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Download Boot Camp Update (AppleBcUpdate.exe) manually

Last updated at Posted at 2022-03-19

I still love bootcamp.png
This page explains how to re-download AppleBcUpdate.exe for your intel mac manually.

0. (my) Environment

   Mac Book Pro 2019
   Windows 11(or 10), where Boot camp is already installed.
   (Log maybe different depends on environment. BTW, I use Apple Software Update when I wrote this.)

1. launch Apple Software Update

  (1) Launch "Apple Software Update" from windows start menu.
  (2) Help > "Enable logging".
  (3) File > "Check for Updates...".
        This action generates Boot Camp update log which you will check from now on.

  (4) Tools > "Open Downloaded Updates Folder..".

  (5) Close Apple Software Update.

2. on Explorer

  (1) go to "Logs" folder under the "Downloaded Updates" folder.
      (usually C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Local\Apple\Apple Software Update\Logs.)
  (2) open WASU_2872_2022-03-19_10-55-20-0164.log by text editor.
       (File name depends on the date/time when you check updates.)

3. Find Update Key(ID) from WASU_2872_2022-03-19_10-55-20-0164.log

  I would like to have 6.1.15 update, Precision Touchpad driver, for MBP2019.
  The followings are the potion where I now focus on.

Apple Software Update for Windows Debug Log
[2022/03/19 08:29:20:0047] Notice | Loaded language resources from C:\Program Files (x86)\Apple Software Update\SoftwareUpdate.Resources\en.lproj\SoftwareUpdateLocalized.dll
[2022/03/19 08:29:21:0554] Error | CIgnoreList::LoadListFromRegistry | Exception reading register. error = 2
[2022/03/19 08:29:22:0557] Notice | CSUDownloadFileObject::DownloadToCache | Downloading


[2022/03/19 08:29:23:0325] Notice | CSUDownloadFileObject::DeleteFile | Deleting C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Local\Apple\Apple Software Update\DistCache\index-windows-1[1].sucatalog
[2022/03/19 08:30:31:0160] Notice | Using distribution: https://.../071-01695/.../071-01695.English.dist (English)
[2022/03/19 08:30:31:0160] Notice | CSUDownloadFileObject::DownloadToCache | Downloading https://.../071-01695/.../071-01695.English.dist.
[2022/03/19 08:30:31:0217] Notice | CSUDownloadFileObject::DeleteFile | Deleting C:\Users\YourName\AppData\Local\Apple\Apple Software Update\DistCache\071-01695.English[1].dist
[2022/03/19 08:30:31:0219] Notice | Evaluating Product: "Boot Camp Update" (6.1.15) 0.00 KB
[2022/03/19 08:30:31:0421] Notice | Product update "Boot Camp Update" will NOT be displayed.

from the bottom block, you will get the Key(ID) of "Boot Camp Update" (6.1.15).
That is 071-01695.

4. Download index-windows-1.sucatalog (catalog)

At the beginning of WASU_2872_2022-03-19_10-55-20-0164.log, you can find index-windows-1.sucatalog, which has URL of each AppleBcUpdate.exe(s).
Copy "https://...../index-windows-1.sucatalog" and then paste it onto the address bar of your internet browser, then you will get "index-windows-1.sucatalog" file in your download folder.
Open it by text editor, and then Search "071-01695"


5. Download AppleBcUpdate.exe of 071-01695.

copy the URL "http://...../downloads/../../071-01695/.../AppleBcUpdate.exe", and paste it on
the address bar of your internet browser.
Now you got it.

Thanks (I've finally changed a heart to an apple though.)


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