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distutils の廃止予定(Python 3.12)

Last updated at Posted at 2022-02-23

Python 3.12 では distutils が廃止される予定とのことです。pip install すると現在警告が表示されます(homebrew/linuxbrew による Python 利用の場合。下記例)。

参考情報として(Homebrew/homebrew-core (GitHub)内)

$ brew install python3
$ brew info python3 | head -n1
python@3.9: stable 3.9.10 (bottled)
$ python3 -m pip install ...
DEPRECATION: Configuring installation scheme with distutils config files is deprecated and will no longer work in the near future. If you are using a Homebrew or Linuxbrew Python, please see discussion at https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/issues/76621

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