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Guidelines for writing good articles

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Guidelines for writing good articles

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Articles posted to Qiita are displayed in the feed and will be seen by other users. There will also be people who find articles from the search. Let's be conscious of whether your article will be useful to the person who read it.

Even if you write for your own memo, you can make it a much valuable article just by being careful a little.

Give concrete and concise titles

The title of the article is displayed not only in the page of the article but also in Qiita's feed and Google search results. Let's imagine the contents of the article just by looking at the title.

By attaching concrete titles, people who are looking for specific information will find it easier to find articles.


"Ruby memo" → "Which one of the scope and inheritance relationship has priority over Ruby's constant search?"
"I am addicted to regular expressions" → "The meaning of multiple line mode differs between Ruby and JavaScript regular expressions"
"OpenSSL Bug" - "Patched OpenSSL Heartbleed Bug in CentOS 6.5"


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