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Terraformで作るAWSシステムパターン② Web3層構成

Last updated at Posted at 2021-09-25





※1 今回はTerraform用のAWS CLIプロファイルを、tf-demoという名前で作成し使用する。
※2 Terraform実施時に出力されるjsonデータ加工用のコマンド。


$ ssh-keygen -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/web3_configuration.pem


$ aws route53 create-hosted-zone --name <購入したドメイン名> --caller-reference $(date +%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S)


$ tree
├── certificate.tf
├── compute.tf
├── config.tf
├── dns.tf
├── firewall.tf
├── lb.tf
├── network.tf
├── output.tf
├── rd.tf
├── storage.tf
├── variable.tf
└── src
     └── user_data.sh


# ====================
# ACM Certificate
# ====================
resource "aws_acm_certificate" "example_cert" {
  domain_name               = "*.${var.registered_domain}"
  subject_alternative_names = ["${var.registered_domain}"]
  validation_method         = "DNS"

  tags = {
    Name = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-wildcard-sslcert"

  lifecycle {
    create_before_destroy = true

  depends_on = [

# ====================
# ACM DNS Verifycation
# ====================

resource "aws_route53_record" "example_route53_acm_dns_resolve" {
  for_each = {
    for dvo in aws_acm_certificate.example_cert.domain_validation_options : dvo.domain_name => {
      name   = dvo.resource_record_name
      type   = dvo.resource_record_type
      record = dvo.resource_record_value

  allow_overwrite = true
  zone_id         = data.aws_route53_zone.example_route53_zone.zone_id
  name            = each.value.name
  type            = each.value.type
  ttl             = 600
  records         = [each.value.record]

resource "aws_acm_certificate_validation" "cert_valid" {
  certificate_arn         = aws_acm_certificate.example_cert.arn
  validation_record_fqdns = [for record in aws_route53_record.example_route53_acm_dns_resolve : record.fqdn]


# ====================
# ====================
# 最新版のAmazonLinux2のAMI情報
data "aws_ami" "example_ami" {
  most_recent = true
  owners      = ["amazon"]

  filter {
    name   = "architecture"
    values = ["x86_64"]

  filter {
    name   = "root-device-type"
    values = ["ebs"]

  filter {
    name   = "name"
    values = ["amzn2-ami-hvm-*"]

  filter {
    name   = "virtualization-type"
    values = ["hvm"]

  filter {
    name   = "block-device-mapping.volume-type"
    values = ["gp2"]

  filter {
    name   = "state"
    values = ["available"]

# ====================
# EC2 Instance
# ====================

resource "aws_instance" "example_instance_1a" {
  ami                         = data.aws_ami.example_ami.image_id
  instance_type               = var.instance_type
  subnet_id                   = aws_subnet.example_subnet_1.id
  associate_public_ip_address = true
  vpc_security_group_ids      = [aws_security_group.example_sg_ec2.id]

  root_block_device {
    volume_type           = var.volume_type
    volume_size           = var.volume_size
    delete_on_termination = true

  key_name  = aws_key_pair.example_key.id
  user_data = file(var.user_data_file)

  tags = {
    Name    = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-ec2-1a"
    Project = var.project
    Env     = var.environment

resource "aws_instance" "example_instance_1c" {
  ami                         = data.aws_ami.example_ami.image_id
  instance_type               = var.instance_type
  subnet_id                   = aws_subnet.example_subnet_2.id
  associate_public_ip_address = true
  vpc_security_group_ids      = [aws_security_group.example_sg_ec2.id]

  root_block_device {
    volume_type           = var.volume_type
    volume_size           = var.volume_size
    delete_on_termination = true

  key_name  = aws_key_pair.example_key.id
  user_data = file(var.user_data_file)

  tags = {
    Name    = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-ec2-1c"
    Project = var.project
    Env     = var.environment

# ====================
# Key Pair
# ====================

resource "aws_key_pair" "example_key" {
  key_name   = var.key_name
  public_key = file(var.public_key_file)

  tags = {
    Name    = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-keypair"
    Project = var.project
    Env     = var.environment


