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G3KHコア向けのバイナリから命令コードを逆アセンブルするプログラムをフルスクラッチで書いてみた - C#

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using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Windows.Forms;

class G3khDisAsm : Form
    AsmListView asmListView;
    G3khDisAsm(string path)
        ClientSize = new Size(800, 600);
        Text = "【無保証・非公式】 G3KH Disassembler (Unofficial)";
        Controls.Add(asmListView = new AsmListView(){ Dock = DockStyle.Fill });
        byte[] buf;
        if ( path == null ) {
            buf = FillDummyDataForSample();
            buf = LoadBinFile(path);
        asmListView.ReloadAsmView(buf, 0);
    byte[] LoadBinFile(string binFilePath)
        byte[] buf = File.ReadAllBytes(binFilePath);
        return buf;

    byte[] FillDummyDataForSample()
        byte[] buf = new byte[256];
        for(int i=0;i<256;i++){
            buf[i] = (byte)i;
        return buf;
    static void Main(string[] args)
        string path = null;
        if ( args.Length == 1 ) {
            path = args[0];
        Application.Run(new G3khDisAsm(path));



using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Windows.Forms;

public class AsmItemAnInstruction
    public long        Address{get;private set;}
    public Instruction Inst{get;private set;}
    public string      CachedDesc{get;private set;}
    public long        CachedJumpDestAddr{get;private set;}
    public AsmItemAnInstruction(long addr, Instruction inst)
        Address = addr;
        Inst    = inst;
        CachedDesc         = inst.GetDescription();
        CachedJumpDestAddr = inst.GetAbsoluteJumpDestinationIfJump(addr); // PC は instruction の addrそのもの

public class AsmListView : ListView
    // Currently Containing Parsed Data Information
    public long StartAddr        {get; private set;}
    public long BufferedProgSize {get; private set;} // in Bytes
    public long EndAddrPlus1
        get{return StartAddr + BufferedProgSize;}
    public AsmListView()
        StartAddr = 0;
        BufferedProgSize = 0;
    void InitializeProperties()
        this.View = View.Details;
        this.MultiSelect = false;
        this.FullRowSelect = true;
        this.HideSelection = false;
        this.GridLines = true;
        this.Font = new Font("MS ゴシック", 9);
    void InitializeColumns()
        this.Columns.Add("Address",      60, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
        this.Columns.Add("[1]",          60, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
        this.Columns.Add("[0]",          60, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
        this.Columns.Add("[3]",          60, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
        this.Columns.Add("[2]",          60, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
        this.Columns.Add("[5]",          60, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
        this.Columns.Add("[4]",          60, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
        this.Columns.Add("[7]",          60, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
        this.Columns.Add("[6]",          60, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
        this.Columns.Add("Instruction", 160, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
        this.Columns.Add("Dest",         60, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
    public void ReloadAsmView(byte[] a, long startAddr)

        List<Instruction> insts = null;
        if ( a != null ) {
            insts = DisAssembler.ParseAsInstructions(startAddr, a, 0);
        if (insts != null) {
            long addr = startAddr;
            int ofs = 0;
            try {
                foreach ( Instruction inst in insts ) {
                    var asmItem = new AsmItemAnInstruction(addr, inst);
                    addr += inst.Size;
                    ofs  += inst.Size;
            finally {
            StartAddr = startAddr;
            BufferedProgSize = ofs;

    ListViewItem MakeAsmListViewItem(AsmItemAnInstruction asmItem)
        string jumpAddrInStr = "";
        if ( asmItem.Inst.HasJump && asmItem.CachedJumpDestAddr >= 0 ) {
            jumpAddrInStr = asmItem.CachedJumpDestAddr.ToString("X08");
        byte[] b = asmItem.Inst.Bytes;
        if ( b == null ) { b = new byte[0]; }

        var item = new ListViewItem(new string[]{
            b.Length<2 ? "" : Convert.ToString(b[1], 2).PadLeft(8, '0'),
            b.Length<2 ? "" : Convert.ToString(b[0], 2).PadLeft(8, '0'),
            b.Length<4 ? "" : Convert.ToString(b[3], 2).PadLeft(8, '0'),
            b.Length<4 ? "" : Convert.ToString(b[2], 2).PadLeft(8, '0'),
            b.Length<6 ? "" : Convert.ToString(b[5], 2).PadLeft(8, '0'),
            b.Length<6 ? "" : Convert.ToString(b[4], 2).PadLeft(8, '0'),
            b.Length<8 ? "" : Convert.ToString(b[7], 2).PadLeft(8, '0'),
            b.Length<8 ? "" : Convert.ToString(b[6], 2).PadLeft(8, '0'),
        item.Tag = asmItem;
        return item;



using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class CpuRegs
    public static readonly int GRegN = 32;
    static readonly string[] GRegNames = new string[]{
        "sp",// r3
        "gp",// r4
        "tp",// r5
        "r6",        "r7",        "r8",        "r9",
        "r10",       "r11",       "r12",       "r13",
        "r14",       "r15",       "r16",       "r17",
        "r18",       "r19",       "r20",       "r21",
        "r22",       "r23",       "r24",       "r25",
        "r26",       "r27",       "r28",       "r29",
        "ep",// r30
        "lp",// r31

    public static string GetGRegName(long index)
        if ( index >= 0 && index < GRegN ) {
            return GRegNames[index];
        throw new Exception("out of range access to reg#"+index.ToString());

    public static int GetGRegIndexByName(string name)
        for ( int i=0; i<GRegN; i++ ) {
            if ( GRegNames[i] == name ) {
                return i;
        return -1;

    //  System Registers
    public static readonly int SRegIDN = 32;
    public static readonly int SSelIDN = 8;
    public static string GetSysRegName(long regID, long selID)
        return SysRegHandler.GetName(regID, selID);

    class SysRegHandler
        public static string GetName(long regID, long selID)
            SysRegDef t = GetDefByID(regID, selID);
            if ( t == null ) {
                return "["+regID.ToString()+","+selID.ToString()+"](unknown)";
            else {
                return t.Name;
        public static SysRegDef GetDefByID(long regID, long selID)
            foreach ( var t in SysRegDefs ) {
                if ( t.RegID == regID && t.SelID == selID ) {
                    return t;
            return null;

        public class SysRegDef
            public string Name{get;private set;}
            public int RegID{get;private set;}
            public int SelID{get;private set;}
            public SysRegDef(string name, int regID, int selID)
                Name  = name;
                RegID = regID;
                SelID = selID;

