
fp-ts そこそこ参照されているもの一覧

Last updated at Posted at 2024-05-04





ファイル名 import先 ソースの中身 declare module がある importでの参照される数
  • Apply
  • HKT
interface, function のみ なし 6
Either たくさん いろいろ URItoKind2<E, A> 6
  • Contravariant
  • function
  • Monoid
  • ReadonlyRecord
  • Semigroup
いろいろ URItoKind<A> 6
internal いくつか interface, type, const のみ なし 6
  • Apply
  • function
  • Functor
  • HKT
  • Monoid
  • Pointed
interface, function のみ なし 5
  • HKT
interface のみ なし 5
IO たくさん いろいろ URItoKind<A> 5
  • Applicative
  • Chain
  • HKT
interface のみ なし 5
  • Contravariant
  • Eq
  • function
  • Monoid
  • Ordering
  • Semigroup
いろいろ URItoKind<A> 5
ReadonlyRecord たくさん いろいろ URItoKind<A> 5



import { describe, it } from 'vitest'
import * as C from 'fp-ts/Chain'
import { pipe } from 'fp-ts/lib/function'
import type { Kind, URIS } from 'fp-ts/lib/HKT'
import type { Chain1 } from 'fp-ts/Chain'

const URI = 'Test2'
type URI = typeof URI

declare module 'fp-ts/HKT' {
  interface URItoKind<A> {
    readonly Test2: Test2<A>

const TestChain1Test2: Chain1<URI> = {
  chain: (fa, f) => f(fa.Test2),
  ap: (fab, fa) => ({ Test2: fab.Test2(fa.Test2) }),
  map: (fa, f) => ({ Test2: f(fa.Test2) })

function liftChain<F extends URIS>(
  F: Chain1<F>
): <A, B>(f: (a: A) => Kind<F, B>) => (fa: Kind<F, A>) => Kind<F, B> {
  return (f) => (fa) => F.chain(fa, f)

function liftAp<F extends URIS>(
  F: Chain1<F>
): <A, B>(fab: Kind<F, (a: A) => B>) => (fa: Kind<F, A>) => Kind<F, B> {
  return (fab) => (fa) => F.ap(fab, fa)

function liftMap<F extends URIS>(
  F: Chain1<F>
): <A, B>(f: (a: A) => B) => (fa: Kind<F, A>) => Kind<F, B> {
  return (f) => (fa) => F.map(fa, f)

type Test2<A> = {
  Test2: A

type _a = number
type _b = string

type A = Test2<_a>
type B = Test2<_b>

describe('fp-ts Tutorial', () => {
  it('Chain', () => {
    // base
    const a1: A = { Test2: 123 }
    // _a function
    const _a_a_function_double: (a: _a) => _a = (a) => a * 2

    const _a_b_function: (a: _a) => _b = (a) => String(a)

    const _a_A_function_double: (a: _a) => A = (a) => ({
      Test2: _a_a_function_double(a)
    const _a_B_function: (a: _a) => B = (a) => ({
      Test2: _a_b_function(a)

    // function object
    const a_b_function_object: Test2<(a: _a) => _b> = {
      Test2: _a_b_function
    const a_a_function_object: Test2<(a: _a) => _a> = {
      Test2: _a_a_function_double

    // test
      'liftChain TestChain1Test2 - ',
      pipe(a1, liftChain(TestChain1Test2)(_a_A_function_double))
    console.log('liftChain TestChain1Test2 - ', pipe(a1, liftChain(TestChain1Test2)(_a_B_function)))

    console.log('liftAp TestChain1Test2 - ', pipe(a1, liftAp(TestChain1Test2)(a_a_function_object)))
    console.log('liftAp TestChain1Test2 - ', pipe(a1, liftAp(TestChain1Test2)(a_b_function_object)))

      'liftMap TestChain1Test2 - ',
      pipe(a1, liftMap(TestChain1Test2)(_a_a_function_double))
    console.log('liftMap TestChain1Test2 - ', pipe(a1, liftMap(TestChain1Test2)(_a_b_function)))


      'chainFirst - _a_A_function_double - ',
      pipe(a1, C.chainFirst(TestChain1Test2)(_a_A_function_double))
      'chainFirst - _a_B_function - ',
      pipe(a1, C.chainFirst(TestChain1Test2)(_a_B_function))


      'bind - _a_A_function_double - ',
      pipe(a1, C.bind(TestChain1Test2)('bind target name', _a_A_function_double))
      'bind - _a_B_function - ',
      pipe(a1, C.bind(TestChain1Test2)('bind target name', _a_B_function))


liftChain TestChain1Test2 -  { Test2: 246 }
liftChain TestChain1Test2 -  { Test2: '123' }
liftAp TestChain1Test2 -  { Test2: 246 }
liftAp TestChain1Test2 -  { Test2: '123' }
liftMap TestChain1Test2 -  { Test2: 246 }
liftMap TestChain1Test2 -  { Test2: '123' }
chainFirst - _a_A_function_double -  { Test2: 123 }
chainFirst - _a_B_function -  { Test2: 123 }
bind - _a_A_function_double -  { Test2: { 'bind target name': 246 } }
bind - _a_B_function -  { Test2: { 'bind target name': '123' } }



import { describe, it } from 'vitest'
import * as E from 'fp-ts/Either'
import * as O from 'fp-ts/Option'
import { pipe } from 'fp-ts/lib/function'
import type { Either } from 'fp-ts/Either'
import type { Show } from 'fp-ts/lib/Show'
import type { Eq } from 'fp-ts/lib/Eq'
import type { Semigroup } from 'fp-ts/lib/Semigroup'
import type { Monoid } from 'fp-ts/lib/Monoid'
import type { Option } from 'fp-ts/lib/Option'
import type { Applicative1 } from 'fp-ts/lib/Applicative'

const URI = 'Test2'
type URI = typeof URI

declare module 'fp-ts/HKT' {
  interface URItoKind<A> {
    readonly Test2: Test2<A>

const TestApplicative1Test2: Applicative1<URI> = {
  ap: (fab, fa) => ({ Test2: fab.Test2(fa.Test2) }),
  of: <XXX>(a: XXX) => ({ Test2: a }),
  map: (fa, f) => ({ Test2: f(fa.Test2) })

type Test2<XXX> = {
  Test2: XXX

interface Test23<XXX> extends Test2<XXX> {
  Test23: `extends Test2<${XXX extends string ? XXX : XXX extends number ? XXX : 'something'}>`

type _a = number
type _b = string

type A = Test2<_a>
type B = Test2<_b>

type A_extends = Test23<_a>

// type OA = Option<A>
type OB = Option<B>

type swap_OA = Test2<Option<_a>>

type ErrorType = string[]
type FA = Either<ErrorType, A>
type FA_extends = Either<ErrorType, A_extends>

type swap_FA = Test2<Either<ErrorType, _a>>

type FOA = Either<ErrorType, Option<A>>
type FFA = Either<ErrorType, FA>

type F_A_B = Either<ErrorType, (a: A) => B>

const TestShowErrorType: Show<ErrorType> = {
  show: (error) => pipe(error, JSON.stringify)

const TestShowTest2a: Show<A> = {
  show: (a) => pipe(a, JSON.stringify)

const TestEqErrorType: Eq<ErrorType> = {
  equals: (x, y) => JSON.stringify(x) === JSON.stringify(y)

const TestEqTest2a: Eq<A> = {
  equals: (x, y) => x.Test2 === y.Test2

const TestSemigroupErrorType: Semigroup<ErrorType> = {
  concat: (x, y) => x.concat(y)

const TestSemigroupTest2a: Semigroup<A> = {
  concat: (x, y) => ({ Test2: x.Test2 + y.Test2 })

const TestMonoidErrorType: Monoid<ErrorType> = {
  concat: TestSemigroupErrorType.concat,
  empty: ['']

const TestMonoidTest2b: Monoid<B> = {
  concat: (x, y) => ({ Test2: `${x.Test2} - ${y.Test2}` }),
  empty: { Test2: '' }

describe('fp-ts Tutorial', () => {
  it('Either', () => {
    // base
    const _a1: _a = 123
    const _a2: _a = 456

    const _b1: _b = 'abc'

    const a1: A = { Test2: _a1 }
    const a2: A = { Test2: _a2 }
    const a1_extends: A_extends = { Test2: _a1, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' }

    const b1: B = { Test2: _b1 }

    const e1: ErrorType = ['error fa1l']

    const faLeft: FA = E.left(e1)
    const fa1Right: FA = E.right(a1)
    const fa2Right: FA = E.right(a2)

    const faLeft_extends: FA_extends = E.left(e1)
    const fa1Right_extends: FA_extends = E.right(a1_extends)

    const foaLeft: FOA = E.left(e1)
    const foaRightNone: FOA = E.right(O.none)
    const foa1RightSome: FOA = E.right(O.some(a1))

    const ffaLeft: FFA = E.left(e1)
    const ffa1RightLeft: FFA = E.right(E.left(e1))
    const ffa1RightRight: FFA = E.right(E.right(a1))

    // refinement, predicate
    const a_is_A_extends_refinement = (a: A): a is A_extends => 'Test23' in a
    // const ia_refinement_A_extends = <I>(i: I, a: A): a is A_extends => a_is_A_extends_refinement(a)

    const a_is_bool_predicate = (a: A): boolean => a.Test2 % 2 === 1
    // const ia_predicate_a_is_bool = <I>(i: I, a: A): boolean => a_is_bool_predicate(a)

    // a functoin
    const a_b_function: (a: A) => B = (a) => ({
      Test2: `${a.Test2}`

    const A_FA_function_even_is_ok: (a: A) => FA = (a) =>
      a.Test2 % 2 === 0 ? E.right(a) : E.left([String(a.Test2), '<= odd number is ng'])

    const a_OB_function_even_is_ok: (a: A) => OB = (a) =>
      a.Test2 % 2 === 0 ? O.some(a_b_function(a)) : O.none

    const A_swap_FA_function_even_is_ok: (a: A) => swap_FA = (a) => ({
      Test2: a.Test2 % 2 === 0 ? E.right(a.Test2) : E.left([String(a.Test2), '<= odd number is ng'])

    const A_swap_OA_function_even_is_ok: (a: A) => swap_OA = (a) => ({
      Test2: a.Test2 % 2 === 0 ? O.some(a.Test2) : O.none

    // ab function
    const ba_b_function: (b: B, a: A) => B = (b, a) => ({
      Test2: `${b.Test2} :: ${a_b_function(a).Test2}`
    const ab_b_function: (a: A, b: B) => B = (a, b) => ba_b_function(b, a)

    // function object
    const f_a_bLeft: F_A_B = E.left(e1)
    const f_a_bRight: F_A_B = E.right(a_b_function)

    // test
    console.log('a1 - ', a1)
    console.log('a2 - ', a2)
    console.log('e1 - ', e1)

    console.log('faLeft - ', faLeft)
    console.log('fa1Right - ', fa1Right)

    console.log('foaLeft - ', foaLeft)
    console.log('foaRightNone - ', foaRightNone)
    console.log('foa1RightSome - ', foa1RightSome)

    console.log('ffaLeft - ', ffaLeft)
    console.log('ffa1RightLeft - ', ffa1RightLeft)
    console.log('ffa1RightRight - ', ffa1RightRight)


    console.log('f_a_bLeft - ', f_a_bLeft)
    console.log('f_a_bRight - ', f_a_bRight)


      'flatMap - faLeft - ',
      pipe(faLeft, E.flatMap<A, ErrorType, A>(A_FA_function_even_is_ok))
      'flatMap - fa1Right - ',
      pipe(fa1Right, E.flatMap<A, ErrorType, A>(A_FA_function_even_is_ok))
      'flatMap - fa2Right - ',
      pipe(fa2Right, E.flatMap<A, ErrorType, A>(A_FA_function_even_is_ok))


      'getShow - show - faLeft - ',
      pipe(faLeft, E.getShow(TestShowErrorType, TestShowTest2a).show)
      'getShow - show - fa1Right - ',
      pipe(fa1Right, E.getShow(TestShowErrorType, TestShowTest2a).show)
      'getShow - show - fa2Right - ',
      pipe(fa2Right, E.getShow(TestShowErrorType, TestShowTest2a).show)


      'getEq - equals - (faLeft, fa1Right) - ',
      E.getEq(TestEqErrorType, TestEqTest2a).equals(faLeft, fa1Right)
      'getEq - equals - (faLeft, faLeft) - ',
      E.getEq(TestEqErrorType, TestEqTest2a).equals(faLeft, faLeft)
      'getEq - equals - (fa1Right, fa1Right) - ',
      E.getEq(TestEqErrorType, TestEqTest2a).equals(fa1Right, fa1Right)
      'getEq - equals - (fa1Right, fa2Right) - ',
      E.getEq(TestEqErrorType, TestEqTest2a).equals(fa1Right, fa2Right)


      'getSemigroup - concat - (faLeft, fa1Right) - ',
      E.getSemigroup(TestSemigroupTest2a).concat(faLeft, fa1Right)
      'getSemigroup - concat - (fa1Right, fa2Right) - [579 => 123 + 456] - ',
      E.getSemigroup(TestSemigroupTest2a).concat(fa1Right, fa2Right)


      'getCompactable - compact - foaLeft - ',
      pipe(foaLeft, E.getCompactable(TestMonoidErrorType).compact)
      'getCompactable - compact - foaRightNone - ',
      pipe(foaRightNone, E.getCompactable(TestMonoidErrorType).compact)
      'getCompactable - compact - foa1RightSome - ',
      pipe(foa1RightSome, E.getCompactable(TestMonoidErrorType).compact)

      'getCompactable - separate - ffaLeft - ',
      pipe(ffaLeft, E.getCompactable(TestMonoidErrorType).separate)
      'getCompactable - separate - ffa1RightLeft - ',
      pipe(ffa1RightLeft, E.getCompactable(TestMonoidErrorType).separate)
      'getCompactable - separate - ffa1RightRight - ',
      pipe(ffa1RightRight, E.getCompactable(TestMonoidErrorType).separate)


      'getFilterable - compact - foaLeft - ',
      pipe(foaLeft, E.getFilterable(TestMonoidErrorType).compact)
      'getFilterable - compact - foaRightNone - ',
      pipe(foaRightNone, E.getFilterable(TestMonoidErrorType).compact)
      'getFilterable - compact - foa1RightSome - ',
      pipe(foa1RightSome, E.getFilterable(TestMonoidErrorType).compact)

      'getFilterable - filter - faLeft - ',
      E.getFilterable(TestMonoidErrorType).filter(faLeft, a_is_A_extends_refinement)
      'getFilterable - filter - faLeft_extends - ',
      E.getFilterable(TestMonoidErrorType).filter(faLeft_extends, a_is_A_extends_refinement)
      'getFilterable - filter - fa1Right - ',
      E.getFilterable(TestMonoidErrorType).filter(fa1Right, a_is_A_extends_refinement)
      'getFilterable - filter - fa1Right_extends - ',
      E.getFilterable(TestMonoidErrorType).filter(fa1Right_extends, a_is_A_extends_refinement)

