手順 1: サンプルデータ Animals
R> library("MASS")
R> data("Animals")
R> Animals
手順 2: 関数 str()
を使って、データフレーム Animals
R> str(Animals)
'data.frame': 28 obs. of 2 variables:
$ body : num 1.35 465 36.33 27.66 1.04 ...
$ brain: num 8.1 423 119.5 115 5.5 ...
→ 1行目に body(体重)、2行目に brain(脳の重さ)が格納された data.frame 型のオブジェクトであることを確かめます。
手順 3: 関数 kemeans()
R> animals.cluster <- kmeans(x=Animals, centers=5)
R> animals.cluster
K-means clustering with 5 clusters of sizes 2, 2, 7, 16, 1
Cluster means:
body brain
1 4600.50000 5157.50000
2 10550.00000 60.00000
3 289.03714 620.42857
4 29.50156 72.13125
5 87000.00000 154.50000
Clustering vector:
Mountain beaver Cow Grey wolf Goat
4 3 4 4
Guinea pig Dipliodocus Asian elephant Donkey
4 2 1 3
Horse Potar monkey Cat Giraffe
3 4 4 3
Gorilla Human African elephant Triceratops
3 3 1 2
Rhesus monkey Kangaroo Golden hamster Mouse
4 4 4 4
Rabbit Sheep Jaguar Chimpanzee
4 4 4 3
Rat Brachiosaurus Mole Pig
4 5 4 4
Within cluster sum of squares by cluster:
[1] 9048665.0 2645200.0 919359.5 120741.1 0.0
(between_SS / total_SS = 99.8 %)
Available components:
[1] "cluster" "centers" "totss" "withinss"
[5] "tot.withinss" "betweenss" "size" "iter"
[9] "ifault"
手順 4: 関数 tapply()
R> tapply(names(animals.cluster$cluster), animals.cluster$cluster, "unique")
[1] "Asian elephant" "African elephant"
[1] "Dipliodocus" "Triceratops"
[1] "Cow" "Donkey" "Horse" "Giraffe" "Gorilla"
[6] "Human" "Chimpanzee"
[1] "Mountain beaver" "Grey wolf" "Goat" "Guinea pig"
[5] "Potar monkey" "Cat" "Rhesus monkey" "Kangaroo"
[9] "Golden hamster" "Mouse" "Rabbit" "Sheep"
[13] "Jaguar" "Rat" "Mole" "Pig"
[1] "Brachiosaurus"
手順 5: 関数 plot()
R> plot(x=Animals, col=animals.cluster$cluster, pch=animals.cluster$cluster)