        public static readonly SysRegDef[] SysRegDefs = new SysRegDef[] {
            //            名称    regID selID
            new SysRegDef("EIPC"   ,  0,  0 ),
            new SysRegDef("EIPSW"  ,  1,  0 ),
            new SysRegDef("FEPC"   ,  2,  0 ),
            new SysRegDef("FEPSW"  ,  3,  0 ),
            new SysRegDef("PSW"    ,  5,  0 ),
            new SysRegDef("FPSR"   ,  6,  0 ),
            new SysRegDef("FPEPC"  ,  7,  0 ),
            new SysRegDef("FPST"   ,  8,  0 ),
            new SysRegDef("FPCC"   ,  9,  0 ),
            new SysRegDef("FPCFG"  , 10,  0 ),
            new SysRegDef("FPEC"   , 11,  0 ),
            new SysRegDef("EIIC"   , 13,  0 ),
            new SysRegDef("FEIC"   , 14,  0 ),
            new SysRegDef("CTPC"   , 16,  0 ),
            new SysRegDef("CTPSW"  , 17,  0 ),
            new SysRegDef("CTBP"   , 20,  0 ),
            new SysRegDef("EIWR"   , 28,  0 ),
            new SysRegDef("FEWR"   , 29,  0 ),
            new SysRegDef("MCFG0"  ,  0,  1 ),
            new SysRegDef("RBASE"  ,  2,  1 ),
            new SysRegDef("EBASE"  ,  3,  1 ),
            new SysRegDef("INTBP"  ,  4,  1 ),
            new SysRegDef("MCTL"   ,  5,  1 ),
            new SysRegDef("PID"    ,  6,  1 ),
            new SysRegDef("FPIPR"  ,  7,  1 ),
            new SysRegDef("SCCFG"  , 11,  1 ),
            new SysRegDef("SCBP"   , 12,  1 ),
            new SysRegDef("HTCFG0" ,  0,  2 ),
            new SysRegDef("MEA"    ,  6,  2 ),
            new SysRegDef("ASID"   ,  7,  2 ),
            new SysRegDef("MEI"    ,  8,  2 ),
            new SysRegDef("ISPR"   , 10,  2 ),
            new SysRegDef("PMR"    , 11,  2 ),
            new SysRegDef("ICSR"   , 12,  2 ),
            new SysRegDef("INTCFG" , 13,  2 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPM"    ,  0,  5 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPRC"   ,  1,  5 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPBRGN" ,  4,  5 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPTRGN" ,  5,  5 ),
            new SysRegDef("MCA"    ,  8,  5 ),
            new SysRegDef("MCS"    ,  9,  5 ),
            new SysRegDef("MCC"    , 10,  5 ),
            new SysRegDef("MCR"    , 11,  5 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPLA0"  ,  0,  6 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPUA0"  ,  1,  6 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPAT0"  ,  2,  6 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPLA1"  ,  4,  6 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPUA1"  ,  5,  6 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPAT1"  ,  6,  6 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPLA2"  ,  8,  6 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPUA2"  ,  9,  6 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPAT2"  , 10,  6 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPLA3"  , 12,  6 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPUA3"  , 13,  6 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPAT3"  , 14,  6 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPLA4"  , 16,  6 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPUA4"  , 17,  6 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPAT4"  , 18,  6 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPLA5"  , 20,  6 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPUA5"  , 21,  6 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPAT5"  , 22,  6 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPLA6"  , 24,  6 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPUA6"  , 25,  6 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPAT6"  , 26,  6 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPLA7"  , 28,  6 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPUA7"  , 29,  6 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPAT7"  , 30,  6 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPLA8"  ,  0,  7 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPUA8"  ,  1,  7 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPAT8"  ,  2,  7 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPLA9"  ,  4,  7 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPUA9"  ,  5,  7 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPAT9"  ,  6,  7 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPLA10" ,  8,  7 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPUA10" ,  9,  7 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPAT10" , 10,  7 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPLA11" , 12,  7 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPUA11" , 13,  7 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPAT11" , 14,  7 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPLA12" , 16,  7 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPUA12" , 17,  7 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPAT12" , 18,  7 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPLA13" , 20,  7 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPUA13" , 21,  7 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPAT13" , 22,  7 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPLA14" , 24,  7 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPUA14" , 25,  7 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPAT14" , 26,  7 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPLA15" , 28,  7 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPUA15" , 29,  7 ),
            new SysRegDef("MPAT15" , 30,  7 ),




using System;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class DisAssembler
    public static Instruction ParseAsAnInstruction(long pc, byte[] buf, int offsetI)
        if ( buf == null ) { return null; }
        return Instruction.ParseBytes(buf, offsetI);

    public static List<Instruction> ParseAsInstructions(long pc, byte[] buf, int offsetI)
        if ( buf == null ) { return null; }
        var ret = new List<Instruction>();
        while ( offsetI+1 < buf.Length ) { // G3KH の命令は最小でも 2byte なので左辺を +1 してある
            var inst = ParseAsAnInstruction(pc, buf, offsetI);
            offsetI += inst.Size;
            pc += inst.Size;
        return ret;

public class Instruction
    public static readonly int MaxInstSize = 8;
    static readonly int SizeForUnknown = 2;
    int    _instIdOfDef; // -1 means unknown
    public int Size { get; private set; } //return (_instIdOfDef < 0) ? SizeForUnknown : Ope.Size;
    public byte[] Bytes { get; private set; }
    public bool HasJump { get{ return (_instIdOfDef < 0) ? false : Ope.HasJump; } }
    OpcodeDef Ope { get{ return OpcodeDef.Opcodes[_instIdOfDef]; } }
    // for unknown instruction
        _instIdOfDef = -1;
        Size = SizeForUnknown;
        Bytes = null;
    Instruction(int opeDefinedIndex, byte[] buf, long offsetI)
        int instSize = OpcodeDef.Opcodes[opeDefinedIndex].Size;
        _instIdOfDef = opeDefinedIndex;
        Size = instSize;