      'getFilterable - filter - faLeft - ',
      E.getFilterable(TestMonoidErrorType).filterMap<A, B>(faLeft, a_OB_function_even_is_ok)
      'getFilterable - filter - fa1Right - ',
      E.getFilterable(TestMonoidErrorType).filterMap<A, B>(fa1Right, a_OB_function_even_is_ok)
      'getFilterable - filter - fa2Right - ',
      E.getFilterable(TestMonoidErrorType).filterMap<A, B>(fa2Right, a_OB_function_even_is_ok)

      'getFilterable - map - faLeft - ',
      E.getFilterable(TestMonoidErrorType).map<A, B>(faLeft, a_b_function)
      'getFilterable - map - fa1Right - ',
      E.getFilterable(TestMonoidErrorType).map<A, B>(fa1Right, a_b_function)
      'getFilterable - map - fa2Right - ',
      E.getFilterable(TestMonoidErrorType).map<A, B>(fa2Right, a_b_function)

      'getFilterable - partition - faLeft - a_is_A_extends_refinement - ',
      E.getFilterable(TestMonoidErrorType).partition(faLeft, a_is_A_extends_refinement)
      'getFilterable - partition - faLeft_extends - a_is_A_extends_refinement - ',
      E.getFilterable(TestMonoidErrorType).partition(faLeft_extends, a_is_A_extends_refinement)
      'getFilterable - partition - fa1Right - a_is_A_extends_refinement - ',
      E.getFilterable(TestMonoidErrorType).partition(fa1Right, a_is_A_extends_refinement)
      'getFilterable - partition - fa1Right_extends - a_is_A_extends_refinement - ',
      E.getFilterable(TestMonoidErrorType).partition(fa1Right_extends, a_is_A_extends_refinement)

      'getFilterable - partition - faLeft - a_is_bool_predicate - ',
      E.getFilterable(TestMonoidErrorType).partition(faLeft, a_is_bool_predicate)
      'getFilterable - partition - fa1Right - a_is_bool_predicate - ',
      E.getFilterable(TestMonoidErrorType).partition(fa1Right, a_is_bool_predicate)
      'getFilterable - partition - fa2Right - a_is_bool_predicate - ',
      E.getFilterable(TestMonoidErrorType).partition(fa2Right, a_is_bool_predicate)

      'getFilterable - partitionMap - faLeft - ',
      E.getFilterable(TestMonoidErrorType).partitionMap(faLeft, A_FA_function_even_is_ok)
      'getFilterable - partitionMap - fa1Right - ',
      E.getFilterable(TestMonoidErrorType).partitionMap(fa1Right, A_FA_function_even_is_ok)
      'getFilterable - partitionMap - fa2Right - ',
      E.getFilterable(TestMonoidErrorType).partitionMap(fa2Right, A_FA_function_even_is_ok)

      'getFilterable - separate - ffaLeft - ',
      pipe(ffaLeft, E.getFilterable(TestMonoidErrorType).separate)
      'getFilterable - separate - ffa1RightLeft - ',
      pipe(ffa1RightLeft, E.getFilterable(TestMonoidErrorType).separate)
      'getFilterable - separate - ffa1RightRight - ',
      pipe(ffa1RightRight, E.getFilterable(TestMonoidErrorType).separate)


      'getWitherable - compact - foaLeft - ',
      pipe(foaLeft, E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).compact)
      'getWitherable - compact - foaRightNone - ',
      pipe(foaRightNone, E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).compact)
      'getWitherable - compact - foa1RightSome - ',
      pipe(foa1RightSome, E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).compact)

      'getWitherable - filter - faLeft - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).filter(faLeft, a_is_A_extends_refinement)
      'getWitherable - filter - faLeft_extends - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).filter(faLeft_extends, a_is_A_extends_refinement)
      'getWitherable - filter - fa1Right - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).filter(fa1Right, a_is_A_extends_refinement)
      'getWitherable - filter - fa1right_extends - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).filter(fa1Right_extends, a_is_A_extends_refinement)

      'getWitherable - filter - faLeft - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).filterMap<A, B>(faLeft, a_OB_function_even_is_ok)
      'getWitherable - filter - fa1Right - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).filterMap<A, B>(fa1Right, a_OB_function_even_is_ok)
      'getWitherable - filter - fa2Right - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).filterMap<A, B>(fa2Right, a_OB_function_even_is_ok)

      'getWitherable - foldMap - faLeft - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).foldMap(TestMonoidTest2b)(faLeft, a_b_function)
      'getWitherable - foldMap - fa1Right - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).foldMap(TestMonoidTest2b)(fa1Right, a_b_function)
      'getWitherable - foldMap - fa2Right - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).foldMap(TestMonoidTest2b)(fa2Right, a_b_function)

      'getWitherable - map - faLeft - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).map<A, B>(faLeft, a_b_function)
      'getWitherable - map - fa1Right - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).map<A, B>(fa1Right, a_b_function)
      'getWitherable - map - fa2Right - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).map<A, B>(fa2Right, a_b_function)

      'getWitherable - partition - faLeft - a_is_A_extends_refinement - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).partition(faLeft, a_is_A_extends_refinement)
      'getWitherable - partition - faLeft_extends - a_is_A_extends_refinement - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).partition(faLeft_extends, a_is_A_extends_refinement)
      'getWitherable - partition - fa1Right - a_is_A_extends_refinement - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).partition(fa1Right, a_is_A_extends_refinement)
      'getWitherable - partition - fa1Right_extends - a_is_A_extends_refinement - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).partition(fa1Right_extends, a_is_A_extends_refinement)

      'getWitherable - partition - faLeft - a_is_bool_predicate - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).partition(faLeft, a_is_bool_predicate)
      'getWitherable - partition - fa1Right - a_is_bool_predicate - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).partition(fa1Right, a_is_bool_predicate)
      'getWitherable - partition - fa2Right - a_is_bool_predicate - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).partition(fa2Right, a_is_bool_predicate)

      'getWitherable - partitionMap - faLeft - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).partitionMap(faLeft, A_FA_function_even_is_ok)
      'getWitherable - partitionMap - fa1Right - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).partitionMap(fa1Right, A_FA_function_even_is_ok)
      'getWitherable - partitionMap - fa2Right - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).partitionMap(fa2Right, A_FA_function_even_is_ok)

      'getWitherable - reduce - faLeft - b1 - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).reduce(faLeft, b1, ba_b_function)
      'getWitherable - reduce - fa1Right - b1 - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).reduce(fa1Right, b1, ba_b_function)
      'getWitherable - reduce - fa2Right - b1 - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).reduce(fa2Right, b1, ba_b_function)

      'getWitherable - reduceRight - faLeft - b1 - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).reduceRight(faLeft, b1, ab_b_function)
      'getWitherable - reduceRight - fa1Right - b1 - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).reduceRight(fa1Right, b1, ab_b_function)
      'getWitherable - reduceRight - fa2Right - b1 - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).reduceRight(fa2Right, b1, ab_b_function)

      'getWitherable - separate - ffaLeft - ',
      pipe(ffaLeft, E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).separate)
      'getWitherable - separate - ffa1RightLeft - ',
      pipe(ffa1RightLeft, E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).separate)
      'getWitherable - separate - ffa1RightRight - ',
      pipe(ffa1RightRight, E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).separate)

      'getWitherable - sequence - faLeft - ',
      pipe(faLeft, E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).sequence(TestApplicative1Test2))
      'getWitherable - sequence - fa1Right - ',
      pipe(fa1Right, E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).sequence(TestApplicative1Test2))
      'getWitherable - sequence - fa2Right - ',
      pipe(fa2Right, E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).sequence(TestApplicative1Test2))

      'getWitherable - traverse - faLeft - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).traverse(TestApplicative1Test2)(faLeft, a_b_function)
      'getWitherable - traverse - fa1Right - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).traverse(TestApplicative1Test2)(fa1Right, a_b_function)
      'getWitherable - traverse - fa2Right - ',
      E.getWitherable(TestMonoidErrorType).traverse(TestApplicative1Test2)(fa2Right, a_b_function)

      'getWitherable - wilt - faLeft - ',
      'getWitherable - wilt - fa1Right - ',
      'getWitherable - wilt - fa2Right - ',

      'getWitherable - wither - faLeft - ',
      'getWitherable - wither - fa1Right - ',
      'getWitherable - wither - fa2Right - ',


      'getApplicativeValidation - ap - faLeft - f_a_bLeft - ',
      E.getApplicativeValidation(TestSemigroupErrorType).ap(f_a_bLeft, faLeft)
      'getApplicativeValidation - ap - fa1Right - f_a_bLeft - ',
      E.getApplicativeValidation(TestSemigroupErrorType).ap(f_a_bLeft, fa1Right)
      'getApplicativeValidation - ap - fa2Right - f_a_bLeft - ',
      E.getApplicativeValidation(TestSemigroupErrorType).ap(f_a_bLeft, fa2Right)
      'getApplicativeValidation - ap - faLeft - f_a_bRight - ',
      E.getApplicativeValidation(TestSemigroupErrorType).ap(f_a_bRight, faLeft)
      'getApplicativeValidation - ap - fa1Right - f_a_bRight - ',
      E.getApplicativeValidation(TestSemigroupErrorType).ap(f_a_bRight, fa1Right)
      'getApplicativeValidation - ap - fa2Right - f_a_bRight - ',
      E.getApplicativeValidation(TestSemigroupErrorType).ap(f_a_bRight, fa2Right)

      'getApplicativeValidation - ap - faLeft - ',
      E.getApplicativeValidation(TestSemigroupErrorType).map(faLeft, a_b_function)
      'getApplicativeValidation - ap - fa1Right - ',
      E.getApplicativeValidation(TestSemigroupErrorType).map(fa1Right, a_b_function)
      'getApplicativeValidation - ap - fa2Right - ',
      E.getApplicativeValidation(TestSemigroupErrorType).map(fa2Right, a_b_function)

      'getApplicativeValidation - of - faLeft - ',
      'getApplicativeValidation - of - fa1Right - ',
      'getApplicativeValidation - of - fa2Right - ',

      'getAltValidation - alt - faLeft - faLeft',
      E.getAltValidation(TestSemigroupErrorType).alt(faLeft, () => faLeft)
      'getAltValidation - alt - faLeft - fa1Right',
      E.getAltValidation(TestSemigroupErrorType).alt(faLeft, () => fa1Right)
      'getAltValidation - alt - fa1Right - faLeft',
      E.getAltValidation(TestSemigroupErrorType).alt(fa1Right, () => faLeft)
      'getAltValidation - alt - fa1Right - fa2Right',
      E.getAltValidation(TestSemigroupErrorType).alt(fa1Right, () => fa2Right)

      'getAltValidation - map - faLeft - ',
      E.getAltValidation(TestSemigroupErrorType).map(faLeft, a_b_function)
      'getAltValidation - map - fa1Right - ',
      E.getAltValidation(TestSemigroupErrorType).map(fa1Right, a_b_function)
      'getAltValidation - map - fa2Right - ',
      E.getAltValidation(TestSemigroupErrorType).map(fa2Right, a_b_function)


    console.log('map - faLeft - ', pipe(faLeft, E.map(a_b_function)))
    console.log('map - fa1Right - ', pipe(fa1Right, E.map(a_b_function)))
    console.log('map - fa2Right - ', pipe(fa2Right, E.map(a_b_function)))


    console.log('Functor - map - faLeft - ', E.Functor.map(faLeft, a_b_function))
    console.log('Functor - map - fa1Right - ', E.Functor.map(fa1Right, a_b_function))
    console.log('Functor - map - fa2Right - ', E.Functor.map(fa2Right, a_b_function))


    console.log('as - (faLeft, faLeft) - ', E.as(faLeft, faLeft))
    console.log('as - (faLeft, fa1Right) - ', E.as(faLeft, fa1Right))
    console.log('as - (fa1Right, faLeft) - ', E.as(fa1Right, faLeft))
    console.log('as - (fa1Right, fa2Right) - ', E.as(fa1Right, fa2Right))
    console.log('as - (fa1Right, fa2Right) - ', pipe(fa1Right, E.as(fa2Right)))


    console.log('asUnit - faLeft - ', E.asUnit(faLeft))
    console.log('asUnit - fa1Right - ', E.asUnit(fa1Right))


    console.log('of - _a1 - ', E.of(_a1))
    console.log('of - faLeft - ', E.of(faLeft))
    console.log('of - fa1Right - ', E.of(fa1Right))


    console.log('Pointed - of - _a1 - ', E.Pointed.of(_a1))
    console.log('Pointed - of - faLeft - ', E.Pointed.of(faLeft))
    console.log('Pointed - of - fa1Right - ', E.Pointed.of(fa1Right))


    console.log('apW - faLeft - f_a_bLeft - ', pipe(f_a_bLeft, E.apW(faLeft)))
    console.log('apW - fa1Right - f_a_bLeft - ', pipe(f_a_bLeft, E.apW(fa1Right)))

    console.log('apW - faLeft - f_a_bRight - ', pipe(f_a_bRight, E.apW(faLeft)))
    console.log('apW - fa1Right - f_a_bRight - ', pipe(f_a_bRight, E.apW(fa1Right)))


