bakeコマンドを使うと、Model, Controller, Viewファイルの雛形ファイルを自動生成することができます。
CREATE TABLE `cakephp_composer`.`users` (
`accountname` VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
`email` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
`password` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
`username` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
`profile` VARCHAR(1024) NULL,
UNIQUE INDEX `account_name_UNIQUE` (`accountname` ASC),
UNIQUE INDEX `email_UNIQUE` (`email` ASC),
UNIQUE INDEX `password_UNIQUE` (`password` ASC));
$ cd [cakeのプロジェクト直下のディレクトリ]
$ Console/cake bake # bakeコマンドを叩く
Welcome to CakePHP v2.5.5 Console
App : cakeApp
Path: /var/www/html/cake_composer/cakeApp/
Interactive Bake Shell
[D]atabase Configuration
[T]est case
What would you like to Bake? (D/M/V/C/P/F/T/Q)
> M <----- Mと入力することでModelを生成することができる。
Bake Model
Path: /var/www/html/cake_composer/cakeApp/Model/
Use Database Config: (default/test)
[default] > <----- 何も入力しないことでデフォルトの設定が反映される。ここではデフォルトのデータベース設定を利用するためこのままEnterでOK。
Possible Models based on your current database:
1. User
Enter a number from the list above,
type in the name of another model, or 'q' to exit
[q] > 1 <------ 1と入力することで、上部に候補として挙げられている「1. User」に対するModelを作成することができる
A displayField could not be automatically detected
would you like to choose one? (y/n)
> n <------ displayFieldが何かわかってないので近々調べるはず。とりあえず「n(no)」を入力して今回は無視。
Would you like to supply validation criteria
for the fields in your model? (y/n)
[y] > y <------ 各カラムに対するバリデーションの設定をここで行うかどうか。基本的な設定を行っておくと楽なので「y(yesの意味)」を入力して行っておく。
Field: id
Type: integer
Please select one of the following validation options:
1. alphaNumeric 18. maxLength
2. between 19. mimeType
3. blank 20. minLength
4. boolean 21. money
5. cc 22. multiple
6. comparison 23. naturalNumber
7. custom 24. notEmpty
8. date 25. numeric
9. datetime 26. phone
10. decimal 27. postal
11. email 28. range
12. equalTo 29. ssn
13. extension 30. time
14. fileSize 31. uploadError
15. inList 32. url
16. ip 33. userDefined
17. luhn 34. uuid
35 - Do not do any validation on this field.
or enter in a valid regex validation string.
Alternatively [s] skip the rest of the fields.
[35] > <----- 35を推奨のバリデーションとして提示してくれ問題なければ「Enter」すればそれを選択したことになる。自分で上記数字を入力すると、入力した数値に対応するバリデーションの設定を行うことができる。
Field: accountname
Type: string
Please select one of the following validation options:
1. alphaNumeric 18. maxLength
2. between 19. mimeType
3. blank 20. minLength
4. boolean 21. money
5. cc 22. multiple
6. comparison 23. naturalNumber
7. custom 24. notEmpty
8. date 25. numeric
9. datetime 26. phone
10. decimal 27. postal
11. email 28. range
12. equalTo 29. ssn
13. extension 30. time
14. fileSize 31. uploadError
15. inList 32. url
16. ip 33. userDefined
17. luhn 34. uuid
35 - Do not do any validation on this field.
or enter in a valid regex validation string.
Alternatively [s] skip the rest of the fields.
[24] > <----- 24の推奨設定でOKなので、そのまま「Enter」
Would you like to add another validation rule
or skip the rest of the fields? (y/n/s)
[n] > <----- 同じカラムに追加でバリデーション設定をする場合は「y(yesの意味)」、次のカラムへバリデーション設定を行う場合は「n(noの意味)」、残りのフィールドへのバリデーション設定を全部スキップする場合は「s(skipの意味)」を入力。今回は次のフィールドの設定へ移動するので、推奨されている「n」のままで良いので、そのまま「Enter」を押下。
Field: email
Type: string
Please select one of the following validation options:
1. alphaNumeric 18. maxLength
2. between 19. mimeType
3. blank 20. minLength
4. boolean 21. money
5. cc 22. multiple
6. comparison 23. naturalNumber
7. custom 24. notEmpty
8. date 25. numeric
9. datetime 26. phone
10. decimal 27. postal
11. email 28. range
12. equalTo 29. ssn
13. extension 30. time
14. fileSize 31. uploadError
15. inList 32. url
16. ip 33. userDefined
17. luhn 34. uuid
35 - Do not do any validation on this field.
or enter in a valid regex validation string.
Alternatively [s] skip the rest of the fields.