        Bytes = new byte[instSize];
        Array.Copy(buf, offsetI, Bytes, 0, instSize); // srcArray, srcI, destArray, destI, len
    public static Instruction ParseBytes(byte[] buf, long offsetI)
        if ( buf == null ) {
            throw new Exception("Instruction.ParseBytes(null, offsetI="+offsetI.ToString()+") is called.");

        for ( int i=0 ; i<OpcodeDef.Opcodes.Length ; i++ ) {
            if ( OpcodeDef.Opcodes[i].IsMatch(buf, offsetI) ) {
                return new Instruction(i, buf, offsetI);
        return new Instruction(); // unknown instruction
    public string GetDescription()
        if ( _instIdOfDef >= 0 ) {
            return OpcodeDef.Opcodes[_instIdOfDef].GetDesc(this);
        return "(parse failed)";

    public long GetAbsoluteJumpDestinationIfJump(long pc)
        long jumpAddr = -1;
        if ( _instIdOfDef >= 0 ) {
            if ( HasJump ) {
                jumpAddr = OpcodeDef.Opcodes[_instIdOfDef].GetAbsoluteJumpAddr(this, pc);
        return jumpAddr;
    enum FormatId {
        I, IIa, IIb, III,
        IVa, IVb, // 3words
        V, VIa, VIb, VII, VIII,
        IX, X, XI, XII,
        XIIIb, // 3words
        XIIIc, // 4words
        XIVb, // 3words
    class OpcodeDef
        static readonly int BitsOfInstWord = 16;
        public bool HasJump   {get;private set;}
        public string   Name   {get;private set;}
        public string   OpeStr1{get;private set;}
        public string   OpeStr2{get;private set;}
        public FormatId Fmt    {get;private set;}
        public int Size {
                if ( Fmt == FormatId.I   ||
                     Fmt == FormatId.IIa ||
                     Fmt == FormatId.IIb ||
                     Fmt == FormatId.III ||
                     Fmt == FormatId.IVa ||
                     Fmt == FormatId.IVb   ) {
                    return 2;
                 else if ( Fmt == FormatId.VIb  ||
                           Fmt == FormatId.XIVb ||
                           Fmt == FormatId.XIIIb) {
                    return 6;
                 else if ( Fmt == FormatId.XIIIc ) {
                    return 8;
                 else {
                    return 4;
        // 前提: t の bit位置 signedBitPos より左側の bit は立っていないものとする
        static long ExtendSign(long t, int signedBitPos)
            if ( signedBitPos < 0 ) { return t; }
            if ( ( (t >> signedBitPos) & 1 ) == 0 ) {
                return t;
            return t - (2L << signedBitPos); // 2倍の重みで引く
        // Delegate function table structure
        public delegate string DescFunc       (Instruction inst);          // to make description
        public delegate long   AbsJumpCalcFunc(Instruction inst, long pc); // to calc jump address ( independent with CpuReg other than PC )

        DescFunc        _descFunc;
        AbsJumpCalcFunc _absJumpCalcFunc;
        // クラス外部からの呼び出し用
        public string GetDesc(Instruction inst)
            return _descFunc(inst);
        public long GetAbsoluteJumpAddr(Instruction inst, long pc)
            return _absJumpCalcFunc(inst, pc);
        // for JumpCalcFunc
        static long DummyFunc(Instruction inst, long pc)
            return -1;
        static long RelJmp(Instruction inst, long pc)
            int cnt;
            long d = ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'd', out cnt);
            d = ExtendSign(d, cnt-1);
            return (uint)(pc + 2*d);

        static long RelLoop(Instruction inst, long pc)
            long d = ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'd');
            return (uint)(pc - 2*d);
        static long RelJmp32(Instruction inst, long pc)
            byte[] buf = inst.Bytes;
            int cnt;
            long d = ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'd', out cnt);
            byte lo = buf[4];
            byte hi = buf[5];
            long dUpper = ((int)hi << 8) | lo;
            d |= (dUpper<<cnt);
            d = ExtendSign(d, cnt-1);
            return (uint)(pc + 2*d);
        // for DescFunc
        static string DescText(Instruction inst)
            return inst.Ope.Name;

        static string DescReg123(Instruction inst)
            string reg1 = CpuRegs.GetGRegName(GetReg1Id(inst));//ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'R'));
            string reg2 = CpuRegs.GetGRegName(GetReg2Id(inst));//ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'r'));
            string reg3 = CpuRegs.GetGRegName(GetReg3Id(inst));//ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'w'));
            string t = inst.Ope.Name;
            t = Regex.Replace(t, @"\breg1\b", reg1);
            t = Regex.Replace(t, @"\breg2\b", reg2);
            t = Regex.Replace(t, @"\breg3\b", reg3);
            return t;

        static string DescReg123Imm5s(Instruction inst) { return _Core_DescReg123Imm5(inst, true);  } // signed imm
        static string DescReg123Imm5u(Instruction inst) { return _Core_DescReg123Imm5(inst, false); } // unsigned imm

        static string DescReg123Imm9s(Instruction inst) { return _Core_DescReg123Imm9(inst, true);  } // signed imm
        static string DescReg123Imm9u(Instruction inst) { return _Core_DescReg123Imm9(inst, false); } // unsigned imm

        static string DescReg123Imm16s(   Instruction inst) { return _Core_DescReg123Imm16(inst, true , false);  } //   signed imm  dec
        static string DescReg123Imm16u(   Instruction inst) { return _Core_DescReg123Imm16(inst, false, false);  } // unsigned imm  dec
        static string DescReg123Imm16uHex(Instruction inst) { return _Core_DescReg123Imm16(inst, false, true);   } // unsigned imm  hex
        static string DescReg123Disp4u( Instruction inst){ return _Core_DescReg123DispN(inst, 4, false); }
        static string DescReg123Disp5u( Instruction inst){ return _Core_DescReg123DispN(inst, 5, false); }
        static string DescReg123Disp7u( Instruction inst){ return _Core_DescReg123DispN(inst, 7, false); }
        static string DescReg123Disp8u( Instruction inst){ return _Core_DescReg123DispN(inst, 8, false); }
        static string DescReg123Disp9s( Instruction inst){ return _Core_DescReg123DispN(inst, 9, true);  } // signed disp
        static string DescReg123Disp16s(Instruction inst){ return _Core_DescReg123DispN(inst,16, true);  } // signed disp

        static string DescReg123Disp16sB(Instruction inst){ return _Core_DescReg123Disp16b(inst, true);  } // signed disp
        static string DescReg123Disp23s(Instruction inst){ return _Core_DescReg123Disp23(inst, true);  } // signed disp
        static string DescReg123Disp23u(Instruction inst){ return _Core_DescReg123Disp23(inst, false); } // unsigned disp
        static string DescReg123Imm32(Instruction inst)
            string t = DescReg123(inst);
            t = Regex.Replace(t, @"\bimm32\b", ((uint)GetImm32Value(inst)).ToString("X08")+"h");
            return t;

        static string DescReg123Bit3Disp16(Instruction inst)
            string t = _Core_DescReg123DispN(inst, 16, true);
            t = Regex.Replace(t, @"\bbit#3\b", "bit" + ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'b').ToString());
            return t;