a1 -  { Test2: 123 }
a2 -  { Test2: 456 }
e1 -  [ 'error fa1l' ]
faLeft -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
fa1Right -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 123 } }
foaLeft -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
foaRightNone -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { _tag: 'None' } }
foa1RightSome -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { _tag: 'Some', value: { Test2: 123 } } }
ffaLeft -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
ffa1RightLeft -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] } }
ffa1RightRight -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 123 } } }
f_a_bLeft -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
f_a_bRight -  { _tag: 'Right', right: [Function: a_b_function] }
flatMap - faLeft -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
flatMap - fa1Right -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ '123', '<= odd number is ng' ] }
flatMap - fa2Right -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 456 } }
getShow - show - faLeft -  left(["error fa1l"])
getShow - show - fa1Right -  right({"Test2":123})
getShow - show - fa2Right -  right({"Test2":456})
getEq - equals - (faLeft, fa1Right) -  false
getEq - equals - (faLeft, faLeft) -  true
getEq - equals - (fa1Right, fa1Right) -  true
getEq - equals - (fa1Right, fa2Right) -  false
getSemigroup - concat - (faLeft, fa1Right) -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 123 } }
getSemigroup - concat - (fa1Right, fa2Right) - [579 => 123 + 456] -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 579 } }
getCompactable - compact - foaLeft -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
getCompactable - compact - foaRightNone -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ '' ] }
getCompactable - compact - foa1RightSome -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 123 } }
getCompactable - separate - ffaLeft -  {
  left: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] },
  right: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
getCompactable - separate - ffa1RightLeft -  {
  left: { _tag: 'Right', right: [ 'error fa1l' ] },
  right: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ '' ] }
getCompactable - separate - ffa1RightRight -  {
  left: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ '' ] },
  right: { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 123 } }
getFilterable - compact - foaLeft -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
getFilterable - compact - foaRightNone -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ '' ] }
getFilterable - compact - foa1RightSome -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 123 } }
getFilterable - filter - faLeft -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
getFilterable - filter - faLeft_extends -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
getFilterable - filter - fa1Right -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ '' ] }
getFilterable - filter - fa1Right_extends -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' } }
getFilterable - filter - faLeft -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
getFilterable - filter - fa1Right -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ '' ] }
getFilterable - filter - fa2Right -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: '456' } }
getFilterable - map - faLeft -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
getFilterable - map - fa1Right -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: '123' } }
getFilterable - map - fa2Right -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: '456' } }
getFilterable - partition - faLeft - a_is_A_extends_refinement -  {
  left: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] },
  right: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
getFilterable - partition - faLeft_extends - a_is_A_extends_refinement -  {
  left: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] },
  right: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
getFilterable - partition - fa1Right - a_is_A_extends_refinement -  {
  left: { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 123 } },
  right: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ '' ] }
getFilterable - partition - fa1Right_extends - a_is_A_extends_refinement -  {
  left: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ '' ] },
  right: {
    _tag: 'Right',
    right: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' }
getFilterable - partition - faLeft - a_is_bool_predicate -  {
  left: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] },
  right: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
getFilterable - partition - fa1Right - a_is_bool_predicate -  {
  left: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ '' ] },
  right: { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 123 } }
getFilterable - partition - fa2Right - a_is_bool_predicate -  {
  left: { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 456 } },
  right: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ '' ] }
getFilterable - partitionMap - faLeft -  {
  left: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] },
  right: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
getFilterable - partitionMap - fa1Right -  {
  left: { _tag: 'Right', right: [ '123', '<= odd number is ng' ] },
  right: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ '' ] }
getFilterable - partitionMap - fa2Right -  {
  left: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ '' ] },
  right: { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 456 } }
getFilterable - separate - ffaLeft -  {
  left: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] },
  right: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
getFilterable - separate - ffa1RightLeft -  {
  left: { _tag: 'Right', right: [ 'error fa1l' ] },
  right: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ '' ] }
getFilterable - separate - ffa1RightRight -  {
  left: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ '' ] },
  right: { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 123 } }
getWitherable - compact - foaLeft -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
getWitherable - compact - foaRightNone -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ '' ] }
getWitherable - compact - foa1RightSome -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 123 } }
getWitherable - filter - faLeft -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
getWitherable - filter - faLeft_extends -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
getWitherable - filter - fa1Right -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ '' ] }
getWitherable - filter - fa1right_extends -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' } }
getWitherable - filter - faLeft -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
getWitherable - filter - fa1Right -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ '' ] }
getWitherable - filter - fa2Right -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: '456' } }
getWitherable - foldMap - faLeft -  { Test2: '' }
getWitherable - foldMap - fa1Right -  { Test2: '123' }
getWitherable - foldMap - fa2Right -  { Test2: '456' }
getWitherable - map - faLeft -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
getWitherable - map - fa1Right -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: '123' } }
getWitherable - map - fa2Right -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: '456' } }
getWitherable - partition - faLeft - a_is_A_extends_refinement -  {
  left: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] },
  right: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
getWitherable - partition - faLeft_extends - a_is_A_extends_refinement -  {
  left: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] },
  right: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
getWitherable - partition - fa1Right - a_is_A_extends_refinement -  {
  left: { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 123 } },
  right: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ '' ] }
getWitherable - partition - fa1Right_extends - a_is_A_extends_refinement -  {
  left: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ '' ] },
  right: {
    _tag: 'Right',
    right: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' }
getWitherable - partition - faLeft - a_is_bool_predicate -  {
  left: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] },
  right: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
getWitherable - partition - fa1Right - a_is_bool_predicate -  {
  left: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ '' ] },
  right: { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 123 } }
getWitherable - partition - fa2Right - a_is_bool_predicate -  {
  left: { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 456 } },
  right: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ '' ] }
getWitherable - partitionMap - faLeft -  {
  left: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] },
  right: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
getWitherable - partitionMap - fa1Right -  {
  left: { _tag: 'Right', right: [ '123', '<= odd number is ng' ] },
  right: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ '' ] }
getWitherable - partitionMap - fa2Right -  {
  left: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ '' ] },
  right: { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 456 } }
getWitherable - reduce - faLeft - b1 -  { Test2: 'abc' }
getWitherable - reduce - fa1Right - b1 -  { Test2: 'abc :: 123' }
getWitherable - reduce - fa2Right - b1 -  { Test2: 'abc :: 456' }
getWitherable - reduceRight - faLeft - b1 -  { Test2: 'abc' }
getWitherable - reduceRight - fa1Right - b1 -  { Test2: 'abc :: 123' }
getWitherable - reduceRight - fa2Right - b1 -  { Test2: 'abc :: 456' }
getWitherable - separate - ffaLeft -  {
  left: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] },
  right: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
getWitherable - separate - ffa1RightLeft -  {
  left: { _tag: 'Right', right: [ 'error fa1l' ] },
  right: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ '' ] }
getWitherable - separate - ffa1RightRight -  {
  left: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ '' ] },
  right: { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 123 } }
getWitherable - sequence - faLeft -  { Test2: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] } }
getWitherable - sequence - fa1Right -  { Test2: { _tag: 'Right', right: 123 } }
getWitherable - sequence - fa2Right -  { Test2: { _tag: 'Right', right: 456 } }
getWitherable - traverse - faLeft -  { Test2: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] } }
getWitherable - traverse - fa1Right -  { Test2: { _tag: 'Right', right: '123' } }
getWitherable - traverse - fa2Right -  { Test2: { _tag: 'Right', right: '456' } }
getWitherable - wilt - faLeft -  {
  Test2: {
    left: { _tag: 'Left', left: [Array] },
    right: { _tag: 'Left', left: [Array] }
getWitherable - wilt - fa1Right -  {
  Test2: {
    left: { _tag: 'Right', right: [Array] },
    right: { _tag: 'Left', left: [Array] }
getWitherable - wilt - fa2Right -  {
  Test2: {
    left: { _tag: 'Left', left: [Array] },
    right: { _tag: 'Right', right: 456 }
getWitherable - wither - faLeft -  { Test2: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] } }
getWitherable - wither - fa1Right -  { Test2: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ '' ] } }
getWitherable - wither - fa2Right -  { Test2: { _tag: 'Right', right: 456 } }
getApplicativeValidation - ap - faLeft - f_a_bLeft -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l', 'error fa1l' ] }
getApplicativeValidation - ap - fa1Right - f_a_bLeft -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
getApplicativeValidation - ap - fa2Right - f_a_bLeft -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
getApplicativeValidation - ap - faLeft - f_a_bRight -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
getApplicativeValidation - ap - fa1Right - f_a_bRight -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: '123' } }
getApplicativeValidation - ap - fa2Right - f_a_bRight -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: '456' } }
getApplicativeValidation - ap - faLeft -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
getApplicativeValidation - ap - fa1Right -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: '123' } }
getApplicativeValidation - ap - fa2Right -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: '456' } }
getApplicativeValidation - of - faLeft -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] } }
getApplicativeValidation - of - fa1Right -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 123 } } }
getApplicativeValidation - of - fa2Right -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 456 } } }
getAltValidation - alt - faLeft - faLeft { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l', 'error fa1l' ] }
getAltValidation - alt - faLeft - fa1Right { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 123 } }
getAltValidation - alt - fa1Right - faLeft { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 123 } }
getAltValidation - alt - fa1Right - fa2Right { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 123 } }
getAltValidation - map - faLeft -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
getAltValidation - map - fa1Right -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: '123' } }
getAltValidation - map - fa2Right -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: '456' } }
map - faLeft -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
map - fa1Right -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: '123' } }
map - fa2Right -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: '456' } }
Functor - map - faLeft -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
Functor - map - fa1Right -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: '123' } }
Functor - map - fa2Right -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: '456' } }
as - (faLeft, faLeft) -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
as - (faLeft, fa1Right) -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
as - (fa1Right, faLeft) -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] } }
as - (fa1Right, fa2Right) -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 456 } } }
as - (fa1Right, fa2Right) -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 456 } } }
asUnit - faLeft -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
asUnit - fa1Right -  { _tag: 'Right', right: undefined }
of - _a1 -  { _tag: 'Right', right: 123 }
of - faLeft -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] } }
of - fa1Right -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 123 } } }
Pointed - of - _a1 -  { _tag: 'Right', right: 123 }
Pointed - of - faLeft -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] } }
Pointed - of - fa1Right -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: 123 } } }
apW - faLeft - f_a_bLeft -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
apW - fa1Right - f_a_bLeft -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
apW - faLeft - f_a_bRight -  { _tag: 'Left', left: [ 'error fa1l' ] }
apW - fa1Right - f_a_bRight -  { _tag: 'Right', right: { Test2: '123' } }



import { describe, it } from 'vitest'
import { pipe } from 'fp-ts/lib/function'
import * as E from 'fp-ts/Eq'
import * as N from 'fp-ts/number'

type Test2<A> = {
  Test2: A

type Test3<A> = {
  Test3: A
  Sub: A

const TestEqNumber: E.Eq<number> = {
  equals: (x: number, y: number) => x === y

const TestEqTest2Number: E.Eq<Test2<number>> = {
  equals: (x: Test2<number>, y: Test2<number>) => x.Test2 === y.Test2

describe('fp-ts Tutorial', () => {
  it('Eq', () => {
    const eqTest2 = (x: Test2<number>, y: Test2<number>) => x.Test2 === y.Test2
    const test2_1: Test2<number> = { Test2: 1 }
    const test2_2: Test2<number> = { Test2: 2 }

    const fromEquals = E.fromEquals<Test2<number>>(eqTest2)
    console.log('fromEquals - ', fromEquals.equals(test2_1, test2_1))
    console.log('fromEquals - ', fromEquals.equals(test2_1, test2_2))

    const struct = E.struct({
      Test2: TestEqNumber
    console.log('struct - ', struct.equals(test2_1, test2_1))
    console.log('struct - ', struct.equals(test2_1, test2_2))

    const tuple = E.tuple(TestEqTest2Number, TestEqTest2Number)
    console.log('tuple - ', tuple.equals([test2_1, test2_2], [test2_1, test2_2]))
    console.log('tuple - ', tuple.equals([test2_1, test2_1], [test2_2, test2_2]))
    // console.log('tuple - ', tuple.equals([test2_1, test2_1, test2_1], [test2_2, test2_2, test2_2])) <= error
    // console.log('tuple - ', tuple.equals([test2_1], [test2_2])) <= error

    const eqTest2Number: E.Eq<number> = N.Eq
    const eqTest2ByKey: E.Eq<Test2<number>> = pipe(
      E.contramap((ts) => ts.Test2)
    console.log('eqTest2ByKey - ', eqTest2ByKey.equals(test2_1, test2_1))
    console.log('eqTest2ByKey - ', eqTest2ByKey.equals(test2_1, test2_2))

    E.eqStrict.equals(test2_1, test2_2)
    console.log('eqStrict - ', E.eqStrict.equals(test2_1, test2_1))
    console.log('eqStrict - ', E.eqStrict.equals(test2_1, test2_2))

    const eqTest3: E.Eq<Test3<number>> = pipe(
      E.contramap((ts) => ts.Test3)
    const eqTest3Sub: E.Eq<Test3<number>> = pipe(
      E.contramap((ts) => ts.Sub)
    const getSemigroup = E.getSemigroup<Test3<number>>().concat(eqTest3, eqTest3Sub)
    const test3_11: Test3<number> = { Test3: 1, Sub: 1 }
    const test3_12: Test3<number> = { Test3: 1, Sub: 2 }
    const test3_21: Test3<number> = { Test3: 2, Sub: 1 }
    const test3_22: Test3<number> = { Test3: 2, Sub: 2 }
    console.log('getSemigroup - ', getSemigroup.equals(test3_11, test3_11))
    console.log('getSemigroup - ', getSemigroup.equals(test3_11, test3_12))
    console.log('getSemigroup - ', getSemigroup.equals(test3_11, test3_21))
    console.log('getSemigroup - ', getSemigroup.equals(test3_11, test3_22))

    const getMonoid = E.getMonoid<Test3<number>>().concat(eqTest3, eqTest3Sub)
    console.log('getMonoid - ', getMonoid.equals(test3_11, test3_11))
    console.log('getMonoid - ', getMonoid.equals(test3_11, test3_12))
    console.log('getMonoid - ', getMonoid.equals(test3_11, test3_21))
    console.log('getMonoid - ', getMonoid.equals(test3_11, test3_22))


fromEquals -  true
fromEquals -  false
struct -  true
struct -  false
tuple -  true
tuple -  false
eqTest2ByKey -  true
eqTest2ByKey -  false
eqStrict -  true
eqStrict -  false
getSemigroup -  true
getSemigroup -  false
getSemigroup -  false
getSemigroup -  false
getMonoid -  true
getMonoid -  false
getMonoid -  false
getMonoid -  false





import { describe, it } from 'vitest'
import * as A from 'fp-ts/Applicative'
import type { Applicative1 } from 'fp-ts/Applicative'
import * as M from 'fp-ts/Monoid'

const URI = 'Test2'
type URI = typeof URI

declare module 'fp-ts/HKT' {
  interface URItoKind<A> {
    readonly Test2: Test2<A>

type Test2<A> = {
  Test2: A

const TestApplicative1: Applicative1<URI> = {
  ap: (fab, fa) => ({ Test2: fab.Test2(fa.Test2) }),
  of: <A>(a: A) => ({ Test2: a }),
  map: (fa, f) => ({ Test2: f(fa.Test2) })

describe('fp-ts Tutorial', () => {
  it('Applicative', () => {
    const test2_a: Test2<string> = { Test2: 'a' }
    const test2_b: Test2<string> = { Test2: 'b' }

    const monoidString: M.Monoid<string> = {
      concat: (x, y) => `${x} - ${y}`,
      empty: 'empty'
    const getApplicativeMonoid = A.getApplicativeMonoid(TestApplicative1)
    const stringToTest2Monoid = getApplicativeMonoid(monoidString)
    console.log('stringToTest2Monoid - ', stringToTest2Monoid.concat(test2_a, test2_b))


stringToTest2Monoid -  { Test2: 'a - b' }




import { describe, it } from 'vitest'
import type { Contravariant1 } from 'fp-ts/Contravariant'
import { flow, pipe } from 'fp-ts/lib/function'

const URI = 'Test2'
type URI = typeof URI

declare module 'fp-ts/HKT' {
  interface URItoKind<A> {
    readonly Test2: Test2<A>

type Test2<A> = {
  Test2: (a: A) => string

const _contramap =
  <B, A>(f: (b: B) => A) =>
  (test2a: Test2<A>): Test2<B> =>
    flow(f, test2a.Test2)

const TestApplicative1: Contravariant1<URI> = {
  contramap: (fa, f) => pipe(fa, _contramap(f))

describe('fp-ts Tutorial', () => {
  it('Contravariant', () => {
    const stringToNumber: (s: string) => number = (s: string) => Number(s)
    const numberToString: (n: number) => string = (n: number) => String(n)
    const test2n: Test2<number> = { Test2: (a) => 'Test3 - number - ' + String(a) }
    const test2s: Test2<string> = { Test2: (a) => 'Test3 - string - ' + a }

    console.log('contramap - number - ', test2n.Test2(123))
      'contramap - number - ',
      TestApplicative1.contramap<number, string>(test2n, stringToNumber)('123')
    console.log('contramap - string - ', test2s.Test2('789'))
      'contramap - string - ',
      TestApplicative1.contramap<string, number>(test2s, numberToString)(789)


contramap - number -  Test3 - number - 123
contramap - number -  Test3 - number - 123
contramap - string -  Test3 - string - 789
contramap - string -  Test3 - string - 789