# ====================
# Route53
# ====================

data "aws_route53_zone" "example_route53_zone" {
  name = var.registered_domain
resource "aws_route53_record" "example_route53_record" {
  zone_id = data.aws_route53_zone.example_route53_zone.id
  name    = "www.example.${var.domain}"
  type    = "A"

  alias {
    name                   = aws_lb.example_alb.dns_name
    zone_id                = aws_lb.example_alb.zone_id
    evaluate_target_health = true


# ====================
# Security Group
# ====================

# ALB用セキュリティグループ
resource "aws_security_group" "example_sg_alb" {
  name   = "example_sg_alb"
  vpc_id = aws_vpc.example_vpc.id

  tags = {
    Name    = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-sg-alb"
    Project = var.project
    Env     = var.environment

# インバウンドルール(http接続用)
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "in_http_alb" {
  security_group_id = aws_security_group.example_sg_alb.id
  type              = "ingress"
  cidr_blocks       = [""]
  from_port         = 80
  to_port           = 80
  protocol          = "tcp"

# インバウンドルール(https接続用)
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "in_https_alb" {
  security_group_id = aws_security_group.example_sg_alb.id
  type              = "ingress"
  cidr_blocks       = [""]
  from_port         = 443
  to_port           = 443
  protocol          = "tcp"

# アウトバウンドルール(全開放)
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "out_all_alb" {
  security_group_id = aws_security_group.example_sg_alb.id
  type              = "egress"
  cidr_blocks       = [""]
  from_port         = 0
  to_port           = 0
  protocol          = "-1"

# EC2用セキュリティグループ
resource "aws_security_group" "example_sg_ec2" {
  name   = "example_sg_ec2"
  vpc_id = aws_vpc.example_vpc.id

  tags = {
    Name    = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-sg-ec2"
    Project = var.project
    Env     = var.environment

# インバウンドルール(ssh接続用)
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "in_ssh_ec2" {
  security_group_id = aws_security_group.example_sg_ec2.id
  type              = "ingress"
  cidr_blocks       = [""]
  from_port         = 22
  to_port           = 22
  protocol          = "tcp"

# インバウンドルール(http接続用)
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "in_http_ec2" {
  security_group_id = aws_security_group.example_sg_ec2.id
  type              = "ingress"
  cidr_blocks       = [""]
  from_port         = 80
  to_port           = 80
  protocol          = "tcp"

# インバウンドルール(https接続用)
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "in_https_ec2" {
  security_group_id = aws_security_group.example_sg_ec2.id
  type              = "ingress"
  cidr_blocks       = [""]
  from_port         = 443
  to_port           = 443
  protocol          = "tcp"

# アウトバウンドルール(全開放)
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "out_all_ec2" {
  security_group_id = aws_security_group.example_sg_ec2.id
  type              = "egress"
  cidr_blocks       = [""]
  from_port         = 0
  to_port           = 0
  protocol          = "-1"

# RDS用セキュリティグループ
resource "aws_security_group" "example_sg_rds" {
  name   = "example_sg_rds"
  vpc_id = aws_vpc.example_vpc.id

  tags = {
    Name    = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-sg-rds"
    Project = var.project
    Env     = var.environment

# インバウンドルール(mysql接続用)
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "in_mysql_rds" {
  security_group_id = aws_security_group.example_sg_rds.id
  type              = "ingress"
  cidr_blocks       = [""]
  from_port         = 3306
  to_port           = 3306
  protocol          = "tcp"

# アウトバウンドルール(全開放)
resource "aws_security_group_rule" "out_all_rds" {
  security_group_id = aws_security_group.example_sg_rds.id
  type              = "egress"
  cidr_blocks       = [""]
  from_port         = 0
  to_port           = 0
  protocol          = "-1"