        static string DescDispose(Instruction inst)
            string t = _Core_DescReg123Imm5(inst, false);
            t = Regex.Replace(t, @"\blist12\b", subFuncList12ToString(inst));
            return t;

        static string DescPrepare2word(Instruction inst)
            string t = _Core_DescReg123Imm5(inst, false);
            t = Regex.Replace(t, @"\blist12\b", subFuncList12ToString(inst));
            return t;
        static string DescPrepare_Imm16(Instruction inst)
            long imm16 = subFuncGetValueForEpOfPrepare(inst);
            string t = _Core_DescReg123Imm5(inst, false);
            t = Regex.Replace(t, @"\blist12\b", subFuncList12ToString(inst));
            t = Regex.Replace(t, @"\bimm16\b" , (imm16<0)?"(parse error)":(imm16.ToString("X08")+"h"));
            return t;
        static string DescPrepare_Imm32(Instruction inst)
            long imm32 = subFuncGetValueForEpOfPrepare(inst);
            string t = _Core_DescReg123Imm5(inst, false);
            t = Regex.Replace(t, @"\blist12\b", subFuncList12ToString(inst));
            t = Regex.Replace(t, @"\bimm32\b" , (imm32<0)?"(parse error)":(imm32.ToString("X08")+"h"));
            return t;
        static string subFuncList12ToString(Instruction inst)
            List<byte> regIds = subFuncList12ToRegIds(inst);
            var sb = new StringBuilder();
            for (int i=0;i<regIds.Count;i++) {
            return sb.ToString();
        static bool subFuncHasFfOfPrepare(Instruction inst)
            byte[] buf = inst.Bytes;
            // byte1    byte0     byte3    byte2
            // xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxx xxxxxxXx
            if ( buf.Length < 2 ) { return false; } // invalid
            return ((buf[2]>>1) & 0x01) == 1;
        // return -1 for use sp  or error
        static long subFuncGetValueForEpOfPrepare(Instruction inst)
            byte[] buf = inst.Bytes;
            int ff = subFuncGetFfOfPrepare(buf);

            // ff = 00: ep ← sp
            // ff = 01: ep ← sign-extend (imm16)
            // ff = 10: ep ← imm16 logically shift left by 16
            // ff = 11: ep ← imm32
            switch ( ff ) {
            case 0: return -1;
            case 1: if (buf.Length < 6) { return -1; } else {return (long)(uint)(short)( (((uint)buf[5])<<8) | buf[4] ); }
            case 2: if (buf.Length < 6) { return -1; } else {return (long)(uint) ( ((((uint)buf[5])<<8) | buf[4]) << 16 ); }
            case 3: if (buf.Length < 8) { return -1; } else {return (long)(uint) ( (((uint)buf[7])<<24) | (((uint)buf[6])<<16) | (((uint)buf[5])<<8) | buf[4] );}
            return -1; // ここにはこない
        static int subFuncGetFfOfPrepare(byte[] buf)
            // byte1    byte0     byte3    byte2
            // xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxx  xxxxxxxx xxxffxxx
            if ( buf.Length < 2 ) { return -1; } // invalid
            return ((buf[2]>>3) & 0x03);
        static List<byte> subFuncList12ToRegIds(Instruction inst)
            // byte1    byte0     byte3    byte2
            // xxxxxxxx xxxxxxxL  LLLLLLLL LLLxxxxx
            //                 3  22222222 223
            //                 0  45670123 891
            byte[] buf = inst.Bytes;
            var ret = new List<byte>();
            if( ((buf[3]>>3)&1) == 1 ){ ret.Add(20); }
            if( ((buf[3]>>2)&1) == 1 ){ ret.Add(21); }
            if( ((buf[3]>>1)&1) == 1 ){ ret.Add(22); }
            if( ((buf[3]   )&1) == 1 ){ ret.Add(23); }
            if( ((buf[3]>>7)&1) == 1 ){ ret.Add(24); }
            if( ((buf[3]>>6)&1) == 1 ){ ret.Add(25); }
            if( ((buf[3]>>5)&1) == 1 ){ ret.Add(26); }
            if( ((buf[3]>>4)&1) == 1 ){ ret.Add(27); }
            if( ((buf[2]>>7)&1) == 1 ){ ret.Add(28); }
            if( ((buf[2]>>6)&1) == 1 ){ ret.Add(29); }
            if( ((buf[0]   )&1) == 1 ){ ret.Add(30); }
            if( ((buf[2]>>5)&1) == 1 ){ ret.Add(31); }
            return ret;