import { describe, it } from 'vitest'
import * as I from 'fp-ts/IO'
import { pipe } from 'fp-ts/lib/function'

type Test2<A> = {
  Test2: A

type A = Test2<number>
type B = Test2<string>
type F<A> = I.IO<A>

describe('fp-ts Tutorial', () => {
  it('IO', () => {
    const a: A = { Test2: 2 }
    const fa: F<A> = () => a
    const ffa: F<F<A>> = () => fa
    const b: B = { Test2: 'b' }
    const fb: F<B> = () => b

    const a_b_double = (a: A): B => ({
      Test2: `double of ${String(a.Test2)} = ${String(a.Test2 * 2)}`
    const f_a_b_double: F<(a: A) => B> = () => a_b_double
    const a_fb_double: (a: A) => F<B> = (a) => () => a_b_double(a)

    const debug_log_fa = (prefix: string, fa: F<A>) => {
      console.log(prefix + 'F<A> === IO<Test2<number>> - fa() -', fa())
    const debug_log_fb = (prefix: string, fb: F<B>) => {
      console.log(prefix + 'F<B> === IO<Test2<string>> - fb() -', fb())
    const debug_log_fvoid = (prefix: string, fvoid: F<void>) => {
      console.log(prefix + 'F<void> === IO<void> - fvoid() -', fvoid())
    const debug_log_self_fa = (prefix: string, self_fa: (self: F<A>) => F<A>) => {
        prefix +
          '(self: F<A>) => F<A> === (self: IO<Test2<number>>) => IO<Test2<number>> - self_fa(fa)() -',
    const debug_log_dict = (prefix: string, dict: F<{}>) => {
      console.log(prefix + 'F<{}> === IO<{}> - dict() -', dict())

    debug_log_fb('map - ', pipe(fa, I.map(a_b_double)))

    debug_log_fb('ap - ', pipe(f_a_b_double, I.ap(fa)))

    debug_log_fa('of - ', pipe(a, I.of))

    debug_log_fb('flatMap - 1 - ', pipe(fa, I.flatMap(a_fb_double)))
    debug_log_fb('flatMap - 2 - ', I.flatMap(fa, a_fb_double))

    debug_log_fa('flatten - 1 - ', I.flatten(ffa))

    debug_log_fa('as - 1 - ', pipe(fb, I.as(a)))
    debug_log_fa('as - 2 - ', I.as(fb, a))

    debug_log_fvoid('asUnit - ', I.asUnit(fa))

    debug_log_fb('flap - ', pipe(f_a_b_double, I.flap(a)))

    debug_log_fa('apFirst - ', pipe(fa, I.apFirst(fb)))

    debug_log_fb('apSecond - ', pipe(fa, I.apSecond(fb)))

    debug_log_fa('tap - 1 - ', I.tap(fa, a_fb_double))
    debug_log_self_fa('tap - 2 - ', I.tap(a_fb_double))

    debug_log_dict('Do - ', I.Do)

    debug_log_dict('bindTo - ', pipe(fa, I.bindTo('fa - bindTo')))

    debug_log_dict('let - ', pipe(fa, I.let('fa - let - a_b_double', a_b_double)))

    debug_log_dict('bind - ', pipe(fa, I.bind('fa - bind - a_fb_double', a_fb_double)))

    debug_log_dict('apS - ', pipe(fa, I.apS('fa - apS - fb', fb)))

    debug_log_dict('ApT - ', I.ApT)

      'traverseReadonlyNonEmptyArrayWithIndex - ',
        [a, a, a],
        I.traverseReadonlyNonEmptyArrayWithIndex((i, a) => a_fb_double(a))

      'traverseReadonlyArrayWithIndex - ',
        [a, a, a],
        I.traverseReadonlyArrayWithIndex((i, a) => a_fb_double(a))

      'traverseArrayWithIndex - ',
        [a, a, a],
        I.traverseArrayWithIndex((i, a) => a_fb_double(a))

    debug_log_dict('traverseArray - ', pipe([a, a, a], I.traverseArray(a_fb_double)))


map - F<B> === IO<Test2<string>> - fb() - { Test2: 'double of 2 = 4' }
ap - F<B> === IO<Test2<string>> - fb() - { Test2: 'double of 2 = 4' }
of - F<A> === IO<Test2<number>> - fa() - { Test2: 2 }
flatMap - 1 - F<B> === IO<Test2<string>> - fb() - { Test2: 'double of 2 = 4' }
flatMap - 2 - F<B> === IO<Test2<string>> - fb() - { Test2: 'double of 2 = 4' }
flatten - 1 - F<A> === IO<Test2<number>> - fa() - { Test2: 2 }
as - 1 - F<A> === IO<Test2<number>> - fa() - { Test2: 2 }
as - 2 - F<A> === IO<Test2<number>> - fa() - { Test2: 2 }
asUnit - F<void> === IO<void> - fvoid() - undefined
flap - F<B> === IO<Test2<string>> - fb() - { Test2: 'double of 2 = 4' }
apFirst - F<A> === IO<Test2<number>> - fa() - { Test2: 2 }
apSecond - F<B> === IO<Test2<string>> - fb() - { Test2: 'b' }
tap - 1 - F<A> === IO<Test2<number>> - fa() - { Test2: 2 }
tap - 2 - (self: F<A>) => F<A> === (self: IO<Test2<number>>) => IO<Test2<number>> - self_fa(fa)() - { Test2: 2 }
Do - F<{}> === IO<{}> - dict() - {}
bindTo - F<{}> === IO<{}> - dict() - { 'fa - bindTo': { Test2: 2 } }
let - F<{}> === IO<{}> - dict() - { Test2: 2, 'fa - let - a_b_double': { Test2: 'double of 2 = 4' } }
bind - F<{}> === IO<{}> - dict() - { Test2: 2, 'fa - bind - a_fb_double': { Test2: 'double of 2 = 4' } }
apS - F<{}> === IO<{}> - dict() - { Test2: 2, 'fa - apS - fb': { Test2: 'b' } }
ApT - F<{}> === IO<{}> - dict() - []
traverseReadonlyNonEmptyArrayWithIndex - F<{}> === IO<{}> - dict() - [
  { Test2: 'double of 2 = 4' },
  { Test2: 'double of 2 = 4' },
  { Test2: 'double of 2 = 4' }
traverseReadonlyArrayWithIndex - F<{}> === IO<{}> - dict() - [
  { Test2: 'double of 2 = 4' },
  { Test2: 'double of 2 = 4' },
  { Test2: 'double of 2 = 4' }
traverseArrayWithIndex - F<{}> === IO<{}> - dict() - [
  { Test2: 'double of 2 = 4' },
  { Test2: 'double of 2 = 4' },
  { Test2: 'double of 2 = 4' }
traverseArray - F<{}> === IO<{}> - dict() - [
  { Test2: 'double of 2 = 4' },
  { Test2: 'double of 2 = 4' },
  { Test2: 'double of 2 = 4' }



import { describe, it } from 'vitest'
import type { Monad1 } from 'fp-ts/Monad'

const URI = 'Test2'
type URI = typeof URI

declare module 'fp-ts/HKT' {
  interface URItoKind<A> {
    readonly Test2: Test2<A>

type Test2<A> = {
  Test2: A

type A = number
type B = string
type F<A> = Test2<A>

const TestMonad1: Monad1<URI> = {
  map: (fa, a_b_function) => TestMonad1.of(a_b_function(fa.Test2)),
  ap: (f_a_b_function, fa) => TestMonad1.of(f_a_b_function.Test2(fa.Test2)),
  of: <A>(a: A) => ({ Test2: a }),
  chain: (fa, a_fb_function) => a_fb_function(fa.Test2)

describe('fp-ts Tutorial', () => {
  it('Monad', () => {
    const a: A = 2
    const fa: F<A> = TestMonad1.of(a)
    // const ffa: F<F<A>> = TestMonad1.of(fa)
    // const b: B = 'b'
    // const fb: F<B> = TestMonad1.of(b)

    const a_b_double = (a: A): B => `double of ${String(a)} = ${String(a * 2)}`
    const f_a_b_double: F<(a: A) => B> = TestMonad1.of(a_b_double)
    const a_fb_double: (a: A) => F<B> = (a) => TestMonad1.of(a_b_double(a))

    console.log('map - ', TestMonad1.map(fa, a_b_double))
    console.log('ap - ', TestMonad1.ap(f_a_b_double, fa))
    console.log('chain - ', TestMonad1.chain(fa, a_fb_double))


map -  { Test2: 'double of 2 = 4' }
ap -  { Test2: 'double of 2 = 4' }
chain -  { Test2: 'double of 2 = 4' }



import { describe, it } from 'vitest'
import * as O from 'fp-ts/Ord'

type Test2<A> = {
  Test2: A

type A = Test2<number>
type B = Test2<string>
type F<A> = O.Ord<A>

const TestOrdNumber: F<A> = {
  compare: (first: A, second: A) =>
    first.Test2 > second.Test2 ? 1 : first.Test2 < second.Test2 ? -1 : 0,
  equals: (x: A, y: A) => x.Test2 === y.Test2

const TestOrdString: F<B> = {
  compare: (first: B, second: B) =>
    first.Test2 > second.Test2 ? 1 : first.Test2 < second.Test2 ? -1 : 0,
  equals: (x: B, y: B) => x.Test2 === y.Test2

describe('fp-ts Tutorial', () => {
  it('Ord', () => {
    const xa: A = { Test2: 123 }
    const ya: A = { Test2: 789 }

    const xb: B = { Test2: 'abc' }
    const yb: B = { Test2: 'xyz' }

    const xb_for_xa: B = { Test2: '1' }
    const yb_for_xb: B = { Test2: '9' }

    const b_a_function: (b: B) => A = (b) => ({ Test2: Number(b.Test2) })

    console.log('equalsDefault - xa,ya', O.equalsDefault(TestOrdNumber.compare)(xa, ya))
    console.log('equalsDefault - xa,xa', O.equalsDefault(TestOrdNumber.compare)(xa, xa))
    console.log('equalsDefault - ya,xa', O.equalsDefault(TestOrdNumber.compare)(ya, xa))

    console.log('fromCompare - xa,ya', O.fromCompare(TestOrdNumber.compare).compare(xa, ya))
    console.log('fromCompare - xa,xa', O.fromCompare(TestOrdNumber.compare).compare(xa, xa))
    console.log('fromCompare - ya,xa', O.fromCompare(TestOrdNumber.compare).compare(ya, xa))

      'tuple - x3[xa, xb, xa] - y3[ya, yb, ya]',
      O.tuple(TestOrdNumber, TestOrdString, TestOrdNumber).compare([xa, xb, xa], [ya, yb, ya])
      'tuple - x2y1[xa, yb, xa] - x2y1[ya, xb, xa]',
      O.tuple(TestOrdNumber, TestOrdString, TestOrdNumber).compare([xa, yb, xa], [ya, xb, xa])
      'tuple - x2y1[xa, xb, ya] - x2y1[ya, xb, xa]',
      O.tuple(TestOrdNumber, TestOrdString, TestOrdNumber).compare([xa, xb, ya], [ya, xb, xa])
      'tuple - x2y1[xa, xb, ya] - x2y1[xa, yb, xa]',
      O.tuple(TestOrdNumber, TestOrdString, TestOrdNumber).compare([xa, xb, ya], [xa, yb, xa])
      'tuple - x3[xa, xb, xa] - x3[xa, xb, xa]',
      O.tuple(TestOrdNumber, TestOrdString, TestOrdNumber).compare([xa, xb, xa], [xa, xb, xa])
      'tuple - x2y1[ya, xb, xa] - x2y1[xa, yb, xa]',
      O.tuple(TestOrdNumber, TestOrdString, TestOrdNumber).compare([ya, xb, xa], [xa, yb, xa])
      'tuple - x2y1[ya, xb, xa] - x2y1[xa, xb, ya]',
      O.tuple(TestOrdNumber, TestOrdString, TestOrdNumber).compare([ya, xb, xa], [xa, xb, ya])
      'tuple - x2y1[xa, yb, xa] - x2y1[xa, xb, ya]',
      O.tuple(TestOrdNumber, TestOrdString, TestOrdNumber).compare([xa, yb, xa], [xa, xb, ya])
      'tuple - y3[ya, yb, ya] - x3[xa, xb, xa]',
      O.tuple(TestOrdNumber, TestOrdString, TestOrdNumber).compare([ya, yb, ya], [xa, xb, xa])

    console.log('reverse - xa,ya', O.reverse(TestOrdNumber).compare(xa, ya))
    console.log('reverse - xa,xa', O.reverse(TestOrdNumber).compare(xa, xa))
    console.log('reverse - ya,xa', O.reverse(TestOrdNumber).compare(ya, xa))

    console.log('contramap - ng - xb,yb', O.contramap(b_a_function)(TestOrdNumber).compare(xb, yb))
    console.log('contramap - ng - xb,xb', O.contramap(b_a_function)(TestOrdNumber).compare(xb, xb))
    console.log('contramap - ng - yb,xb', O.contramap(b_a_function)(TestOrdNumber).compare(yb, xb))
    console.log('b_a_function(xb)', b_a_function(xb))
    console.log('b_a_function(yb)', b_a_function(yb))

      'contramap - ok - xb,yb',
      O.contramap(b_a_function)(TestOrdNumber).compare(xb_for_xa, yb_for_xb)
      'contramap - ok - xb,xb',
      O.contramap(b_a_function)(TestOrdNumber).compare(xb_for_xa, xb_for_xa)
      'contramap - ok - yb,xb',
      O.contramap(b_a_function)(TestOrdNumber).compare(yb_for_xb, xb_for_xa)
    console.log('b_a_function(xb_for_xa)', b_a_function(xb_for_xa))
    console.log('b_a_function(yb_for_xb)', b_a_function(yb_for_xb))

      'getSemigroup - xa,ya',
      O.getSemigroup<any>().concat(TestOrdNumber, TestOrdString).compare(xa, ya)
      'getSemigroup - xa,xa',
      O.getSemigroup<any>().concat(TestOrdNumber, TestOrdString).compare(xa, xa)
      'getSemigroup - ya,xa',
      O.getSemigroup<any>().concat(TestOrdNumber, TestOrdString).compare(ya, xa)
      'getSemigroup - xb,yb',
      O.getSemigroup<any>().concat(TestOrdNumber, TestOrdString).compare(xb, yb)
      'getSemigroup - xb,xb',
      O.getSemigroup<any>().concat(TestOrdNumber, TestOrdString).compare(xb, xb)
      'getSemigroup - yb,xb',
      O.getSemigroup<any>().concat(TestOrdNumber, TestOrdString).compare(yb, xb)
      'getSemigroup - xa,yb',
      O.getSemigroup<any>().concat(TestOrdNumber, TestOrdString).compare(xa, yb)
      'getSemigroup - xa,xb',
      O.getSemigroup<any>().concat(TestOrdNumber, TestOrdString).compare(xa, xb)
      'getSemigroup - ya,xb',
      O.getSemigroup<any>().concat(TestOrdNumber, TestOrdString).compare(ya, xb)

