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Top tools for Remote Hiring in 2020

Last updated at Posted at 2020-06-02

Recruiting remote employees can profit your business by acquiring talent that is scant in your area. Working remotely also benefits employees by offering the alternative to seek the career they need, without the need to migrate.

Construct a solid online presence

Having a decent brand and manager notoriety will assist with attracting qualified talent and retaining them, which in turn is helpful for a business over the long haul. Independent of the method of recruiting, applicants vigorously depend on the company's online and social activity to find more out about the organization.

Candidates measure the dependability, culture fit, and employee engagement of an organization by evaluating their digital presence. This can be accomplished by making attractive career pages, dynamic and appealing social media accounts of the organization and their representatives.

Create better and clear job descriptions

Great, clear, and fair sets of expectations from the job role assist organizations with attracting and retaining the correct talent.

Tools: Job description generator, Gender Decoder for Job Ads.

Utilizing remote job boards

Consider posting your openings on job boards devoted to remote work.

Frequently used remote job boards: AngelList, We Work Remotely, Working Nomads, RemoteOK.

Pro-Tip: 60 Best Remote Jobs Websites to Find a Great Remote Job (Fast) in 2020

Screening and interviewing candidates

It is recommended to utilize pre-hire screening tools to assess the abilities of remote candidates. This can either include testing their aptitude skills or proficiency in programming languages such as Java, Python, PHP or proficiency in using tools such as Microsoft Excel.

To screen candidates remotely, the following tools are recommended:

  1. Adaface offers an AI-powered method to automate the first-round tech interviews.

  2. HireVue lets applicants to self-schedule the interviews depending on the time zone differences.

  3. Jobma lets candidates answer your interview questions via video on their own time.

Pro-Tip: 52+ Pre-Employment Assessment Tools compared for 2020

To conduct interviews with audio/video abilities and code collaboration, the following tools are suggested:

  1. PairPro enables interviewers to conduct pair-programming interviews with engineers remotely in a developer-friendly environment.

  2. CodeInterview lets organizations conduct coding and telephone screening interviews.

For assessing the social fit, cultural fit, and the EQ of candidates, the following tools are recommended:

  1. Human uses AI to expel oblivious predisposition in your recruiting process.

Let me know what other tools you are using for remote recruiting in your organizations.


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