        static string DescLdsr(Instruction inst)
            // rrrrr:regID, sssss:selID, RRRRR:reg2
            long reg2index = ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'R');
            long regID = ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'r');
            long selID = ParseCharInOpe(inst, 's');
            string t = inst.Ope.Name;
            t = Regex.Replace(t, @"\bGReg\b",   CpuRegs.GetGRegName(reg2index));
            t = Regex.Replace(t, @"\bSysReg\b", CpuRegs.GetSysRegName(regID,selID));
            return t;
        static string DescStsr(Instruction inst)
            // rrrrr:reg2, sssss:selID, RRRRR:regID
            long regID = ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'R');
            long selID = ParseCharInOpe(inst, 's');
            long reg2index = ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'r');
            string t = inst.Ope.Name;
            t = Regex.Replace(t, @"\bGReg\b",   CpuRegs.GetGRegName(reg2index));
            t = Regex.Replace(t, @"\bSysReg\b", CpuRegs.GetSysRegName(regID,selID));
            return t;
        static string DescTrapVector5(Instruction inst)
            string t = DescReg123(inst);
            t = Regex.Replace(t, @"\bvector5\b", ((uint)ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'v')+0x40).ToString("X02")+"h");
            return t;
        static string DescBcondDisp9(Instruction inst)
            long cond = ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'c');
            string t = inst.Ope.Name;
            t = Regex.Replace(t, @"\bBcond\b", "B" + CondOpeNames[cond] );
            // long disp9 = DescReg123Disp9s(inst);
            return t;
        static string DescBcondDisp17(Instruction inst)
            long cond = ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'c');
            string t = inst.Ope.Name;
            t = Regex.Replace(t, @"\bBcond\b", "B" + CondOpeNames[cond] );
            // long disp17 = DescReg123Disp17s(inst);
            return t;
        static string DescCondReg123Imm5(Instruction inst)
            long cond = ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'c');
            string t = _Core_DescReg123Imm5(inst, true);
            t = Regex.Replace(t, @"\bcccc\b", CondOpeNames[cond] );
            return t;
        // rrrrr111111RRRRR MMMML0001001LLL0
        //  (メモ: 原文はMMMML...LLL ではなく MMMMK...LLL だが、 KLLL を4bitの塊としてみなす処理を簡略化するためMMML...LLLとしている)
        static string DescBins1(Instruction inst) { return _Core_DescBins(inst, true,  true ); }
        static string DescBins2(Instruction inst) { return _Core_DescBins(inst, true,  false); }
        static string DescBins3(Instruction inst) { return _Core_DescBins(inst, false, false); }
        static string _Core_DescBins(Instruction inst, bool msbAdd16, bool lsbAdd16)
            int msb = (int)ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'M') + (msbAdd16 ? 16 : 0);
            int lsb = (int)ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'L') + (lsbAdd16 ? 16 : 0);
            string t = DescReg123(inst);
            t = Regex.Replace(t, @"\bwidth\b", (msb-lsb+1).ToString() );
            t = Regex.Replace(t, @"\bpos\b"  ,         lsb.ToString() );
            return t;
        static string _Core_DescReg123Imm5(Instruction inst, bool signed)
            long imm =  ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'i');
            if ( signed ) { imm = ExtendSign(imm, 5 - 1); }
            string t = DescReg123(inst);
            t = Regex.Replace(t, @"\bimm5\b", imm.ToString());
            return t;
        static string _Core_DescReg123Imm9(Instruction inst, bool signed)
            long imm =  ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'i') | ( ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'I') << 5 );
            if ( signed ) { imm = ExtendSign(imm, 9 - 1); }
            string t = DescReg123(inst);
            t = Regex.Replace(t, @"\bimm9\b", imm.ToString());
            return t;
        static string _Core_DescReg123Imm16(Instruction inst, bool signed, bool showAsHex)
            long imm =  ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'i');
            if ( signed ) { imm = ExtendSign(imm, 16 - 1); }
            string t = DescReg123(inst);
            string s = ((showAsHex) ? (imm.ToString("X04")+"h") : imm.ToString());
            t = Regex.Replace(t, @"\bimm16\b", s );
            return t;
        static string _Core_DescReg123DispN(Instruction inst, int nDigits, bool signed)
            int bitN;
            long disp =  ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'd', out bitN);
            disp <<= nDigits - bitN;
            if ( signed ) {
                disp = ExtendSign(disp, nDigits - 1);
            disp = (uint)disp;
            string t = DescReg123(inst);
            t = Regex.Replace(t, @"\bdisp" + (nDigits.ToString()) + @"\b", disp.ToString("X08"));
            return t;
        static string _Core_DescReg123Disp16b(Instruction inst, bool signed)
            long disp =  (ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'd')<<1) | ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'b');
            if ( signed ) {
                disp = ExtendSign(disp, 16 - 1);
            disp = (uint)disp;
            string t = DescReg123(inst);
            t = Regex.Replace(t, @"\bdisp16\b", disp.ToString("X08"));
            return t;
        static string _Core_DescReg123Disp23(Instruction inst, bool signed)
            byte[] buf = inst.Bytes;
            int bitN;
            int disp23lower = (int)ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'd', out bitN);
            disp23lower <<= 7 - bitN; // dddddd0 をケアするため
            int disp23upper =  (buf[5]<<8) | buf[4];
            long disp23 = ((disp23upper << 7) | disp23lower);
            if ( signed ) {
                disp23 = ExtendSign(disp23, 23 - 1);
            string t = DescReg123(inst);
            t = Regex.Replace(t, @"\bdisp23\b", ((uint)disp23).ToString("X08")+"h");
            return t;
        // sub functions
        // 2wordまで読み取り
        static long ParseCharInOpe(Instruction inst, char c)
            int cnt; // dummy
            return ParseCharInOpe(inst, c, out cnt);
        static int GetReg1Id(Instruction inst) { return (int)ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'R'); }
        static int GetReg2Id(Instruction inst) { return (int)ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'r'); }
        static int GetReg3Id(Instruction inst) { return (int)ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'w'); }
        static long GetImm5sValue(Instruction inst) { return ExtendSign(ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'i'), 5 - 1); }
        static long GetImm5uValue(Instruction inst) { return            ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'i')        ; }
        static long GetDisp4uValue    (Instruction inst) { return       ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'd');    }
        static long GetDisp5uEvenValue(Instruction inst) { return       ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'd')<<1; }
        static long GetDisp7uValue    (Instruction inst) { return       ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'd');    }
        static long GetDisp8uEvenValue(Instruction inst) { return       ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'd')<<1; }        
        static long GetDisp8uQuadValue(Instruction inst) { return       ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'd')<<2; }
        static long GetDisp16sValueWithb(Instruction inst)
            long valueSmallD = ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'd');
            long valueSmallB = ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'b');
            return ExtendSign((valueSmallD<<1) | valueSmallB, 16 - 1);
        static long GetDisp16sValue(Instruction inst){ return ExtendSign(ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'd')   ,16 - 1); } // dddd dddd dddd dddd
        static long GetDisp16sEvenValue(Instruction inst){ return ExtendSign(ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'd')<<1,16 - 1); } // dddd dddd dddd ddd(0 or 1)
        static long GetDisp23sEvenValue(Instruction inst)
            byte[] buf = inst.Bytes;
            long valueLargeD = (buf[5] << 8) | buf[4];
            long valueSmallD = ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'd');
            return ExtendSign((valueLargeD<<7) | (valueSmallD<<1), 23 - 1);
        static long GetDisp23sValue(Instruction inst)
            byte[] buf = inst.Bytes;
            long valueLargeD = (buf[5] << 8) | buf[4];
            long valueSmallD = ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'd');
            return ExtendSign((valueLargeD<<7) | valueSmallD, 23 - 1);
        static long GetImm9sValue(Instruction inst)
            long imm =  ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'i') | ( ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'I') << 5 );
            return ExtendSign(imm, 9 - 1);
        static long GetImm9uValue(Instruction inst)
            return (ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'i') | ( ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'I') << 5 ));
        static long GetImm16sValue(Instruction inst){ return ExtendSign(ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'i'),16 - 1); }
        static long GetImm16uValue(Instruction inst){ return            ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'i')        ; }
        static long GetImm32Value(Instruction inst)
            byte[] buf = inst.Bytes;
            long valueLargeI = (buf[5] << 8) | buf[4];
            long valueSmallI = ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'i');
            return (valueLargeI<<16) | valueSmallI;
        static long GetDisp32Value_Jmp(Instruction inst)
            byte[] buf = inst.Bytes;
            long valueLargeD = (buf[5] << 8) | buf[4];
            long valueSmallD = ParseCharInOpe(inst, 'd') << 1; // ddddddddddddddd0
            return (valueLargeD<<16) | valueSmallD;
        static long ParseCharInOpe(Instruction inst, char c, out int cnt)
            OpcodeDef opeDef = inst.Ope;
            byte[] buf = inst.Bytes;
            long t = 0;
            cnt = 0;
            if ( buf.Length < 1 ) {return -1;}
            AccumCharMaskedBits(opeDef.OpeStr1, c, buf[0] , buf[1], ref t, ref cnt);
            if ( opeDef.Size >= 4 ) {
                if ( buf.Length < 3 ) {return -1;}
                AccumCharMaskedBits(opeDef.OpeStr2, c, buf[2] , buf[3], ref t, ref cnt);
            return t;

