-21 10:35:22 UTC",
10:00:12 web.1  |      "updated_at": "Tue Feb 16 2016 10:00:11 GMT+0900 (JST)",
10:00:12 web.1  |      "position": 0,
10:00:12 web.1  |      "branch_name": null,
10:00:12 web.1  |      "description": "a\r\nb",
10:00:12 web.1  |      "milestone_id": null,
10:00:12 web.1  |      "state": "opened",
10:00:12 web.1  |      "iid": 4,
10:00:12 web.1  |      "url": "https://developer.luxiar.jp/shigeru.nakajima/cha…
10:00:12 web.1  |      "action": "open"
10:00:12 web.1  |    }
10:00:12 web.1  |  }
10:00:13 web.1  |  Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:00:13 GMT result OK, objectKind : issue
10:00:13 test.1 |      ✓ is ok. (1189ms)
10:00:13 web.1  |  Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:00:13 GMT request {
10:00:13 web.1  |    "object_kind": "issue",
10:00:13 web.1  |    "user": {
10:00:13 web.1  |      "name": "shigeru.nakajima",
10:00:13 web.1  |      "username": "shigeru.nakajima",
10:00:13 web.1  |      "avatar_url": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/3a1f43…
10:00:13 web.1  |    },
10:00:13 web.1  |    "object_attributes": {
10:00:13 web.1  |      "id": 2624,
10:00:13 web.1  |      "title": "a",
10:00:13 web.1  |      "assignee_id": null,
10:00:13 web.1  |      "author_id": 6,
10:00:13 web.1  |      "project_id": 65,
10:00:13 web.1  |      "created_at": "2015-07-21 10:35:22 UTC",
10:00:13 web.1  |      "updated_at": "Tue Feb 16 2016 10:00:11 GMT+0900 (JST)",
10:00:13 web.1  |      "position": 0,
10:00:13 web.1  |      "branch_name": null,
10:00:13 web.1  |      "description": "a\r\nb",
10:00:13 web.1  |      "milestone_id": null,
10:00:13 web.1  |      "state": "opened",
10:00:13 web.1  |      "iid": 4,
10:00:13 web.1  |      "url": "https://developer.luxiar.jp/shigeru.nakajima/cha…
10:00:13 web.1  |      "action": "open"
10:00:13 web.1  |    }
10:00:13 web.1  |  }
10:00:13 web.1  |  Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:00:13 GMT result Ignore, because same no…
    ✓ is ignored by duplicate.
10:00:13 web.1  |  Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:00:13 GMT request {
10:00:13 web.1  |    "object_kind": "issue",
10:00:13 web.1  |    "user": {
10:00:13 web.1  |      "name": "shigeru.nakajima",
10:00:13 web.1  |      "username": "shigeru.nakajima",
10:00:13 web.1  |      "avatar_url": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/3a1f43…
10:00:13 web.1  |    },
10:00:13 web.1  |    "object_attributes": {
10:00:13 web.1  |      "id": 2624,
10:00:13 web.1  |      "title": "a",
10:00:13 web.1  |      "assignee_id": null,
10:00:13 web.1  |      "author_id": 6,
10:00:13 web.1  |      "project_id": 65,
10:00:13 web.1  |      "created_at": "2015-07-21 10:35:22 UTC",
10:00:13 web.1  |      "updated_at": "Tue Feb 16 2016 10:00:11 GMT+0900 (JST)",
10:00:13 web.1  |      "position": 0,
10:00:13 web.1  |      "branch_name": null,
10:00:13 web.1  |      "description": "a\r\nb",
10:00:13 web.1  |      "milestone_id": null,
10:00:13 web.1  |      "state": "opened",
10:00:13 web.1  |      "iid": 4,
10:00:13 web.1  |      "url": "https://developer.luxiar.jp/shigeru.nakajima/cha…
10:00:13 web.1  |      "action": "open"
10:00:13 web.1  |    }
10:00:13 web.1  |  }
10:00:14 web.1  |  Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:00:14 GMT result OK, objectKind : issue
    ✓ is not ignored that is sent to other chatroom. (647ms…