      'getMonoid - xa,ya',
      O.getMonoid<any>().concat(TestOrdNumber, TestOrdString).compare(xa, ya)
      'getMonoid - xa,xa',
      O.getMonoid<any>().concat(TestOrdNumber, TestOrdString).compare(xa, xa)
      'getMonoid - ya,xa',
      O.getMonoid<any>().concat(TestOrdNumber, TestOrdString).compare(ya, xa)
      'getMonoid - xb,yb',
      O.getMonoid<any>().concat(TestOrdNumber, TestOrdString).compare(xb, yb)
      'getMonoid - xb,xb',
      O.getMonoid<any>().concat(TestOrdNumber, TestOrdString).compare(xb, xb)
      'getMonoid - yb,xb',
      O.getMonoid<any>().concat(TestOrdNumber, TestOrdString).compare(yb, xb)
      'getMonoid - xa,yb',
      O.getMonoid<any>().concat(TestOrdNumber, TestOrdString).compare(xa, yb)
      'getMonoid - xa,xb',
      O.getMonoid<any>().concat(TestOrdNumber, TestOrdString).compare(xa, xb)
      'getMonoid - ya,xb',
      O.getMonoid<any>().concat(TestOrdNumber, TestOrdString).compare(ya, xb)

      'Contravariant - ok - xb,yb',
      O.Contravariant.contramap(TestOrdNumber, b_a_function).compare(xb_for_xa, yb_for_xb)
      'Contravariant - ok - xb,xb',
      O.Contravariant.contramap(TestOrdNumber, b_a_function).compare(xb_for_xa, xb_for_xa)
      'Contravariant - ok - yb,xb',
      O.Contravariant.contramap(TestOrdNumber, b_a_function).compare(yb_for_xb, xb_for_xa)

    console.log('trivial - xa,ya', O.trivial.compare(xa, ya))
    console.log('trivial - xa,xa', O.trivial.compare(xa, xa))
    console.log('trivial - ya,xa', O.trivial.compare(ya, xa))

    console.log('trivial - xb,yb', O.trivial.compare(xb, yb))
    console.log('trivial - xb,xb', O.trivial.compare(xb, xb))
    console.log('trivial - yb,xb', O.trivial.compare(yb, xb))

    console.log('equals - xa,ya', O.equals(TestOrdNumber)(ya)(xa))
    console.log('equals - xa,xa', O.equals(TestOrdNumber)(xa)(xa))
    console.log('equals - ya,xa', O.equals(TestOrdNumber)(xa)(ya))

    console.log('lt - xa,ya', O.lt(TestOrdNumber)(xa, ya))
    console.log('lt - xa,xa', O.lt(TestOrdNumber)(xa, xa))
    console.log('lt - ya,xa', O.lt(TestOrdNumber)(ya, xa))

    console.log('gt - xa,ya', O.gt(TestOrdNumber)(xa, ya))
    console.log('gt - xa,xa', O.gt(TestOrdNumber)(xa, xa))
    console.log('gt - ya,xa', O.gt(TestOrdNumber)(ya, xa))

    console.log('leq - xa,ya', O.leq(TestOrdNumber)(xa, ya))
    console.log('leq - xa,xa', O.leq(TestOrdNumber)(xa, xa))
    console.log('leq - ya,xa', O.leq(TestOrdNumber)(ya, xa))

    console.log('geq - xa,ya', O.geq(TestOrdNumber)(xa, ya))
    console.log('geq - xa,xa', O.geq(TestOrdNumber)(xa, xa))
    console.log('geq - ya,xa', O.geq(TestOrdNumber)(ya, xa))

    console.log('min - xa,ya', O.min(TestOrdNumber)(xa, ya))
    console.log('min - xa,xa', O.min(TestOrdNumber)(xa, xa))
    console.log('min - ya,xa', O.min(TestOrdNumber)(ya, xa))

    console.log('max - xa,ya', O.max(TestOrdNumber)(xa, ya))
    console.log('max - xa,xa', O.max(TestOrdNumber)(xa, xa))
    console.log('max - ya,xa', O.max(TestOrdNumber)(ya, xa))

    console.log('clamp - (xa,ya) - xa', O.clamp(TestOrdNumber)(xa, ya)(xa))
    console.log('clamp - (xa,xa) - xa', O.clamp(TestOrdNumber)(xa, xa)(xa))
    console.log('clamp - (ya,xa) - xa', O.clamp(TestOrdNumber)(ya, xa)(xa))
    console.log('clamp - (xa,ya) - ya', O.clamp(TestOrdNumber)(xa, ya)(ya))
    console.log('clamp - (xa,xa) - ya', O.clamp(TestOrdNumber)(xa, xa)(ya))
    console.log('clamp - (ya,xa) - ya', O.clamp(TestOrdNumber)(ya, xa)(ya))

    console.log('between - (xa,ya) - xa', O.between(TestOrdNumber)(xa, ya)(xa))
    console.log('between - (xa,xa) - xa', O.between(TestOrdNumber)(xa, xa)(xa))
    console.log('between - (ya,xa) - xa', O.between(TestOrdNumber)(ya, xa)(xa))
    console.log('between - (xa,ya) - ya', O.between(TestOrdNumber)(xa, ya)(ya))
    console.log('between - (xa,xa) - ya', O.between(TestOrdNumber)(xa, xa)(ya))
    console.log('between - (ya,xa) - ya', O.between(TestOrdNumber)(ya, xa)(ya))


equalsDefault - xa,ya false
equalsDefault - xa,xa true
equalsDefault - ya,xa false
fromCompare - xa,ya -1
fromCompare - xa,xa 0
fromCompare - ya,xa 1
tuple - x3[xa, xb, xa] - y3[ya, yb, ya] -1
tuple - x2y1[xa, yb, xa] - x2y1[ya, xb, xa] -1
tuple - x2y1[xa, xb, ya] - x2y1[ya, xb, xa] -1
tuple - x2y1[xa, xb, ya] - x2y1[xa, yb, xa] -1
tuple - x3[xa, xb, xa] - x3[xa, xb, xa] 0
tuple - x2y1[ya, xb, xa] - x2y1[xa, yb, xa] 1
tuple - x2y1[ya, xb, xa] - x2y1[xa, xb, ya] 1
tuple - x2y1[xa, yb, xa] - x2y1[xa, xb, ya] 1
tuple - y3[ya, yb, ya] - x3[xa, xb, xa] 1
reverse - xa,ya 1
reverse - xa,xa 0
reverse - ya,xa -1
contramap - ng - xb,yb 0
contramap - ng - xb,xb 0
contramap - ng - yb,xb 0
b_a_function(xb) { Test2: NaN }
b_a_function(yb) { Test2: NaN }
contramap - ok - xb,yb -1
contramap - ok - xb,xb 0
contramap - ok - yb,xb 1
b_a_function(xb_for_xa) { Test2: 1 }
b_a_function(yb_for_xb) { Test2: 9 }
getSemigroup - xa,ya -1
getSemigroup - xa,xa 0
getSemigroup - ya,xa 1
getSemigroup - xb,yb -1
getSemigroup - xb,xb 0
getSemigroup - yb,xb 1
getSemigroup - xa,yb 0
getSemigroup - xa,xb 0
getSemigroup - ya,xb 0
getMonoid - xa,ya -1
getMonoid - xa,xa 0
getMonoid - ya,xa 1
getMonoid - xb,yb -1
getMonoid - xb,xb 0
getMonoid - yb,xb 1
getMonoid - xa,yb 0
getMonoid - xa,xb 0
getMonoid - ya,xb 0
Contravariant - ok - xb,yb -1
Contravariant - ok - xb,xb 0
Contravariant - ok - yb,xb 1
trivial - xa,ya 0
trivial - xa,xa 0
trivial - ya,xa 0
trivial - xb,yb 0
trivial - xb,xb 0
trivial - yb,xb 0
equals - xa,ya false
equals - xa,xa true
equals - ya,xa false
lt - xa,ya true
lt - xa,xa false
lt - ya,xa false
gt - xa,ya false
gt - xa,xa false
gt - ya,xa true
leq - xa,ya true
leq - xa,xa true
leq - ya,xa false
geq - xa,ya false
geq - xa,xa true
geq - ya,xa true
min - xa,ya { Test2: 123 }
min - xa,xa { Test2: 123 }
min - ya,xa { Test2: 123 }
max - xa,ya { Test2: 789 }
max - xa,xa { Test2: 123 }
max - ya,xa { Test2: 789 }
clamp - (xa,ya) - xa { Test2: 123 }
clamp - (xa,xa) - xa { Test2: 123 }
clamp - (ya,xa) - xa { Test2: 789 }
clamp - (xa,ya) - ya { Test2: 789 }
clamp - (xa,xa) - ya { Test2: 123 }
clamp - (ya,xa) - ya { Test2: 789 }
between - (xa,ya) - xa true
between - (xa,xa) - xa true
between - (ya,xa) - xa false
between - (xa,ya) - ya true
between - (xa,xa) - ya false
between - (ya,xa) - ya false



import { describe, it } from 'vitest'
import * as R from 'fp-ts/ReadonlyRecord'
import * as O from 'fp-ts/Option'
import * as E from 'fp-ts/Either'
import { pipe } from 'fp-ts/lib/function'
import type { Unfoldable1 } from 'fp-ts/Unfoldable'
import type { Eq } from 'fp-ts/lib/Eq'
import type { Ord } from 'fp-ts/Ord'
import type { Monoid } from 'fp-ts/lib/Monoid'
import type { Applicative1 } from 'fp-ts/lib/Applicative'
import type { Option } from 'fp-ts/Option'
import type { Either } from 'fp-ts/lib/Either'
import type { Foldable1 } from 'fp-ts/lib/Foldable'
import type { Magma } from 'fp-ts/lib/Magma'
import type { Show } from 'fp-ts/lib/Show'
import type { Semigroup } from 'fp-ts/lib/Semigroup'

const URI = 'Test2'
type URI = typeof URI

declare module 'fp-ts/HKT' {
  interface URItoKind<A> {
    readonly Test2: Test2<A>

const TestUnfoldable1: Unfoldable1<URI> = {
  unfold: (b, f) => {
    let a
    const option_a_b = f(b)
    if (O.isSome(option_a_b)) {
      a = option_a_b.value[0]
    } else {
      a = null as any

    return a

const TestApplicative1Test2a: Applicative1<URI> = {
  ap: (fab, fa) => ({ Test2: fab.Test2(fa.Test2) }),
  of: <XXX>(a: XXX) => ({ Test2: a }),
  map: (fa, f) => ({ Test2: f(fa.Test2) })

const TestFoldable1Test2a: Foldable1<URI> = {
  reduce: (fa, b, f) => f(b, fa.Test2),
  foldMap: (M) => (fa, f) => f(fa.Test2),
  reduceRight: (fa, b, f) => f(fa.Test2, b)

interface Test2<XXX> {
  Test2: XXX

interface Test23<XXX> extends Test2<XXX> {
  Test23: `extends Test2<${XXX extends string ? XXX : XXX extends number ? XXX : 'something'}>`

type _a = number
type _b = string

type A = Test2<_a>
type B = Test2<_b>

// T = tuple, K = key = string
type TKA = readonly [string, A]

type A_extends = Test23<_a>

type BO = Test2<Option<_b>>
type OB = Option<B>

type Eb<XXX> = Either<XXX, _b>
type BEb<XXX> = Test2<Eb<XXX>>

type F<XXX> = R.ReadonlyRecord<string, XXX>
type FO<XXX> = F<Option<XXX>>
type FE<XXX, YYY> = F<Either<XXX, YYY>>

type T2_TKA = Test2<TKA>
type T2_A = Test2<A>

const TestEqTest2A: Eq<A> = {
  equals: (x, y) => x.Test2 === y.Test2

const TestMagmaTest2a: Magma<A> = {
  concat: (x, y) => ({
    Test2: x.Test2 + y.Test2

const TestSemigroupTest2a: Semigroup<A> = {
  concat: TestMagmaTest2a.concat

const TestMonoidTest2a: Monoid<A> = {
  concat: TestMagmaTest2a.concat,
  empty: {
    Test2: 0

const TestShowTest2a: Show<A> = {
  show: (a: A) => String(a.Test2)

const OrdString: Ord<string> = {
  compare: (first: string, second: string) => (first > second ? 1 : first < second ? -1 : 0),
  equals: (x: string, y: string) => x === y

describe('fp-ts Tutorial', () => {
  it('ReadonlyRecord', () => {
    const a: A = { Test2: 123 }
    const a2: A = { Test2: 456 }
    const a3: A = { Test2: 789 }
    const a111: A = { Test2: 111 }
    const a999: A = TestApplicative1Test2a.of(999) // { Test2: 999 }

    const a_ext_123: A_extends = { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' }
    const a_ext_456: A_extends = { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' }
    const a_ext_789: A_extends = { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }

    const fa3: F<A> = {
      key1: a,
      key2: a2,
      key3: a3
    const fa2: F<A> = {
      key1: a,
      key2: a2
    const fa2_111: F<A> = {
      key1: a111,
      key2: a2
    const fa3_k: F<A> = {
      k1: a,
      k2: a2,
      k3: a3

    const fa6: F<A> = {
      key1: a,
      key2: a2,
      key3: a3,
      key1_extends: a_ext_123,
      key2_extends: a_ext_456,
      key3_extends: a_ext_789

    const fa6_ng: F<A> = {
      key1: a,
      key2: a2,
      key3: a3,
      key1_extends: a,
      key2_extends: a2,
      key3_extends: a3

    const fa_extends_6: F<A_extends> = {
      key1_extends: a_ext_123,
      key2_extends: a_ext_456,
      key3_extends: a_ext_789

    const foa6: FO<A> = {
      key1: O.some(a),
      key2: O.none,
      key3: O.some(a3),
      key1_extends: O.none,
      key2_extends: O.some(a_ext_456),
      key3_extends: O.some(a_ext_789)

    const fea6: FE<string[], A> = {
      key1: E.left([String(a.Test2), 'key1 includes 1', 'fea6[key1]']),
      key2: E.left([String(a2.Test2), '456 is even number', 'fea6[key2]']),
      key3: E.right(a3),
      key1_extends: E.right(a_ext_123),
      key2_extends: E.left([
        'key1 includes 2',
      key3_extends: E.left([
        '789 above 500',

    const b: B = { Test2: 'abc' }
    // const b_null: B = { Test2: 'b is null' }
    const b_null: B = TestApplicative1Test2a.of('b is null')

    const tka: TKA = ['key1', a]
    const tka2: TKA = ['key2', a2]
    const tka3: TKA = ['key3', a3]

    const t2_tka: T2_TKA = {
      Test2: tka

    const t2_a: T2_A = {
      Test2: a

    // refinement, predicate
    const a_is_A_extends_refinement = (a: A): a is A_extends => 'Test23' in a

    const ia_refinement_A_extends = <I>(i: I, a: A): a is A_extends => a_is_A_extends_refinement(a)

    const a_is_bool_predicate = (a: A): boolean => a.Test2 % 2 === 1

    const ia_predicate_a_is_bool = <I>(i: I, a: A): boolean => a_is_bool_predicate(a)

