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Clean Codeの初めの一歩

Last updated at Posted at 2017-08-07
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"Clean Code"って何だろう?と興味を持った人達に捧ぐ言葉たちを纏めました。
具体的な例も記載しているので、Clean Codeを始めるための第一歩としてご活用ください。


"Any fool can write code that a computer can understand. Good programmers write code that humans can understand. "
by Robert C. Martin



"Indeed, the ratio of time spent reading versus writing is well over 10 to 1. We are constantly reading old code as part of the effort to write new code. ...[Therefore,] making it easy to read makes it easier to write."
by Robert C. Martin



"the Boy Scout Rule tells us we should leave the code cleaner than we found it."
by Robert C. Martin




"Every time you write a comment, you should grimace and feel the failure of your ability of expression."
by Robert C. Martin


// 運転免許を取得可能かどうかを判定
if((user.age >= 18) 
    && (user.leftVision >= 0.3 || user.rightVision >= 0.3)
    && (user.visionInBothEyes >= 0.7)
  ) {
if (user.canObtainDriversLicense()) {


"A name in java, or any other language, is too long when a shorter name exists that equally conveys the behavior of the method."
by Anonymous(stackoverflow)


boolean doesShorterNameExistThatEquallyConveysTheBehaviorOfTheMethod‌​(String string);
boolean isTooLong(String string);


"Easily the most frustrating thing for another developer looking at your code is seeing a variable with a misleading name or, worse, named with a single letter."
by Code School blog


int check(int n, int max) {
    if(n < max) {
        return -1;
    }else {
        return 1;
boolean hasTakenDamage(Player player) {
    return(player.currentHealth < player.maxHealth);


"Keeping code consistent throughout the scope of a project will help reduce logical errors and improve readability. "
by Joe Hewitson(SmartShift)


いくら自分だけがClean Codeを実践出来ていても、他のメンバが実践出来ていなければ、それはさらなる混乱を招くに過ぎません。
ぜひプロジェクト全体でClean Codeを実践してみてください。


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