# ====================
# ====================
resource "aws_lb" "example_alb" {
  name                       = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-app-alb"
  internal                   = false #falseを指定するとインターネット向け,trueを指定すると内部向け
  load_balancer_type         = "application"
  idle_timeout               = var.idle_timeout
  enable_deletion_protection = false

  access_logs {
    bucket  = aws_s3_bucket.example_log_bucket.id
    enabled = true

  subnets = [

  security_groups = [

# ====================
# Listener
# ====================

resource "aws_lb_listener" "example_alb_lsnr_http" {
  load_balancer_arn = aws_lb.example_alb.arn
  port              = 80
  protocol          = "HTTP"

  default_action {
    type = "redirect"

    redirect {
      port        = 443
      protocol    = "HTTPS"
      status_code = "HTTP_301"

resource "aws_lb_listener" "example_alb_lsnr_https" {
  load_balancer_arn = aws_lb.example_alb.arn
  port              = 443
  protocol          = "HTTPS"
  ssl_policy        = "ELBSecurityPolicy-2016-08"
  certificate_arn   = aws_acm_certificate.example_cert.arn

  default_action {
    type             = "forward"
    target_group_arn = aws_lb_target_group.example_alb_tg.arn

# ====================
# Target Group
# ====================

resource "aws_lb_target_group" "example_alb_tg" {
  name                 = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-alp-tg"
  target_type          = "instance"
  port                 = 80
  protocol             = "HTTP"
  vpc_id               = aws_vpc.example_vpc.id
  deregistration_delay = var.deregistration_delay

  health_check {
    path                = "/"
    healthy_threshold   = var.healthy_threshold
    unhealthy_threshold = var.unhealthy_threshold
    timeout             = var.timeout
    interval            = var.interval
    matcher             = var.matcher
    port                = "traffic-port"
    protocol            = "HTTP"

  depends_on = [

  tags = {
    Name    = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-alp-tg"
    Project = var.project
    Env     = var.environment

resource "aws_lb_target_group_attachment" "example_alb_tgec2_1a" {
  target_group_arn = aws_lb_target_group.example_alb_tg.arn
  target_id        = aws_instance.example_instance_1a.id

resource "aws_lb_target_group_attachment" "example_alb_tgec2_1c" {
  target_group_arn = aws_lb_target_group.example_alb_tg.arn
  target_id        = aws_instance.example_instance_1c.id

data "aws_elb_service_account" "example_log_service_account" {}

VPC/サブネット/インターネットゲートウェイ/Elastic IP/Natゲートウェイ/ルーティングの設定を定義する。

# ====================
# ====================

resource "aws_vpc" "example_vpc" {
  cidr_block           = var.vpc_cidr_block
  enable_dns_support   = true # DNS解決有効化
  enable_dns_hostnames = true # DNSホスト名有効化

  tags = {
    Name    = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-vpc"
    Project = var.project
    Env     = var.environment

# ====================
# Public Subnet
# ====================

resource "aws_subnet" "example_subnet_1" {
  vpc_id                  = aws_vpc.example_vpc.id
  cidr_block              = var.subnet_cidr_block_1
  map_public_ip_on_launch = true #インスタンス起動時におけるパブリックIPアドレスの自動割り当ての有効化
  availability_zone       = var.availability_zone_1

  tags = {
    Name    = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-subnet-1"
    Project = var.project
    Env     = var.environment

resource "aws_subnet" "example_subnet_2" {
  vpc_id                  = aws_vpc.example_vpc.id
  cidr_block              = var.subnet_cidr_block_2
  map_public_ip_on_launch = true #インスタンス起動時におけるパブリックIPアドレスの自動割り当ての有効化
  availability_zone       = var.availability_zone_2

  tags = {
    Name    = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-subnet-2"
    Project = var.project
    Env     = var.environment

