本記事は Snykを使ってコードをセキュアにした記事を投稿しよう! by Snyk Advent Calendar 2023 の 17日目の記事になります。 1
Rhino Security Labs社が提供している脆弱性が作り込まれたAWS環境をデプロイすることができるツールです。
Snyk CLIをインストールする
Snyk CLIをインストールします。
$ brew install snyk-cli
$ snyk --version
$ git clone https://github.com/RhinoSecurityLabs/cloudgoat
$ cloudgoat
$ git log --oneline -n 1
7333d0f (HEAD -> master, origin/master, origin/HEAD) Update ec2.tf to use latest Linux AMI
$ snyk auth
$ cd scenarios/ec2_ssrf
$ snyk iac test
Snyk Infrastructure as Code
✔ Test completed.
Low Severity Issues: 12
[Low] EC2 API termination protection is not enabled
Info: To prevent instance from being accidentally terminated using Amazon
EC2, you can enable termination protection for the instance. Without
this setting enabled the instances can be terminated by accident.
This setting should only be used for instances with high availability
requirements. Enabling this may prevent IaC workflows from updating
the instance, for example terraform will not be able to terminate the
instance to update instance type
Rule: https://security.snyk.io/rules/cloud/SNYK-CC-AWS-426
Path: resource > aws_instance[cg-ubuntu-ec2] > disable_api_termination
File: terraform/ec2.tf
Resolve: Set `disable_api_termination` attribute with value `true`
[Low] EC2 instance accepts IMDSv1
Info: Instance Metadata Service v2 is not enforced. Metadata service may be
vulnerable to reverse proxy/open firewall misconfigurations and
server side request forgery attacks
Rule: https://security.snyk.io/rules/cloud/SNYK-CC-TF-130
Path: resource > aws_instance[cg-ubuntu-ec2] > metadata_options
File: terraform/ec2.tf
Resolve: Set `metadata_options.http_tokens` attribute to `required`
[Low] Resource has public IP assigned
Info: AWS resource could be accessed externally via public IP. Increases
attack vector reachability
Rule: https://security.snyk.io/rules/cloud/SNYK-CC-TF-51
Path: resource > aws_instance[cg-ubuntu-ec2] > associate_public_ip_address
File: terraform/ec2.tf
Resolve: Set `associate_public_ip_address` attribute to `false`
[Low] AWS Security Group allows open egress
Info: The inline security group rule allows open egress. Open egress can be
used to exfiltrate data to unauthorized destinations, and enable
access to potentially malicious resources
Rule: https://security.snyk.io/rules/cloud/SNYK-CC-TF-73
Path: resource > aws_security_group[cg-ec2-http-security-group] > egress
File: terraform/ec2.tf
Resolve: Set `egress.cidr_blocks` attribute to specific ranges e.g.
[Low] AWS Security Group allows open egress
Info: The inline security group rule allows open egress. Open egress can be
used to exfiltrate data to unauthorized destinations, and enable
access to potentially malicious resources
Rule: https://security.snyk.io/rules/cloud/SNYK-CC-TF-73
Path: resource > aws_security_group[cg-ec2-ssh-security-group] > egress
File: terraform/ec2.tf
Resolve: Set `egress.cidr_blocks` attribute to specific ranges e.g.
[Low] IAM Policy attached to user
Info: The IAM policy is directly attached to a user. Increases the security
management overhead
Rule: https://security.snyk.io/rules/cloud/SNYK-CC-TF-116
Path: resource > aws_iam_user_policy_attachment[cg-solus-attachment]
File: terraform/iam.tf
Resolve: Attach policy to a group or role, instead of user. For example, use
`aws_iam_group_policy_attachment` resource
[Low] IAM Policy attached to user
Info: The IAM policy is directly attached to a user. Increases the security
management overhead
Rule: https://security.snyk.io/rules/cloud/SNYK-CC-TF-116
Path: resource > aws_iam_user_policy_attachment[cg-shepard-attachment]
File: terraform/iam.tf
Resolve: Attach policy to a group or role, instead of user. For example, use
`aws_iam_group_policy_attachment` resource
[Low] IAM Policy attached to user
Info: The IAM policy is directly attached to a user. Increases the security
management overhead
Rule: https://security.snyk.io/rules/cloud/SNYK-CC-TF-116
Path: resource > aws_iam_user_policy_attachment[cg-wrex-attachment]
File: terraform/iam.tf
Resolve: Attach policy to a group or role, instead of user. For example, use
`aws_iam_group_policy_attachment` resource