[11] >
Would you like to add another validation rule
or skip the rest of the fields? (y/n/s)
[n] >
Field: password
Type: string
Please select one of the following validation options:
1. alphaNumeric 18. maxLength
2. between 19. mimeType
3. blank 20. minLength
4. boolean 21. money
5. cc 22. multiple
6. comparison 23. naturalNumber
7. custom 24. notEmpty
8. date 25. numeric
9. datetime 26. phone
10. decimal 27. postal
11. email 28. range
12. equalTo 29. ssn
13. extension 30. time
14. fileSize 31. uploadError
15. inList 32. url
16. ip 33. userDefined
17. luhn 34. uuid
35 - Do not do any validation on this field.
or enter in a valid regex validation string.
Alternatively [s] skip the rest of the fields.
[24] >
Would you like to add another validation rule
or skip the rest of the fields? (y/n/s)
[n] >
Field: username
Type: string
Please select one of the following validation options:
1. alphaNumeric 18. maxLength
2. between 19. mimeType
3. blank 20. minLength
4. boolean 21. money
5. cc 22. multiple
6. comparison 23. naturalNumber
7. custom 24. notEmpty
8. date 25. numeric
9. datetime 26. phone
10. decimal 27. postal
11. email 28. range
12. equalTo 29. ssn
13. extension 30. time
14. fileSize 31. uploadError
15. inList 32. url
16. ip 33. userDefined
17. luhn 34. uuid
35 - Do not do any validation on this field.
or enter in a valid regex validation string.
Alternatively [s] skip the rest of the fields.
[24] >
Would you like to add another validation rule
or skip the rest of the fields? (y/n/s)
[n] >
Field: profile
Type: string
Please select one of the following validation options:
1. alphaNumeric 18. maxLength
2. between 19. mimeType
3. blank 20. minLength
4. boolean 21. money
5. cc 22. multiple
6. comparison 23. naturalNumber
7. custom 24. notEmpty
8. date 25. numeric
9. datetime 26. phone
10. decimal 27. postal
11. email 28. range
12. equalTo 29. ssn
13. extension 30. time
14. fileSize 31. uploadError
15. inList 32. url
16. ip 33. userDefined
17. luhn 34. uuid
35 - Do not do any validation on this field.
or enter in a valid regex validation string.
Alternatively [s] skip the rest of the fields.
[35] >
Field: created
Type: datetime
Please select one of the following validation options:
1. alphaNumeric 18. maxLength
2. between 19. mimeType
3. blank 20. minLength
4. boolean 21. money
5. cc 22. multiple
6. comparison 23. naturalNumber
7. custom 24. notEmpty
8. date 25. numeric
9. datetime 26. phone
10. decimal 27. postal
11. email 28. range
12. equalTo 29. ssn
13. extension 30. time
14. fileSize 31. uploadError
15. inList 32. url
16. ip 33. userDefined
17. luhn 34. uuid
35 - Do not do any validation on this field.
or enter in a valid regex validation string.
Alternatively [s] skip the rest of the fields.
[35] >
Field: modified
Type: datetime
Please select one of the following validation options:
1. alphaNumeric 18. maxLength
2. between 19. mimeType
3. blank 20. minLength
4. boolean 21. money
5. cc 22. multiple
6. comparison 23. naturalNumber
7. custom 24. notEmpty
8. date 25. numeric
9. datetime 26. phone
10. decimal 27. postal
11. email 28. range
12. equalTo 29. ssn
13. extension 30. time
14. fileSize 31. uploadError
15. inList 32. url
16. ip 33. userDefined
17. luhn 34. uuid
35 - Do not do any validation on this field.
or enter in a valid regex validation string.
Alternatively [s] skip the rest of the fields.
[35] >
Would you like to define model associations
(hasMany, hasOne, belongsTo, etc.)? (y/n)
[y] > n <----- データベースリレーションの設定もやっておく?と聞かれるが、今回はUsersテーブル単体の話なので「n」を入力して「Enter」を押下。
The following Model will be created:
Name: User
DB Table: `cakephp_composer`.`Users`
Validation: Array
[accountname] => Array
[notEmpty] => notEmpty
[email] => Array
[email] => email
[password] => Array
[notEmpty] => notEmpty
[username] => Array
[notEmpty] => notEmpty
Look okay? (y/n)
[y] > y <----- これでよい?って聞かれるので「y(yes)」と入力してEnter。
Baking model class for User...
Creating file /var/www/html/cake_composer/cakeApp/Model/User.php
Wrote `/var/www/html/cake_composer/cakeApp/Model/User.php`
Baking test fixture for User...
Creating file /var/www/html/cake_composer/cakeApp/Test/Fixture/UserFixture.php
Wrote `/var/www/html/cake_composer/cakeApp/Test/Fixture/UserFixture.php`
Bake is detecting possible fixtures...
Baking test case for User Model ...
Creating file /var/www/html/cake_composer/cakeApp/Test/Case/Model/UserTest.php
Wrote `/var/www/html/cake_composer/cakeApp/Test/Case/Model/UserTest.php`