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CODE BLUE CTF 2017 fs hell write-up

Posted at

某チームで参加して、revのfs hellだけ解いた。





int a;
int b;
printf("aaaa%n%d%n\n", &a, 9999, &b);
printf("a=%d, b=%d\n", a, b);
a=4, b=8


printf("%2$d %1$d\n", 0, 100);
100 0



snprintf(tmp, 1, P[pc].c_str(),
        a,  b,  c,  d,  mem[d],
       &a, &b, &c, &d, &mem[d],
       a==0, a>>15, &pcd, 0);
pc = pc + pcd + 1;




memd[d] = (memd[d] + 30) % 256



d = d + 65534
mem[d] = mem[d] + 10
d = d + 65525
mem[d] = mem[d] + 30

a = 255
d = 513
pcd = a<0
pcd = 1
pcd = 4
mem[d] = a
d = d + 1
a = a + 65535
pcd = 65529

ここでは% 256% 65536は省略しているけれど、mem[d]shortとみなして書き込むところもあった。


mem = [0]*1024
for i, c in enumerate(open("input.txt").read()):
  mem[i] = ord(c)

A = [
  11, 22, 65514, 26, 65523, 65526, 7, 65522, 10, 3, 65535, 11, 6, 65505, 13, 65534,
  65533, 65529, 18, 10, 65527, 7, 65506, 25, 65529, 3, 6, 65514, 9, 16, 65507, 23,
  2, 7, 3, 65521, 65522, 9, 65526, 65529, 4, 5, 65529, 65533, 27, 65535, 8, 65506,
  29, 65525, 65527, 18, 65520, 65531, 65530, 8, 18, 65534, 65525]
B = [
  87, 52, 109, 56, 44, 84, 179, 92, 15, 88, 114, 37, 175, 100, 3, 32,
  181, 48, 52, 129, 68, 39, 204, 30, 91, 2, 212, 43, 113, 9, 117, 45,
  13, 164, 39, 13, 218, 5, 216, 65, 125, 225, 97, 67, 18, 68, 22, 119,
  110, 36, 4, 34, 227, 5, 23, 49, 84, 10, 30]

d = 288
for i in range(len(A)):
    d = (d + A[i]) % 65536
    mem[d] += B[i]

a = 255
d = 513
while a>=0:
  mem[d] = a
  d += 1
  a -= 1

mem[256] = 0
mem[258] = 0
mem[260] = 0
mem[262] = 0
while (mem[260] != 39):
  b = mem[mem[260]]
  a = mem[262]
  while a!=0:
    b *= 2
    a -= 1
  mem[266] = b % 256
  mem[267] = b / 256
  a = mem[266]
  a += mem[267]
  a += mem[mem[258] + 512]
  b = mem[mem[260] + 288]
  mem[258] = b
  a += mem[b + 512]
  if a%256!=0:
    mem[256] = 1
    mem[256] = mem[256]
  mem[260] += 1
  mem[262] += 1
  if mem[262]==8:
    mem[262] = 0

print ["Congratz!", "Nope :("][mem[256]]

mem[512]からのデータは符号を逆転にするために使っているとか、b *= 2のあたりはb <<= aとかで整理すると、

input = map(ord, open("input.txt").read())

T = [
  67, 65, 204, 214, 142, 225, 48, 135, 216, 218, 230, 196, 49, 185, 84, 227,
  145, 45, 8, 114, 179, 179, 36, 15, 96, 68, 113, 48, 23, 212, 121, 34,
  48, 162, 151, 164, 175, 56, 39]

f = 0
p = 0
for i in range(39):
  t = input[i]<<(i%8)
  if (t%256 + t/256 - p - T[i])%256 != 0:
    f = 1
  p = T[i]

print ["Congratz!", "Nope :("][f]


T = [
  67, 65, 204, 214, 142, 225, 48, 135, 216, 218, 230, 196, 49, 185, 84, 227,
  145, 45, 8, 114, 179, 179, 36, 15, 96, 68, 113, 48, 23, 212, 121, 34,
  48, 162, 151, 164, 175, 56, 39]

flag = ""
for i in range(39):
  t = (T[i] + (0 if i==0 else T[i-1]))&0xff
  flag += chr(t>>(i%8) | t<<(8-i%8)&0xff)
print flag


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <cstdio>

using namespace std;

int execute(vector<string> P, string init)
    unsigned char mem[1024] = {};
    for (int i=0; i<init.size(); i++)
        mem[i] = init[i];

    unsigned short a = 0, b = 0, c = 0, d = 0;
    unsigned short pc = 0;
    int count = 0;
    while (pc<P.size())
        unsigned short pcd = 0;
        char tmp[16];
        snprintf(tmp, 1, P[pc].c_str(),
             a,  b,  c,  d,  mem[d],
            &a, &b, &c, &d, &mem[d],
            a==0, a>>15, &pcd, 0);
        pc = pc + pcd + 1;
        if (mem[256]==1)
            return count;
    return count;

int main()
    vector<string> P;
    fstream f("program.txt");
    string p;
    while (getline(f, p))

    string flag = "";
    for (int i=0; i<39; i++)
        int c = execute(P, flag);
        for (char a=0x20; a<0x7f; a++)
            if (execute(P, flag+a) > c)
                flag += a;

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