10:00:14 web.1  |  Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:00:14 GMT request {
10:00:14 web.1  |    "object_kind": "issue",
10:00:14 web.1  |    "user": {
10:00:14 web.1  |      "name": "shigeru.nakajima",
10:00:14 web.1  |      "username": "shigeru.nakajima",
10:00:14 web.1  |      "avatar_url": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/3a1f43…
10:00:14 web.1  |    },
10:00:14 web.1  |    "object_attributes": {
10:00:14 web.1  |      "action": "update"
10:00:14 web.1  |    }
10:00:14 web.1  |  }
10:00:14 web.1  |  Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:00:14 GMT result Ignore, Update issue is…
10:00:14 web.1  |  Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:00:14 GMT request {
10:00:14 web.1  |    "object_kind": "issue",
10:00:14 web.1  |    "user": {
10:00:14 web.1  |      "name": "shigeru.nakajima",
10:00:14 web.1  |      "username": "shigeru.nakajima",
10:00:14 web.1  |      "avatar_url": "https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/3a1f43…
10:00:14 web.1  |    },
10:00:14 web.1  |    "object_attributes": {
10:00:14 web.1  |      "action": "close"
10:00:14 web.1  |    }
10:00:14 web.1  |  }
10:00:14 web.1  |  Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:00:14 GMT result Ignore, A closisg issue…
    ✓ is ignored by update action.
    ✓ is ignored by close action.
10:00:14 test.1 |    MR
10:00:14 web.1  |  Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:00:14 GMT request {
10:00:14 web.1  |    "object_kind": "merge_request",
10:00:14 web.1  |    "object_attributes": {
10:00:14 web.1  |      "id": 445,
10:00:14 web.1  |      "target_branch": "master",
10:00:14 web.1  |      "source_branch": "ms-viewport",
10:00:14 web.1  |      "source_project_id": 14,
10:00:14 web.1  |      "author_id": 2,
10:00:14 web.1  |      "assignee_id": 2,
10:00:14 web.1  |      "title": "MS-Viewport",
10:00:14 web.1  |      "created_at": "2013-12-03T17:23:34Z",
10:00:14 web.1  |      "updated_at": "2013-12-03T17:23:34Z",
10:00:14 web.1  |      "st_commits": null,
10:00:14 web.1  |      "st_diffs": null,
10:00:14 web.1  |      "milestone_id": null,
10:00:14 web.1  |      "state": "opened",
10:00:14 web.1  |      "merge_status": "can_be_merged",
10:00:14 web.1  |      "target_project_id": 62,
10:00:14 web.1  |      "iid": 18,
10:00:14 web.1  |      "description": " abc & 'hoge' "
10:00:14 web.1  |    }
10:00:14 web.1  |  }
10:00:15 web.1  |  Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:00:15 GMT result OK, objectKind : merge_…
10:00:15 test.1 |      ✓ is ok. (651ms)
10:00:15 web.1  |  Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:00:15 GMT request {
10:00:15 web.1  |    "object_kind": "merge_request",
10:00:15 web.1  |    "object_attributes": {
10:00:15 web.1  |      "id": 445,
10:00:15 web.1  |      "target_branch": "master",
10:00:15 web.1  |      "source_branch": "ms-viewport",
10:00:15 web.1  |      "source_project_id": 14,
10:00:15 web.1  |      "author_id": 2,
10:00:15 web.1  |      "assignee_id": 2,
10:00:15 web.1  |      "title": "MS-Viewport",
10:00:15 web.1  |      "created_at": "2013-12-03T17:23:34Z",
10:00:15 web.1  |      "updated_at": "2013-12-03T17:23:34Z",
10:00:15 web.1  |      "st_commits": null,
10:00:15 web.1  |      "st_diffs": null,
10:00:15 web.1  |      "milestone_id": null,
10:00:15 web.1  |      "state": "opened",
10:00:15 web.1  |      "merge_status": "unchecked",
10:00:15 web.1  |      "target_project_id": 62,
