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7.a. About Line Following (Pololu 3pi Robot User’s Guide) 日本語訳【非公式】

Last updated at Posted at 2019-05-18

これは Pololu 3pi Robot User’s Guide ≫ 7.a. About Line Following の非公式日本語訳です。
前: 7. Example Project #1: Line Following
次: 7.b. A Simple Line-Following Algorithm for 3pi

7.a. About Line Following

Now that you have learned how to compile a simple program for the 3pi, it’s time to teach your robot do something more complicated. In this example project, we’ll show you how to make your 3pi follow a black line on a white background, by coordinating its sensors and motors. Line following is a great introduction to robot programming, and it makes a great contest: it’s easy to build a line-following course, the rules are simple to understand, and it’s not hard to program your 3pi to follow a line. Optimizing your program to make your 3pi zoom down the line at the highest speed possible, however, is a challenge that can introduce you to some advanced programming concepts.


A great looking line following course can be constructed for a few dollars in a couple of hours at home. For information on building your own course, see our tutorial on Building Line Following and Line Maze Courses.

見栄えの良いライン追跡コースは、数ドルと数時間で自宅に構築できます。独自のコースを構築する方法については、Building Line Following and Line Maze Courses のチュートリアルを参照してください。


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