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codejam用 rustテンプレート

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use std;

import core::io;
import io::reader;
import io::reader_util;
import std::sort;

impl read_util for reader{  
  fn read_valid_char() -> char {
    let mut c;
    do {
      c = self.read_char();
    } while c == '\n' || c == ' ';
    ret c;

  fn read_valid_line() -> str{
    let mut line;
    do {
      line = self.read_line();
    } while line == "";
    ret line;

  fn read_uint() -> uint{
    let raw_uint = self.read_valid_line();
    ret option::get(uint::from_str(raw_uint));
  fn read_int() -> int{
    ret option::get(int::from_str(self.read_line()));
  fn read_uints() -> [uint]{
    fn to_uint(&&s: str) -> uint{
      ret option::get(uint::from_str(s));
    let line = self.read_line();
    ret vec::map(str::split_char(line, ' '), to_uint);
  fn read_ints() -> [int]{
    fn to_int(&&s: str) -> int{
      ret option::get(int::from_str(s));
    let line = self.read_valid_line();
    ret vec::map(str::split_char(line, ' '), to_int);

#[doc="input data type"]
type input = {
  mut index: uint,
  w: uint, 
  h: uint, 
  board: [str]

#[doc="build input data from stdin"]
fn fetch(stdin: io::reader) -> input {
  let s = stdin.read_uint();
  let v1 = stdin.read_ints();
  let v2 = stdin.read_ints();

  ret {
    mut index: 0u, 
    s : s, 
    v1: v1, 
    v2: v2

#[doc="output status"]
enum out_status {
  solved((uint, str))

fn solve(in: input) -> str {
  log(error, #fmt("idx.%u start solved", in.index));
  let mut v1 = in.v1;
  let mut v2 = in.v2;
  fn le(&&a: int, &&b: int) -> bool { int::le(a, b) }
  fn ge(&&a: int, &&b: int) -> bool { int::ge(a, b) }
  v1 = sort::merge_sort(le, v1);
  v2 = sort::merge_sort(ge, v2);

  fn times(&&x: int, &&y: int) -> int { ret x * y; }
  fn sum(&&accum: int, &&a: int) -> int { ret accum+a; }
  ret int::to_str(vec::foldl(0, vec::map2(v1, v2, times), sum), 10u);


fn main() {
  let stdin = io::stdin();
  let n = stdin.read_uint();
  let mut inputs : [input] = [];
  let mut outputs = vec::to_mut(vec::from_elem(n, ""));

  let port = comm::port();
  let chan = comm::chan(port);

  log(error, #fmt("n: %u", n));
  uint::range(0u, n) {|i| 
    let in = fetch(stdin);
    in.index = i;
    inputs += [in];
      build_actor(in, chan);
  iter::repeat(n) {||
    alt check comm::recv(port){
     solved((idx, res)) {
      outputs[idx] = res;
     _ {
      log(error, "what?");

  vec::iteri(outputs){|i, res|
    io::println(#fmt("Case #%u: %s", i+1u, res));

fn build_actor(in: input, chan: comm::chan<out_status>) {
  let res = solve(in);
  comm::send(chan, solved((in.index, res)));

↑で想定してる問題は2008 Round1A Aの

1 3 -5
-2 4 1
1 2 3 4 5
1 0 1 0 1



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