[Low] X-ray tracing is disabled for Lambda function
Info: Amazon X-Ray tracing is not enabled for Lambda function. Trace logs
will not be available during investigation
Rule: https://security.snyk.io/rules/cloud/SNYK-CC-TF-133
Path: resource > aws_lambda_function[cg-lambda-function] > tracing_config
File: terraform/lambda.tf
Resolve: Set `tracing_config.mode` attribute to `Active` or `PassThrough`
[Low] S3 bucket versioning disabled
Info: S3 bucket versioning is disabled. Changes or deletion of objects will
not be reversible
Rule: https://security.snyk.io/rules/cloud/SNYK-CC-TF-124
Path: resource > aws_s3_bucket[cg-secret-s3-bucket] > versioning > enabled
File: terraform/s3.tf
Resolve: For AWS provider < v4.0.0, set `versioning.enabled` attribute to
`true`. For AWS provider >= v4.0.0, add aws_s3_bucket_versioning
[Low] S3 bucket MFA delete control disabled
Info: S3 bucket will not enforce MFA login on delete requests. Object could
be deleted without stronger MFA authorization
Rule: https://security.snyk.io/rules/cloud/SNYK-CC-TF-127
Path: resource > aws_s3_bucket[cg-secret-s3-bucket] > versioning >
File: terraform/s3.tf
Resolve: Follow instructions in `https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/u
serguide/MultiFactorAuthenticationDelete.html` to manually configure
the MFA setting. For AWS provider < v4.0.0 set
`versioning.mfa_delete` attribute to `true` in aws_s3_bucket
resource. For AWS provider >= v4.0.0 set
'versioning_configuration.mfa_delete` attribute to `Enabled`. The
terraform change is required to reflect the setting in the state file
[Low] S3 server access logging is disabled
Info: The s3 access logs will not be collected. There will be no audit
trail of access to s3 objects
Rule: https://security.snyk.io/rules/cloud/SNYK-CC-TF-45
Path: input > resource > aws_s3_bucket[cg-secret-s3-bucket] > logging
File: terraform/s3.tf
Resolve: For AWS provider < v4.0.0, add `logging` block attribute. For AWS
provider >= v4.0.0, add aws_s3_bucket_logging resource.
Medium Severity Issues: 1
[Medium] Non-Encrypted root block device
Info: The root block device for ec2 instance is not encrypted. That should
someone gain unauthorized access to the data they would be able to
read the contents.
Rule: https://security.snyk.io/rules/cloud/SNYK-CC-TF-53
Path: resource > aws_instance[cg-ubuntu-ec2] > root_block_device >
File: terraform/ec2.tf
Resolve: Set `root_block_device.encrypted` attribute to `true`
Test Summary
Organization: **********
Project name: ec2_ssrf
✔ Files without issues: 6
✗ Files with issues: 4
Ignored issues: 0
Total issues: 13 [ 0 critical, 0 high, 1 medium, 12 low ]
New: Share your test results in the Snyk Web UI with the option --report
- AWS Security Group allows open egress: すべての宛先への通信が許可されている
- EC2 API termination protection is not enabled: 終了保護が有効化されていないため謝ってインスタンスが終了する可能性がある
- EC2 instance accepts IMDSv1: IMDSv1が許容されている
- IAM Policy attached to user: IAMポリシーがIAMユーザに直接添付されている
- Resource has public IP assigned: インスタンスにパブリックIPがアサインされているため攻撃を受ける可能性がある
- S3 bucket MFA delete control disabled: S3のバケット削除にMFAが有効化されていない
- S3 bucket versioning disabled: S3のバージョニングが無効化
- S3 server access logging is disabled: S3のアクセスログが無効化
- X-ray tracing is disabled for Lambda function: X-Rayが無効化
- Non-Encrypted root block device: ルートブロックデバイスが暗号化されていない
では漏洩したIAMユーザのクレデンシャル情報を利用し、情報を確認していくのですが、そのなかでlambda functionの情報を確認することができます。
lambda functionの環境変数にEC2にアクセスするための情報を環境変数で平文で渡しているため、攻撃者にさらなる攻撃の糸口を与えてしまい、被害が拡大してしまいます。
resource "aws_lambda_function" "cg-lambda-function" {
filename = "../assets/lambda.zip"
function_name = "cg-lambda-${var.cgid}"
role = "${aws_iam_role.cg-lambda-role.arn}"
handler = "lambda.handler"
source_code_hash = "${data.archive_file.cg-lambda-function.output_base64sha256}"
runtime = "python3.9"
environment {
variables = {
EC2_ACCESS_KEY_ID = "${aws_iam_access_key.cg-wrex.id}"
EC2_SECRET_KEY_ID = "${aws_iam_access_key.cg-wrex.secret}"
PoCの段階では環境変数+平文といった実装を見かけることもありますが、そのままプロダクションに反映されてしまいますと、脆弱性が残存した状態になりますので、暗号化して渡すなり、AWS Systems Manager Parameter Store / AWS Secrets Managerの利用が重要になります。
これらの使い方についてはFlatt Security社のブログで解説がありました。
デプロイされてからのチェックは大変だと思いますので、snyk iac