        static void AccumCharMaskedBits(string opeStr, char c, byte lo, byte hi, ref long t, ref int cnt)
            int tmp = ((int)hi << 8) | lo;
            int bitForCompare = (int)1 << (BitsOfInstWord-1);
            for ( int i=0 ; i<BitsOfInstWord ; i++ ) {
                if ( opeStr[i] == c ) {
                    t <<= 1;
                    if ( (tmp & bitForCompare) != 0 ) {
                        t |= 1;
                bitForCompare >>= 1;

        public OpcodeDef(string _name,
                         bool _hasJump, AbsJumpCalcFunc _arg_absJumpCalcFunc,
                         string _opeStr1, string _opeStr2, FormatId _fmt,
                         DescFunc _arg_descFunc)
            Name    = _name;
            HasJump = _hasJump;
            _absJumpCalcFunc = _arg_absJumpCalcFunc;
            OpeStr1 = _opeStr1;
            OpeStr2 = _opeStr2;
            Fmt     = _fmt;
            _descFunc = _arg_descFunc;
            // 一貫性チェック
            if ( OpeStr1.Length != 16 ) {
                throw new Exception("Bug opcode length unmatch#1");
            // 2 byte 命令
            if ( Size == 2 ) {
                if ( OpeStr2 != null ) {
                    throw new Exception("Bug opcode Fmt unmatch#1");
                    // opcode部分が0,1の数字であることをチェックする
                    if ( Fmt == FormatId.I  ||
                         Fmt == FormatId.IIa  ) {
                        Convert.ToInt32(OpeStr1.Substring(5, 6), 2); // index 5 から 6文字(bit10..5)
                    else if ( Fmt == FormatId.III ||
                              Fmt == FormatId.IVa   ) {
                        Convert.ToInt32(OpeStr1.Substring(5, 4), 2); // index 5 から 4文字(bit10..7)
                    else if ( Fmt == FormatId.IVb ) {
                        Convert.ToInt32(OpeStr1.Substring(5, 7), 2); // index 5 から 7文字(bit10..4)
                    else { // check対象外
                catch (Exception) {
                    throw new Exception("Bug opcode Fmt unmatch:" + Name + ", " + OpeStr1 );
            else if ( Size == 4 ) {
                if ( OpeStr2 == null || OpeStr2.Length != 16 ) {
                    throw new Exception("Bug opcode2 unmatch#2");
            else { // check対象外
        public bool IsMatch(byte[] buf, long offsetI)
            long size = Size;
            if ( buf == null ) {
                throw new Exception("OpcodeDef.IsMatch(null, offsetI="+offsetI.ToString()+") is called.");
            if ( buf.Length - offsetI < size ) {
                return false;
            if ( size == 2 ) {
                return IsMatchSubSeq(buf[offsetI], buf[offsetI+1], OpeStr1);
            else { // 4 or 6 or 8
                return IsMatchSubSeq(buf[offsetI  ], buf[offsetI+1], OpeStr1)
                    && IsMatchSubSeq(buf[offsetI+2], buf[offsetI+3], OpeStr2);
        bool IsMatchSubSeq(byte lo, byte hi, string s)
            int tmp = ((int)hi << 8) | lo;
            int bitForCompare = (int)1 << (BitsOfInstWord-1);
            for (int pos=0 ; pos<BitsOfInstWord ; pos++) {
                if ( s[pos] == '0' ) {
                    if ( (tmp & bitForCompare) != 0 ) {
                        return false;
                else if ( s[pos] == '1' ) {
                    if ( (tmp & bitForCompare) == 0 ) {
                        return false;
                bitForCompare >>= 1;
            return true;

        public static readonly OpcodeDef[] Opcodes = new OpcodeDef[]{
            // 固定値を優先的にマッチングさせる
            // 左の桁から  0->1->don't care  の順で並べる
            // メモ: "!"から始まっているものは未実装