10:00:15 web.1  |      "iid": 18,
10:00:15 web.1  |      "description": " abc & 'hoge' "
10:00:15 web.1  |    }
10:00:15 web.1  |  }
10:00:15 web.1  |  Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:00:15 GMT result OK, objectKind : merge_…
10:00:15 test.1 |      ✓ is through that is unchecked. (685ms)
10:00:15 web.1  |  Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:00:15 GMT request {
10:00:15 web.1  |    "object_kind": "merge_request",
10:00:15 web.1  |    "object_attributes": {
10:00:15 web.1  |      "id": 445,
10:00:15 web.1  |      "target_branch": "master",
10:00:15 web.1  |      "source_branch": "ms-viewport",
10:00:15 web.1  |      "source_project_id": 14,
10:00:15 web.1  |      "author_id": 2,
10:00:15 web.1  |      "assignee_id": 2,
10:00:15 web.1  |      "title": "MS-Viewport",
10:00:15 web.1  |      "created_at": "2013-12-03T17:23:34Z",
10:00:15 web.1  |      "updated_at": "2013-12-03T17:23:34Z",
10:00:15 web.1  |      "st_commits": null,
10:00:15 web.1  |      "st_diffs": null,
10:00:15 web.1  |      "milestone_id": null,
10:00:15 web.1  |      "state": "merged",
10:00:15 web.1  |      "merge_status": "can_be_merged",
10:00:15 web.1  |      "target_project_id": 62,
10:00:15 web.1  |      "iid": 18,
10:00:15 web.1  |      "description": " abc & 'hoge' "
10:00:15 web.1  |    }
10:00:15 web.1  |  }
10:00:15 web.1  |  Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:00:15 GMT result Ignore, MRs are notifie…
    ✓ is ignored thats status is merged.
10:00:15 web.1  |  Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:00:15 GMT request {
10:00:15 web.1  |    "object_kind": "merge_request",
10:00:15 web.1  |    "object_attributes": {
10:00:15 web.1  |      "id": 445,
10:00:15 web.1  |      "target_branch": "master",
10:00:15 web.1  |      "source_branch": "ms-viewport",
10:00:15 web.1  |      "source_project_id": 14,
10:00:15 web.1  |      "author_id": 2,
10:00:15 web.1  |      "assignee_id": 2,
10:00:15 web.1  |      "title": "MS-Viewport",
10:00:15 web.1  |      "created_at": "2013-12-03T17:23:34Z",
10:00:15 web.1  |      "updated_at": "2013-12-03T17:23:34Z",
10:00:15 web.1  |      "st_commits": null,
10:00:15 web.1  |      "st_diffs": null,
10:00:15 web.1  |      "milestone_id": null,
10:00:15 web.1  |      "state": "opened",
10:00:15 web.1  |      "merge_status": "can_be_merged",
10:00:15 web.1  |      "target_project_id": 14,
10:00:15 web.1  |      "iid": 18,
10:00:15 web.1  |      "description": " abc & 'hoge' "
10:00:15 web.1  |    }
10:00:15 web.1  |  }
10:00:16 web.1  |  Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:00:16 GMT result Gitlab404Error: 404 Not…
10:00:16 web.1  |      at Gitlab.RESTFulClient.handleResult (/Users/shigerunaka…
10:00:16 web.1  |      at /Users/shigerunakajima/syamo/node_modules/node-gitlab…
10:00:16 web.1  |      at done (/Users/shigerunakajima/syamo/node_modules/node-…
10:00:16 web.1  |      at /Users/shigerunakajima/syamo/node_modules/node-gitlab…
10:00:16 web.1  |      at decodeContent (/Users/shigerunakajima/syamo/node_modu…
10:00:16 web.1  |      at IncomingMessage.<anonymous> (/Users/shigerunakajima/s…
10:00:16 web.1  |      at emitNone (events.js:85:20)
10:00:16 web.1  |      at IncomingMessage.emit (events.js:179:7)
10:00:16 web.1  |      at endReadableNT (_stream_readable.js:906:12)
10:00:16 web.1  |      at nextTickCallbackWith2Args (node.js:475:9)
