Cannot have a has_many :through association 'User#~~~' which goes through 'User#~~~' before the through association is defined.
→has_many :中間テーブル名 より has_many :○◯ through :中間テーブル名 が先に来てしまっているエラー
AugumentError in ~~~
Mysql2::Error: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails
has_many:(オブジェクト名)にdependent: :destroyを追加するとオブジェクトに基づく他のオブジェクトも一緒に削除される
Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock' (2)
→sudo service mysqld startでMySQLを起動させればOK
SyntaxError in
例:syntax error, unexpected tIDENTIFIER, expecting ')'
ActionController::UrlGenerationError in