            // G3KH は little endian (byte 0が下位データ)
            //                                                              byte1,0           byte3,2
            new OpcodeDef("Nop"                          ,false ,DummyFunc,"0000000000000000",null              ,FormatId.I    ,DescText             ),
            new OpcodeDef("Synci"                        ,false ,DummyFunc,"0000000000011100",null              ,FormatId.I    ,DescText             ),
            new OpcodeDef("Synce"                        ,false ,DummyFunc,"0000000000011101",null              ,FormatId.I    ,DescText             ),
            new OpcodeDef("Syncm"                        ,false ,DummyFunc,"0000000000011110",null              ,FormatId.I    ,DescText             ),
            new OpcodeDef("Syncp"                        ,false ,DummyFunc,"0000000000011111",null              ,FormatId.I    ,DescText             ),
            new OpcodeDef("Rie"                          ,false ,DummyFunc,"0000000001000000",null              ,FormatId.I    ,DescText             ),
            new OpcodeDef("Switch reg1"                  ,false ,DummyFunc,"00000000010RRRRR",null              ,FormatId.I    ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Jmp [reg1]"                   ,true  ,DummyFunc,"00000000011RRRRR",null              ,FormatId.I    ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Zxb reg1"                     ,false ,DummyFunc,"00000000100RRRRR",null              ,FormatId.I    ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Sxb reg1"                     ,false ,DummyFunc,"00000000101RRRRR",null              ,FormatId.I    ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Zxh reg1"                     ,false ,DummyFunc,"00000000110RRRRR",null              ,FormatId.I    ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Sxh reg1"                     ,false ,DummyFunc,"00000000111RRRRR",null              ,FormatId.I    ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("!Callt imm6"                  ,false ,DummyFunc,"0000001000iiiiii",null              ,FormatId.IIb  ,DescText             ), // マニュアルが仕様矛盾している...
            new OpcodeDef("Jr disp32"                    ,true  ,RelJmp32, "0000001011100000","ddddddddddddddd0",FormatId.VIb  ,DescText             ), // 3rd word
            new OpcodeDef("Jarl disp32,reg1"             ,true  ,RelJmp32, "00000010111RRRRR","ddddddddddddddd0",FormatId.VIb  ,DescReg123           ), // 3rd word
            new OpcodeDef("Mov imm32,reg1"               ,false ,DummyFunc,"00000110001RRRRR","iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii",FormatId.VIb  ,DescReg123Imm32      ), // 3rd word
            new OpcodeDef("Dispose imm5,list12"          ,false ,DummyFunc,"0000011001iiiiiL","LLLLLLLLLLL00000",FormatId.XIIIa,DescDispose          ),
            new OpcodeDef("Dispose imm5,list12,[reg1]"   ,false ,DummyFunc,"0000011001iiiiiL","LLLLLLLLLLLRRRRR",FormatId.XIIIa,DescDispose          ),
            new OpcodeDef("Prepare list12,imm5"          ,false ,DummyFunc,"0000011110iiiiiL","LLLLLLLLLLL00001",FormatId.XIIIa,DescPrepare2word     ),
            new OpcodeDef("Prepare list12,imm5,ep:=sp"   ,false ,DummyFunc,"0000011110iiiiiL","LLLLLLLLLLL00011",FormatId.XIIIa,DescPrepare2word     ),
            new OpcodeDef("Prepare list12,imm5,ep:=imm32",false ,DummyFunc,"0000011110iiiiiL","LLLLLLLLLLL11011",FormatId.XIIIc,DescPrepare_Imm32    ), // 4th word
            new OpcodeDef("Prepare list12,imm5,ep:=imm16",false ,DummyFunc,"0000011110iiiiiL","LLLLLLLLLLLff011",FormatId.XIIIb,DescPrepare_Imm16    ), // 3rd word
            new OpcodeDef("Jmp disp32 [reg1]"            ,true  ,DummyFunc,"00000110111RRRRR","ddddddddddddddd0",FormatId.VIb  ,DescReg123           ), // 3rd word
            new OpcodeDef("Loop reg1,disp16"             ,true  ,RelLoop,  "00000110111RRRRR","ddddddddddddddd1",FormatId.VII  ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Ld.h disp23 [reg1],reg3"      ,false ,DummyFunc,"00000111100RRRRR","wwwwwdddddd00111",FormatId.XIVb ,DescReg123Disp23s    ), // 3rd word
            new OpcodeDef("Ld.w disp23 [reg1],reg3"      ,false ,DummyFunc,"00000111100RRRRR","wwwwwdddddd01001",FormatId.XIVb ,DescReg123Disp23s    ), // 3rd word
            new OpcodeDef("St.w reg3,disp23 [reg1]"      ,false ,DummyFunc,"00000111100RRRRR","wwwwwdddddd01111",FormatId.XIVb ,DescReg123Disp23s    ), // 3rd word
            new OpcodeDef("Ld.b disp23 [reg1],reg3"      ,false ,DummyFunc,"00000111100RRRRR","wwwwwddddddd0101",FormatId.XIVb ,DescReg123Disp23s    ), // 3rd word
            new OpcodeDef("St.b reg3,disp23 [reg1]"      ,false ,DummyFunc,"00000111100RRRRR","wwwwwddddddd1101",FormatId.XIVb ,DescReg123Disp23s    ), // 3rd word
            new OpcodeDef("St.h reg3,disp23 [reg1]"      ,false ,DummyFunc,"00000111101RRRRR","wwwwwdddddd01101",FormatId.XIVb ,DescReg123Disp23s    ), // 3rd word
            new OpcodeDef("Ld.hu disp23 [reg1],reg3"     ,false ,DummyFunc,"00000111101RRRRR","wwwwwdddddd00111",FormatId.XIVb ,DescReg123Disp23u    ), // 3rd word
            new OpcodeDef("Ld.dw disp23 [reg1],reg3"     ,false ,DummyFunc,"00000111101RRRRR","wwwwwdddddd01001",FormatId.XIVb ,DescReg123Disp23s    ), // 3rd word
            new OpcodeDef("St.dw reg3,disp23 [reg1]"     ,false ,DummyFunc,"00000111101RRRRR","wwwwwdddddd01111",FormatId.XIVb ,DescReg123Disp23s    ), // 3rd word
            new OpcodeDef("Ld.bu disp23 [reg1],reg3"     ,false ,DummyFunc,"00000111101RRRRR","wwwwwddddddd0101",FormatId.XIVb ,DescReg123Disp23u    ), // 3rd word
            new OpcodeDef("Jr disp22"                    ,true  ,RelJmp,   "0000011110dddddd","ddddddddddddddd0",FormatId.V    ,DescText             ),
            new OpcodeDef("Halt"                         ,false ,DummyFunc,"0000011111100000","0000000100100000",FormatId.X    ,DescText             ),
            new OpcodeDef("Ctret"                        ,false ,DummyFunc,"0000011111100000","0000000101000100",FormatId.X    ,DescText             ),
            new OpcodeDef("Eiret"                        ,false ,DummyFunc,"0000011111100000","0000000101001000",FormatId.X    ,DescText             ),
            new OpcodeDef("Feret"                        ,false ,DummyFunc,"0000011111100000","0000000101001010",FormatId.X    ,DescText             ),
            new OpcodeDef("Di"                           ,false ,DummyFunc,"0000011111100000","0000000101100000",FormatId.X    ,DescText             ),
            new OpcodeDef("Trap vector5"                 ,false ,DummyFunc,"00000111111vvvvv","0000000100000000",FormatId.X    ,DescTrapVector5      ),
            new OpcodeDef("Bcond disp17"                 ,true  ,RelJmp,   "00000111111dcccc","ddddddddddddddd1",FormatId.VII  ,DescBcondDisp17      ),
            new OpcodeDef("!Ldl.w disp16 [reg1],reg3"    ,false ,DummyFunc,"00000111111RRRRR","wwwww01101111000",FormatId.VII  ,DescText             ),
            new OpcodeDef("Stc.w reg3, [reg1]"           ,false ,DummyFunc,"00000111111RRRRR","wwwww01101111010",FormatId.VII  ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Snooze"                       ,false ,DummyFunc,"0000111111100000","0000000100100000",FormatId.X    ,DescText             ),
            new OpcodeDef("Set1 bit#3,disp16[reg1]"      ,false ,DummyFunc,"00bbb111110RRRRR","dddddddddddddddd",FormatId.VIII ,DescReg123Bit3Disp16 ),
            new OpcodeDef("!Pushsp rh-rt"                ,false ,DummyFunc,"01000111111RRRRR","wwwww00101100000",FormatId.XI   ,DescText             ),
            new OpcodeDef("!Popsp rh-rt"                 ,false ,DummyFunc,"01100111111RRRRR","wwwww00101100000",FormatId.XI   ,DescText             ),
            new OpcodeDef("Not1 bit#3,disp16[reg1]"      ,false ,DummyFunc,"01bbb111110RRRRR","dddddddddddddddd",FormatId.VIII ,DescReg123Bit3Disp16 ),
            new OpcodeDef("!Fetrap vector4"              ,false ,DummyFunc,"0vvvv00001000000",null              ,FormatId.I    ,DescText             ),