    // a function
    const a_a_function: (a: A) => A = (a) => ({
      Test2: a.Test2

    const a_b_function: (a: A) => B = (a) => ({
      Test2: `${a.Test2}`

    const a_extends_b_function: (a: A_extends) => B = (a) => ({
      Test2: `${a.Test2}-${a.Test23}`

    const a_bo_function: (a: A) => BO = (a) => ({
      Test2: a.Test2 % 2 === 0 ? O.none : O.some(a_b_function(a).Test2)

    const a_Ebx_function: (a: A) => Eb<string[]> = (a) =>
      a.Test2 % 2 === 0
        ? E.left([a_b_function(a).Test2, '<== even number is error', 'a_Ebx_function'])
        : E.right(a_b_function(a).Test2)

    const a_BEbx_function: (a: A) => BEb<string[]> = (a) => ({
      Test2: a_Ebx_function(a)

    const a_ob_function: (a: A) => OB = (a) => O.some(a_b_function(a))

    const a_tka_function: (a: A) => TKA = (a) => ['a_tka_function', a]

    // ab function
    const ba_b_function: (b: B, a: A) => B = (b, a) => ({
      Test2: `${b.Test2} :: ${a_b_function(a).Test2}`

    const ab_b_function: (a: A, b: B) => B = (a, b) => ba_b_function(b, a)

    // ia function
    const ia_a_function: <I>(i: I, a: A) => A = (i, a) =>
      typeof i === 'string'
        ? {
            Test2: a.Test2 + i.length * 10 ** 5
        : typeof i === 'number'
          ? {
              Test2: a.Test2 + i * 10 ** 5
          : a

    const ia_b_function: <I>(i: I, a: A) => B = (i, a) => ({
      Test2: `(${i},${a_b_function(a).Test2})`

    const ia_ob_function: <I>(i: I, a: A) => OB = (i, a) =>
      typeof i === 'string' && i.includes('1') ? O.none : O.some(ia_b_function(i, a))

    const ia_Ebx_function: <I>(i: I, a: A) => Eb<string[]> = (i, a) =>
      typeof i === 'string' && i.includes('1')
        ? E.left([i, '<== key includes 1', 'ia_Ebx_function'])
        : a_Ebx_function(a)

    // iab function
    const iba_b_function: <I>(i: I, b: B, a: A) => B = (i, b, a) => ({
      Test2: `${b.Test2} :: ${ia_b_function(i, a).Test2}`
    const iab_b_function: <I>(i: I, a: A, b: B) => B = (i, a, b) => iba_b_function(i, b, a)

    // ka function
    const ka_a_function: <K extends string>(k: K, a: A) => A = ia_a_function

    const ka_b_function: <K extends string>(k: K, a: A) => B = ia_b_function

    const ka_Ebx_function: <K extends string>(k: K, a: A) => Eb<string[]> = ia_Ebx_function

    const ka_ob_function: <K extends string>(k: K, a: A) => OB = ia_ob_function

    // kab function
    const kba_b_function: <K extends string>(k: K, b: B, a: A) => B = iba_b_function

    const kab_b_function: <K extends string>(k: K, a: A, b: B) => B = iab_b_function

    // fa function object
    const fa_b_function: (key: keyof F<A>) => (fa: F<A>) => B = (key) => (fa) =>
      key in fa ? a_b_function(fa[key]) : b_null
    const fa_extends_b_function: (key: keyof F<A>) => (fa_extends: F<A_extends>) => B =
      (key) => (fa_extends) => (key in fa_extends ? a_extends_b_function(fa_extends[key]) : b_null)

    const fa_b_function_object: F<(fa: F<A>) => B> = {
      key1: fa_b_function('key1'),
      key2: fa_b_function('key2'),
      key3: fa_b_function('key3'),
      key1_extends: fa_b_function('key1_extends'),
      key2_extends: fa_b_function('key2_extends'),
      key3_extends: fa_b_function('key3_extends')

    const fa_extends_b_function_object: F<(a: F<A_extends>) => B> = {
      key1: fa_b_function('key1'),
      key2: fa_b_function('key2'),
      key3: fa_extends_b_function('key3'),
      key1_extends: fa_extends_b_function('key1_extends'),
      key2_extends: fa_b_function('key2_extends'),
      key3_extends: fa_b_function('key3_extends')

    // check
    console.log('a - ', a)
    console.log('b - ', b)

    console.log('fa3 - ', fa3)
    console.log('fa6 - ', fa6)
    console.log('foa6 - ', foa6)

    console.log('tka - ', tka)

    console.log('t2_tka - ', t2_tka)
    console.log('t2_a - ', t2_a)

    // test
    console.log('isEmpty - ', R.isEmpty(fa3))

    console.log('keys - ', R.keys(fa3))

    console.log('collect - ', pipe(fa3, R.collect(OrdString)(ka_b_function)))

    console.log('toReadonlyArray - ', R.toReadonlyArray(fa3))

    console.log('toUnfoldable - ', pipe(fa3, R.toUnfoldable(TestUnfoldable1)))

    console.log('upsertAt - ', pipe(fa3, R.upsertAt('add key9', a999)))

    console.log('has - key1 - ', R.has('key1', fa3))
    console.log('has - key999 - ', R.has('key999', fa3))

    console.log('deleteAt - key1 - ', pipe(fa3, R.deleteAt('key1')))
    console.log('deleteAt - key999 - ', pipe(fa3, R.deleteAt('key999')))

    console.log('updateAt - key1 - ', pipe(fa3, R.updateAt('key1', a111)))
    console.log('updateAt - key999 - ', pipe(fa3, R.updateAt('key999', a999)))

    console.log('modifyAt - key1 - ', pipe(fa3, R.modifyAt('key1', a_a_function)))
    console.log('modifyAt - key999 - ', pipe(fa3, R.modifyAt('key999', a_a_function)))

    console.log('pop - key1 - ', pipe(fa3, R.pop('key1')))
    console.log('pop - key999 - ', pipe(fa3, R.pop('key999')))

    console.log('isSubrecord - fa3,fa3 - ', R.isSubrecord(TestEqTest2A)(fa3)(fa3))
    console.log('isSubrecord - fa3,fa2 - ', R.isSubrecord(TestEqTest2A)(fa3)(fa2))
    console.log('isSubrecord - fa2,fa3 - ', R.isSubrecord(TestEqTest2A)(fa2)(fa3))
    console.log('isSubrecord - fa3,fa2_111 - ', R.isSubrecord(TestEqTest2A)(fa3)(fa2_111))
    console.log('isSubrecord - fa3,fa3 - ', pipe(fa3, R.isSubrecord(TestEqTest2A)(fa3)))
    console.log('isSubrecord - fa3,fa2 - ', pipe(fa2, R.isSubrecord(TestEqTest2A)(fa3)))
    console.log('isSubrecord - fa2,fa3 - ', pipe(fa3, R.isSubrecord(TestEqTest2A)(fa2)))
    console.log('isSubrecord - fa3,fa2_111 - ', pipe(fa2_111, R.isSubrecord(TestEqTest2A)(fa3)))

    console.log('isSubrecord - key1 - ', pipe(fa3, R.lookup('key1')))
    console.log('isSubrecord - key999 - ', pipe(fa3, R.lookup('key999')))
    console.log('isSubrecord - key1 - ', R.lookup('key1', fa3))
    console.log('isSubrecord - key999 - ', R.lookup('key999', fa3))

    console.log('empty - ', R.empty)

    console.log('mapWithIndex - ', pipe(fa3, R.mapWithIndex(ka_b_function)))

    console.log('map - ', pipe(fa3, R.map(a_b_function)))

    console.log('reduceWithIndex - ', pipe(fa3, R.reduceWithIndex(OrdString)(b, kba_b_function)))

      'foldMapWithIndex - [12]0[1368] - [12 = key1(4) + key2(4) + key3(4)] - [1368 = 123 + 456 + 789]',
      pipe(fa3, R.foldMapWithIndex(OrdString)(TestMonoidTest2a)(ka_a_function))

      'reduceRightWithIndex - ',
      pipe(fa3, R.reduceRightWithIndex(OrdString)(b, kab_b_function))

    console.log('singleton - ', R.singleton('key1', a))

      'traverseWithIndex - ',
      pipe(fa3, R.traverseWithIndex(TestApplicative1Test2a)(ka_b_function))

    console.log('traverse - ', pipe(fa3, R.traverse(TestApplicative1Test2a)(a_b_function)))

    console.log('sequence - ', pipe(fa3, R.sequence(TestApplicative1Test2a)))

    console.log('wither - ', pipe(fa3, R.wither(TestApplicative1Test2a)(a_bo_function)))

    console.log('wilt - ', pipe(fa3, R.wilt(TestApplicative1Test2a)(a_BEbx_function)))

    console.log('partitionMapWithIndex - ', pipe(fa6, R.partitionMapWithIndex(ka_Ebx_function)))

      'partitionWithIndex - ia_refinement_A_extends - ',
      pipe(fa6, R.partitionWithIndex(ia_refinement_A_extends))
      'partitionWithIndex - ia_predicate_a_is_bool - ',
      pipe(fa6, R.partitionWithIndex(ia_predicate_a_is_bool))

    console.log('filterMapWithIndex - ', pipe(fa6, R.filterMapWithIndex(ka_ob_function)))

      'filterWithIndex - ia_refinement_A_extends - ',
      pipe(fa6, R.filterWithIndex(ia_refinement_A_extends))
      'filterWithIndex - ia_predicate_a_is_bool - ',
      pipe(fa6, R.filterWithIndex(ia_predicate_a_is_bool))

      'fromFoldable - ',
      pipe(t2_tka, R.fromFoldable(TestMagmaTest2a, TestFoldable1Test2a))

      'fromFoldableMap - ',
      R.fromFoldableMap(TestMagmaTest2a, TestFoldable1Test2a)(t2_a, a_tka_function)

    console.log('toEntries - ', pipe(fa6, R.toEntries))

    console.log('fromEntries - ', pipe([tka, tka2, tka3], R.fromEntries))

    console.log('every - ', pipe(fa6, R.every(a_is_A_extends_refinement)))

    console.log('some - ', pipe(fa6, R.some(a_is_A_extends_refinement)))

    console.log('elem - fa6,a - ', pipe(fa6, R.elem(TestEqTest2A)(a)))
    console.log('elem - fa6,a111 - ', pipe(fa6, R.elem(TestEqTest2A)(a111)))
    console.log('elem - fa6,a - ', R.elem(TestEqTest2A)(a, fa6))
    console.log('elem - fa6,a111 - ', R.elem(TestEqTest2A)(a111, fa6))

      'union - (fa6, fa2_111) => [234 = 123 + 111], [912 = 456 + 456] - ',
      pipe(fa6, R.union(TestMagmaTest2a)(fa2_111))
    console.log('union - (fa6, fa3_k) - ', pipe(fa6, R.union(TestMagmaTest2a)(fa3_k)))

      'intersection - (fa6, fa2_111) => [234 = 123 + 111], [912 = 456 + 456] - ',
      pipe(fa6, R.intersection(TestMagmaTest2a)(fa2_111))
    console.log('intersection - (fa6, fa3_k) - ', pipe(fa6, R.intersection(TestMagmaTest2a)(fa3_k)))

    console.log('difference - (fa6, fa2_111) - ', pipe(fa6, R.difference(fa2_111)))
    console.log('difference - (fa6, fa3_k) - ', pipe(fa6, R.difference(fa3_k)))

      'filter - a_is_A_extends_refinement - ',
      pipe(fa6, R.filter(a_is_A_extends_refinement))
    console.log('filter - a_is_bool_predicate - ', pipe(fa6, R.filter(a_is_bool_predicate)))

    console.log('filterMap - ', pipe(fa6, R.filterMap(a_ob_function)))

      'partition - a_is_A_extends_refinement - ',
      pipe(fa6, R.partition(a_is_A_extends_refinement))
    console.log('partition - a_is_bool_predicate - ', pipe(fa6, R.partition(a_is_bool_predicate)))

    console.log('partitionMap - ', pipe(fa6, R.partitionMap(a_Ebx_function)))

    console.log('reduce - ', pipe(fa3, R.reduce(OrdString)(b, ba_b_function)))

      'foldMap - [1368 = 123 + 456 + 789] - ',
      pipe(fa3, R.foldMap(OrdString)(TestMonoidTest2a)(a_a_function))

    console.log('reduceRight - ', pipe(fa3, R.reduceRight(OrdString)(b, ab_b_function)))

    console.log('compact - ', pipe(foa6, R.compact))

    console.log('separate - ', pipe(fea6, R.separate))

    console.log('getShow - ', pipe(fa6, R.getShow(OrdString)(TestShowTest2a).show))

    console.log('getEq - (fa6, fa3) - ', R.getEq(TestEqTest2A).equals(fa6, fa3))
    console.log('getEq - (fa6, fa6_ng) - ', R.getEq(TestEqTest2A).equals(fa6, fa6_ng))
    console.log('getEq - (fa6, fa6) - ', R.getEq(TestEqTest2A).equals(fa6, fa6))

      'getMonoid - (fa6, fa3) => [246 = 123 + 123], [912 = 456 + 456], [1578 = 789 + 789] - ',
      R.getMonoid(TestSemigroupTest2a).concat(fa6, fa3)
    console.log('getMonoid - (fa6, fa3_k) - ', R.getMonoid(TestSemigroupTest2a).concat(fa6, fa3_k))

    console.log('map - (fa6, a_a_function) - ', R.Functor.map(fa6, a_a_function))
    console.log('map - (fa6, a_b_function) - ', R.Functor.map(fa6, a_b_function))

    console.log('flap - (fa6, fa_b_function_object) - ', pipe(fa_b_function_object, R.flap(fa6)))
      'flap - (fa_extends_6, fa_extends_b_function_object) - ',
      pipe(fa_extends_b_function_object, pipe(fa_extends_6, R.flap))

    console.log('FunctorWithIndex - map - ', R.FunctorWithIndex.map(fa6, a_b_function))
      'FunctorWithIndex - mapWithIndex - ',
      R.FunctorWithIndex.mapWithIndex(fa6, ia_b_function)

      'getFoldable - foldMap - [2736 <= (123 + 456 + 789) * 2] - ',
      R.getFoldable(OrdString).foldMap(TestMonoidTest2a)(fa6, a_a_function)
    console.log('getFoldable - reduce - ', R.getFoldable(OrdString).reduce(fa6, b, ba_b_function))
      'getFoldable - reduceRight - ',
      R.getFoldable(OrdString).reduceRight(fa6, b, ab_b_function)

      'getFoldableWithIndex - foldMapWithIndex - [48]0[2736] - [48 = key1(4) + key2(4) + key3(4) + key1_extends(12) + key2_extends(12) + key3_extends(12)] - [2736 <= (123 + 456 + 789) * 2] - ',
      R.getFoldableWithIndex(OrdString).foldMapWithIndex(TestMonoidTest2a)(fa6, ia_a_function)
      'getFoldableWithIndex - reduceWithIndex - ',
      R.getFoldableWithIndex(OrdString).reduceWithIndex(fa6, b, iba_b_function)
      'getFoldableWithIndex - reduceRightWithIndex - ',
      R.getFoldableWithIndex(OrdString).reduceRightWithIndex(fa6, b, iab_b_function)

    console.log('Compactable - compact - ', pipe(foa6, R.Compactable.compact))
    console.log('Compactable - separate - ', pipe(fea6, R.Compactable.separate))

    console.log('Filterable - compact - ', pipe(foa6, R.Filterable.compact))
      'Filterable - filter - a_is_A_extends_refinement - ',
      R.Filterable.filter(fa6, a_is_A_extends_refinement)
      'Filterable - filter - a_is_bool_predicate - ',
      R.Filterable.filter(fa6, a_is_bool_predicate)
    console.log('Filterable - filterMap - ', R.Filterable.filterMap(fa6, a_ob_function))
    console.log('Filterable - map - ', R.Filterable.map(fa6, a_b_function))
      'Filterable - partition - a_is_A_extends_refinement - ',
      R.Filterable.partition(fa6, a_is_A_extends_refinement)
      'Filterable - partition - a_is_bool_predicate - ',
      R.Filterable.partition(fa6, a_is_bool_predicate)
    console.log('Filterable - partitionMap - ', R.Filterable.partitionMap(fa6, a_Ebx_function))
    console.log('Filterable - separate - ', pipe(fea6, R.Filterable.separate))

