language serverの説明が以下のリンクにあります。
cmd = {
"verible-verilog-ls", "--indentation_spaces=4"
% ./verible-verilog-ls --helpfull
Verible Verilog Language Server built at v0.0-3617-g4f98e145
commandline: ./verible-verilog-ls --helpfull
verible-verilog-ls: ./verible-verilog-ls
Flags from common/formatting/basic_format_style_init.cc:
--column_limit (Target line length limit to stay under when formatting.);
default: 100;
--indentation_spaces (Each indentation level adds this many spaces.);
default: 2;
--line_break_penalty (Penalty added to solution for each introduced line
break.); default: 2;
--over_column_limit_penalty (For penalty minimization, this represents the
baseline penalty value of exceeding the column limit. Additional penalty
of 1 is incurred for each character over this limit); default: 100;
--wrap_spaces (Each wrap level adds this many spaces. This applies when the
first element after an open-group section is wrapped. Otherwise, the
indentation level is set to the column position of the open-group
operator.); default: 4;
Flags from external/com_google_absl/absl/flags/parse.cc:
--flagfile (comma-separated list of files to load flags from); default: ;
--fromenv (comma-separated list of flags to set from the environment [use
'export FLAGS_flag1=value']); default: ;
--tryfromenv (comma-separated list of flags to try to set from the
environment if present); default: ;
--undefok (comma-separated list of flag names that it is okay to specify on
the command line even if the program does not define a flag with that
name); default: ;
Flags from verilog/analysis/verilog_linter.cc:
--rules (Comma-separated of lint rules to enable. No prefix or a '+' prefix
enables it, '-' disable it. Configuration values for each rules placed
after '=' character.); default: ;
--rules_config (Path to lint rules configuration file. Disables
--rule_config_search if set.); default: "";
--rules_config_search (Look for lint rules configuration file
'.rules.verible_lint' searching upward from the location of each analyzed
file.); default: false;
--ruleset ([default|all|none], the base set of rules used by linter);
default: default;
--waiver_files (Path to waiver config files (comma-separated). Please refer
to the README file for information about its format.); default: "";
Flags from verilog/formatting/format_style_init.cc:
--assignment_statement_alignment (Format various assignments:
{align,flush-left,preserve,infer}); default: infer;
--case_items_alignment (Format case items:
{align,flush-left,preserve,infer}); default: infer;
--class_member_variable_alignment (Format class member variables:
{align,flush-left,preserve,infer}); default: infer;
--compact_indexing_and_selections (Use compact binary expressions inside
indexing / bit selection operators); default: true;
--distribution_items_alignment (Aligh distribution items:
{align,flush-left,preserve,infer}); default: infer;
--enum_assignment_statement_alignment (Format assignments with enums:
{align,flush-left,preserve,infer}); default: infer;
--expand_coverpoints (If true, always expand coverpoints.); default: false;
--formal_parameters_alignment (Format formal parameters:
{align,flush-left,preserve,infer}); default: infer;
--formal_parameters_indentation (Indent formal parameters: {indent,wrap});
default: wrap;
--module_net_variable_alignment (Format net/variable declarations:
{align,flush-left,preserve,infer}); default: infer;
--named_parameter_alignment (Format named actual parameters:
{align,flush-left,preserve,infer}); default: infer;
--named_parameter_indentation (Indent named parameter assignments:
{indent,wrap}); default: wrap;
--named_port_alignment (Format named port connections:
{align,flush-left,preserve,infer}); default: infer;
--named_port_indentation (Indent named port connections: {indent,wrap});
default: wrap;
--port_declarations_alignment (Format port declarations:
{align,flush-left,preserve,infer}); default: infer;
--port_declarations_indentation (Indent port declarations: {indent,wrap});
default: wrap;
--port_declarations_right_align_packed_dimensions (If true, packed
dimensions in contexts with enabled alignment are aligned to the right.);
default: false;
--port_declarations_right_align_unpacked_dimensions (If true, unpacked
dimensions in contexts with enabled alignment are aligned to the right.);
default: false;
--struct_union_members_alignment (Format struct/union members:
{align,flush-left,preserve,infer}); default: infer;
--try_wrap_long_lines (If true, let the formatter attempt to optimize line
wrapping decisions where wrapping is needed, else leave them unformatted.
This is a short-term measure to reduce risk-of-harm.); default: false;
--wrap_end_else_clauses (Split end and else keywords into separate lines);
default: false;
Flags from verilog/parser/verilog_parser.cc:
--verilog_trace_parser (Trace verilog parser); default: false;
Flags from verilog/tools/ls/symbol-table-handler.cc:
--file_list_path (Name of the file with Verible FileList for the project);
default: "verible.filelist";
Flags from verilog/tools/ls/verilog-language-server.cc:
--variables_in_outline (Variables should be included into the symbol
outline); default: true;
Try --helpfull to get a list of all flags or --help=substring shows help for
flags which include specified substring in either in the name, or description or