# ====================
# Private Subnet
# ====================

resource "aws_subnet" "example_subnet_3" {
  vpc_id                  = aws_vpc.example_vpc.id
  cidr_block              = var.subnet_cidr_block_3
  map_public_ip_on_launch = false #インスタンス起動時におけるパブリックIPアドレスの自動割り当ての無効化
  availability_zone       = var.availability_zone_1

  tags = {
    Name    = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-subnet-3"
    Project = var.project
    Env     = var.environment

resource "aws_subnet" "example_subnet_4" {
  vpc_id                  = aws_vpc.example_vpc.id
  cidr_block              = var.subnet_cidr_block_4
  map_public_ip_on_launch = false #インスタンス起動時におけるパブリックIPアドレスの自動割り当ての無効化
  availability_zone       = var.availability_zone_2

  tags = {
    Name    = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-subnet-4"
    Project = var.project
    Env     = var.environment

resource "aws_subnet" "example_subnet_5" {
  vpc_id                  = aws_vpc.example_vpc.id
  cidr_block              = var.subnet_cidr_block_5
  map_public_ip_on_launch = false #インスタンス起動時におけるパブリックIPアドレスの自動割り当ての無効化
  availability_zone       = var.availability_zone_1

  tags = {
    Name    = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-subnet-5"
    Project = var.project
    Env     = var.environment

resource "aws_subnet" "example_subnet_6" {
  vpc_id                  = aws_vpc.example_vpc.id
  cidr_block              = var.subnet_cidr_block_6
  map_public_ip_on_launch = false #インスタンス起動時におけるパブリックIPアドレスの自動割り当ての無効化
  availability_zone       = var.availability_zone_2

  tags = {
    Name    = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-subnet-6"
    Project = var.project
    Env     = var.environment

# ====================
# Internet Gateway
# ====================
resource "aws_internet_gateway" "example_igw" {
  vpc_id = aws_vpc.example_vpc.id

  tags = {
    Name    = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-igw"
    Project = var.project
    Env     = var.environment

# ====================
# Elastic IP
# ====================

resource "aws_eip" "example_eip_1a" {
  vpc        = true
  depends_on = [aws_internet_gateway.example_igw]

  tags = {
    Name    = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-eip-1a"
    Project = var.project
    Env     = var.environment

resource "aws_eip" "example_eip_1c" {
  vpc        = true
  depends_on = [aws_internet_gateway.example_igw]

  tags = {
    Name    = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-eip-1c"
    Project = var.project
    Env     = var.environment

# ====================
# Nat Gateway
# ====================

resource "aws_nat_gateway" "example_ngw_1a" {
  allocation_id = aws_eip.example_eip_1a.id
  subnet_id     = aws_subnet.example_subnet_3.id
  depends_on    = [aws_eip.example_eip_1a]

  tags = {
    Name = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-ngw-1a"

resource "aws_nat_gateway" "example_ngw_1c" {
  allocation_id = aws_eip.example_eip_1c.id
  subnet_id     = aws_subnet.example_subnet_3.id
  depends_on    = [aws_eip.example_eip_1c]

  tags = {
    Name = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-ngw-1c"

# ====================
# Public Route Table
# ====================
resource "aws_route_table" "example_public_rt" {
  vpc_id = aws_vpc.example_vpc.id
  tags = {
    Name    = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-public-rt"
    Project = var.project
    Env     = var.environment

resource "aws_route" "example_public_route" {
  route_table_id         = aws_route_table.example_public_rt.id
  gateway_id             = aws_internet_gateway.example_igw.id
  destination_cidr_block = ""

resource "aws_route_table_association" "example_public_subrt_1" {
  subnet_id      = aws_subnet.example_subnet_1.id
  route_table_id = aws_route_table.example_public_rt.id

resource "aws_route_table_association" "example_public_subrt_2" {
  subnet_id      = aws_subnet.example_subnet_2.id
  route_table_id = aws_route_table.example_public_rt.id