      'FilterableWithIndex - filterMapWithIndex - ',
      R.FilterableWithIndex.filterMapWithIndex(fa6, ia_ob_function)
      'FilterableWithIndex - filterWithIndex - ia_refinement_A_extends - ',
      R.FilterableWithIndex.filterWithIndex(fa6, ia_refinement_A_extends)
      'FilterableWithIndex - filterWithIndex - ia_predicate_a_is_bool - ',
      R.FilterableWithIndex.filterWithIndex(fa6, ia_predicate_a_is_bool)
      'FilterableWithIndex - mapWithIndex - ',
      R.FilterableWithIndex.mapWithIndex(fa6, ia_b_function)
      'FilterableWithIndex - partitionMapWithIndex - ',
      R.FilterableWithIndex.partitionMapWithIndex(fa6, ia_Ebx_function)
      'FilterableWithIndex - partitionWithIndex - ia_refinement_A_extends - ',
      R.FilterableWithIndex.partitionWithIndex(fa6, ia_refinement_A_extends)
      'FilterableWithIndex - partitionWithIndex - ia_predicate_a_is_bool - ',
      R.FilterableWithIndex.partitionWithIndex(fa6, ia_predicate_a_is_bool)

      'getTraversable - foldMap - [2736 <= (123 + 456 + 789) * 2] - ',
      R.getTraversable(OrdString).foldMap(TestMonoidTest2a)(fa6, a_a_function)
    console.log('getTraversable - map - ', R.getTraversable(OrdString).map(fa6, a_b_function))
      'getTraversable - reduce - ',
      R.getTraversable(OrdString).reduce(fa6, b, ba_b_function)
      'getTraversable - reduceRight - ',
      R.getTraversable(OrdString).reduceRight(fa6, b, ab_b_function)
      'getTraversable - sequence - ',
      pipe(fa6, R.getTraversable(OrdString).sequence(TestApplicative1Test2a))
      'getTraversable - traverse - ',
      R.getTraversable(OrdString).traverse(TestApplicative1Test2a)(fa6, a_b_function)

      'getTraversableWithIndex - foldMapWithIndex - [48]0[2736] - [48 = key1(4) + key2(4) + key3(4) + key1_extends(12) + key2_extends(12) + key3_extends(12)] - [2736 <= (123 + 456 + 789) * 2] - ',
      R.getTraversableWithIndex(OrdString).foldMapWithIndex(TestMonoidTest2a)(fa6, ia_a_function)
      'getTraversableWithIndex - mapWithIndex - ',
      R.getTraversableWithIndex(OrdString).mapWithIndex(fa6, ia_b_function)
      'getTraversableWithIndex - reduceRightWithIndex - ',
      R.getTraversableWithIndex(OrdString).reduceRightWithIndex(fa6, b, iab_b_function)
      'getTraversableWithIndex - reduceWithIndex - ',
      R.getTraversableWithIndex(OrdString).reduceWithIndex(fa6, b, iba_b_function)
      'getTraversableWithIndex - traverseWithIndex - ',

    console.log('getWitherable - compact - ', pipe(foa6, R.getWitherable(OrdString).compact))
      'getWitherable - filter - a_is_A_extends_refinement - ',
      R.getWitherable(OrdString).filter(fa6, a_is_A_extends_refinement)
      'getWitherable - filter - a_is_bool_predicate - ',
      R.getWitherable(OrdString).filter(fa6, a_is_bool_predicate)
      'getWitherable - filterMap - ',
      R.getWitherable(OrdString).filterMap(fa6, a_ob_function)
      'getWitherable - foldMap - [2736 <= (123 + 456 + 789) * 2] - ',
      R.getWitherable(OrdString).foldMap(TestMonoidTest2a)(fa6, a_a_function)
    console.log('getWitherable - map - ', R.getWitherable(OrdString).map(fa6, a_b_function))
      'getWitherable - partition - a_is_A_extends_refinement - ',
      R.getWitherable(OrdString).partition(fa6, a_is_A_extends_refinement)
      'getWitherable - partition - a_is_bool_predicate - ',
      R.getWitherable(OrdString).partition(fa6, a_is_bool_predicate)
      'getWitherable - partitionMap - ',
      R.getWitherable(OrdString).partitionMap(fa6, a_Ebx_function)
      'getWitherable - reduce - ',
      R.getWitherable(OrdString).reduce(fa6, b, ba_b_function)
      'getWitherable - reduceRight - ',
      R.getWitherable(OrdString).reduceRight(fa6, b, ab_b_function)
    console.log('getWitherable - separate - ', pipe(fea6, R.getWitherable(OrdString).separate))
      'getWitherable - sequence - ',
      pipe(fa6, R.getWitherable(OrdString).sequence(TestApplicative1Test2a))
      'getWitherable - traverse - ',
      R.getWitherable(OrdString).traverse(TestApplicative1Test2a)(fa6, a_b_function)
      'getWitherable - wilt - ',
      R.getWitherable(OrdString).wilt(TestApplicative1Test2a)(fa6, a_BEbx_function)
      'getWitherable - wither - ',
      R.getWitherable(OrdString).wither(TestApplicative1Test2a)(fa6, a_bo_function)

      'getUnionSemigroup - (fa6, fa3) => [246 = 123 + 123], [912 = 456 + 456], [1578 = 789 + 789] - ',
      R.getUnionSemigroup(TestSemigroupTest2a).concat(fa6, fa3)
      'getUnionSemigroup - (fa6, fa3_k) - ',
      R.getUnionSemigroup(TestSemigroupTest2a).concat(fa6, fa3_k)

      'getUnionMonoid - concat - (fa6, fa3) => [246 = 123 + 123], [912 = 456 + 456], [1578 = 789 + 789] - ',
      R.getUnionMonoid(TestSemigroupTest2a).concat(fa6, fa3)
    console.log('getUnionMonoid - empty - ', R.getUnionMonoid(TestSemigroupTest2a).empty)

      'getIntersectionSemigroup - (fa6, fa3) => [246 = 123 + 123], [912 = 456 + 456], [1578 = 789 + 789] - ',
      R.getIntersectionSemigroup(TestSemigroupTest2a).concat(fa6, fa3)
      'getIntersectionSemigroup - (fa6, fa3_k) - ',
      R.getIntersectionSemigroup(TestSemigroupTest2a).concat(fa6, fa3_k)