            new OpcodeDef("Ei"                           ,false ,DummyFunc,"1000011111100000","0000000101100000",FormatId.X    ,DescText             ),
            new OpcodeDef("Clr1 bit#3,disp16[reg1]"      ,false ,DummyFunc,"10bbb111110RRRRR","dddddddddddddddd",FormatId.VIII ,DescReg123Bit3Disp16 ),
            new OpcodeDef("Jarl [reg1],reg3"             ,true  ,DummyFunc,"11000111111RRRRR","wwwww00101100000",FormatId.XI   ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("!Syscall vector8"             ,false ,DummyFunc,"11010111111vvvvv","00VVV00101100000",FormatId.X    ,DescText             ),
            new OpcodeDef("Cll"                          ,false ,DummyFunc,"1111111111111111","1111000101100000",FormatId.X    ,DescText             ),
            new OpcodeDef("Tst1 bit#3,disp16[reg1]"      ,false ,DummyFunc,"11bbb111110RRRRR","dddddddddddddddd",FormatId.VIII ,DescReg123Bit3Disp16 ),
            new OpcodeDef("Mov reg1,reg2"                ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr000000RRRRR",null              ,FormatId.I    ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Not reg1,reg2"                ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr000001RRRRR",null              ,FormatId.I    ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("?Divh reg1,reg2"              ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr000010RRRRR",null              ,FormatId.I    ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Sld.bu disp4 [ep],reg2"       ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr0000110dddd",null              ,FormatId.IVb  ,DescReg123Disp4u     ),
            new OpcodeDef("Sld.hu disp5 [ep],reg2"       ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr0000111dddd",null              ,FormatId.IVb  ,DescReg123Disp5u     ),
            new OpcodeDef("Satsubr reg1,reg2"            ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr000100RRRRR",null              ,FormatId.I    ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Satsub reg1,reg2"             ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr000101RRRRR",null              ,FormatId.I    ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Satadd reg1,reg2"             ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr000110RRRRR",null              ,FormatId.I    ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Mulh reg1,reg2"               ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr000111RRRRR",null              ,FormatId.I    ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Or reg1,reg2"                 ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr001000RRRRR",null              ,FormatId.I    ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Xor reg1,reg2"                ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr001001RRRRR",null              ,FormatId.I    ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("And reg1,reg2"                ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr001010RRRRR",null              ,FormatId.I    ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Tst reg1,reg2"                ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr001011RRRRR",null              ,FormatId.I    ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Subr reg1,reg2"               ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr001100RRRRR",null              ,FormatId.I    ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Sub reg1,reg2"                ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr001101RRRRR",null              ,FormatId.I    ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Add reg1,reg2"                ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr001110RRRRR",null              ,FormatId.I    ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Cmp reg1,reg2"                ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr001111RRRRR",null              ,FormatId.I    ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Mov imm5,reg2"                ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr010000iiiii",null              ,FormatId.IIa  ,DescReg123Imm5s      ),
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            new OpcodeDef("Bins reg1,pos,width,reg2"     ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr111111RRRRR","MMMML0001011LLL0",FormatId.IX   ,DescBins2            ),
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            new OpcodeDef("Bins reg1,pos,width,reg2"     ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr111111RRRRR","MMMML0001101LLL0",FormatId.IX   ,DescBins3            ),
            new OpcodeDef("Caxi [reg1],reg2,reg3"        ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr111111RRRRR","wwwww00011101110",FormatId.XI   ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Mul reg1,reg2,reg3"           ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr111111RRRRR","wwwww01000100000",FormatId.XI   ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Mulu reg1,reg2,reg3"          ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr111111RRRRR","wwwww01000100010",FormatId.XI   ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Mul imm9,reg2,reg3"           ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr111111iiiii","wwwww01001IIII00",FormatId.XII  ,DescReg123Imm9s      ),
            new OpcodeDef("Mulu imm9,reg2,reg3"          ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr111111iiiii","wwwww01001IIII10",FormatId.XII  ,DescReg123Imm9u      ),
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            new OpcodeDef("Divhu reg1,reg2,reg3"         ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr111111RRRRR","wwwww01010000010",FormatId.XI   ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Div reg1,reg2,reg3"           ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr111111RRRRR","wwwww01011000000",FormatId.XI   ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Divu reg1,reg2,reg3"          ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr111111RRRRR","wwwww01011000010",FormatId.XI   ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Divq reg1,reg2,reg3"          ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr111111RRRRR","wwwww01011111100",FormatId.XI   ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Divqu reg1,reg2,reg3"         ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr111111RRRRR","wwwww01011111110",FormatId.XI   ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Cmov(cccc) imm5,reg2,reg3"    ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr111111iiiii","wwwww011000cccc0",FormatId.XII  ,DescCondReg123Imm5   ),
            new OpcodeDef("Cmov(cccc) reg1,reg2,reg3"    ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr111111RRRRR","wwwww011001cccc0",FormatId.XI   ,DescCondReg123Imm5   ),
            new OpcodeDef("Satsub reg1,reg2,reg3"        ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr111111RRRRR","wwwww01110011010",FormatId.XI   ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Sbf(cccc) reg1,reg2,reg3"     ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr111111RRRRR","wwwww011100cccc0",FormatId.XI   ,DescCondReg123Imm5   ),
            new OpcodeDef("Satadd reg1,reg2,reg3"        ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr111111RRRRR","wwwww01110111010",FormatId.XI   ,DescReg123           ),
            new OpcodeDef("Adf(cccc) reg1,reg2,reg3"     ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr111111RRRRR","wwwww011101cccc0",FormatId.XI   ,DescCondReg123Imm5   ),
            new OpcodeDef("Ld.hu disp16 [reg1],reg2"     ,false ,DummyFunc,"rrrrr111111RRRRR","ddddddddddddddd1",FormatId.VII  ,DescReg123Disp16s    ),
    static readonly string[] CondOpeNames = new string[]{
        "v" , "l" ,"e" ,"nh",
        "n" ,"r" ,"lt","le",
        "nv","nl","f" ,"h" ,
        "p" ,"sa","ge","gt",


ユーザーズマニュアル ソフトウェア編 Rev.1.20 2016.12 - ルネサス エレクトロニクス


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