# ====================
# Private Route Table
# ====================
resource "aws_route_table" "example_private_rt_1a" {
  vpc_id = aws_vpc.example_vpc.id
  tags = {
    Name    = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-private-rt-1a"
    Project = var.project
    Env     = var.environment

resource "aws_route" "example_private_route_1a" {
  route_table_id         = aws_route_table.example_private_rt_1a.id
  gateway_id             = aws_nat_gateway.example_ngw_1a.id
  destination_cidr_block = ""

resource "aws_route_table_association" "example_private_subrt_3" {
  subnet_id      = aws_subnet.example_subnet_3.id
  route_table_id = aws_route_table.example_private_rt_1a.id

resource "aws_route_table" "example_private_rt_1c" {
  vpc_id = aws_vpc.example_vpc.id
  tags = {
    Name    = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-private-rt-1c"
    Project = var.project
    Env     = var.environment

resource "aws_route" "example_private_route_1c" {
  route_table_id         = aws_route_table.example_private_rt_1c.id
  gateway_id             = aws_nat_gateway.example_ngw_1c.id
  destination_cidr_block = ""

resource "aws_route_table_association" "example_private_subrt_4" {
  subnet_id      = aws_subnet.example_subnet_4.id
  route_table_id = aws_route_table.example_private_rt_1c.id


# ====================
# RDS Parameter Group
# ====================
resource "aws_db_parameter_group" "example_db_parametergroup" {
  name   = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-db-parametergroup"
  family = "mysql8.0"

  parameter {
    name  = "character_set_database"
    value = "utf8mb4"

  parameter {
    name  = "character_set_server"
    value = "utf8mb4"

# ====================
# RDS Option Group
# ====================

resource "aws_db_option_group" "example_db_optiongroup" {
  name                 = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-db-optiongroup"
  engine_name          = "mysql"
  major_engine_version = "8.0"

# ====================
# RDS Subnet Group
# ====================
resource "aws_db_subnet_group" "example_db_subnetgroup" {
  name = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-db-subnetgroup"
  subnet_ids = [

  tags = {
    Name    = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-db-subnetgroup"
    Project = var.project
    Env     = var.environment

# ====================
# RDS instance
# ====================

resource "aws_db_instance" "example_db" {
  engine         = "mysql"
  engine_version = "8.0.20"

  identifier = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-db"

  username = "admin"
  password = var.db_password

  instance_class = var.instance_class

  storage_type          = var.storage_type
  allocated_storage     = var.allocated_storage
  max_allocated_storage = var.max_allocated_storage
  storage_encrypted     = false

  multi_az               = true
  db_subnet_group_name   = aws_db_subnet_group.example_db_subnetgroup.name
  vpc_security_group_ids = [aws_security_group.example_sg_rds.id]
  publicly_accessible    = false
  port                   = 3306

  name                 = "${var.project}${var.environment}db"
  parameter_group_name = aws_db_parameter_group.example_db_parametergroup.name
  option_group_name    = aws_db_option_group.example_db_optiongroup.name

  backup_window              = var.backup_window
  backup_retention_period    = var.backup_retention_period
  maintenance_window         = var.maintenance_window
  auto_minor_version_upgrade = false

  deletion_protection = false
  skip_final_snapshot = true
  apply_immediately = true

  tags = {
    Name    = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-db"
    Project = var.project
    Env     = var.environment


resource "random_string" "example_unique_key" {
  length  = 6
  upper   = false
  lower   = true
  number  = true
  special = false

# ====================
# S3 log bucket
# ====================

resource "aws_s3_bucket" "example_log_bucket" {
  bucket        = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-log-bucket-${random_string.example_unique_key.result}"
  force_destroy = true

  lifecycle_rule {
    enabled = true

    expiration {
      days = var.expiration_days

  server_side_encryption_configuration {
    rule {
      apply_server_side_encryption_by_default {
        sse_algorithm = "AES256"

  tags = {
    Name    = "${var.project}-${var.environment}-log-bucket"
    Project = var.project
    Env     = var.environment

resource "aws_s3_bucket_public_access_block" "example_log_bucket_access_block" {
  bucket                  = aws_s3_bucket.example_log_bucket.id
  block_public_acls       = true
  block_public_policy     = true
  ignore_public_acls      = true
  restrict_public_buckets = true
  depends_on              = [aws_s3_bucket_policy.example_log_bucket_policy]

resource "aws_s3_bucket_policy" "example_log_bucket_policy" {
  bucket = aws_s3_bucket.example_log_bucket.id
  policy = data.aws_iam_policy_document.example_log_bucket_policy_document.json

data "aws_iam_policy_document" "example_log_bucket_policy_document" {
  statement {
    effect    = "Allow"
    actions   = ["s3:PutObject"]
    resources = ["${aws_s3_bucket.example_log_bucket.arn}/*"]
    principals {
      type        = "AWS"
      identifiers = [data.aws_elb_service_account.example_log_service_account.id]


