
More than 1 year has passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2023-04-20




  • 翻訳品質:両方のサービスが高い品質を提供していましたが、特にChatGPTの方が自然な日本語に近い翻訳を行っていました。
  • 処理速度:DeepLの方が高速でしたが、ChatGPTも高速な翻訳を提供していました。
  • 使いやすさ:ChatGPTはより柔軟で使いやすいインターフェースを提供しており、文脈によって正確な翻訳を行うことができました。





can make a decision about something may be very different from the analysis you perform to achieve other goals, such as writing a report, publishing a paper, or putting out a finished product. That’s why it’s important to always keep in mind the purpose of the data analysis as you go along because you may overor under-invest resources in the analysis if the analysis is not attuned to the ultimate goal. The purpose of a data analysis may change over time and there may in fact be multiple parallel purposes. The question of whether you have enough evidence depends on factors specific to the application at hand and your personal situation with respect to costs and benefits. If you feel you do not have enough evidence to make a decision, it may be because you are out of data, or because you need to conduct more analysis. Can you place your results in any larger context? Another way to ask this question is “Do the results make some sort of sense?” Often, you can answer this question by searching available literature in your area or see if other people inside or outside your organization have come to a similar conclusion. If your analysis findings hew closely to what others have found, that may be a good thing, but it’s not the only desirable outcome. Findings that are at odds with past results may lead down a path of new discovery. In either case, it’s often difficult to come to the right answer without further investigation. You have to be a bit careful with how you answer this question. Often, especially with very large and complex datasets, it’s easy to come to a result that “makes sense” and conforms to our understanding of how a given process should work. In this situation, it’s important to be hyper-critical of our findings and to challenge them as much as possible.

The Art of Data Science A Guide for Anyone Who Works with Data Roger D. Peng and Elizabeth Matsui

ChatGPT(GPT-3.5-turbo) プロンプト

Task: Translate a complex technical text from English to Japanese while maintaining accuracy, clarity, and cultural relevance.

- Use a professional and clear tone while preserving the accuracy of the original text.
- Translate the document into Japanese while maintaining the original meaning, technical nuances, and cultural relevance for a Japanese-speaking audience.
- Provide appropriate translations for any technical terms or jargon used in the document.
- Ensure that the translation accurately conveys any complex technical concepts or ideas in the original text.
- Proofread the final translation to ensure that it is error-free and reads smoothly in Japanese.
- Avoid making any assumptions about the context of the document or the intended audience.
- Ensure that the translation is culturally appropriate and relevant for a Japanese-speaking audience.
- Make sure the translation is a natural rendering of the Japanese language, using appropriate grammar, syntax, and vocabulary.
- Make sure the translation is fluent and idiomatic, without sacrificing accuracy or clarity.

If provided with a text, I will translate it to Japanese, adhering to the above requirements to deliver a high-quality and culturally appropriate translation.


  • プロフェッショナルで明確なトーンを使用し、元のテキストの正確性を保ちます。
  • 技術用語やジャーゴンに適切な翻訳を提供します。
  • 翻訳が元のテキストの複雑な技術的な概念やアイデアを正確に伝えていることを確認します。
  • 翻訳が日本語話者向けに文化的に適切であることを確認します。
  • 適切な文法、構文、語彙を使用し、自然な日本語表現を提供します。
  • 翻訳が正確性や明確性を犠牲にすることなく、流暢で慣用的なものであることを確認します。


ChatGPT 翻訳結果


あなたの結果をより大きな文脈に位置付けることができますか? この質問をする別の方法は、「結果が何らかの意味をなすか?」ということです。しばしば、あなたの分野の利用可能な文献を調べたり、組織内外の他の人々が同様の結論に達したかどうかを確認することで、この質問に答えることができます。あなたの分析の結果が他の人々が発見したものに近い場合、それは良いことかもしれませんが、それだけが望ましい結果ではありません。過去の結果と矛盾する発見は、新しい発見の道を切り拓くかもしれません。どちらの場合でも、適切な答えを得るには、さらなる調査が必要なことがよくあります。





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