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Last updated at Posted at 2015-05-26
- name: install python 2.7
  yum: name=python27-devel

- name: use python 2.7
  shell: ln -sf /usr/bin/python27 /usr/bin/python

- name: install pip
  shell: easy_install-2.7 pip

- name: install openjdk
  yum: name=java-1.7.0-openjdk

- name: get jenkins
  shell: wget http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/redhat/jenkins-1.614-1.1.noarch.rpm -O jenkins.rpm && rpm -ivh jenkins.rpm
    creates: jenkins.rpm

- name: run jenkins
  shell: service jenkins restart

- name: create directory for aws credential file
  file: path=/var/lib/jenkins/.aws state=directory owner=jenkins group=jenkins mode=0755

- name: copy aws credential file to remote server
  copy: src=credentials dest=/var/lib/jenkins/.aws/credentials mode=0755

- name: copy aws config file to remote server
  copy: src=config dest=/var/lib/jenkins/.aws/config mode=0755

- name: install eb for jenkins
  shell: /usr/local/bin/pip install --upgrade awsebcli

新しめのamazon linuxはpython2.7が最初から動くようなので、最初の3つぐらいはいらないかもしれません。



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