# ====================
# Variables
# ====================

variable "aws_region" {
  default = "ap-northeast-1"

variable "project" {
  default = "availability"

variable "environment" {
  default = "test"

# IAM #
variable "aws_profile" {
  default = "tf-demo" # AWSプロファイル

# EC2 #
variable "instance_type" {
  default = "t2.micro"

variable "volume_type" {
  default = "gp2"

variable "volume_size" {
  default = "8"

variable "user_data_file" {
  default = "./src/user_data.sh"

variable "key_name" {
  default = "availability"

variable "public_key_file" {
  default = "~/.ssh/availability.pem.pub"

# VPC #
variable "vpc_cidr_block" {
  default = ""

variable "subnet_cidr_block_1" {
  default = ""

variable "subnet_cidr_block_2" {
  default = ""

variable "subnet_cidr_block_3" {
  default = ""

variable "subnet_cidr_block_4" {
  default = ""

variable "subnet_cidr_block_5" {
  default = ""

variable "subnet_cidr_block_6" {
  default = ""

variable "availability_zone_1" {
  default = "ap-northeast-1a"

variable "availability_zone_2" {
  default = "ap-northeast-1c"

# RDS #
variable "db_password" {}

variable "instance_class" {
  default = "db.t2.micro"

variable "storage_type" {
  default = "gp2"

variable "allocated_storage" {
  default = 20

variable "max_allocated_storage" {
  default = 50

variable "backup_window" {
  default = "04:00-05:00"

variable "backup_retention_period" {
  default = 7

variable "maintenance_window" {
  default = "Mon:05:00-Mon:08:00"

# ALB #

variable "idle_timeout" {
  default = 60

variable "deregistration_delay" {
  default = 300

variable "healthy_threshold" {
  default = 5

variable "unhealthy_threshold" {
  default = 2

variable "timeout" {
  default = 5

variable "interval" {
  default = 30

variable "matcher" {
  default = 200

# Route53 #

variable "registered_domain" {}

# S3 #
variable "expiration_days" {
  default = 10

terraform applyコマンド実行時の出力内容を定義する。

# ====================
# Output
# ====================

output "domain_name" {
  value = aws_route53_record.example_route53_record.name

output "instance_1a_private_ip" {
  value = aws_instance.example_instance_1a.private_ip

output "instance_1c_private_ip" {
  value = aws_instance.example_instance_1c.private_ip

output "rds_endpoint" {
	value = aws_db_instance.example_db.endpoint

output "db_password" {
  value = var.db_password


# ====================
# Terraform
# ====================

terraform {
  required_version = ">=1.0.0"
  required_providers {
    aws = {
      source  = "hashicorp/aws"
      version = "~> 3.0"

# ====================
# Provider
# ====================

provider "aws" {
  profile = var.aws_profile
  region  = var.aws_region


yum update -y

yum install -y httpd

usermod -a -G apache ec2-user
chown -R ec2-user:apache /var/www
chmod 2775 /var/www
find /var/www -type d -exec chmod 2775 {} \;
find /var/www -type f -exec chmod 0664 {} \;

echo $(hostname) > /var/www/html/index.html

systemctl enable httpd
systemctl start httpd

yum install -y mysql


$ terraform init
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply


$ curl https://`terraform output -json | jq -r .domain_name.value` --insecure


$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/web3_configuration.pem ec2-user@<instance_1a_private_ip/instance_1c_private_ip>
$ mysql -u admin -p <db_password> -h <rds_endpoint>






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