# !Attention!
I want to apologize ahead of time for my poor English.
The introduced script is created by non professional.
I have checked the operation, but I do not guarantee all operations.
I am not responsible for any trouble that may occur.
Script cue can be run regardless of Qlab license (Free or paid version).
But, Free version is not save the script cue. -
Script cue has a latency in execution. You should not use for required exact timing.
- About 150 - 250[msec]. Depending on the specifications of the computer or running task.
The script has been optimized to minimize latency. Make sure to set the value.
Even if the compilation is successful, but Go may cause an error or not work. Please check the operation on using situation.
#My Environment
- MacBook Air 2017 (1.8 GHz Intel Core i5)
- macOS mojave (10.14.6)
- Qlab4 (4.6.11)