a -  { Test2: 123 }
b -  { Test2: 'abc' }
fa3 -  { key1: { Test2: 123 }, key2: { Test2: 456 }, key3: { Test2: 789 } }
fa6 -  {
  key1: { Test2: 123 },
  key2: { Test2: 456 },
  key3: { Test2: 789 },
  key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
foa6 -  {
  key1: { _tag: 'Some', value: { Test2: 123 } },
  key2: { _tag: 'None' },
  key3: { _tag: 'Some', value: { Test2: 789 } },
  key1_extends: { _tag: 'None' },
  key2_extends: { _tag: 'Some', value: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' } },
  key3_extends: { _tag: 'Some', value: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' } }
tka -  [ 'key1', { Test2: 123 } ]
t2_tka -  { Test2: [ 'key1', { Test2: 123 } ] }
t2_a -  { Test2: { Test2: 123 } }
isEmpty -  false
keys -  [ 'key1', 'key2', 'key3' ]
collect -  [
  { Test2: '(key1,123)' },
  { Test2: '(key2,456)' },
  { Test2: '(key3,789)' }
toReadonlyArray -  [
  [ 'key1', { Test2: 123 } ],
  [ 'key2', { Test2: 456 } ],
  [ 'key3', { Test2: 789 } ]
toUnfoldable -  [ 'key1', { Test2: 123 } ]
upsertAt -  {
  key1: { Test2: 123 },
  key2: { Test2: 456 },
  key3: { Test2: 789 },
  'add key9': { Test2: 999 }
has - key1 -  true
has - key999 -  false
deleteAt - key1 -  { key2: { Test2: 456 }, key3: { Test2: 789 } }
deleteAt - key999 -  { key1: { Test2: 123 }, key2: { Test2: 456 }, key3: { Test2: 789 } }
updateAt - key1 -  {
  _tag: 'Some',
  value: { key1: { Test2: 111 }, key2: { Test2: 456 }, key3: { Test2: 789 } }
updateAt - key999 -  { _tag: 'None' }
modifyAt - key1 -  {
  _tag: 'Some',
  value: { key1: { Test2: 123 }, key2: { Test2: 456 }, key3: { Test2: 789 } }
modifyAt - key999 -  { _tag: 'None' }
pop - key1 -  {
  _tag: 'Some',
  value: [ { Test2: 123 }, { key2: [Object], key3: [Object] } ]
pop - key999 -  { _tag: 'None' }
isSubrecord - fa3,fa3 -  true
isSubrecord - fa3,fa2 -  true
isSubrecord - fa2,fa3 -  false
isSubrecord - fa3,fa2_111 -  false
isSubrecord - fa3,fa3 -  true
isSubrecord - fa3,fa2 -  true
isSubrecord - fa2,fa3 -  false
isSubrecord - fa3,fa2_111 -  false
isSubrecord - key1 -  { _tag: 'Some', value: { Test2: 123 } }
isSubrecord - key999 -  { _tag: 'None' }
isSubrecord - key1 -  { _tag: 'Some', value: { Test2: 123 } }
isSubrecord - key999 -  { _tag: 'None' }
empty -  {}
mapWithIndex -  {
  key1: { Test2: '(key1,123)' },
  key2: { Test2: '(key2,456)' },
  key3: { Test2: '(key3,789)' }
map -  {
  key1: { Test2: '123' },
  key2: { Test2: '456' },
  key3: { Test2: '789' }
reduceWithIndex -  { Test2: 'abc :: (key1,123) :: (key2,456) :: (key3,789)' }
foldMapWithIndex - [12]0[1368] - [12 = key1(4) + key2(4) + key3(4)] - [1368 = 123 + 456 + 789] { Test2: 1201368 }
reduceRightWithIndex -  { Test2: 'abc :: (key3,789) :: (key2,456) :: (key1,123)' }
singleton -  { key1: { Test2: 123 } }
traverseWithIndex -  {
  Test2: { key1: '(key1,123)', key2: '(key2,456)', key3: '(key3,789)' }
traverse -  { Test2: { key1: '123', key2: '456', key3: '789' } }
sequence -  { Test2: { key1: 123, key2: 456, key3: 789 } }
wither -  { Test2: { key1: '123', key3: '789' } }
wilt -  {
  Test2: { left: { key2: [Array] }, right: { key1: '123', key3: '789' } }
partitionMapWithIndex -  {
  left: {
    key1: [ 'key1', '<== key includes 1', 'ia_Ebx_function' ],
    key2: [ '456', '<== even number is error', 'a_Ebx_function' ],
    key1_extends: [ 'key1_extends', '<== key includes 1', 'ia_Ebx_function' ],
    key2_extends: [ '456', '<== even number is error', 'a_Ebx_function' ]
  right: { key3: '789', key3_extends: '789' }
partitionWithIndex - ia_refinement_A_extends -  {
  left: { key1: { Test2: 123 }, key2: { Test2: 456 }, key3: { Test2: 789 } },
  right: {
    key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
    key2_extends: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' },
    key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
partitionWithIndex - ia_predicate_a_is_bool -  {
  left: {
    key2: { Test2: 456 },
    key2_extends: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' }
  right: {
    key1: { Test2: 123 },
    key3: { Test2: 789 },
    key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
    key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
filterMapWithIndex -  {
  key2: { Test2: '(key2,456)' },
  key3: { Test2: '(key3,789)' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: '(key2_extends,456)' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: '(key3_extends,789)' }
filterWithIndex - ia_refinement_A_extends -  {
  key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
filterWithIndex - ia_predicate_a_is_bool -  {
  key1: { Test2: 123 },
  key3: { Test2: 789 },
  key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
fromFoldable -  { key1: { Test2: 123 } }
fromFoldableMap -  { a_tka_function: { Test2: 123 } }
toEntries -  [
  [ 'key1', { Test2: 123 } ],
  [ 'key1_extends', { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' } ],
  [ 'key2', { Test2: 456 } ],
  [ 'key2_extends', { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' } ],
  [ 'key3', { Test2: 789 } ],
  [ 'key3_extends', { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' } ]
fromEntries -  { key1: { Test2: 123 }, key2: { Test2: 456 }, key3: { Test2: 789 } }
every -  false
some -  true
elem - fa6,a -  true
elem - fa6,a111 -  false
elem - fa6,a -  true
elem - fa6,a111 -  false
union - (fa6, fa2_111) => [234 = 123 + 111], [912 = 456 + 456] -  {
  key1: { Test2: 234 },
  key2: { Test2: 912 },
  key3: { Test2: 789 },
  key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
union - (fa6, fa3_k) -  {
  key1: { Test2: 123 },
  key2: { Test2: 456 },
  key3: { Test2: 789 },
  key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' },
  k1: { Test2: 123 },
  k2: { Test2: 456 },
  k3: { Test2: 789 }
intersection - (fa6, fa2_111) => [234 = 123 + 111], [912 = 456 + 456] -  { key1: { Test2: 234 }, key2: { Test2: 912 } }
intersection - (fa6, fa3_k) -  {}
difference - (fa6, fa2_111) -  {
  key3: { Test2: 789 },
  key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
difference - (fa6, fa3_k) -  {
  key1: { Test2: 123 },
  key2: { Test2: 456 },
  key3: { Test2: 789 },
  key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' },
  k1: { Test2: 123 },
  k2: { Test2: 456 },
  k3: { Test2: 789 }
filter - a_is_A_extends_refinement -  {
  key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
filter - a_is_bool_predicate -  {
  key1: { Test2: 123 },
  key3: { Test2: 789 },
  key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
filterMap -  {
  key1: { Test2: '123' },
  key2: { Test2: '456' },
  key3: { Test2: '789' },
  key1_extends: { Test2: '123' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: '456' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: '789' }
partition - a_is_A_extends_refinement -  {
  left: { key1: { Test2: 123 }, key2: { Test2: 456 }, key3: { Test2: 789 } },
  right: {
    key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
    key2_extends: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' },
    key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
partition - a_is_bool_predicate -  {
  left: {
    key2: { Test2: 456 },
    key2_extends: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' }
  right: {
    key1: { Test2: 123 },
    key3: { Test2: 789 },
    key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
    key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
partitionMap -  {
  left: {
    key2: [ '456', '<== even number is error', 'a_Ebx_function' ],
    key2_extends: [ '456', '<== even number is error', 'a_Ebx_function' ]
  right: {
    key1: '123',
    key3: '789',
    key1_extends: '123',
    key3_extends: '789'
reduce -  { Test2: 'abc :: 123 :: 456 :: 789' }
foldMap - [1368 = 123 + 456 + 789] -  { Test2: 1368 }
reduceRight -  { Test2: 'abc :: 789 :: 456 :: 123' }
compact -  {
  key1: { Test2: 123 },
  key3: { Test2: 789 },
  key2_extends: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
separate -  {
  left: {
    key1: [ '123', 'key1 includes 1', 'fea6[key1]' ],
    key2: [ '456', '456 is even number', 'fea6[key2]' ],
    key2_extends: [
      'key1 includes 2',
      'extends Test2<456>'
    key3_extends: [
      '789 above 500',
      'extends Test2<789>'
  right: {
    key3: { Test2: 789 },
    key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' }
getShow -  { "key1": 123, "key1_extends": 123, "key2": 456, "key2_extends": 456, "key3": 789, "key3_extends": 789 }
getEq - (fa6, fa3) -  false
getEq - (fa6, fa6_ng) -  true
getEq - (fa6, fa6) -  true
getMonoid - (fa6, fa3) => [246 = 123 + 123], [912 = 456 + 456], [1578 = 789 + 789] -  {
  key1: { Test2: 246 },
  key2: { Test2: 912 },
  key3: { Test2: 1578 },
  key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
getMonoid - (fa6, fa3_k) -  {
  key1: { Test2: 123 },
  key2: { Test2: 456 },
  key3: { Test2: 789 },
  key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' },
  k1: { Test2: 123 },
  k2: { Test2: 456 },
  k3: { Test2: 789 }
map - (fa6, a_a_function) -  {
  key1: { Test2: 123 },
  key2: { Test2: 456 },
  key3: { Test2: 789 },
  key1_extends: { Test2: 123 },
  key2_extends: { Test2: 456 },
  key3_extends: { Test2: 789 }
map - (fa6, a_b_function) -  {
  key1: { Test2: '123' },
  key2: { Test2: '456' },
  key3: { Test2: '789' },
  key1_extends: { Test2: '123' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: '456' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: '789' }
flap - (fa6, fa_b_function_object) -  {
  key1: { Test2: '123' },
  key2: { Test2: '456' },
  key3: { Test2: '789' },
  key1_extends: { Test2: '123' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: '456' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: '789' }
flap - (fa_extends_6, fa_extends_b_function_object) -  {
  key1: { Test2: 'b is null' },
  key2: { Test2: 'b is null' },
  key3: { Test2: 'b is null' },
  key1_extends: { Test2: '123-extends Test2<123>' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: '456' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: '789' }
FunctorWithIndex - map -  {
  key1: { Test2: '123' },
  key2: { Test2: '456' },
  key3: { Test2: '789' },
  key1_extends: { Test2: '123' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: '456' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: '789' }
FunctorWithIndex - mapWithIndex -  {
  key1: { Test2: '(key1,123)' },
  key2: { Test2: '(key2,456)' },
  key3: { Test2: '(key3,789)' },
  key1_extends: { Test2: '(key1_extends,123)' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: '(key2_extends,456)' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: '(key3_extends,789)' }
getFoldable - foldMap - [2736 <= (123 + 456 + 789) * 2] -  { Test2: 2736 }
getFoldable - reduce -  { Test2: 'abc :: 123 :: 123 :: 456 :: 456 :: 789 :: 789' }
getFoldable - reduceRight -  { Test2: 'abc :: 789 :: 789 :: 456 :: 456 :: 123 :: 123' }
getFoldableWithIndex - foldMapWithIndex - [48]0[2736] - [48 = key1(4) + key2(4) + key3(4) + key1_extends(12) + key2_extends(12) + key3_extends(12)] - [2736 <= (123 + 456 + 789) * 2] -  { Test2: 4802736 }
getFoldableWithIndex - reduceWithIndex -  {
  Test2: 'abc :: (key1,123) :: (key1_extends,123) :: (key2,456) :: (key2_extends,456) :: (key3,789) :: (key3_extends,789)'
getFoldableWithIndex - reduceRightWithIndex -  {
  Test2: 'abc :: (key3_extends,789) :: (key3,789) :: (key2_extends,456) :: (key2,456) :: (key1_extends,123) :: (key1,123)'
Compactable - compact -  {
  key1: { Test2: 123 },
  key3: { Test2: 789 },
  key2_extends: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
Compactable - separate -  {
  left: {
    key1: [ '123', 'key1 includes 1', 'fea6[key1]' ],
    key2: [ '456', '456 is even number', 'fea6[key2]' ],
    key2_extends: [
      'key1 includes 2',
      'extends Test2<456>'
    key3_extends: [
      '789 above 500',
      'extends Test2<789>'
  right: {
    key3: { Test2: 789 },
    key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' }
Filterable - compact -  {
  key1: { Test2: 123 },
  key3: { Test2: 789 },
  key2_extends: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
Filterable - filter - a_is_A_extends_refinement -  {
  key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
Filterable - filter - a_is_bool_predicate -  {
  key1: { Test2: 123 },
  key3: { Test2: 789 },
  key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
Filterable - filterMap -  {
  key1: { Test2: '123' },
  key2: { Test2: '456' },
  key3: { Test2: '789' },
  key1_extends: { Test2: '123' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: '456' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: '789' }
Filterable - map -  {
  key1: { Test2: '123' },
  key2: { Test2: '456' },
  key3: { Test2: '789' },
  key1_extends: { Test2: '123' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: '456' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: '789' }
Filterable - partition - a_is_A_extends_refinement -  {
  left: { key1: { Test2: 123 }, key2: { Test2: 456 }, key3: { Test2: 789 } },
  right: {
    key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
    key2_extends: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' },
    key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
Filterable - partition - a_is_bool_predicate -  {
  left: {
    key2: { Test2: 456 },
    key2_extends: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' }
  right: {
    key1: { Test2: 123 },
    key3: { Test2: 789 },
    key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
    key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
Filterable - partitionMap -  {
  left: {
    key2: [ '456', '<== even number is error', 'a_Ebx_function' ],
    key2_extends: [ '456', '<== even number is error', 'a_Ebx_function' ]
  right: {
    key1: '123',
    key3: '789',
    key1_extends: '123',
    key3_extends: '789'
Filterable - separate -  {
  left: {
    key1: [ '123', 'key1 includes 1', 'fea6[key1]' ],
    key2: [ '456', '456 is even number', 'fea6[key2]' ],
    key2_extends: [
      'key1 includes 2',
      'extends Test2<456>'
    key3_extends: [
      '789 above 500',
      'extends Test2<789>'
  right: {
    key3: { Test2: 789 },
    key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' }
FilterableWithIndex - filterMapWithIndex -  {
  key2: { Test2: '(key2,456)' },
  key3: { Test2: '(key3,789)' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: '(key2_extends,456)' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: '(key3_extends,789)' }
FilterableWithIndex - filterWithIndex - ia_refinement_A_extends -  {
  key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
FilterableWithIndex - filterWithIndex - ia_predicate_a_is_bool -  {
  key1: { Test2: 123 },
  key3: { Test2: 789 },
  key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
FilterableWithIndex - mapWithIndex -  {
  key1: { Test2: '(key1,123)' },
  key2: { Test2: '(key2,456)' },
  key3: { Test2: '(key3,789)' },
  key1_extends: { Test2: '(key1_extends,123)' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: '(key2_extends,456)' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: '(key3_extends,789)' }
FilterableWithIndex - partitionMapWithIndex -  {
  left: {
    key1: [ 'key1', '<== key includes 1', 'ia_Ebx_function' ],
    key2: [ '456', '<== even number is error', 'a_Ebx_function' ],
    key1_extends: [ 'key1_extends', '<== key includes 1', 'ia_Ebx_function' ],
    key2_extends: [ '456', '<== even number is error', 'a_Ebx_function' ]
  right: { key3: '789', key3_extends: '789' }
FilterableWithIndex - partitionWithIndex - ia_refinement_A_extends -  {
  left: { key1: { Test2: 123 }, key2: { Test2: 456 }, key3: { Test2: 789 } },
  right: {
    key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
    key2_extends: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' },
    key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
FilterableWithIndex - partitionWithIndex - ia_predicate_a_is_bool -  {
  left: {
    key2: { Test2: 456 },
    key2_extends: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' }
  right: {
    key1: { Test2: 123 },
    key3: { Test2: 789 },
    key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
    key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
getTraversable - foldMap - [2736 <= (123 + 456 + 789) * 2] -  { Test2: 2736 }
getTraversable - map -  {
  key1: { Test2: '123' },
  key2: { Test2: '456' },
  key3: { Test2: '789' },
  key1_extends: { Test2: '123' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: '456' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: '789' }
getTraversable - reduce -  { Test2: 'abc :: 123 :: 123 :: 456 :: 456 :: 789 :: 789' }
getTraversable - reduceRight -  { Test2: 'abc :: 789 :: 789 :: 456 :: 456 :: 123 :: 123' }
getTraversable - sequence -  {
  Test2: {
    key1: 123,
    key1_extends: 123,
    key2: 456,
    key2_extends: 456,
    key3: 789,
    key3_extends: 789
getTraversable - traverse -  {
  Test2: {
    key1: '123',
    key1_extends: '123',
    key2: '456',
    key2_extends: '456',
    key3: '789',
    key3_extends: '789'
getTraversableWithIndex - foldMapWithIndex - [48]0[2736] - [48 = key1(4) + key2(4) + key3(4) + key1_extends(12) + key2_extends(12) + key3_extends(12)] - [2736 <= (123 + 456 + 789) * 2] -  { Test2: 4802736 }
getTraversableWithIndex - mapWithIndex -  {
  key1: { Test2: '(key1,123)' },
  key2: { Test2: '(key2,456)' },
  key3: { Test2: '(key3,789)' },
  key1_extends: { Test2: '(key1_extends,123)' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: '(key2_extends,456)' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: '(key3_extends,789)' }
getTraversableWithIndex - reduceRightWithIndex -  {
  Test2: 'abc :: (key3_extends,789) :: (key3,789) :: (key2_extends,456) :: (key2,456) :: (key1_extends,123) :: (key1,123)'
getTraversableWithIndex - reduceWithIndex -  {
  Test2: 'abc :: (key1,123) :: (key1_extends,123) :: (key2,456) :: (key2_extends,456) :: (key3,789) :: (key3_extends,789)'
getTraversableWithIndex - traverseWithIndex -  {
  Test2: {
    key1: '(key1,123)',
    key1_extends: '(key1_extends,123)',
    key2: '(key2,456)',
    key2_extends: '(key2_extends,456)',
    key3: '(key3,789)',
    key3_extends: '(key3_extends,789)'
getWitherable - compact -  {
  key1: { Test2: 123 },
  key3: { Test2: 789 },
  key2_extends: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
getWitherable - filter - a_is_A_extends_refinement -  {
  key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
getWitherable - filter - a_is_bool_predicate -  {
  key1: { Test2: 123 },
  key3: { Test2: 789 },
  key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
getWitherable - filterMap -  {
  key1: { Test2: '123' },
  key2: { Test2: '456' },
  key3: { Test2: '789' },
  key1_extends: { Test2: '123' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: '456' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: '789' }
getWitherable - foldMap - [2736 <= (123 + 456 + 789) * 2] -  { Test2: 2736 }
getWitherable - map -  {
  key1: { Test2: '123' },
  key2: { Test2: '456' },
  key3: { Test2: '789' },
  key1_extends: { Test2: '123' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: '456' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: '789' }
getWitherable - partition - a_is_A_extends_refinement -  {
  left: { key1: { Test2: 123 }, key2: { Test2: 456 }, key3: { Test2: 789 } },
  right: {
    key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
    key2_extends: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' },
    key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
getWitherable - partition - a_is_bool_predicate -  {
  left: {
    key2: { Test2: 456 },
    key2_extends: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' }
  right: {
    key1: { Test2: 123 },
    key3: { Test2: 789 },
    key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
    key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
getWitherable - partitionMap -  {
  left: {
    key2: [ '456', '<== even number is error', 'a_Ebx_function' ],
    key2_extends: [ '456', '<== even number is error', 'a_Ebx_function' ]
  right: {
    key1: '123',
    key3: '789',
    key1_extends: '123',
    key3_extends: '789'
getWitherable - reduce -  { Test2: 'abc :: 123 :: 123 :: 456 :: 456 :: 789 :: 789' }
getWitherable - reduceRight -  { Test2: 'abc :: 789 :: 789 :: 456 :: 456 :: 123 :: 123' }
getWitherable - separate -  {
  left: {
    key1: [ '123', 'key1 includes 1', 'fea6[key1]' ],
    key2: [ '456', '456 is even number', 'fea6[key2]' ],
    key2_extends: [
      'key1 includes 2',
      'extends Test2<456>'
    key3_extends: [
      '789 above 500',
      'extends Test2<789>'
  right: {
    key3: { Test2: 789 },
    key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' }
getWitherable - sequence -  {
  Test2: {
    key1: 123,
    key1_extends: 123,
    key2: 456,
    key2_extends: 456,
    key3: 789,
    key3_extends: 789
getWitherable - traverse -  {
  Test2: {
    key1: '123',
    key1_extends: '123',
    key2: '456',
    key2_extends: '456',
    key3: '789',
    key3_extends: '789'
getWitherable - wilt -  {
  Test2: {
    left: { key2: [Array], key2_extends: [Array] },
    right: {
      key1: '123',
      key1_extends: '123',
      key3: '789',
      key3_extends: '789'
getWitherable - wither -  {
  Test2: {
    key1: '123',
    key1_extends: '123',
    key3: '789',
    key3_extends: '789'
getUnionSemigroup - (fa6, fa3) => [246 = 123 + 123], [912 = 456 + 456], [1578 = 789 + 789] -  {
  key1: { Test2: 246 },
  key2: { Test2: 912 },
  key3: { Test2: 1578 },
  key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
getUnionSemigroup - (fa6, fa3_k) -  {
  key1: { Test2: 123 },
  key2: { Test2: 456 },
  key3: { Test2: 789 },
  key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' },
  k1: { Test2: 123 },
  k2: { Test2: 456 },
  k3: { Test2: 789 }
getUnionMonoid - concat - (fa6, fa3) => [246 = 123 + 123], [912 = 456 + 456], [1578 = 789 + 789] -  {
  key1: { Test2: 246 },
  key2: { Test2: 912 },
  key3: { Test2: 1578 },
  key1_extends: { Test2: 123, Test23: 'extends Test2<123>' },
  key2_extends: { Test2: 456, Test23: 'extends Test2<456>' },
  key3_extends: { Test2: 789, Test23: 'extends Test2<789>' }
getUnionMonoid - empty -  {}
getIntersectionSemigroup - (fa6, fa3) => [246 = 123 + 123], [912 = 456 + 456], [1578 = 789 + 789] -  { key1: { Test2: 246 }, key2: { Test2: 912 }, key3: { Test2: 1578 } }
getIntersectionSemigroup - (fa6, fa3_k) -  {}

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