10:00:16 web.1  |      at process._tickDomainCallback (node.js:430:17)
10:00:16 test.1 |      ✓ is error unless any information from Gitlab API. (290m…
10:00:16 test.1 |    Push
10:00:16 web.1  |  Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:00:16 GMT request {
10:00:16 web.1  |    "before": "95790bf891e76fee5e1747ab589903a6a1f80f22",
10:00:16 web.1  |    "after": "da1560886d4f094c3e6c9ef40349f7d38b5d27d7",
10:00:16 web.1  |    "ref": "refs/heads/master",
10:00:16 web.1  |    "user_id": 4,
10:00:16 web.1  |    "user_name": "John Smith",
10:00:16 web.1  |    "project_id": 15,
10:00:16 web.1  |    "repository": {
10:00:16 web.1  |      "name": "Diaspora",
10:00:16 web.1  |      "url": "git@localhost:diaspora.git",
10:00:16 web.1  |      "description": "",
10:00:16 web.1  |      "homepage": "http://localhost/diaspora"
10:00:16 web.1  |    },
10:00:16 web.1  |    "commits": [
10:00:16 web.1  |      {
10:00:16 web.1  |        "id": "b6568db1bc1dcd7f8b4d5a946b0b91f9dacd7327",
10:00:16 web.1  |        "message": "Update Catalan translation to e38cb41.",
10:00:16 web.1  |        "timestamp": "2011-12-12T14:27:31+02:00",
10:00:16 web.1  |        "url": "http://localhost/diaspora/commits/b6568db1bc1d…
10:00:16 web.1  |        "author": {
10:00:16 web.1  |          "name": "Jordi Mallach",
10:00:16 web.1  |          "email": "jordi@softcatala.org"
10:00:16 web.1  |        }
10:00:16 web.1  |      },
10:00:16 web.1  |      {
10:00:16 web.1  |        "id": "da1560886d4f094c3e6c9ef40349f7d38b5d27d7",
10:00:16 web.1  |        "message": "fixed readme & 'hoge'",
10:00:16 web.1  |        "timestamp": "2012-01-03T23:36:29+02:00",
10:00:16 web.1  |        "url": "http://localhost/diaspora/commits/da1560886d4f…
10:00:16 web.1  |        "author": {
10:00:16 web.1  |          "name": "GitLab dev user",
10:00:16 web.1  |          "email": "gitlabdev@dv6700.(none)"
10:00:16 web.1  |        }
10:00:16 web.1  |      }
10:00:16 web.1  |    ],
10:00:16 web.1  |    "total_commits_count": 4
10:00:16 web.1  |  }
10:00:16 web.1  |  Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:00:16 GMT result OK, objectKind : merge_…
10:00:16 web.1  |  Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:00:16 GMT result OK, objectKind : push
10:00:16 test.1 |      ✓ is ok. (524ms)
10:00:16 web.1  |  Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:00:16 GMT request {
10:00:16 web.1  |    "before": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
10:00:16 web.1  |    "after": "9b298340f13114aaf2b1990c95f4c6370ac8e44d",
10:00:16 web.1  |    "ref": "refs/heads/add_issue_info",
10:00:16 web.1  |    "user_id": 6,
10:00:16 web.1  |    "user_name": "shigeru.nakajima",
10:00:16 web.1  |    "project_id": 65,
10:00:16 web.1  |    "repository": {
10:00:16 web.1  |      "name": "chabot",
10:00:16 web.1  |      "url": "git@developer.luxiar.jp:shigeru.nakajima/chabot.…
10:00:16 web.1  |      "description": "gitlabにpushされたらchatworkに書き込むアプリを作ります。\r\…
10:00:16 web.1  |      "homepage": "https://developer.luxiar.jp/shigeru.nakajim…
10:00:16 web.1  |    },
10:00:16 web.1  |    "commits": [],
10:00:16 web.1  |    "total_commits_count": 0
10:00:16 web.1  |  }
10:00:16 web.1  |  Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:00:16 GMT result Ignore, No commit push …
10:00:16 test.1 |      ✓ is ignored by total_commits_count 0
10:00:16 test.1 |    A template
10:00:16 web.1  |  Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:00:16 GMT request {
