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KDD2019 Plenary Keynote Panel: Why, What & How we Democratize Data Science

Last updated at Posted at 2019-08-08


KDD2019 Plenary Keynote Panel: Why, What & How we Democratize Data Science

Democratization data science

democratization of Data science ~ Anil Jain ~

  • Disperse data science expertise
  • Science: Easily accessible
  • Data access: Privacy issues, ownership, user consent, data integrity, function creep.
do package for everyone to be able to use it (data science)
  • GAFA is monetizing the data
  • Personally identifiable information
  • information that can be used to trace an individual's identity
  • GDPR also covers physical, physiological identity, location, online identifier
    Privacy of anonymized data

  • who can trust with data?

  • Privacy vs Security

what is democratizing data science? ~Tina Eliasi-Rad

  • democratizing data science is the notion that anyone, with little to no expertise, can do data science if provided ample data and user-friendly analytic tools.

data scientist cannot be automated.

pertient questions

  • top-down
    • experts provide tools
    • No experts plug-and-chug without having the requisite skills and/or expertise.
  • Bottom-up
    • you educate the nonexperts so they develop some of the skills and expertise that data scientists provide.

every person can benefit from data by using data science ~ Dr. Yu Zheng ~

  • Data sharing
    • copyright of data
    • protecting the privacy
  • advanced machine learning models
    • domain knowledge + data science
    • solve domain problem simply and directly
  • ecosystem
    • No one can solve problems alone
    • based on the same foundation
    • everyone can contribute to and benefit from it

~Eric Sears~

  • Address the diversity crisis & transform power imbalances
  • from ethics to justice accountability
  • public interest data science
memos (panel discussion)
  • put dataset on the platform to be available, (and models)
  • for especially student to use it,
  • we are unsure that model quality of large scale data, that has experimented on small data

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