10:00:16 web.1  |    "before": "95790bf891e76fee5e1747ab589903a6a1f80f22",
10:00:16 web.1  |    "after": "da1560886d4f094c3e6c9ef40349f7d38b5d27d7",
10:00:16 web.1  |    "ref": "refs/heads/master",
10:00:16 web.1  |    "user_id": 4,
10:00:16 web.1  |    "user_name": "John Smith",
10:00:16 web.1  |    "project_id": 15,
10:00:16 web.1  |    "repository": {
10:00:16 web.1  |      "name": "Diaspora",
10:00:16 web.1  |      "url": "git@localhost:diaspora.git",
10:00:16 web.1  |      "description": "",
10:00:16 web.1  |      "homepage": "http://localhost/diaspora"
10:00:16 web.1  |    },
10:00:16 web.1  |    "commits": [
10:00:16 web.1  |      {
10:00:16 web.1  |        "id": "b6568db1bc1dcd7f8b4d5a946b0b91f9dacd7327",
10:00:16 web.1  |        "message": "Update Catalan translation to e38cb41.",
10:00:16 web.1  |        "timestamp": "2011-12-12T14:27:31+02:00",
10:00:16 web.1  |        "url": "http://localhost/diaspora/commits/b6568db1bc1d…
10:00:16 web.1  |        "author": {
10:00:16 web.1  |          "name": "Jordi Mallach",
10:00:16 web.1  |          "email": "jordi@softcatala.org"
10:00:16 web.1  |        }
10:00:16 web.1  |      },
10:00:16 web.1  |      {
10:00:16 web.1  |        "id": "da1560886d4f094c3e6c9ef40349f7d38b5d27d7",
10:00:16 web.1  |        "message": "fixed readme & 'hoge'",
10:00:16 web.1  |        "timestamp": "2012-01-03T23:36:29+02:00",
10:00:16 web.1  |        "url": "http://localhost/diaspora/commits/da1560886d4f…
10:00:16 web.1  |        "author": {
10:00:16 web.1  |          "name": "GitLab dev user",
10:00:16 web.1  |          "email": "gitlabdev@dv6700.(none)"
10:00:16 web.1  |        }
10:00:16 web.1  |      }
10:00:16 web.1  |    ],
10:00:16 web.1  |    "total_commits_count": 4
10:00:16 web.1  |  }
10:00:17 web.1  |  Tue, 16 Feb 2016 01:00:17 GMT result OK, objectKind : push
    ✓ is used for the chatroom. (471ms)
10:00:17 test.1 |    13 passing (5s)
[DONE] Killing all processes with signal  null
10:00:17 test.1 Exited Successfully


[OKAY] Loaded ENV .env File as KEY=VALUE Format
[OKAY] Trimming display Output to 155 Columns
10:18:08 web.1  |  > syamo@0.0.2 start /Users/shigerunakajima/syamo
10:18:08 web.1  |  > babel-node app.js
10:18:08 test.1 |  > syamo@0.0.2 test /Users/shigerunakajima/syamo
10:18:08 test.1 |  > mocha --require espower-babel/guess -c
10:18:09 test.1 |
10:18:09 test.1 |    An authentication
10:18:10 test.1 |      ✓ is errer by chatroom. (338ms)
10:18:10 test.1 |    Issue
10:18:10 test.1 |      ✓ is ok. (554ms)
10:18:10 test.1 |      ✓ is ignored by duplicate.
10:18:11 test.1 |      ✓ is not ignored that is sent to other chatroom. (410ms)
10:18:11 test.1 |      ✓ is ignored by update action.
10:18:11 test.1 |      ✓ is ignored by close action.
10:18:11 test.1 |    MR
10:18:11 test.1 |      ✓ is ok. (498ms)
10:18:12 test.1 |      ✓ is through that is unchecked. (358ms)
10:18:12 test.1 |      ✓ is ignored thats status is merged.
10:18:12 test.1 |      ✓ is error unless any information from Gitlab API. (73ms)
10:18:12 test.1 |    Push
10:18:12 test.1 |      ✓ is ok. (291ms)
10:18:12 test.1 |      ✓ is ignored by total_commits_count 0
10:18:12 test.1 |    A template
10:18:12 test.1 |      ✓ is used for the chatroom. (270ms)
10:18:12 test.1 |    13 passing (3s)
[DONE] Killing all processes with signal  null
10:18:12 test.1 Exited Successfully





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